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Ключевые слова
Competence / competence / linguistic competence / activity / reading / teaching / criticism / assessment / pedagogical technology / traditional lesson / cooperative teaching / communication.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Shakhlo Khakimovna Kharatova

This article discusses the pedagogical conditions for the implementation of a competency-based approach to teaching foreign languages. Also, the theoretical basis of formation of foreign language competence of non-philology students is described.

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Open access journal


■f j M.



Associate Professor of Tashkent State Transport University Email: SHAHLO-70@mail.ru https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6535-0197


This article discusses the pedagogical conditions for the implementation of a competency-based approach to teaching foreign languages. Also, the theoretical basis of formation of foreign language competence of non-philology students is described.


Neither a person nor a nation has a future who does not read books.

(Sh.M. Mirziyoyev)


Today, the interest in learning foreign languages is increasing day by day. One of the urgent issues of the present time is to educate the young generation through the teaching of foreign languages in the spirit of love and loyalty to the Motherland, national pride, high morals and spirituality, pride in our ancient and rich heritage, national and universal values. Fundamental reforms in the world education system promote the problems of creating the necessary conditions for students to learn foreign languages perfectly, to be able to express themselves in all fields knowing a foreign language, and to develop their oral and written speech in a foreign language.

Determining the competence-based approach as eclectic, we distinguish its competence-based, active and personal components as the main features of the implementation of this approach in the process of teaching a foreign language to non-linguistic higher education students. Naturally, such a difference is conditional, because all named components of the approach are closely related to each other and are in constant interaction.

From the point of view of psychology, the basis of a person's mental development is the integral connection between the person and the activity. Mental development of a person, in turn, means development of his (the person's) ability to act in various spheres of activity (A. Kossakovskii).


Received: 02nd February 2024 Accepted: 08th February 2024 Online: 09th February 2024

KEY WORDS Competence, competence,

linguistic competence, activity, reading, teaching, criticism, assessment, pedagogical

technology, traditional lesson, cooperative teaching,

Open access journal


Thus, competence is manifested only in a certain activity and is person-oriented, that is, it has a person-oriented and activity-oriented character.

Foreign researchers (A. Stuff, R. Martens, J. Van Marienboer, etc.) claim that different interpretations of the concept of competence arise from an attempt to create a single definition from the point of view of an objectivist approach. However, it is impossible to formulate a single definition of competence, because concepts such as "competence" from the point of view of psycholinguistics, in particular, semantics, are symbolic images (symbolic representation). They do not refer to real-life objects behind them, unlike analog images such as the concept of "book". Behind the attempts to get the meaning of the word "competence" there are no concrete examples, only indirect indications that the concept of competence is related to personal characteristics.

Therefore, the variety of definitions of competence is a result of the symbolic nature of the concept of "competence", that is, it is necessary not to search for one, but to create the most appropriate definition of competence. A constructivist approach that ensures the existence of several definitions at the same time. Within this approach, the criterion for the adequacy of a concept is the boundaries of the semantic space for which the constructed definition is proven to be meaningful in the context in which it is used. When formulating the definition of the concept of "competence", it is necessary to take into account the practice-oriented approach of the competence-based approach, its activity and personal orientation, as well as its own characteristics. The science of "foreign language" and its "process of teaching foreign languages to non-philology students.

In Western pedagogy, it is believed that the concept of "competence" arose when the requirements of employers (consumers of educational products) for the qualities necessary for graduates of educational institutions were translated into the language of pedagogy. In European countries, the competences necessary for young people leaving school were seriously discussed in the 60s and early 70s, and an attempt was made to overcome the educational crisis.

There is also an opinion that the methodological basis for the emergence of the terms "competence", "competence-based approach" was laid in the 50s and 60s. American scientists tried to develop a specification to determine human activity in various fields of production.

Therefore, the concept of "competence" is an interdisciplinary and international phenomenon, and its emergence is related to the development of various fields of scientific knowledge and socio-economic changes in the countries of the world.

The study of the very concept of "competence", its nature and content in relation to various fields of knowledge, as well as attempts to approach this complex phenomenon using the capabilities of several disciplines, created the basis for the development of a competence-based approach, and the final result of this process as a training process in terms of competence formation. (N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, L.A. Petrovskaya).

Analyzing different interpretations of the concept of competence, we identified both common elements in the definitions and their differences. For example, the English approach to the interpretation of the concept focuses on the study of the characteristics of activities and their implementation, while the American approach focuses on the behavioral characteristics of the person who performs this activity (J. Raven and others).

Open access journal


In American literature, the concept of "competence" is given a much broader interpretation. In general, American scientists associate the concept of competence with the general characteristics of a person and do not associate it with different skills (D. Cleland, J. Raven, etc.).

The contrast between the English and American schools in the definition of competence can be expressed as a contrast between the result - the process or professional competence -behavior or the concept of competence - the concept of competence (A. Stuff, R. Martens). , etc.).

Despite some disagreements, what all approaches to defining the concept of "competence" have in common:

Its main components are knowledge, skills, abilities, experience and values, i.e. competence combines 3 aspects - cognitive (knowledge), operational (methods of activity and readiness to perform activities) and axiological (existence of certain values);

1) competence refers to the ability and experience of independent activity based on acquired knowledge, including a model-like action;

2) it is not important that a person has knowledge, skills, qualifications, work experience, but is able to use them in practical activities;

3) skills are formed and manifested in practical activities.

Thus, the lack of a single conceptual interpretation of the "competence" category is explained by the following:

a) the symbolic nature of the concept itself;

b) interdisciplinarity of its interpretation, because representatives of different fields of knowledge approach the description of this concept from the point of view of their interests and emphasize the most important thing for this science;

c) the versatility of the considered category, which is characterized by the independence of its components, as well as by the fact that they are formed and manifested only in their commonality and interdependence.

Since the object of this study is the process of teaching a foreign language to non-native university students and their speech activity in a foreign language, we will consider the features of the formation of communicative competence. To define communicative competence, we use the term "communicative competence of a foreign language" in order not to confuse it with the concept of communicative competence in the native language.

We consider the communicative competence of a foreign language as the ability of students to solve communication tasks relevant to themselves and society through a foreign language from everyday, educational, professional and cultural life.

Learning a foreign language is a personal need of students of non-linguistic universities, which is manifested in social interaction and communication. The success of communication in a foreign language depends not only on the desire of the speaker to establish communication, but also on the ability to realize the intention of speech, which depends on the level of knowledge of language units and the ability to use them in certain situations of communication. These conditions of foreign language acquisition form the essence of foreign language communicative competence.

Open access journal


Analysis of existing models of communicative competence allows us to talk about the fact that scientists do not have a single approach to the number of components in it, but it is possible to determine the generality of its components, in particular:

1) knowledge of the studied language system and skills in using the means of communication of the language - linguistic competence;

2) linguistic knowledge and language skills, understanding and creating statements in a foreign language (different types of speech), combining them in the process of communication in accordance with a specific situation, speech task and communicative intention - formed on a sociolinguistic and discursive basis.

3) to know the socio-cultural characteristics of the country of the language being studied, as well as to regulate verbal and non-verbal communication with speakers of this language according to this specificity and verbal interaction in the relevant linguo-ethnocultural language skills and abilities and socio-cultural competence that allow implementation in accordance with norms;

4) the ability to use foreign language experience in one's speech to compensate for language deficits - strategic competence;

5) skills of self-acquisition of knowledge, formation of foreign language skills and qualifications, increasing the level of knowledge of a foreign language - education and -cognitive competence. Based on the above, we formulate the definition of communicative competence of a foreign language as a set (set) of knowledge, skills and abilities, experience and skills in the field of its application, that is, in a non-linguistic university. methods of activity that are formed in the process of studying at a non-linguistic university and that form the ability of students to carry out professional and scientific activities in a foreign language.

In it, the communicative competence of a foreign language graduate of a non-linguistic university is an indispensable quality of a person, his readiness to carry out professional activities in a foreign language based on the set of competencies formed in the process of teaching a foreign language.

The communicative competence of a foreign language, in turn, has a complex structural content and includes: linguistic (linguistic and speech), sociolinguistic, discursive, socio-cultural, strategic and educational-cognitive competences.

In accordance with the above, in the context of a non-linguistic university, this competence has a clear professional character, and in our opinion, the professional and communicative competence of a specialist in a foreign language, through which we can learn and understand the indispensible quality of a person, foreign experience in the main and related fields of science and technology, as well as cultural and we understand the readiness to implement professional activities in a foreign language based on the implementation of professional activities, communication based on the set of competencies formed in the process of teaching a foreign language.

Based on the definitions of these concepts, it should be noted that it is impossible to "master" any of the listed categories, for example, knowledge in any field of science. Each competence / competency is formed in the process of mastering a certain type of activity and is reflected in how successful this activity is mastered by the student.

Open access journal



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