Научная статья на тему 'Conceptual approach to organization and training students for a new rld complex normatives fulfillment'

Conceptual approach to organization and training students for a new rld complex normatives fulfillment Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
RLD complex / conceptual approach / need for physical exercises / methodology / pedagogical experiment

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Klyuchnikova S. N., Kodolova F. M., Ushnikov A. I.

Considerable health indices decrease among all groups and categories of population, conditioned by several factors, among which one of the leading places takes insufficient volume of motor activity, caused the necessity to search for effective ways of this problem solution. In this connection it was reasonable to introduce a new RLD (ready for labor and defense) complex as a program and normative base for state physical upbringing system. Research methods: scientificmethodical literature analysis and summarizing, pedagogical experiment, testing, statistical data handling. Materials. Considerable changes in state reorganization, caused by political, socialeconomic, cultural-educational situation, demand a new conception creation of physical upbringing system organization in its all parts: comprehensive school, higher educational establishments, industrial and agricultural enterprises and complexes and etc. It will provide readiness of different age people to fulfill the norms of a new RLD complex. Results. The article offers created by the author conceptual substantiation of ideological-political and social-economic importance of the introduced RLD complex for health indices improvement among population. The offered conceptual approach provides a new RLD complex perception as the leading structural component of health forming activity, presented by a range of corresponding elements, the realization of which will help to increase the effectiveness of training people, who try to fulfill the normatives of RLD complex, as one of the criteria of health indices improvement. The article reveals the conditions, which provide training activity improvement among schoolchildren, students and adults for taking part in competitions of a new RLD complex normatives fulfillment. Conclusion. The results of the pedagogical experiment showed the effectiveness of the training effectiveness increase methodology among students in order to solve the problems of health improvement by means of self-upbringing and self-realization. The materials of the held research work showed that students should be convinced of personal responsibility for own health state, phenotypic status, level of mental and physical working capacity. This problem solution demands creative approach to Physical culture lessons organization and realization, nonstandard approaches to students’ motor activity intensification use.

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-3-112-120
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Текст научной работы на тему «Conceptual approach to organization and training students for a new rld complex normatives fulfillment»

DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-3-112-120


Klyuchnikova S.N.1, Kodolova F.M.1, Ushnikov A.I.1

1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I.N. Ulyanov", Russia, Ulyanovsk, klucnik67@mail.ru, _ faina.kodolova@yandex. ru

Annotation. Considerable health indices decrease among all groups and categories of population, conditioned by several factors, among which one of the leading places takes insufficient volume of motor activity, caused the necessity to search for effective ways of this problem solution. In this connection it was reasonable to introduce a new RLD (ready for labor and defense) complex as a program and normative base for state physical upbringing system. Research methods: scientific-methodical literature analysis and summarizing, pedagogical experiment, testing, statistical data handling. Materials. Considerable changes in state reorganization, caused by political, social-economic, cultural-educational situation, demand a new conception creation of physical upbringing system organization in its all parts: comprehensive school, higher educational establishments, industrial and agricultural enterprises and complexes and etc. It will provide readiness of different age people to fulfill the norms of a new RLD complex. Results. The article offers created by the author conceptual substantiation of ideological-political and social-economic importance of the introduced RLD complex for health indices improvement among population. The offered conceptual approach provides a new RLD complex perception as the leading structural component of health forming activity, presented by a range of corresponding elements, the realization of which will help to increase the effectiveness of training people, who try to fulfill the normatives of RLD complex, as one of the criteria of health indices improvement. The article reveals the conditions, which provide training activity improvement among schoolchildren, students and adults for taking part in competitions of a new RLD complex normatives fulfillment. Conclusion. The results of the pedagogical experiment showed the effectiveness of the training effectiveness increase methodology among students in order to solve the problems of health improvement by means of self-upbringing and self-realization. The materials of the held research work showed that students should be convinced of personal responsibility for own health state, phenotypic status, level of mental and physical working capacity. This problem solution demands creative approach to Physical culture lessons organization and realization, nonstandard approaches to students' motor activity intensification use.

Keywords: RLD complex, conceptual approach, need for physical exercises, methodology, pedagogical experiment.

For citations: Klyuchnikova S.N., Kodolova F.M., Ushnikov A.I. Conceptual approach to organization and training students for a new RLD complex normatives fulfillment. The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport (Pedagogical-Psychological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports). 2018; 13(3): 87-92. DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-133-112-120.


The state program of the Russian Federation health system development during the period till 2020 is aimed at diseases prevention and a healthy life style formation, which helps to reorient from diseases cure to

their prevention and health preservation. National projects "Education" and "Public health" as the main directions of work determined the following:

- the effectiveness of educational and preventive activity increase, which conditions

the necessity realization to improve health culture, its dependence on a life style, volume of motor activity, phenotypic status improvement;

- physical-health-improving and sports-mass work organization at all types of educational and scientific- research establishments, industrial and agricultural enterprises and complexes, provide an optimal volume of muscular activity, physical readiness indices increase, the skills formation of special exercises independent fulfillment for motor-coordinating, moral-volitional, spiritual-moral, intellectual qualities, functional state self-control skills development.

The research results, held by N.V. Vasileva, 2012, L.D. Nazarenko, 2001, 2003, 2011, 2014, 2015 and others, showed that Physical culture teachers and students of different higher educational establishments don't have necessary information about the mechanisms of Physical culture means (used during the lessons) influence; the effectiveness of teaching and training methods; they depend on the conditions of their use and the ways of a steady need formation for a systematic use of physical exercises; about the influence sports life style on mental and physical working capacity. This is the main reason of health state worsening among all groups and categories of population in the country. Introduced since 2016 new RLD complex is aimed at the situation change, which is to solve the problem of Physical culture introduction into lives of people beginning from pre-school till median and advanced age.

The aim of this research work is theoretical and conceptual substantiation of ideological-political and social-economic importance of RLD complex as a programnormative base of physical upbringing state system in order to improve health indices among population.


1. To create the conception of physical-health-improving and sports-mass work effectiveness increase in accordance with the introduced RLD complex.

2. To reveal the conditions, which determine the effectiveness of activity concerning a new RLD complex introduction into lives of people. Check the expediency of their realization during the pedagogical experiment.


A new RLD complex introduction is connected with the difficult psychological-pedagogical and spiritual-moral problem solution, which is conditioned by considerable changes in political, social-economic, cultural-educational structure of society. As a result of state reorganization at the end of the XX century the level of life considerably decreased; there was a scale merge of Moscow and Saint-Petersburg, where goes a great stream of manpower from small, average towns and countryside. A new form of labor activity (rotation method) formed a lot of mobile groups of young and median age workers and employees. Considerable structural changes happened among students. Together with state higher educational establishments there appeared a lot of commercial higher educational establishments. It conditioned quick amount increase of students. Considerable part of students has to combine study and work. These sociocultural conditions demand searching for new forms of work concerning RLD complex introduction into life of people. The strategy of RLD complex introduction as an organic part of a healthy life style considers it as the leading structural component of health protecting activity, the content of RLD complex includes the following elements:

- positive experience of physical-health-improving and sports-mass work organization analysis and summarizing; it is connected with training for normatives of RLD complex fulfillment; it was introduced in 1931-1934; its best achievements use;

- searching for effective ways of RLD complex content improvement in accordance with ideological-political, social-economic and cultural-educational situation change in the country;

- creating new forms of training for RLD complex normatives fulfillment, which provide a personality's axiological orientations formation;

- revealing methodical techniques of physical exercises use. They provide emotional influence increase and psycho-emotional state improvement;

- Physical culture lessons orientation to sense of satisfaction formation after muscular activity.

It is reasonable to consider these elements realization as one of the conceptual approaches to the content of physical-health improving and sports-mass work renewal. It provides the need for an active life style formation - the base of health improvement. The main aim of a new RLD complex introduction - an optimal volume of motor activity provision, as the base of health strengthening and preservation, special attention is paid to activity organization, which provides the necessity realization of personal self-improvement, without which spiritual-moral, intellectual and physical development, healthy life style are impossible [ 2, 3, 4, 5].

The importance of the offered conception is in the fact that health is considered as the result of own specially organized, deeply realized activity. This underlines social importance of a new RLD complex introduction as an effective way of kinesiological potential control during personality-oriented, corresponding with the demands, interests and needs of an individual physical-health improving and sport-mass work. It is directed toward training for RLD complex normatives fulfillment.

The need formation for own health strengthening and preservation is a difficult process. It provides the following structural elements: teachers' competence at a higher educational establishment, functional state diagnostics, material and technical base with medical-methodical support. A new RLD complex determines an individual's responsibility for his health state as a natural potential for self-realization. It is reasonable to consider health not only as a result of

education and upbringing, but also self-education and self-upbringing at a definite stage of life. Children, teen-agers, young people define their attitude to health as to something given for the unlimited time period and disease as a transient phenomenon, which can be cured. It conditions the necessity to set the dependence of intellectual and physical working capacity on the level of muscular power, endurance, quickness, dexterity, flexibility and other motor-coordinating qualities development toward these qualities RLD complex normatives are directed.

Physiological mechanism of physical exercises influences on an organism revelation, own role realization in an optimal functional state preservation and support are the main conditions of RLD complex importance realization. RLD complex a prospective direction of self-development and self-realization. Scientific and scientific-methodical literature analysis, own experience of pedagogical activity proves the necessity to form satisfaction with the process of training for RLD complex normatives fulfillment, a positive psycho-emotional atmosphere, situation of success creation for each person, who trains; creative motor tasks use, which provide beauty of a healthy body understanding, revealed during different motor actions fulfillment [6, 8, 10].

Training for RLD complex norms and their fulfillment should provide not only mastering corresponding theoretical knowledge. It provides also motor-coordinating qualities formation, the level of physical readiness indices improvement and health strengthening. Successful RLD normatives fulfillment demands not only motor, but also general culture improvement, potential of self-cognition development, self-improvement. These qualities are realized during an individual's motivation to effectiveness of the future professional activity increase [5, 7, 9].


In order to check these pedagogical conditions of activity effectiveness increase, concerning new RLD complex introduction, a

pedagogical experiment was held. 41 students of natural-geographic faculty of Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov took part in the experiment. Two groups were organized: control group (CG) -20 people, experimental group (EG) - 21 people. Before the pedagogical experiment a test was held in order to define the initial level of physical readiness. The basic control exercises were used. They form the base of training for RLD complex normatives fulfillment: 100 meters running (seconds), 1000 meters cross (minutes); standing longjump (cm), dip up in prone position (quantity); legs lifting till touching the floor over the head from prone position (quantity). Research results handling didn't reveal considerable differences according to physical readiness level among students from the CG and EG, (p>0,05).

Also the level of creative skills was determined. It concerned the complex of morning exercises creation and its collective (synchronous) fulfillment. The evaluation was held by the leading teachers-specialists in Physical culture according to 5 point system. The following things were estimated: a rational succession of physical exercises, expressiveness of movements (freedom and easiness of motor actions, amplitude, static and dynamic posture, aesthetic qualities of poses, gestures, mimicry).

Evaluation criteria:

5 points - exercises are chosen correctly, starting from shoulder girdle load, directed toward rational breathing, posture formation, big muscle groups strengthening. Coordinated fulfillment of the exercises complex with clear motor rhythm, an optimal amplitude, well-formed static and dynamic posture;

4 points - insignificant constrained movements;

3 points - insufficient coordination of movements;

2 points - the sequence of exercises violation, the absence of the integral motor rhythm, no expressiveness;

1 point - incoordination of motor actions, non-aesthetic exercises fulfillment, insufficient amplitude of movements.

This task analysis didn't reveal considerable differences according to the degree of the complex of morning exercises creation and its synchronous, expressive fulfillment among CG and EG students, (p>0,05). Physical culture lessons in the CG were held according to the traditional methodology. They are held in accordance with the program, recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In the EG created by us methodology was used. It included the system of knowledge formation about RLD complex. RLD complex is program-normative base of physical upbringing state system, its importance in health improvement, phenotypic status improvement, general and motor culture formation; the system of pedagogical conditions, provide activity effectiveness increase. It concerns a new RLD complex introduction into students' lives. The leading conditions were the following:

- explaining physiological mechanism of physical exercises influence on an organism; the role of an optimal volume of motor activity realization for a normal functioning of physiological systems, high level of mental and physical working capacity preservation;

- the sense of satisfaction formation with the content of Physical culture lessons, directed toward RLD complex normatives fulfillment;

- positive psycho-emotional state at the lessons creation, situation of success creation during motor tasks mastering and fulfillment;

- creative motor tasks application, which provide aesthetic potential of physical exercises revelation;

- the skills formation of the morning exercises complex, dynamic pause creation; scenario of physical culture holiday creation for own educational group.

After the pedagogical experiment one more test of physical readiness indices was held, using the same control exercises. The

research results analysis showed that the indices improvement was in both groups: CG and EG, with evident predominance of EG students. In 100 meters running in the CG with the initial results15,22±0,98 sec, to the end of the pedagogical experiment indices improved and were 15,14±1,08 sec, (p>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 14,53±0,78 sec the increase was more considerable -14,59± 0,55 sec, (p>0,05). In 1000 meters cross in the CG with the initial results 5,32±0,81 min, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the indices improved and were 5,19±0,45 min, (p>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 5,35±0,38 min, indices improved and were 4,77± 0,25 min, (p<0,05). With the initial results in standing long-jump in the CG 210,7±14,3 cm, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the indices were 212,3±16,5 cm(p>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 211,1±14,9 cm the results increased till 230,4±15,2 cm, (p<0,05). The same tendency of more considerable results improvement in the EG was revealed according to other control exercises.

Differences were also revealed in the CG and the EG while estimating the degree of creative skills formation, concerning complexes of morning exercises formation and their synchronous, aesthetic fulfillment. With the initial mark of the studied index in the CG 2,67±0,21 points, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the results increased and were 2,81±0,27 points, (p>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 2,59±0,22 points, the results increased and were 4,07±0,31 points, (p<0,05).


Thus, the results of the pedagogical experiment showed that a new RLD complex introduction is connected with new conceptual approaches creation. It provides considerable Physical culture teachers' competence increase; it increases theoretical and methodical readiness of students; the conditions of a successful training for complex normatives fulfillment revelation, their realization during physical upbringing educational and extracurricular activity.


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Klyuchnikova S.N. - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I.N. Ulyanov", Russia,432700, Ulyanovsk, the 100 Anniversary of V.I. Lenin's Birth Square, House 4, e-mail: klucnik67@mail.ru

Kodolova F.M - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I.N. Ulyanov", Russia,432700, Ulyanovsk, the 100 Anniversary of V.I. Lenin's Birth Square, House 4, e-mail: faina.kodolova@yandex.ru

Ushnikov A.I. - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I.N. Ulyanov", Russia,432700, Ulyanovsk, the 100 Anniversary of V.I. Lenin's Birth Square, House 4

DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-3-120-127


Kochurova L.A.1, Bystrova O.L.1, Shinkarenko O.V.2

1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I.N. Ulyanov" Russia, Ulyanovsk, 2Samara Technical University, Russia, Samara, koch-sava@mail.ru, leons66@mail.ru, hoholava@mail.ru

Annotation. The problem of students involvement into systematic physical exercises is one of the most urgent problems. In spite of its urgency realization nothing has changed in the practice of special secondary and higher education organization and in the approaches to physical upbringing lessons among students realization, that is why present research work is also very urgent. Materials. The article offers scientifically substantiated approach of a wider physical culture and sport means use for intellectual, spiritual-moral development and also for physical readiness indices increase. Research methods: scientific and special pedagogical literature analysis, progressive pedagogical experience summarizing, pedagogical experiment, testing, conversations,

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