Научная статья на тему 'Condition of nonspecific adaptation reactions at patients with diseases of tissues of parodentium and mucous membrane of an oral cavity connected with high level of depressive frustrations'

Condition of nonspecific adaptation reactions at patients with diseases of tissues of parodentium and mucous membrane of an oral cavity connected with high level of depressive frustrations Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Ключевые слова
disease of parodentium and mucous membrane of an oral cavity / depressed disorders / adaptational reactions / заболевание пародонта / слизистой оболочкє полостє рта / депрессєвные расстроѕства / адаптацєонные реакцєє.

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — L. Kh. Duryagina, A.V. Kubyshkin

The condition of nonspecific adaptation reactions at 186 patients with the combined diseases of tissues of parodentium and mucous membrane of an oral cavity and depressive frustration is studied. Established mainly not physiological reactions (a chronic stress and disharmonious inadequate reaction with tension elements) testified about decrease of nonspecific resistance of an organism of the surveyed patients that is caused not only by the character and the course of a stomatologic disease, but also by negative influence of the connected pathology.

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Иѓучено состоѐнєе неспецєфєческєх адаптацєонных реакцєѕ у 186 пацєентов с сочетаннымє ѓаболеванєѐмє тканеѕ пародонта є слєѓєстоѕ оболочкє полостє рта є депрессєвнымє расстроѕствамє. Установленные преємущественно нефєѓєологєческєе реакцєє (хронєческого стресса є дєсгармонєчноѕ неадекватноѕ реакцєє с элементамє напрѐђенєѐ) свєдетельствовалє о снєђенєє неспецєфєческоѕ реѓєстентностє органєѓма обследованных больных, что обусловлено не только характером є теченєем стоматологєческого ѓаболеванєѐ, но є негатєвным влєѐнєем соедєненноѕ патологєє.

Текст научной работы на тему «Condition of nonspecific adaptation reactions at patients with diseases of tissues of parodentium and mucous membrane of an oral cavity connected with high level of depressive frustrations»

Вестник КазНМУ, №5(1) - 2013


1 Cesta M.F. Normal Structure, Function, and Histology of the Spleen//Toxicolgic Pathology- . 2006. - Vol.36(5. - Р.455-465.

2 Рёбинкина А.И., Капитонова М.Я., Краяшкин А.И. Гистофизиологиё Т-клеточных компартментов белой пульпы селезенки в возрастном аспекте//Фундаментальные исследованиё. - 2008. - №2. - С.51-52.

3 Молдавскаё А.А., Долин А.В. Морфологические критерии строениё селезенки в постнатальном онтогенезе//Успехи современного естествознаниё. - 2009. - №2. - С.15-18.

4 Randall K.J., Pearse G. A Dual-label Technique for the Immunohistochemical Demonstration of T-lymphocyte Subsets in Formalin-fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Rat Lymphoid Tissue// Toxicolgic Pathology. - 2008. - Vol.36. - Р.795-804.



Resume: The experimental group was of 124 outbred mature male and female rats weighing 200-250 gr. For comparative analyses of morphological changes under anhepatic portal hypertension in patients with portal hypertension syndrome, the autopsy material was examined. Under experimental anhepatic portal hypertension there take place microanatomic changes of the spleen white pulp characteristic to activation of immunogenesis function. Under clinical portal hypertension there were seen phenomena typical for immunogenesis suppression. Keywords: spleen, portal hypertension.




Тн шн: Эксперимент лабораториёлы| жынысты| жеттген еркек жэне щ ргашы 124 егеуи йры|тарда э ткiзiлдi. Сонымен |атар, эксперименттiк бауырсыртындагы портальды| гипертензиё жагдайындагы морфологиёлы| э 3repicTepMeH салыстырмалы талдау н шiн, аутопсиёлы| материалды зерттеу жн ргiзiлдi. Экспериментпкц бауырсыртындагы портальды| гипертензиё жагдайында, кэ кбауырдыц а| щ лпасында иммуногенез |ызметЫщ белсендiлiгiне тэн э 3repicTep пайда болды. Клиникалы| портальды гипертензиё жагдайында иммуногенез супрессиёна тэн былыстар бай|алды. Тн йiндi сэ здер: кэ кбауыр, портальды гипертензиё.

UDC: 616:314 - 08 - 078


Department of Therapeutic Dentistry (a head of the department - associate professor L.Kh. Duryagina), Department of pathological physiology (head - professor A.V.Kubyshkin) Crimea State Medical university named after S.I. Georgiyevsky, Simferopol, Crimea,



The condition of nonspecific adaptation reactions at 186 patients with the combined diseases of tissues of parodentium and mucous membrane of an oral cavity and depressive frustration is studied. Established mainly not physiological reactions (a chronic stress and disharmonious inadequate reaction with tension elements) testified about decrease of nonspecific resistance of an organism of the surveyed patients that is caused not only by the character and the course of a stomatologic disease, but also by negative influence of the connected pathology.

Keywords: disease of parodentium and mucous membrane of an oral cavity, depressed disorders, adaptational reactions

Introduction acquires the special actuality for patients with combined

In modern medicine interest to the problem of stomatologic diseases and cognitive and personality

heterospecific resistance of organism of man to the disorders which are lighted in the special literature not

changeable conditions of external and internal environment enough [2,6].

and searches of ways of its increase grows [5,8]. The One of the possible factors, which regulate metabolism of

problem of adaptation of man, as general-biological, tissues of an oral cavity, from which the character of

BecTHUK Ka3HMy, №5(1) - 2013

reaction of an organizm in reply to a pathogenic action depends on, is the state of heterospecific reactions of adaptation [5]. For today grounded the conception that one of the reasons of development and prevalence of chronic current of the diseases is violation of processes of adaptation, i.e. heterospecific protective - adaptive reactions of the resistance of an organism [1,7]. According to the results of recent studies [3,4,10] a significant role in the development of chronic periodontal diseases and mucous membrane plays a breach of adaptive-compensatory reactions in the mouth and in the body as a whole. It is known that depressive disorders are characterized by a total overfatigue of adaptive capacity of the organism [6,9,11]. In this connection the purpose of this study is to examine the types of non-specific adaptive responses in patients with simultaneous defeat of periodontal tissues and mucous membrane that combines with depressive disorders. Material and methods

To achieve this goal we examined 186 patients of age 16 to 49 years, with simultaneous defeat of periodontal tissues and mucous membrane that combines with depressive disorders. Patients are divided by age periodization A.A.Markosyan [Tikhvin, Khrushchev, 1991]: adolescent age (17-21 boys, 16-20 years old girls), I period of adult age (2235 years, males 21-35 years old weman), II period of adult age (36-60 men, 36-55 years old women). Thus, in 72 patients of adolescent age were diagnosed soft leukoplasia accompanying with depressive disorders, 48 - chronic catarrhal gingivitis (CCG), combined with similar concomitant pathology

In 45 patients of the 1 period of adult age was determined generalized periodontitis (GP) of the initial-stage and soft

AI —

Where Lph - an indicator of relative quantity of lymphocytes; Nm / n-indicator of relative quantity of microxyphil neutrophilic leukocytes. Results

Inspection of patients of youthful age with the soft leykoplasiya, connected with depressive frustration, showed inadequate disharmonious reactins with signs of tension at them (in 70, 8% of cases). It pays attention that the chronic stressful reaction which made 13, 9% is diagnosed for every seventh patient of this age category. Meanwhile, the frequency of identification of physiological harmonious reactions in this group of patients was following: 6, 94% -training reaction, 4, 17% - quiet activation, 2, 78% -increased activation. At 1 patient (1, 4%) parameters of leukogram were in reactivation limits. Verification of nonspecific adaptation reactions at patients of adolescent age with chronic catarrhal gingivitis, connected with depression, showed that signs of inferiority and intensity of reactions which made 68, 7% also prevailed at them. It is necessary to admit that reaction of a chronic stress is diagnosed in this group of the examined patients of this age period more often (in 16, 7% of cases). In comparison with the previous group almost equally met physiologic harmonious reactions of training (6, 5%) quiet activation (4, 16%) the increased activation (2, 08%).

Unlike patients, inspection of healthy faces of youthful age, mainly physiological adaptation reactions (in 96 and 67% of cases) were established. Only at 2 patients (3, 33 %) from 60 of surveyed in a leucocytal formula elements

leukoplasia, which combined with a high level of depressive condition, 21 patients of II period of adult age - GP of second degree and ruber planus lichen with the same concomitant pathology. 60 individuals of adolescent age are almost healthy, 40 from the first period of adult age and 20 -from the second period of adult age were controlled. For an assessment of a condition of resistance of an organism of patients types of the nonspecific adaptation reactions (NAR) on indicators of a leucocytal formula are studied. Fence of capillary blood carried out in the morning on an empty stomach by the standard technique. At an assessment of nonspecific adaptation reaction we considered integration of literature [5] about complex neuroendocrine changes, which characterize each of adaptation reactions, find reflection in composition of white blood: total of leukocytes, percentage components of lymphocytes, eosinophiles and neutrophils and their ratio in leucocytal formula. Other indicators of uniform elements were additional and testified to degree of inferiority of adaptation reactions. On components of a leucocytal formula, it is possible to judge type of adaptation reaction at each surveyed. Proceeding from results of leukograms we established the following types of physiological nonspecific adaptation reactions of the organizm - the training reaction (TR), the reaction of quiet activation (RQA) and the reaction of the increased activation (RIA) not physiologic - a acute stress (AS), a chronic stress (CS), to reactivation (RR), defective reaction of training and activation (NM) [Garcavi]. Besides, in the analysis of leukogram we determined the adaptation index (AI) by a formula:

Lph Nm / n

of tension and disharmony were revealed that allowed us to carry them to defective. That fact is interesting that among physiological reactions the reaction of raised activation prevailed (for 70%) that characterize the high immune status of an organism of the surveyed patients. Therefore, taking into account the fact that the adaptation reactions are formed in subcortical departments of a brain which treat to slowly operating systems with a big lag effect, existence of disharmonious reactions with tension elements at 70, 8% and 68, 7% of patients of youthful age should be considered as adverse.

Special concern call 10 (13, 9%) patients with a soft form of a leykoplasia and 8 (16, 7%) - with chronic catarrhal gingivitis, combined with a depression, at which reaction of a chronic stress was determined. Only the insignificant percent of reactions of the quiet and, especially, increased activation is established, which is characterized also for people of this age period that testified about decrease of resistance of an organism of patients and need of its correction. Composition of white blood at patients of the I period of adult age with a generalized periodontal disease of the initial - I a stage and a soft leykoplasia, combined with a depression, testify the existence of only four types of adaptation reactions, from which 2 - not physiologic: chronic stress and disharmonious inadequate reaction, with prevalence of the last one (respectively 22,2% i 64,5%). The course of the combined stomatologic pathology with depressive frustration was accompanied also by development at patients reaction of training in 11, 1% of

BecTHUK Ka3HMy, №5(1) - 2013

cases and reactions quiet activation in 4, 4%. Thus, including chronic, slow character of a generalized periodontal disease and soft leykoplasia the most optimum adaptation reaction can be the reaction of increased activation which wasn't releaved at any surveyed patients. The special attention is demanded the group of patients with nonspecific adaptation reaction of a chronic stress as, to our opinion, it is caused not only by character and the course of the main disease, but also by the existence of the combined pathology. At the same time at persons of control group of this age category, just so as at patients of youthful age revealed physiological adaptation and adaptive reactions with prevalence of the quiet and increased reaction of activation (respectively 30% and 62, 5% of cases). The most expressed violations of a harmony in functioning of subsystems of an organismt is established at inspection of patients of the II period of mature age with a generalized periodontal disease of II degree and lichen ruber planus is deprived, combined with depressive frustration. Thus physiological nonspecific reactions of protection of an organism (training and quiet activation) are established at two patients that made 9, 6%. On the expressed incoordination of subsystems of an organism and subsystem of tension of adaptative mechanisms specified reactions of a chronic stress at 23, 8% of patients and defective disharmonious nonspecific reactions - at 66, 6%cases. Thus, the data given above testify about identical, but more deep than in the previous group, changes of nonspecific protective and adaptive reactions of an organism of patients. It underlines our assumptions about negative influence of accompanying pathology on protective mechanisms of an organism of patients and aggravation of pathological process in tissues of parodentium and mucous membrane of an oral cavity.

In a control group of persons of the II period of adult age the revealed types of adaptation reactions almost didn't differ from the results of previous groups and were the following:

reaction of training of-15%, quiet activation of-25%, the increased activation - 60%, inadequate reactions - 5%. Proceeding from the received overage results of a leucocytal formula the indicator of an index of adaptation at patients with a soft leykoplasia made 0,57±0,006, with chronic catarrhal gingivitis - 0,52±0,007, with generalized periodontitis of initial - I stage and a soft leykoplasia-0,53±0,007, with a generalized periodontal disease of 2 stage and lichen rubber planus is deprived - 0,51±0,01 that with reliability of 99,9% differed from such groups of control (respectively 0,63±0,006; 0,61±0,007; 0,6±0,011). Conclusion

Research of nonspecific adaptation reactions at patients with simultaneous defeat of tissues of parodentium and mucous membrane of an oral cavity, combined with depressive frustration, showed that at the heart of development of these diseases lie changes of nonspecific factors of protection. Level of protection of an organism on damaging action of adverse factors depends not only on weight of stomatologic pathology (an illnesses of tissues parodentium and mucous membrane of an oral cavity), but also on negative influence of violations of own and cognitive functions at patients who burden the course of the main disease. Patients with simultaneous defeat of tissues of parodentium and mucous membrane of an oral cavity, combined with hight level of depressive frustration, demand optimization of adaptation and adaptive reactions and their transfer to lower power level. At the expressed incoordination of subsystems of an organism and essential violation of mechanisms of adaptation with development of chronic stressful reaction, activation of power supply of activity of an organism and development of permanent adaptive morphological changes possibly at simultaneous correction of depressive frustration and use classical adaptogens. Prospect of further researches is development and introduction of methods of correction of the broken nonspecific protective and adaptive reactions and determination of its efficiency.


1 Burchinsky S.G. Depressions and cognitive violations: problem of a choice of antidepressant / S.G. Burchinsky //Ukranian messenger of psychoneurology. - 2009. —T. 17, № 1. — P.37—40.

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Вестник КазНМУ, №5(1) - 2013


Кафедра терапевтической стоматологии (зав. каф. - доц. Л. Х. Дурягина), Кафедра патологической физиологии (зав. каф. - проф. А.В. Кубышкин) ГУ «Крымский государственный медицинский университет имени С.И. Георгиевского»,

г. Симферополь, Крым, Украина



Резюме: Изучено состоение неспецифических адаптационных реакций у 186 пациентов с сочетанными заболеваниеми тканей пародонта и слизистой оболочки полости рта и депрессивными расстройствами. Установленные преимущественно нефизиологические реакции (хронического стресса и дисгармоничной неадекватной реакции с элементами напрежение) свидетельствовали о снижении неспецифической резистентности организма обследованных больных, что обусловлено не только характером и течением стоматологического заболевание, но и негативным влиением соединенной патологии. Ключевые слова: заболевание пародонта, слизистой оболочки полости рта, депрессивные расстройства, адаптационные реакции.

УДК 616.43/.47-089.843:616.13/.16-07


Казахский Национальный медицинский университет имени С.Д.Асфендиярова Кафедра нормальной анатомии


Гетеротопическая аллотрансплантация гипофиза на артериально-венозной ножке в эксперименте свидетельствует об относительной толерантности аденогипофизарных клеток не только к временной тепловой ишемии, неминуемой при трансплантации, но и к проявлению реакции гистонесовместимости. Даже в поздние сроки после пересадки видны клетки аденогипофиза и проходимые внутриорганные кровеносные сосуды. Ткань гипофиза пронизана мелкими сосудами и прослойками соединительной ткани.

Ключевые слова: гипофиз, гетеротопическая аллотрансплантация, ткань, микроциркуляторное русло, функция

Введение. В экспериментальной нейротрансплантологии применеятсе методы пересадки изолированных нейросекреторных клеток *1,2,3,4,5,6,7+. Новым направлением евлеетсе пересадка нейросекреторной ткани переднего гипоталамуса в комплексе с гипофизом (гипоталамо-гипофизарный комплекс) на артериально-венозной ножке с использованием внутренней сонной

и кавернозных синусов дле адекватного ИЗДоййвго оттока *8,9,10+. Однако в этих исследованиех недостаточно изучено морфо-функциональное состоение микроциркулеторном русле

аденогипофизав в ранние и поздние сроки после гетеротопической аллотрансплантации гипофиза на сосудистой ножке в эксперименте Цель исследования. Изучение морфологического и функционального состоение микроциркулеторного русла аденогипофиза после гетеротопической аллотрансплантации гипофиза. Материал и методы исследования.Всего в опыте использовано 40 взрослых собак-самцов (20 доноров и

реципиентов). Животные-реципиенты 2°сперимента были гипофизэктомировайй

(инновационный патент №26411РК).

проводилась. производилось


Иммуносупрессивнае терапие Подклячение трансплантатов гетеротопической позиции на одну из ветвей системы бедренной артерии собаки, которае соединелась с внутренней сонной артерией транплантата. Отток венозной крови обеспечивалсе за счет анастомоза одной из ветвей большой подкожной вены реципиента с пещеристым синусом трансплантата (предпатент №13616 РК). В качестве контрольных животных использовали 6 животных, которым выполнели ложнуя операция, вклячаящуя все этапы оперативного вмешательства, за исклячением самой пересадки гипофиза. В ранние (1-3 часа, 1-3 сутки ) и поздние сроки ( 10,15, 21 и 30 сутки ) животные забивались и трансплантаты подвергались гистологическому и гистохимическому исследования. Срезы толщиной 5-7 мкм окрашивались гемотоксилин-эозином, по Ниссля, шифф-йодной кислотой, по Ван-Гизону, по Хейлу, по В.В. Куприенову, азан по Ганденгайну. Дле электронно-микроскопических исследований материал фиксировали в 2,5% растворе глятаральдегида при рН 7,4, переносили в 1% раствор четырехокиси осмие, обезвоживали в спиртах восходещей крепости и заливали в аралдид.

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