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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Veselova D.F., Khisamutdinova A.F.

The article is devoted to an urgent problem of our time - environmentally responsible production and consumption in the hospitality industry. The modern hotel business is faced with such issues as resource conservation, reducing the negative impact of chemical products, rational waste disposal, and the use of biodegradable materials in daily activities. The article discusses the main areas of work on the introduction of environmentally friendly innovative technologies in the hotel business. The experience of introducing "green" technologies in accommodation facilities in developed countries demonstrates the promise of the principle of environmental and social responsibility of the hotel sector and there is the growing demand for eco-friendly hotel services. The question of how environmental innovations can be incorporated into the realities of the Russian hotel business is analyzed. In the course of writing this article, the programs for environmental certification of accommodation facilities, which are currently operating in Russia, were considered. Comparative characteristics of the main programs are presented, as well as the latest changes introduced by the Economic Union. Comparative characteristics of the Green key and Leaf of Life programs are analyzed. It was revealed that at the moment the development of eco-hotels is often associated with ecotourism (the main means of accommodation is glamping)). The features and conditions of ecolabels types I, II and III are considered. Examples and comparative characteristics of types are given. The classification of environmentally friendly accommodation facilities in Russia is revealed in accordance with the considered eco-labeling. It was found that the demand for eco-hotels in large cities is still growing quite steadily. In the future, it will determine the competitive advantages of city hotels of various levels. Certified hotels meet high environmental standards, are distinguished by a responsible approach to business and make an active contribution to environmental protection. Considering that the problem of responsible use of natural resources and environmental friendliness is becoming more and more popular, the prospects for the development of a truly eco-friendly hotel business are being considered.

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Economics and management in the industries and areas of activity

Веселова Д.Ф. Veselova Б.Е.

старший преподаватель кафедры « Туризм, гостиничный и ресторанный сервис», ФГБОУВО «Уфимский государственный нефтяной технический университет», г. Уфа, Российская Федерация

УДК 338.488.2:640.4:504

Хисамутдинова А.Ф. Khisamutdinova А.Е.

старший преподаватель кафедры «Туризм, гостиничный и ресторанный сервис», ФГБОУ ВО «Уфимский государственный нефтяной технический университет», г. Уфа, Российская Федерация

DOI: 10.17122/2541-8904-2021-3-37-74-83


The article is devoted to an urgent problem of our time - environmentally responsible production and consumption in the hospitality industry. The modern hotel business is faced with such issues as resource conservation, reducing the negative impact of chemical products, rational waste disposal, and the use of biodegradable materials in daily activities. The article discusses the main areas of work on the introduction of environmentally friendly innovative technologies in the hotel business. The experience of introducing "green" technologies in accommodation facilities in developed countries demonstrates the promise of the principle of environmental and social responsibility of the hotel sector and there is the growing demand for eco-friendly hotel services. The question of how environmental innovations can be incorporated into the realities of the Russian hotel business is analyzed. In the course of writing this article, the programs for environmental certification of accommodation facilities, which are currently operating in Russia, were considered. Comparative characteristics of the main programs are presented, as well as the latest changes introduced by the Economic Union. Comparative characteristics of the Green key and Leaf of Life programs are analyzed. It was revealed that at the moment the development of eco-hotels is often associated with ecotourism (the main means of accommodation is glamping)). The features and conditions of eco-labels types I, II and III are considered. Examples and comparative characteristics of types are given. The classification of environmentally friendly accommodation facilities in Russia is revealed in accordance with the considered eco-labeling. It was found that the demand for eco-hotels in large cities is still growing quite steadily. In the future, it will determine the competitive advantages of city hotels of various levels. Certified hotels meet high environmental standards, are distinguished by a responsible approach to business and make an active contribution to environmental protection. Considering that the problem of responsible use of natural resources and environmental friendliness is becoming more and more popular, the prospects for the development of a truly eco-friendly hotel business are being considered.

Key words: hotel business, ecology, hotels, eco-friendly accommodation facilities, environmental innovations, "green", environmental certification programs, "Green Key" program, "Leaf of Life" program.

Экономика и управление в отраслях и сферах деятельности


Статья посвящена актуальной проблеме современности - экологически ответственному производству и потреблению в сфере индустрии гостеприимства. Перед современным гостиничным бизнесом остро встали такие вопросы, как ресурсосбережение, сокращение негативного воздействия продуктов химического производства, рациональная утилизация отходов, использование биоразлагаемых материалов в ежедневной деятельности. В статье рассматриваются основные направления работы по внедрению экологически чистых инновационных технологий в сферу гостиничного бизнеса. Опыт внедрения «зеленых» технологий в средствах размещения развитых стран демонстрирует перспективность принципа экологической и социальной ответственности гостиничного сектора и рост спроса на услуги предприятий типа экоотелей. Проанализирован вопрос о том, как экологические инновации могут встраиваться в реалии российского гостиничного бизнеса. В ходе написания статьи рассмотрены программы экологической сертификации средств размещений, которые на данный момент действуют в России. Представлена сравнительная характеристика основных программ, а также последние изменения, внесенные Экономическим союзом. Проанализированы сравнительные характеристики программ Green key и «Листок жизни». Выявлено, что на данный момент развитие экоотелей зачастую связывается с экотуризмом (преимущественно главным средством размещения остается глэмпинг). Рассмотрены особенности и условия применения экомаркировок I, II и III типа. Приведены примеры и сравнительная характеристика маркировок. Выявлена классификация экологичных средств размещения в России в соответствии с рассмотренной экомаркировкой. Было установлено, что спрос на экоотели в больших городах пусть не резко, но все же достаточно устойчиво растет. В перспективе он, несомненно, будет во многом определять конкурентные преимущества городских отелей различной звездности. Сертифицированные гостиницы соответствуют высоким экологическим стандартам, отличаются ответственным подходом к бизнесу и вносят активный вклад в защиту окружающей среды. Учитывая, что проблема ответственного использования природных ресурсов и экологичности становится все более популярной, рассматриваются перспективы развития действительно экологичного гостиничного бизнеса.

Ключевые слова: гостиничный бизнес, экологичные средства размещения, экологические инновации, ресурсосбережение.

It is well known that the anthropogenic impact on nature has reached dangerous proportions. Humanity is faced with the problems of global warming, depletion of the ozone layer, desertification of vast territories, reduction of forest cover, species diversity of flora and fauna, pollution of the air space and the world ocean, etc. with a lot of ensuing consequences. Now science, industry and even people have to rethink their relationship with the environment. At first glance, the main threat to nature comes from industry and agriculture. But industries of any profile have an end consumer. Therefore, we are all responsible for the future of the planet and our descendants. Many countries, not just in words, but in deeds, are advocating environmental strategies. Both

production technologies and consumer preferences are changing.

The changes also affected the hotel sector. After all, a hotel is an enterprise that wastes resources. And these are professional requirements for the service - all guests in any room of the hotel should be comfortable. It turned out to be possible to rectify the situation, in particular, thanks to innovative technologies. In developed countries, science and the hotel business are puzzled by such issues as resource conservation, reducing the negative impact of chemical products, rational waste disposal, use of biodegradable materials, etc. A special topic is the education of consumers' environmental responsibility. Today, the world is clearly showing the desire of people to consume

environmentally friendly products and services. In this issue, representatives of countries with developed economies are especially scrupulous, where the introduced eco-innovations have mentally changed consumer demand. And it is from there that there is a clear trend towards the spread of eco-awareness.

Analysis of publications on research issues. While writing the article publications devoted to the theory of innovation [1], innovations in tourism [6, 10, 11], innovations in the hospitality industry [5, 16], and the problems of innovation management [8, 9] were studied. The studies on topics related to the "green" economy [14], foreign and domestic experience in the application of environmental innovations in the hotel industry [12, 13, 15] were analyzed. A number of works about the motivation of tourists when choosing an ecological hotel [4, 17] were studied. The practical part of the work is based on the laws of the current Russian Federation legislation and the internationally recognized Russian program for eco-labeling of hotels Leaf of Life.

Research methods. The work was carried out using general scientific research methods: analysis, synthesis, observation.

The ecological situation in Russia is of great concern to the authorities and the public. Especially the unfavorable environment is manifested in cities and in the adjacent territories. This is due to the fact that mainly the population lives there and production facilities and agricultural land are concentrated there. The official documents state:

- increased indicators of air pollution;

- increased volume of unsafely disposed production and consumption waste;

- deterioration of soil condition;

- a high volume of untreated or insufficiently treated wastewater, etc.

According to data for 2017, Russia ranks 3rd in the world in terms of harmful emissions after the United States and China and 106th in terms of environmental friendliness [1].

According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the Strategy of Environmental Safety of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2025", the country needs to take a set of measures to prevent further environmental pollution. This also includes the introduction of environmentally friendly innovative technologies, improvement of the waste management system and the creation of an industry for their utilization and reuse, the development of an environmental education system, etc. The decree also focuses on practical issues that are related to the service sector, including the hotel sector.

The domestic hotel sector tries to keep up with world trends and picks up trend ideas. Environmental certification programs for hotels have been launched in Russia. For example, the international program Green key was launched in 2010. Also in 2010, the implementation of the voluntary environmental certification system "Leaf of Life" began in St. Petersburg. Corinthia Hotel St. Petersburg in 2012 get this certification.

The literature indicates that "Leaf of Life" is the only Russian eco-label recognized by the international environmental community. Its developer (non-profit organization Ecological Union) is the only Russian product certification body that has received the right to issue environmental certificates of international level [5, 12, 13]. A comparative analysis of the Green key and Leaf of Life programs is presented in the article by E.V. Pecheritsa "Foreign experience in the use of environmental innovations in accommodation facilities" (Table).

Table. Comparative characteristics of the "Green key" and "Leaf of Life" programs

Comparison area Environmental certification program

Green key Leaf of Life

Areas of application of environmental innovation Environmental management. Power consumption. Consumption of water. Recycling. Cleaning and washing. Food and drinks. Power consumption. Consumption of water. Recycling. Use of household chemicals


Экономика и управление в отраслях и сферах деятельности

Office work. Staff work. Information policy. Green areas and parking lots. Environmental education activities

Energy consumption restrictions Air conditioning and heating should not take place in unused rooms. The windows in the rooms should be such as to provide the most suitable temperature conditions in accordance with the climate. At least 80 % of the lamps in the hotel are energy saving. Light bulbs that turn off automatically are used Consumption criteria depend on the area of the hotel (heat consumption per 1 m2 or 1 hour per year). Hotels are divided into 3 classes according to the degree of energy consumption: class A, class B, class C. More than 60 % of the lamps in the hotel are energy saving. Verification method - annual report on the consumed amount of electricity

Household chemicals For cleaning and washing dishes, substances with a minimum content of harmful substances (diluted, etc.) are used. Toilet paper does not contain chlorine. The rooms are equipped with signs informing that linen is changed only at the request of guests Soap and shampoo dispensers are used in 50 % of all baths. Phosphates and chlorine are not used in the laundry and disinfectants must be eco-labeled. For different classes, consumption limits are set: class A, class B, class C. Verification method - reporting documents for all suppliers

Waste management Separate waste collection. The materials used must be reusable and / or easily recyclable. Customers must be able to collect garbage separately The limit values are calculated based on the area of the hotel and the number of person-nights. Strict requirements for personnel for sorting waste into 4 types. Only reusable cups are used Beverage containers must be recycled at least 50 % of the time

Water consumption Drainage of water in toilets - no more than 6 liters per cycle. At least 50 % of showers use a water flow not exceeding 9 l / min, and in taps - 8 l / min. All waste water must be treated (purified). Counters are installed to measure the volume of consumed water. Treated waste water must be reused (in accordance with legislation). Toilet flushing water should be partially replenished from rainfall. Bathrooms should have reminder signs for guests that provide information on water saving Refers to all drinking water used in the hotel: class A; class B; class B. More than 90 % of toilets use no more than 6 liters of water per cycle. More than 90 % of showers use no more than 10 liters of water per minute, and taps use no more than 8 liters per minute. The hotel provides the most environmentally friendly wastewater treatment. Method of verification - provision of documents on annual water consumption

Extra Guests are offered mainly natural food products of their own production (locally produced in the region). The restaurant has a non-smoking section and the hotel has non-smoking rooms. The level of external noise at night does not exceed 40 dB. Guests are provided with information on nearby park areas. An environmental management system has been implemented with appropriate training for employees The presence in the hotel of at least 60 % of rooms in which you cannot smoke. Extra points for using eco-labeled products. Disposable items are not used in the rooms and bathrooms. The hotel has implemented an environmental management system. The hotel is carrying out an action plan to reduce the negative impact on the environment

*The table is compiled according to [13]

It should be mentioned that the Green Key p

and Leaf of Life programs were formed in a

different countries and using different standards, a but in both the same approach is traced. This is

due to the general goals - certification is aimed si

at reducing the negative impact of hotels on the tr

environment, at environmentally responsible t

business management, at increasing m environmental awareness of staff and guests

[13]. o

The main similarities between the Green Key p

and Leaf of Life programs used in Russia can be ii traced in four main directions:

1) electricity consumption; si

2) water consumption; ii

3) waste management; r

4) the choice of household chemicals [13]. r It is also important to note that progress does d

not stand still, and this is reflected in the content o

of environmental certification programs. At the p

end of August 2020, it became known from open n

sources that the Ecological Union had revised h

the conditions for ecolabelling „Leaf of Life", Ii

and now the updated program is undergoing a a

discussion stage by industry experts. e

Let's highlight the individual positions that a

were revised by the Ecological Union. tr

Requirements for electricity consumption are h becoming more stringent: the purchased

equipment for energy efficiency must be at least ii

class B; and 40 % of energy-saving lamps must p

meet the highest energy efficiency class - class „

A. ii

As for the problem of waste management, the n

new version of the program proposes a complete a

rejection of disposable containers and dishes. K

We are talking about packing food to go (the w idea of using returnable containers by restaurants

is being carried out). Limitations on disposable a

containers also apply to interaction with v

suppliers of products. It is proposed to distribute, q

again, returnable containers, as well as reusable o

coolers, drinking fountains or tap water s

purification systems. In some cases, it was e

necessary to overcome the official requirements [ for hotel services. For example, five-star hotels

are required to provide all guests with disposable si

hygiene kits, which from an environmental point s;

of view is impractical. The new version of the g

program provides for the provision of such sets at the request of the guest. The hotel must notify all guests of this condition.

Among the unusual requirements, one can single out the hotel's walking distance to public transport stops. The program developers believe that reducing taxi calls is one of the ways to minimize fuel consumption.

A methodology for accounting for emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases has been proposed, which corresponds to modern trends in the climate agenda.

Let's turn to another important issue. It is no secret that the introduction of green technologies is not cheap for hotel owners. Eco-labeling requires monitoring and measurement of resource use, which implies costs. Therefore, the decision to create an eco-hotel directly depends on the demand for such hotel services in a particular country / region. As noted above, in many countries of the world the demand for eco-hotel services is high and it continues to grow. In the scientific literature and the media, it is argued that Italy is the leader in the number of eco-hotels, where the number of eco-friendly accommodation facilities exceeds 3500. Among travelers who prefer accommodation in eco-hotels, most are Chinese tourists [8, 17].

At this stage of the study, we are interested in the state of affairs in Russia. In the publication of I. Zubkov in the newspaper „Vechernyaya Moskva", it is stated that Russia is one of the twenty countries with the largest number of eco-hotels. This direction is most actively developed by Krasnodar Territory, Kaliningrad, Vladimir and Moscow Regions, as well as to St. Petersburg [17].

In Russia, the development of eco-hotels is associated mainly with ecotourism, and not with visiting big cities [15]. In support of this, we quote the words of A. Alaverdyan, the manager of the Hobbitland eco-hotel near Moscow. He said that "the highest step of development of an eco-hotel" is glamping, or glamorous camping [2, 17].

Glamping provides the pleasure of being surrounded by nature with added luxury. At the same time, European researchers think that glamping has raised camping to a high aesthetic

level. This format allows you to fully appreciate the natural environment using everything that can enhance the experience (delicious food, expensive wine, a comfortable bed, sanitary facilities, etc.), and except for what can weaken the experience (insects, bad weather, etc.). The obvious advantage of this format is using of mobile, portable structures. This is relevant in terms of nature protection. But using other buildings, competent approach to environmental protection is also demonstrated. So, an excellent example of an innovative eco-hotel is the high-altitude shelter for climbers, skiers and mountain tour lovers „Leap Rus" (full name „Eco Hotel Leap Rus") on Elbrus (located at an altitude of almost 4000 m). The shelter was designed to minimize the impact on the environment. It uses environmentally friendly materials for construction and solar panels; a system has been introduced that melts snow for sewage, produces electricity and purifies waste water. Some rooms have a Garden sleep system. Tourists take garbage with them. „Leap Rus" is a full-cycle eco-hotel developed by the specialists of the Italian company „Leap Factory" [4].

In an interview with I. Zubkov A. Alaverdyan argues that ecotourists are often ready to give up a certain range of usual services so that their stay would have as little impact on the environment as possible. Some eco-hotels located iamong the nature do not use electricity at all (guests are content with candles, kerosene or gas lamps, and the premises are cleaned without a vacuum cleaner), do not use dry cleaning services. There are hotels that have mastered waste-free production and a closed water cycle. The Moscow authorities, according to A. Alaverdyan, popularize the trend towards "green" construction, encourage pilot projects to convert solar energy, etc. In conclusion, being a specialist who knows the problem from the inside, he answered the most important question - the question of demand: „business of eco-hotels in Russia is now developing well, like everything related to environmental friendliness. So the demand is large enough" [17].

The link between eco-hotels and ecotourism is generally transparent and raises no questions. But it is still interesting why in Russia in the

Экономика и управление в отраслях и сферах деятельности

development of "green" accommodation facilities the emphasis is mainly on ecotourism. Can it be considered that the environmental responsibility of people who come, for example, on a business trip to cities and towns, is overlooked? Is there any reason to believe that eco-hotels in cities are not economically viable?

Research results. The analysis of the published research results showed the following. Firstly, in our country, a lot of city hotels are closely involved in resource conservation programs, and several of them are engaged in promoting a "green" lifestyle and even have environmental certificates, but do not name themselves as eco-friendly hotels. It is first of all about hotel chains and especially about world brands hotels, including „Intercontinental Hotels Group' (the world's largest hotel chain in terms of the number of rooms, which owns a number of hotel brands - Inter Continental, Crowne Plaza, Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express, etc.). Secondly, both in cities and in ecologically safe natural areas there are many environmentally responsible accommodation facilities that do not have environmental certificates. It can be explained quite simply -ecolabelling in the Russian Federation is carried out on a voluntary basis [15].

We consider one more point to be important. There are several types of ecolabels. When we talk about Green Key or Leaf of Life programs, we mean Type I ecolabels. This type includes assessment programs carried out by an independent party, which can, on the basis of examination, issue a license to use the mark and conduct an annual inspection. Typically, Type I programs are included in the Global Ecolabelling Network (GEN), i.e. recognized internationally. In our country, as stated above, such programs include only Leaf of Life.

Russian standards do not exclude the possibility of environmental self-declaration, when a manufacturer of goods or services does not pass the certification procedure by an independent way, but at the same time declares that its product is environmentally friendly. In this case, we are talking about type II programs. The reliability of the information in the environmental declaration lies with the

manufacturer. According to the standard, the s

manufacturer, if necessary, must document the r

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grounds for an environmental claim. There are E

also type III programs, when a manufacturer p

compiles information on the environmental i

impact of his products and provides them to an c independent party with special accreditation for

confirmation. Type III marking is similar, at first h

glance, to type I marking, but the similarity is a relative. An accredited independent body in the

implementation of a type III program does not p give any right to use the marking mark (graphic

image). In this case, the manufacturer receives a p

non-assessment document that describes the e technical parameters of the product's production.

Such a document is called EPD, and it is not p

addressed to consumers, but to professionals in e

this area of production (serves to compare e similar products from different manufacturers)

[9]. w

If we take into account the entire spectrum of

eco-labeling features, it turns out that, according g

to formal criteria, there are more eco-friendly i

hotels in the country than it might seem at first a

glance, and they are also available in cities. i

Conclusion. Thus, in Russia, the topic of b

responsible consumption and sustainability is b

becoming more popular. The Ecological Union, c

together with the Greens Ecobureau, conducted s

a survey of residents of several cities in the r

European part of Russia and made the results ti

publicly available. First of all, the study allows t<

to understand who is the potential consumer of e

sustainable goods and services. h

It was found that the most popular are is

environmentally friendly food (83.6 %), ii

household chemicals (74.1 %) and cosmetics w

(63.8 %). The main sign by which the consumer li

defines an environmentally friendly product is e

eco-labeling (78.6 %). Let's pay attention to the e motivation of consumers of environmentally

friendly goods and services - more often it is the i

desire to make a personal contribution to the a

protection of nature and take care of their health c

[18]. h

Given the current realities, the demand for the h services of "green" hotels is quite understandable,

especially from the youth audience. In Russia, n

both international environmental certification s

systems and the national system Leaf of Life, recognized at the international level, operate. Ecolabels are awarded not only to specific product categories, but also to organizations, incl. accommodation facilities. The procedure is carried out on a voluntary basis.

In Russia, the situation with eco-friendly hotels is developing in a peculiar way. There are accommodation facilities:

- that have gone through the eco-labeling procedure and position themselves as eco-hotels;

- that have gone through the eco-labeling procedure and do NOT position themselves as eco-hotels;

- that have not gone through the eco-labeling procedure and do not position themselves as eco-hotels, but are doing a lot of work on enviromental protection;

- positioning themselves as eco-hotels without any reason.

As a rule, hoteliers associate the risks of greening establishments with the high cost of innovative technologies. At the same time, more and more often there is an understanding that innovations are not meant to destroy business, but to develop it. In particular, innovations used by hotels lead directly to savings. The consumption of water, electricity, fuel is significantly reduced, personnel costs, etc. are reduced. It is important to note here that a traditional hotel is a very wasteful enterprise in terms of consumption. According to the environmental organization „Green Seal", the hotel's consumption of electricity, for example, is several times higher than the corresponding indicators of ordinary residential buildings, which is associated with round-the-clock lighting of large common areas (lobby, corridors, etc.), heating of empty rooms, irrational use of electricity by guests [14].

In addition, it should be mentioned that innovation is not cheap both to the hotel owners and to the consumer of hotel services. But if the consumer of hotel services understands why higher prices are offered and sees benefits in this he is willing to pay.

It is clear that the hotel business is aimed at making a profit, and any innovative solutions should contribute to this goal. Therefore, the top

management of the enterprise evaluates the benefits of innovations and the associated risks. Risks can be associated with the duration of the payback period of innovative projects, customer leaving due to the restrictions (for example, limiting the water pressure), non-compliance by the hotel with eco-certification conditions, etc.

However, in general, the experience of introducing "green" technologies in hotels in developed countries and popular tourist centers

Экономика и управление в отраслях и сферах деятельности

demonstrates the perspective of the principle of environmental and social responsibility of the hotel sector and the growth in demand for the services of eco-hotels. Summing up, we would like to emphasize that the demand for eco-hotels in big cities is still growing. In the future, it will undoubtedly largely determine the competitive advantages of city hotels of various categories


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