Научная статья на тему 'Conceptual framework, principles, background and essence of precise farming systems'

Conceptual framework, principles, background and essence of precise farming systems Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Lopachev N. A., Zelinskaya A. A.

Improving and successful realization of innovations are impossible without creation of the corresponding associative framework. Slow development of associative framework in the sphere of farming resulted in mixing of key concepts and notions. The most remarkable example of notions mixing is «high technology farming» precision farming farming precise systems, etc. This resulted in intensive implementation of «high technology farming» and the lack of order for creation of the advanced national precise farming systems.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Conceptual framework, principles, background and essence of precise farming systems»

UDC / УДК 528.94:528.7:632.58-021.416




Lopachev N.A., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Лопачев Н.А., доктор сельскохозяйственных наук Zelinskaya А.А.*, Post Graduate Student Зелинская А.А., аспирант Orel State Agrarian University, Orel City, Russia ФГБОУ ВПО Орел ГАУ, Орел, Россия *E-mail: bibl@orelsau.ru


Improving and successful realization of innovations are impossible without creation of the corresponding associative framework. Slow development of associative framework in the sphere of farming resulted in mixing of key concepts and notions. The most remarkable example of notions mixing is «high technology farming» - precision farming - farming precise systems, etc. This resulted in intensive implementation of «high technology farming» and the lack of order for creation of the advanced national precise farming systems.


Совершенствование и успешная реализация инноваций невозможны без создания соответствующего ассоциативно-понятийного аппарата. Медленное развитие ассоциативно-понятийного аппарата в области земледелия привело к смешиванию ключевых понятий и представлений. Наиболее ярким примером смешивания понятий -«высокотехнологическое земледелие» - точное земледелие - точные системы земледелия и т.д. Это привело к интенсивному внедрению «высокотехнологического земледелия» и отсутствие заказа на создание наиболее перспективных отечественных точных систем земледелия.


Associative framework, high technology farming, precise farming, precise farming systems, flow soil maps, ground, principles.


Ассоциативно-понятийный аппарат, высокотехнологическое земледелие, точное земледелие, точные системы земледелия, потоковые почвенные карты, основа земледелия, принципы точного земледелия.

The farming systems development is closely connected with the culture, productive forces and productive relations of the society in the definite social and economic conditions. In the XIXth century А.У. Sovetov wrote: «No doubt that either of farming systems reflects one or other degree of civil public development» [1]. The similar definition is given by the academician А.^ Kashtanov «The farming system is the highest form of expression of the accumulated scientific and practical agronomic knowledge of the society (the nation), united in an entity (system). It is considered legally as the historical and economical category» [2].

Explosive development of productive forces and social economical set-up of our planet society in the XXth century provided creation of new farming systems. During this period the basic farming laws were formulated: the proper crop selection and farming rotation, crop rotations, soil cultivation methods, fertilizer application and soil fertility, differentiated crop cultivating technologies, soil protection from wind and water erosion, control of weeds, pests and disease excitants, etc [8,10].

Chemistry and technogenic farming system got maximum outspread in the world practice of the past and present century. Never the less, this farming system did not solve the main problem - to provide the population of our planet with food stuff but created many agroecological problems with different scale. That is why at the end of the last century the USA have started to create «high technology farming», which at present is the most effective method of plant production and is associated by the community of our country and many other countries, as «precise farming». That is why great interest of our country agrarians to the implementation of so called «precise farming» is obvious. This interest is supported by the paradigm, that only creation and implementation of the precise farming systems will solve world food problem of the XXIst century. Never the less till present the contribution of our scientists into the development of « precise farming» is reduced to advertising advocacy and adaptation of «high technology farming» on the ground of the NAVSTAR-GPS satellite system of the USA. From our point of view such condition of modern national farming is provided by the objective and subjective factors but not by the Russia scientific potential.

The objective factors appeared from the beginning of the 90-s of the last century at the transition of political, social and economic set-up of our state and the GLONAS system condition [7,8].

The subjective factors produced significant influence on the formation of the retrospective and modern conceptual framework. Thus A.T. Bolotov, I.M. Komov found the differences in the farming systems in the methods of soil fertility restoration. A.V. Sovetov believed that «Different forms in which one or another method of soil cultivation is expressed». A.S. Ermolov, D.N. Pryanishnikov presented their understanding of farming system. The most distinct and similar in their content ideas on farming systems were introduced by W.R. Williams and A.N. Kashtanov [2]. Such a diversity of notions of «farming system» is automatically imposed upon the term «farming». For this reason till the present in science and practice there is a mixing of these notions or one another substitution and all these can be observed even in the best farming study book [3]. Conceptual framework imperfection complicates the understanding of the innovations essence of «high technology farming» and allows its associating with «precise farming system». That is why the development and successful implementation into industry any innovations including farming systems are impossible without corresponding conceptual framework. It is proved by the world practice, The reasonable point of view on the discrepancy of conceptual framework to the fundamentals of «precise farming» is stated in the works of the academicians A.A. Zhuchenko, V.N Kiryushin and others «critical distinction of high technologies is not in the seeding-machine can be operated from space» [3,4].

In connection therewith V.N Kiryushin [4] formulated the following five principles of high technologies creation: alternativeness, choice possibility; dynamic approach to the creation and managing of agrocoenosis by means of the limiting conditions elimination; formation of technologies packages taking into consideration system connections being found in the polyfactorial field experiments; openness to the latest achievements of scientific-technical progress; consistency.

Distinct and reasonably substantiated principles of V.N Kiryushin with application of their adequate conceptual and associative framework simplify the creation of high technologies.

Application of inadequate conceptual and associative framework by A.A. Zhuchenko [5] for the precise farming principles stated below makes them unstructured and difficult to perceive.

1. Informativity principle. Precise farming is a constant quantitative and qualitative monitoring (long term collection of statistical data) of local soil and climatic, weather, industrial and social peculiarities of agricultural production.

This principle means that for every plot, field, household, district, region, etc. the detailed statistical features of development must be compiled, i.e. the particular genealogic environs maps must be developed. What were the soils, plants, crops, fore crops, agro technique, etc. earlier? This helps to learn your region in dynamics, determine its present situation, diagnosis and develop a program of new reasonable actions. It also gives the opportunity to estimate quantitatively and qualitatively what is necessary for soil, plant and

when, how to realize the necessary technical action, how to organize all the production process of agricultural products. Environmental monitoring is a data base of precise farming.

2. Complexity principle. Precise farming is a differentiated application of all natural, biological, technogenic and economic resources of the definite region, zone, and field area for highly remunerative production of agricultural products.

This principle means that the final result of the work of a farmer, a grain farmer, and a stock farmer is based on the solution of the complex problem of the available resources utilization. Each of the resources influences on the result obtaining, for example, reduces it, if it was not taken into account or utilized incompletely.

3. Adaptivity principle. Precise farming is a realization of classical theses of the world agronomy on crop rotations as applied to the definite soil, climatic and other conditions.

This principle means that the main in the productive farming is to take into consideration the individuality of agricultural background of each plot in the definite location and to influence on them in a different way. All carried out agrochemical operations, the applied technical means, varieties and crops, agro technology, from the activity management to the agricultural products processing must be strictly adaptive to the local conditions. On this principle ground crop rotations, agricultural works technology are selected; the conditions of their maximum efficiency and their realization conditions are determined.

To acknowledge the precise farming principle A.A. Zhuchenko quotes the utterances of classics of the national agronomy: «...learn what land the most capable is for» (A.T. Bolotov, 1741); «...do not seed that, which contradicts to climate and soil» (U. Karpovich, 1821); «...implement «district metered agriculture» (A. A. Stebut, 1899); «... every plot should have its own agro techniques» (Mosolov, 1969); «... in each geographical zone there are regular relations between climate, parent material, relief, soil, fauna, flora and agriculture activity of a man» (V. V. Dokuchaev, 1899); «...every plant species, every crop rotation type requires their own fertilizers combination...» (A.I. Chuprov, 1904).

We are aware that the principle of A.A. Zhuchenko generalized the notions of differentiation, adaptivity and addressness of the national scientists and practitioners while using their conceptual framework in the precise farming limits does not correspond to the fundamentals.

4. Principle of potential opportunities. Precise farming is a discovery at every place of production of agricultural products the critical factors limiting yields in quantity and quality, potential opportunities of soil, plants, technology and technique and conditions of their maximum utilization.

The mentioned principle denotes that for every place of agricultural products production, the specific activity program for any variant of the ultimate conditions should be developed according to the carried out monitoring. When the critical conditions for yield formation (temperature, humidity, fertility, etc.), the potential opportunities to obtain high yield in these conditions are estimated, it is possible to determine the measures on their accounting, utilization and in case of necessity their leveling.

This principle determines the degree of correspondence between what should be done to obtain high yields in the specified conditions and what can be done in reality.

5. Principle of management. Precise farming is a management of production process by means of maps on productivity; soil maps, phyto climatograms, satellite navigation systems, and adaptive technical means with differentiate influence on the plant habitat and on plants themselves in the specified location and at the specified time, with optimal intensity and optimal resource saving at the environmental compliances.

Practical implementation of the fifth principle of precise farming and coordinate plant science with yield monitoring, satellite navigation system, operational maps, agricultural machines, equipped with computers, etc [8] are only elements of «high technological farming» of the USA and stay within its bounds. But it is not really where the cutting edge of the interest is. Thus, according to the opinion of A.A. Zhuchenko, every principle creates its own precise farming (the five principles and the five different definitions of precise farming), which speaks for its absence in reality.

The above stated evidence is the absence in A.A. Zhuchenko's [5] definitions the integrated ground that allows obtaining of the well grounded essence: the achievements of modern farming systems «precise adaptive landscape ground», «precise biological ground», etc., instead of abstract notion of «precise farming» [6]. One more factor of this uncertainty is the absence of associated conceptual framework for « precise farming».

Such situation is provided by two factors: the absence of government order for creation of national precise farming systems and alternative choices to «high technological farming».

The necessity of government order for creation of national precise farming systems is connected with financial expenditures on creation and especially on production tests of national experimental and theoretical developments [7,8]. In connection with escalation of the political situation and introduction of sanctions in 2014 against Russia (at any time the USA can cut off the access to the NAVSTAR-GPS system) the GLONAS work stability should be determined at the governmental level. Besides, the national systems of control and communications similar to the USA ones should be created.

It is known, that functioning of any technology, systems including the best ones is not safe against the failure. To increase the systems functioning stability (NAVSTAR or GLONAS) of positioning and management is necessary to create the alternative and cheaper system operating on the ground of the earth magnetic field. For it is necessary to adapt and use already existing navigation ground systems.

It is necessary to use the latest detailed flow soil maps of the Pushhino soil school as the integrating ground of both systems of positioning, providing point elimination of soil covering fertility. The application of flow soil maps excludes longstanding expensive diagnostic period of «high technological farming» of the USA - field mapping according to yield capacity and instead of single crop allows not only crop rotations transition but also transition of conventional systems into precise ones. The fastest and the cheapest way of transition into precise systems are adaptive landscape systems of farming which are the closest by ground and essence in their own way.

The application of flow soil maps as a ground for creation of national precise farming systems solves the problems of reclamation, valuation, economic land appraisal and formation of a whole new property register on the new level.

Naturally, that the ultimate agronomic and economic effects are higher than the mentioned effects in experimental and theoretical researches [7-9]. The governmental order or regional order and finance support should be done for the production tests. The finance question is a constrain factor not only for forming the national precise farming systems but also for implementing in Russia «high technological farming» of the USA.

To estimate the efficiency of precise farming systems with «high technological farming» let's examine only its procedure model [16].

Procedure model of «high technological farming»:

1. Determination of the actual sizes of the fields, their borders, formation of the electronic map on the ground of the obtained data. For these purposes the processed satellite image or mobile complex consisting of an automobile with GPS/GLONASS - a receiver and a computer positional cartographer (CPC) can be used.

2. Collection of field data starts from compiling a map of yield and grain humidity. On this map the zones with different productivity are differentiated. The harvesting is done by the combines-harvesters that are equipped with yield monitoring systems. They consist of GPS-receiver, board information system, sensors of humidity and grain weight, and also mapping program. The positional data are recorded together with the data from sensors after the character time.

3. Later yield map is used for grounding the agrochemical inspection. The jeep equipped with navigation system, automatic sampler and field handheld computer is used for it. It goes along the rout suggested by the handheld computer, taking soil samples. The data, soil taking time, its number are stored into the computer memory [10,11]

4. As new information becomes available form different sources the multilayer electronic field map is created. The results of agrochemical and agrophysical inspections, harvest, weather conditions, crop rotations and relief, etc. are displayed on the layers.

5. On the ground of the obtained data the job card, which further is transferred on the chip card into the board computer of a tractor?

6. A tractor equipped with the board computer moves along the field and by means of the GPS determines its location. Then, checking the job card reads the application rate and sends a signal to a spreader or a seeding machine.

7. To detect the aggregates coordinates fulfilling the agrotechnical operations there are differentiate corrections. The corrections of the highest accuracy can be obtained if the local base station is set [11,12].

Application of the above mentioned precise technologies intensifies resource saving, increases yield gain, saves fertilizers, decreases herbicides consumption rate, because the farming standard increases. At the same time the machinery and equipment high cost restrains wide application of «high technological farming» [15].

The following limiting factors of «high technological farming» implementation in Russia should be taken into consideration: high cost of equipment and services for «precise farming», offered today in Russia by foreign manufacturers and companies is practically monopoly; absence of the national developments and serial production of specified apparatus complexes, necessary for realization of technologies of management of tractors movement direction and technologies of agricultural machines management; absence of serial production of national agricultural machines adapted to the «precise farming» technology application; absence of the national complex branch program products, focused on design support, planning, operations management, analysis and support of managerial decision making on actual results of agrotechnologies application generally rather than «precise farming»; absence of government support of agricultural producers, mastering new technologies; shortage of regulatory system, establishing characteristics and rules of application of facilities, hardware and software complexes and systems in the national agriculture, and also regulating marketing of the foreign manufacture production at the Russian Federation market; non-use of the possibilities of the existing regional networks of controlling and adjusting stations, spread out on the RF subjects; unavailability of functional addition of the «GLONASS - AMS» for free delivering to the Russia consumers the updating information increasing accuracy and veracity of navigational sighting, and that is why wide-scale technology implementation of the GNSS GLONASS of Russia today is almost only connected with realization of works on development of the navigation information systems (NIS) of mobile objects monitoring, and transportation first of all [13,14].

Precise farming systems development on the ground of wide-scale (detailed) flow soil maps does not require many technological methods of «high technological farming», and thus the corresponding limiting factors (restraining factors). The given reality completely proves multiple advantage of perspective of the national precise farming systems implementation on the ground of flow soil maps over «high technological farming» of the USA.


1. For successful creation and implementation is necessary to design the corresponding associative and conceptual framework.

2. «High technological farming» of the USA is necessary to examine as a constitutive technological element of precise farming systems.

3. Protection of stable operation of positioning systems and precise farming systems management are possible at the presence of the alternative methods.

4. Creation of the national precise farming systems on the ground of wide-scale flow soil maps according to time, economic and agronomic indicators will be several times more effective than implementation of «high technological farming» of the USA.


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