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Ключевые слова
credit / subject / bank / natural person / legal personality / кредит / субъект / бонк / шахси воқеӣ / қобилияти ҳуқуқи субъектӣ

Аннотация научной статьи по праву, автор научной работы — Shukhratpur Muhammadyusuf

The circle of subjects of bank loan has always been in the field of view of legal doctrine. One of the subjects of these legal relations is an individual whose legal personality in a bank loan has not yet been the subject of a comprehensive scientific and legal study. The legal regulation of the participation of an individual in a bank-credit obligation in accordance with the civil legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan is being studied. The concepts of “natural person” and “citizen” are correlated and the dominant opinion in the doctrine about their identity is refuted. The concept of an individual is first considered as a participant in all civil law relations, and then as a participant in a bank and credit obligation. In addition, for the first time in legal science, the constituent elements of the legal personality of an individual in an obligation under a bank loan have been comprehensively studied. The concept of "legal capacity" is explained and certain categories of legal capacity of an individual are qualified.

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Доираи субъектҳои кредити бонкӣ ҳамеша дар мадди назари таълимоти ҳуқуқӣ қарор дорад. Яке аз субъектони ин муносибатҳои ҳуқуқӣ шахси воқеӣ мебошад, ки қобилияти ҳуқуқи субъектии ӯ, ҳамчун тараф дар ӯҳдадории марбут ба кредити бонкӣ то ҳол мавриди тадқиқи ҳамаҷонибаи илмию ҳуқуқӣ қарор нагирифтааст. Танзими ҳуқуқии иштироки шахси воқеӣ дар ӯҳдадории кредити бонкӣ ва тибқи қонунгузории граждании Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон баррасӣ шудааст. Таносуби мафҳумҳои «шахси воқеӣ» ва «шаҳрванд» таҳлил гардида, фарзияи то ин дам дар илм ҳукмрон оид ба ҳаммаъно будани ин ду мафҳум рад карда шудааст. Мафҳуми шахси воқеӣ аввал ҳамчун иштирокчии ҳамаи муносибатҳои ҳуқуқӣ-гражданӣ, баъдан ҳамчун иштирокчии ӯҳдадории вобаста ба кредити бонкӣ баррасӣ шудааст. Илова бар ин, бори аввал дар илми ҳуқуқ унсурҳои таркибии қобилияти ҳуқуқи субъектии шахси воқеӣ дар ӯҳдадории кредити бонкӣ ҳамаҷониба мавриди омӯзиш қарор гирифтааст. Мафҳуми қобилияти ҳуқуқдории шахси воқеӣ шарҳ дода, категорияҳои алоҳидаи қобилияти амалкунии ӯ тасниф карда шудааст.



УДК: 347.7

DOI: 10.24412/2411-1945-2023-2-33-44

CONCEPTUAL ASSESSMENT Shukhratpur Muhammadyusuf, post-Graduate student of OF A NATURAL PERSON the Department of Civil Law and Procedure and AS A BORROWER IN A International Private Law ofthe Law Institute ofthe BANKING-CREDIT LIABILITY Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moskva, Russia)

БАХОДИХЦИ Шух,ратпур Му^аммадюсуф, аспиранти

КОНСЕПТУАЛИИ ШАХСИ кафедраи ууцуци гражданй, мурофиаи гражданй

ВОЦЕЙ ХАМЧУН ЦАРЗГИРАНДА ва ууцуци байналмилалии хусусии Институти

ДАР УХДАДОРИИ МАРБУТ БА ууцуцшиносии Донишгоуи дустии халцуои Русия

КРЕДИТИ БОНКЙ (Москва, Русия)

КОНЦЕПТУАЛЬНАЯ Шухратпур Мухаммадюсуф, аспирант кафедры

ОЦЕНКА ФИЗИЧЕСКОГО ЛИЦА гражданского права и процесса и международного

КАК ЗАЁМЩИКА В частного права Юридического института Российского

ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬСТВЕ ПО университета дружбы народов (Москва, Россия) e-

БАНКОВСКОМУ КРЕДИТУ mail: mshukhratpur@list.ru

The circle of subjects of bank loan has always been in the field of view of legal doctrine. One of the subjects of these legal relations is an individual whose legal personality in a bank loan has not yet been the subject of a comprehensive scientific and legal study. The legal regulation of the participation of an individual in a bank-credit obligation in accordance with the civil legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan is being studied. The concepts of "natural person" and "citizen" are correlated and the dominant opinion in the doctrine about their identity is refuted. The concept of an individual is first considered as a participant in all civil law relations, and then as a participant in a bank and credit obligation. In addition, for the first time in legal science, the constituent elements of the legal personality of an individual in an obligation under a bank loan have been comprehensively studied. The concept of "legal capacity" is explained and certain categories of legal capacity of an individual are qualified.

Keywords: credit, subject, bank, natural person, legal personality

Доираи субъектуои кредити бонкй уамеша дар мадди назари таълимоти ууцуцй царор дорад. Яке аз субъектони ин муносибатуои ууцуцй шахси воцей мебошад, ки цобилияти ууцуци субъектии у, уамчун тараф дар уудадории марбут ба кредити бонкй то уол мавриди тадцици уамацонибаи илмию ууцуцй царор нагирифтааст. Танзими ууцуции иштироки шахси воцей дар уудадории кредити бонкй ва тибци цонунгузории граждании Цумуурии Тоцикистон баррасй шудааст. Таносуби мафуумуои «шахси воцей» ва «шаурванд» таулил гардида, фарзияи то ин дам дар илм уукмрон оид ба уаммаъно будани ин ду мафуум рад карда шудааст. Мафууми шахси воцей аввал уамчун иштирокчии уамаи муносибатуои ууцуцй-гражданй, баъдан уамчун иштирокчии уудадории вобаста ба кредити бонкй баррасй шудааст. Илова бар ин, бори аввал дар илми ууцуц унсуруои таркибии цобилияти ууцуци субъектии шахси воцей дар уудадории кредити бонкй уамацониба мавриди омузиш царор гирифтааст. Мафууми цобилияти ууцуцдории шахси воцей шару дода, категорияуои алоуидаи

цобилияти амалкунии у тасниф карда шудааст.

Калидвожа^о: кредит, субъект, бонк, шахси воцей, цобилияти ууцуци субъекты

Круг субъектов банковского кредита всегда находился в поле зрения юридической доктрины. Одним из субъектов данных правоотношений является физическое лицо, правосубъектность которого в банковском кредите до сих пор не была предметом комплексного научно-правового исследования. Изучается правовое регулирование участия физического лица в банковско-кредитном обязательстве в соответствии с гражданским законодательством Республики Таджикистан. Соотнесены понятия «физическое лицо» и «гражданин» и опровергнуто доминирующее в доктрине мнение об их тождественности. Понятие о физическом лице сначала рассматривается в качестве участника всех гражданско-правовых отношений, а затем как участника банковско-кредитного обязательства. Кроме того, впервые в правовой науке комплексно исследованы составные элементы правосубъектности физического лица в обязательстве по банковскому кредиту. Разъяснено понятие «правоспособность» и квалифицированы отдельные категории дееспособности физического лица.

Ключевые слова: кредит, субъект, банк, физическое лицо, правосубъектность

There are constituent elements in the banking-credit obligations regulated by the civil legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, without which this obligation themselves cannot arise. One of these elements are the subjects i.e., persons through their will these obligation arise, including banking-credit obligation. Natural persons are the most active participant in banking-credit and civil law obligation. Various terms denoting a given participant in legal relationships are «person», «human», «personality», «citizen», «natural person», «subject», «participant», «individual», «people», etc., but we will stick to judicious use of one of them, without making distinction.

It is necessary to emphasize that the term "natural person" which we prefer is not a generally accepted term denoting the real existence of this subject of civil law obligations. Shershenevich G. F. (as cited by Komzolova Yu. A.) mentions that the subject of every law is only our idea of it; these subjects, whether they are natural or juridical persons do not exist in reality. Further, Greshikov I. P. (Ibid.) also mentions that individual human beings are represented in law as natural persons to denote their participation in legal relationships [13, c. 68-69]. Moreover, Piatkov D. V. adheres to this view, and emphasizes that the subjects of legal relationships can be ideal persons, imaginary, and deprived of corporeality which cannot be seen or touched [22, c. 189]. According to Christopher H. a natural person, as a subject of law, possessing all civil rights, is a creation of law and a legally recognized status [27, c. 243].

These points of view justify the fact that a natural person exists only in the imagination of people, being "persona ficta" i.e., fictitious or imaginary person who does not exist in reality.

In addition, Ivanov R. L. states that the subjects of law are only individual people and their associations, since legal regulation can only be carried out by influencing consciousness and volition, and nothing on Earth except human beings possesses them. Other subjects of law (i.e., juridical person, state) act as associations of natural persons [12, c. 938].

Banking and credit relations with the participation of a natural person arises through the conclusion of a loan agreement and is regulated by the civil legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan. The term «natural person» in the Civil Code of the Republic of Tajikistan (CC RT) in the new edition of December 24, 2022, No. 1918 is not used as a synonym for the term «citizen» as it was in the old version of this law. According to Art. 17 of the Civil Code

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of the Republic of Tajikistan: "Under the concept of a natural person is understood a citizen of the Republic of Tajikistan, a foreign citizen, as well as a stateless person." You can a lso add persons with dual citizenship (bipatrides) to their number.

Nevertheless, a number of authors note the identical meaning of the terms «natural person» and «citizen». This opinion especially prevails among Tajik jurists. For example, Makhkamzoda M.A., Kurbonalizoda N.Sh. and Abdullaev F.R. identify these terms [3, p. 180; 9, p. 89-90; 16, p. 171-172; 17, p. 217]. Such an assessment is also observed in the works of Russian authors [14, p. 5; 11, p. 73; 20, p. 168]. This development of the legal doctrine was served by the content of the civil legislation of the old edition, which identified «natural person» and «citizen». With the adoption of the new Civil Code of the Republic of Tajikistan, this problem has found an objective solution.

In general legal understanding, the term citizen has a completely different meaning - it is a political and legal relationship between a person and the state and has a common root with the word citizenship. According to a fair assessment by Repnikova Yu. V.: «Citizenship determines the possible limits of legal ownership of a natural person (the limits of his legal capacity) in accordance with his national legislation» [23, c. 53].

Proceeding from the fact that the factor of citizenship does not matter in civil-law relationships and, in particular, in banking-credit obligations, it is best to use the term "natural person" as a more universal and multifaceted concept. Consequently, a natural person is any person who participates in civil-law obligations (bearer of rights and obligations), who possesses social and natural characteristics and properties, and has legal capacity and active legal capacity.

In order to participate in banking-credit relationships and other civil law relationships, a natural person must have legal personality, which in turn consists of legal capacity and active legal capacity1. These two basic elements determine the legal status of a person, because a natural person as a biological being is not itself a subject of legal relationships. The history of social and legal relations shows many examples of this, from the legal status of a slave to a serf peasant. As noted by Natalia M. O. and Roman P. L. the combination of biological and social qualities of a person, including the presence of a body, sensory organs, physical strength, mind, will, the gift of thinking, is capable of producing tools and consciously using them, etc. ensures legal existence of the subject, the ability to be a subject of law and carrier of rights and obligations [28, c. 1597].

According to Article 18 of the CCRT, civil legal capacity is the ability to have civil rights and bear obligations is recognized equally for natural persons, arising from the moment of birth and terminating in death2. Legal science discusses the issue of the relationship between legal capacity and subjective civil rights. In this regard, Novikova S. V., Popova L. I. and

1 Car'kova Yu. A. and Konshin A. I. states that it is known that delictual capacity is the third element that determines the legal personality of natural persons [26, c. 72]. In connection with this, Bezugol'nikov A. V. considers delictual capacity as a component of active legal capacity [5, c. 23].

2 It should also be noted that there are certain exceptions regarding the moment of emergence and termination of legal capacity. For example, in inheritance and criminal liability for illegal abortion cases, the legal capacity of a natural person exists prior to birth. Unborn persons are still considered subjects of law. For copyright protection, the author has legal capacity up to fifty years after his death. This means his copyright is protected up to fifty years after his death. Also, criminal proceedings can be resumed on favorable behalf of a deceased convicted person to rehabilitate his image, restore his honor, dignity, and good name. Komzolova Yu. A. considers this position in relation to the terms «natural person» and «human» and notes: «It turns out that a natural person can exist even after the death of a human» [13, c. 69]. Thus, in special cases, the unborn fetus, as well as the deceased person, has legal capacity.

Trapezova V. C. note legal capacity is a sufficient criterion for establishing the legal existence of the subject of a legal relationship; legal capacity is what the law bestows on the individual, and that the peculiarity of this gift is that it is impossible to refuse it [18, c. 274]. Compared to active legal capacity, legal capacity is an independent category that can exist regardless of active legal capacity. The main component of legal capacity therefore, should be the ability of the subject of legal relations to have rights and bear obligations.

By virtue of Article 22 of the CCRT, the ability of a citizen by his actions to acquire and exercise civil rights, create civil obligations for himself, and fulfill them is called civil active legal capacity. This comes in full from reaching the age of eighteen, which is the age of majority except for the established exceptions associated with the implementation of labor or business activity or marriage (emancipation). Repnikova Yu. V. mentions that the importance of active legal capacity lies in the fact that the subjective right is executed by its bearer personally and independently, and that active legal capacity is a derivative of legal capacity, and does not exist outside it [24, c. 59-60]. Repnikova Yu. V. (Ibid.) also expresses the opinion that active legal capacity is not, along with legal capacity, a necessary element of the legal personality of a natural person. Petrova E. A. underscores this point by stating that to be a citizen with active legal capacity is to be able to make transactions (have the ability to execute civil transactions), and be able to bear responsibility of unlawful actions (delictual capacity) [19, c. 137].

Active legal capacity results from mental maturity (coming of age and mental maturity) of a natural person. Having active legal capacity implies that a natural person has the ability to understand, correctly assess, and manage actions that have legal significance. The possession of these qualities and the acquisition of active legal capacity enables a natural person to personally take part in civil law relationships and bear independent property responsibility. The categories of legal capacity will be discussed will be discussed in the following table №1.

It should also be noted that in the issue of property liability for the actions of young children under the age of six years, the same rule applies as in relation to juveniles aged six to fourteen years. The peculiarity of the property liability of parents, adoptive parents or guardian for the actions of young children under six years old is that parents, adoptive parents or guardians are responsible only for harm caused by actions of young children under six years old, and not for transactions as in cases with juveniles under the age from six to fourteen years old. This is because young children under six years old have no active legal capacity, which is why they are not entitled to carry out any transactions.

In the science of civil law, there is an opinion about the specific replenishment of the active legal capacity of a young child by the active legal capacity of his legal representatives. According to Voloshin Yu. A. one legal capacity for a young child who has no active legal capacity is enough for him to be recognized as a participant in civil law relationships. In this case, the replenishment of young child's active legal capacity is realized by that of his legal representatives (i.e., parents or guardians) [7, c. 33]. It should also be added that the issue of active legal capacity is a purely subjective category, and someone having no active legal capacity cannot be compensated by the active legal capacity of another person. Therefore, in order to protect the interests of young children in all civil law relationships, their legal representatives must participate on their own behalf in the interests of young children, and not the other way around.

However, Petrova E. A. states that the opposite opinion, in which legal representatives carry out all transactions on behalf of young children [20, c. 170-171] is unreasonable, because carrying out transactions on behalf of a person who has no active legal capacity is farcical. It should also be emphasized that for the actions if a person without active legal capacity, his legal representative bears property responsibility, which emphasizes the spread of legal consequences from these actions not to the person without active legal capacity, but to his representative. The legal structure of the institution of representation, which is expressed in the fact that transactions are made by a legal representative directly create, change, and terminate the civil rights and obligations of the represented (in our case, a young child) should be considered. The performance of an action on behalf of the person represented may take place in the agreement of the delegation, since the person represented has active legal capacity, and the legal consequences of these actions apply to him. In this case, the legal representative of natural persons with incomplete active legal capacity must make transactions on behalf of the latter. In addition, the term "participant in civil law relationships" implies taking part in civil law relationships due to the fact that since young children have no active legal capacity, they cannot be considered a participant in civil law relationships. Juveniles aged six to fourteen and minors aged fourteen to eighteen respectively have partial active legal capacity, and incomplete active legal capacity. This is because the active legal capacity of these persons is incomplete, they can also be considered relatively without active legal capacity.

Active legal capacity may also be restricted by a court when a natural person abuses alcohol, drugs, or other potent intoxicating substances, places himself or his family in a difficult financial situation, or is deprived of active legal capacity as a result of illness or dementia and cannot understand or control his actions. Thus, legal capacity and active legal capacity together form legal personality (legal capacity + active legal capacity = legal personality). Therefore, legal personality (the right to be recognized by law, appear in court, and to be considered subject to civil law obligations) is the social and legal ability of a person to be a participant in civil law obligations.

After identifying the concept and legal status of natural persons, it is now necessary to define their participation in banking-credit obligation. The issue of legal personality of natural persons in credit obligation is viewed by legal scientists in different ways. A natural person with legal personality as a participant in civil obligations can be a legal personality in credit obligations,

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subject to a number of additional conditions. Zakupen' A. V. focuses his view on five conditions: age of legal responsibility, labor status, property ownership, income, and citizenship [11, c. 74, 81]. It should be noted that the above additional conditions for the legal personality of natural persons complicate the rapid implementation of the lending process, and to some extent, restrict the right of natural persons as borrowers. However, these are justified by the position of credit institutions that bear the risk of non-repayment. The National Bank of Tajikistan with the civil legislation of Tajikistan states that citizenship is not a requirement for obtaining credit [1, 2]. As a result, individual banks may establish their own requirements for their customers. Of the aforementioned conditions of legal personality of natural persons in credit obligations, only reaching the age of majority (full active legal capacity upon reaching eighteen years old) is mandated by law. Further, the need for other requirements is decided by individual credit institutions by virtue of their own policies. High competition in the banking industry makes it imperative for these institutions to simplify the lending process, which precludes the establishment of a large number of conditions. With regard to "reaching age of majority" it is not necessary to speak of age itself, but of acquiring full active legal capacity. This is because a healthy state of mind is also necessary, since a person in the age of majority but has a mental disorder cannot have legal personality in credit obligations. Alekseev A. A. emphasizes that a natural person has the right to act as a borrower in credit legal relationships from birth, and the right to independently participate in these relations with the acquisition of civil active legal capacity [4, c. 15]. Goncharenko E. A. adheres to the view that the possibility of concluding a credit agreement for natural persons is limited only by the rules on their general legal capacity and active legal capacity [8, c. 34-35]. There is no doubt about the legal personality of natural persons with full active legal capacity as a borrower in credit obligations. Further, according to Part 1 of Article 27 and Part 1 of Article 31 of the CCRT, natural persons with restricted active legal capacity can do transactions (except for transactions which they make on their own) with the written consent of their legal representatives. It should be noted that the CCRT does not provide for the participation of minors aged fourteen to eighteen years, and natural persons with restricted active legal capacity with consent of legal representatives in credit obligations. However, the content of these aforementioned provisions where it is stated that "they make transactions, other transactions" implies any transaction, including entering into a credit agreement for minors aged fourteen to eighteen years, and natural persons with restricted active legal capacity with the written consent of legal representatives. These persons bear independent property responsibility.

Alekseev A. A. speaks of the right of a natural person to act as a borrower in credit-legal relationships although not independently, but from the moment of birth [4, c. 15], requires deep legal scientific understanding. To understand this point of view, it is necessary to clarify the subjective provisions of having no active legal capacity (young children from birth to six years old), partial active legal capacity (juveniles from six to fourteen years old), and natural persons deprived of active legal capacity in credit obligations.

By virtue of Part 1 of Article 29 and Part 2 of Article 30 of the CCRT, transactions (including entering into a bank credit agreement) are made by their parents, adoptive parents or guardians on behalf of the following persons:

- Natural persons with no active legal capacity from birth to six years (young children);

- Natural persons partial active legal capacity six to fourteen years old (juvenile);

- Natural persons deprived of active legal capacity.

Thus, in a credit obligation, a natural person can act as a borrower in the following cases:

- Has full active legal capacity (of full legal age from 18 years old or, in exceptional cases, acquired full active legal capacity before reaching 18 years of age).

- Has incomplete active legal capacity (minors aged 14 to 18 years) and or has restricted active legal capacity - with the written consent of their legal representatives.

However, a natural person cannot act as a borrower in the following case:

- Has no active legal capacity (young children) from the moment of birth to 6 years old or deprived of active legal capacity and partial active legal capacity (juvenile) from 6 to 14 years old.

Kulikov N. I., Vdovina E. S. and Kulikova M. A. classify the types of credits with the participation of natural persons, and stress that a credit provided to natural persons is identified with consumer credit. However, this article contends that a bank credit to a natural person is a broader concept, one form of which is consumer credit [15, c. 7]. Demchenko S. S. also states that at present, bank consumer lending is the main means of providing a natural person with borrowed funds [10, c. 20].

It should also be noted that although consumer credit is provided exclusively for natural persons, their participation in this obligation cannot be restricted to this type of bank credit. There are various classifications of bank credits. According to Telezhinkov P. A. bank credits for natural persons can be divided into two types: mortgage credits and consumer credits (i.e., car credit, education credits, childbirth credit, commodity credit etc.) [25, c. 13]. Further, Bonner E. A. classifies bank credits by types of borrowers (natural persons, judicial persons etc.), or by the number of creditors (single creditor or multiple creditors - syndicated) [6, c. 40]. Moreover, Goncharenko E. A. classifies the types of consumer credits by purpose (for investment needs, education, car credits etc.). by type of borrower (all segments of the population, students, young families etc.), and by duration (long, medium, or short term) [8, c. 107]. In addition, Pristankov D. V. on the basis of civil legislation on credit combines three concepts: bank credit (cash), commodity credit (things determined by generic characteristics), and commercial credit (sums of money and things defined by generic characteristics) [21, c. 48]. In connection with this, Kulikov N. I., Vdovina E. S. and Kulikova M. A. classify bank credits consumer and production [15, c. 16], which have a significant place in the classification of bank credits with the participation of natural persons. Taking into account the specific position of bank credits with the participation of natural persons, this article classifies them into two main groups: consumer credit and entrepreneurial credit. Both these groups can be divided into two separate types (See table №2).

Table №2

1.Consumer credit: 2. Entrepreneurial credit:

a) by collateral: a) by purpose:

- collateralized; - non-production (for trade);

- not collateralized. - production.

b) by duration: b) by size:

- on demand; - large;

- urgent: - medium;

- short-term; - small;

- medium-term; - microcredits.

- long-term. c) by form:

c) by purpose: - cash;

- for education; - commodity;

- for celebrations; - mixed.

- buying things (car, furniture, etc.).

It is important to emphasize that some of the types of consumer credit as classified in this article can be considered as types of entrepreneurial credits, for example, types of consumer credits depending on the duration and vice versa. It is also worth noting that this classification is not

exhaustive, and in fact there are a large number of bank credit types that include the participation of natural persons.

The above facts give grounds to conclude that the participation of a natural person in a bank credit as a borrower has its own characteristics. These features lie in its legal personality as a borrower of a bank credit, the types of credits in which a natural person can be a borrower, and the special legal regulation of these legal relations. As it turns out, a bank loan agreement can be concluded not only by fully capable individuals, but also by persons with incomplete and limited legal capacity. In addition, it was found that a bank loan with the participation of individual borrowers should be divided into two main groups and they, in turn, into separate types.


1. Civil Code of the Republic of Tajikistan dated December 24, 2022 No. 1918. [Electronic resource] // http://ncz.tj/legislation (date of access: 06/03/2023).

2. Normative legal acts of the NBT: Instructions No. 186 «On the procedure for granting loans and calculating interest in credit organizations», No. 199 «On the procedure for providing micro loans in microfinance organizations», No. 195 «On working with loans in the National Bank of Tajikistan». [Electronic resource] // https://nbt.tj/ru/normative/ (date of access: 11/24/2019).

3. Abdullaev F. R. Legal entities and individuals as subjects of property rights in the Republic of Tajikistan abroad / F. R. Abdullaev // Proceedings of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Law named after A. Bahovaddinov of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. - 2017. - No. 2. - P. 179-184.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

26.Tsarkova Yu. A., Konshin A. I. Individuals as subjects of civil legal relations // Symbol of Science. 2018 No. 4, pp. 71-73.

27.Christopher Hutton. Linkability, Personhood and State Modernity: Understanding the Affordances of Personal Identity across Different Legal Regimes // Law & Literature. 2019. № 31 (2). pp. 239-257.

28.Nataliya M. О., Roman P. L. Law and Person: Modernity and Forecasting // International Journal of Criminology and Sociology. 2020. № 9. pp. 1596-1599.


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