Библиографический список
1. Щепилова Г Г Реклама в СМИ: история, технологии, классификация. Москва: Издательство Московского государственного университета, 2010.
2. Серго А.Г Основы права интеллектуальной собственности для ИТ-специалистов. Москва: Национальный Открытый Университет «ИНТУИТ», 2016.
3. Шарков Ф.И. Разработка и технологии производства рекламного продукта. Москва: Дашков и К, 2011.
4. Москвин В.П. Теоретические основы стилистики: монография. Москва: ФЛИНТА, 2023.
5. Рыжкова-Гришина Л.В. Художественные средства. Изобразительно-выразительные средства языка и стилистические фигуры речи: словарь. Москва: ФЛИНТА, 2020.
6. Хазагеров ГГ. Убеждающая речь: учебное пособие. Ростов-на-Дону: Издательство ЮФУ, 2010.
7. Шутан М.И. Старшеклассникам о культуре речи: учебное пособие. Москва: Прометей, 2019.
8. Чечет РГ Культура речи: учебное пособие. Минск: РИПО, 2019.
9. Гуревич В.В. English stylistics. Стилистика английского языка: учебное пособие. Москва: ФЛИНТА, 2019.
10. Зенкин И.В. Самоучитель по ораторскому искусству. Москва: Международные отношения, 2022.
1. Schepilova G.G. Reklama v SMI: istoriya, tehnologii, klassifikaciya. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2010.
2. Sergo A.G. Osnovy prava intellekíual'nojsobstvennostidlya IT-specialistov. Moskva: Nacional'nyj Otkrytyj Universitet «INTUIT», 2016.
3. Sharkov F.I. Razrabotka i tehnologiiproizvodstva reklamnogo produkta. Moskva: Dashkov i K, 2011.
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6. Hazagerov G.G. Ubezhdayuschaya rech': uchebnoe posobie. Rostov-na-Donu: Izdatel'stvo YuFU, 2010.
7. Shutan M.I. Starsheklassnikamo kul'turerechi: uchebnoe posobie. Moskva: Prometej, 2019.
8. Chechet R.G. Kul'tura rechi: uchebnoe posobie. Minsk: RIPO, 2019.
9. Gurevich V.V. English stylistics. Stilistika anglijskogo yazyka: uchebnoe posobie. Moskva: FLINTA, 2019.
10. Zenkin I.V. Samouchitel'pooratorskomuiskusstvu. Moskva: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 2022.
Статья поступила в редакцию 05.09.24
УДК 81'44
Tarasova K.E., teaching assistant, Sevastopol State University (Sevastopol, Russia), E-mail: tarasova.kira@gmail.com
CONCEPTS "BRITISH" AND "SCOTTISH" WITHIN INDIVIDUAL COGNITIVE FIELD OF ALLAN LITTLE. The raise of self-consciousness and strivings for self-determination of different ethno-cultural groups have led to the increased interest of the ethnicity and ethnic conflicts studies. The article aims at representing the confrontation of the concepts "being British" and "being Scottish" that are formed within an individual cognitive field, that in its turn is a fragment of a bigger world view of the people of the United Kingdom namely the Scottish. Scotland has overcome through different historic transformations and was strongly influenced by the process of the Anglicization after the 1707 and now after the devolution Scotland is restoring its ethnic peculiarities namely cultural and linguistic. These and other events contributes to the existence of dual identity and the opposition between ethnic identification. The confrontation between the representations of being British and being Scottish leads to a controversial issue on what base should the identity be constructed taking into account complex relations between England and Scotland during the centuries.
Key words: concept, conceptualization, concept analysis, individual cognitive field, Britishness, Scottishness
К.Э. Тарасова, преп., Севастопольский государственный университет, г. Севастополь, E-mail: tarasova.kira@gmail.com
Рост самосознания и стремления к самоидентификации различных этнических групп способствовала повышению интереса к изучению вопросов этичности и этнических конфликтов. Целью данной статьи является представить противопоставление концептов «being British» и «being Scottish», формирующихся в рамках индивидуального когнитивного поля, которое в свою очередь является фрагментов более большой картины мира, представляющей миропонимание людей, проживающих в Великобритании, а именно - шотландцев. В ходе истории Шотландия претерпела множество изменений и была сильно подвержена процессу англицизации после 1707 года, а сейчас, после революции, Шотландия возрождает своими этнические особенности (культурные и языковые). Эти и другие события способствовали становлению ситуации двойственной идентичности, что приводит к конфронтации при идентификации по этническим признакам. Это противопоставление - представление о том, что значит быть британцем, и что значит быть шотландцем, приводит к неоднозначному вопросу, на чем должна основываться идентичность, учитывая непростые отношения, складывающиеся на протяжении веков, между Англией и Шотландией.
Ключевые слова: концепт, концептуализация, концептуальный анализ, индивидуальное когнитивное поле, Britishness, Scottishness
A modern world is characterized by the globalization process that is biased with the integration of economics, politics, culture and religion. In this framework such phenomenon as multiculturalism has appeared. In the current reality different ethno-cultural communities either establish positive dialogue or start to conflict. We can currently observe the tendency to express a national identity in a number of countries, and some autonomous community that are constituent units of the countries, which seek their national, economic, political and even cultural and historical independence. Nevertheless, bigger ethnic groups or central governments provide policies of unionism, egalitarianism and collectivism aimed at forming one national identity that is shared by all members of the community. These processes can be followed by social and ethno-cultural conflicts that are widely represented in scientific articles and mass media.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of four nations of four originally independent countries England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland, each of which has its own history, language, culture, territory and which were in confrontation with each other in certain periods of time. The shared by all four nations British identity was formed through centuries started with the Act of Union of 1707 between England, Wales and Scotland and joining Ireland to Great Britain forming the United Kingdom in 1801 [1, p. 2-3]. However, the historic, cultural, linguistic, political and other differentiating characteristics and the raise of the self-determination of four unique nations were one of the reasons that led to the devolution structures in Wales,
Ireland and Scotland in 1999 despite the fact that central government, namely the English one due to the dominance and control of England over other three countries, created a shared British identity based mainly on political and economic motives rather than in respect of cultural and linguistic diversity.
Speaking about national identification, K. Fox in her study "Watching the English" focuses more on the concept of Englishness rather than Britishness due to some principles that she has determined. One of these factors lies in the fact that England as a nation obtains its distinctive cultural characteristics, "whereas Britain is a purely political construct, composed of several nations with their own distinctive cultures" [2, p. 30]. Moreover, one should mention that English, Welsh, Irish and Scottish cultures are not identical and should not be treated all alike shaping the concept of Brit-ishness which "is nearly always really mean 'Englishness'" [2, p. 30].
The current interest in the problem lies in the fact that the Scots have been seeking independence throughout Scotland existence. It is worth mentioning that Scotland was an independent country from 843 to 1707, and this fact is not only a part of Scottish history, but an important part of Scottish mentality and worldview. Moreover, the current state of Scotland and the possibility of new referendum for independence increase the interest to analyze the concept of a Scottishness in scientific articles and mass media that can lead to a better understanding of the Scots' mentality and world perception. Besides that in intercultural communication the knowledge of the analyzed concepts will facilitate a dialogue providing better understanding of the essence of a
current confrontation between British and Scottish identity and the reasons of dual identity shared by people of Scotland.
The relevance of the research consists in studding the fragment of the conceptual world view that represents the Scots' understanding and interpretation of the dual national identity issue rotted in the complex relations between England and Scotland.
The aim of the article is the representation of the changes of the national identity of people in Scotland and paying attention to the opposition between "being British" and "being Scottish" through the concept analysis created an individual cognitive field of Allan Little as a fragment of a greater cognitive field of the Scottish representing the issue of ethnic self-identification. The main objective of the research is to depict a fragment of the cognitive representation that concerns the issue of the ethnic identification in the course of the confrontation between two identities. The scientific novelty of research lies in the implementation of cognitive linguistic methods to the ethnicity and ethnic conflicts studding that have been investigated mainly in the field of Political Science, Sociology, Conflict Resolution and Peace and Conflict Studies that helps to broaden and make detailed the ethnic conflict understanding through the representation of the conceptual and linguistic world view of a certain ethnic group. The theoretical value and the practical significance of the study consist in the contribution to the investigation of the ethnic conflict within Cognitive Linguistics and Conflict Studies by studding the linguistic base depicting the cognitive field of a representative of an ethnic group. The analysis is carried on the basis of two articles written by Allan Little: "Scotland's Decision" [3] published in 2014 and "Scotland and Britain 'cannot be mistaken for each other"' [4] published in 2018 as a response to the survey of 1025 Scotsmen carried out by YouGov, international research and data analytics company, for BBC.
A.D. Smith, British historical sociologist, speaks of two types of assertion of one's own identity: 1. indisputable (refers to communities whose cultures have not been strongly influenced by other cultures, and which have not experienced major migration processes); 2. mythical (refers to communities that assert the uniqueness of their identity by referring to common ancestors, myths, written monuments, etc.) [5, p. 2]. According to this and the above mentioned information about Scotland, we could conclude that the Scots mainly identify themselves on a mythical basis returning to historical roots such as cultural traditions, way of life and native languages.
In modern linguistic research, cognitive-discursive linguistics is given special attention, since it is based "on the understanding of language as the main means of expressing knowledge about the world" [6, c. 6]. A human being perceives the world around him or her creating a system of knowledge that consists of concepts - abstract units that a human being operates in a thinking process. There is a number of approaches defining the term "concept": 1) a unit of mental and psychological resources of human conscious and a unit of the information structure that depicts human knowledge and experience [7, c. 3-12]; 2) something in form of culture that becomes a part of a mental world of a human being [8, c. 40]; 3) an object of an ideal world that has a name and is indicated by a set of sematic data and depicts a cultural representation of the reality [9, c. 23]. Concept is regarded as the form of knowledge representation about the world from the point of view of cognitive semantics. N. Boldyirev defines conceptualization as a mental design of objects and phenomena that leads to the formation of certain representations about the world in the form of concept [10, c. 37]. The concepts studied in the article represent an individual cognitive domain, structured in a certain way body of knowledge and representations which the human being possesses [11, c. 91]. An individual cognitive domain is a part of national and linguistic world image that is able to depict a historically established in the nation conscious and reflected in the language set of world representations, a certain way of world perception; uniform behavior of the nation in the stereotyped situations, in common nation representations about the world, in statements, judgements about the reality. A world image stores and fixes all knowledge and representation of the ethno-cultural community about the world around them. The study of world conceptualization and formation world image through the concepts is applied to the translation studies and intercultural communication studies.
Articles "Scotland's Decision" [3] and "Scotland and Britain 'cannot be mistaken for each other"' [4] by Allan Little are worth considering for several reasons. The first reason lies in the fact that Little is a native of Scotland. According to him, he grew up in the community which believed in "Britishness", shared memory, but at the same time he was bread in that time when the tendency towards independence began to emerge. Little was working as a BBC reporter on the territory of the Great Britain and abroad for the last thirty years. He made reports on devolution and led the BBC's coverage of the Scottish independence referendum. He is knowledgeable in history and politics, covers important events that happened in Scotland and is interested in the prosperity of Scotland. Thereby his point of view on the conflict between Great Britain and Scotland and therefore on the confrontation of British and Scottish can be considered worth of consideration because of the authority. The second reason is found in the content of the articles. Having returned to his motherland, Allan Little now observes changes in the national consciousness of the Scots: most of them do not identify themselves with the notion of "Britishness" and seek self-identity using more the notion "Scottish". These changes are depicted in the mentioned articles through the retrospective viewpoint and modern viewpoint of the Scots on their identity.
In the English language dictionary, the term "Britishness" determines as a sense of being British that is to be one of those who live in the United Kingdom and who possesses qualities that are common for British people [12]. The word "Scottishness" in its turn reflects the fact of being Scottish and the qualities relating to this state [12]. Taking
into account the fact that Great Britain consists of four nations it is difficult to depict their common characteristics and, moreover, to be British seems more to be English, as the concept of Britishness was formed mainly on the basis of English values, language, culture and dominance of England in other spheres of life with some integrations of Welsh, Irish and Scottish features. It can be supposed that the center of the cognitive field "BRITISHNESS" is represented by concept "being English", while such concepts as "being Welsh", "being Irish" and "being Scottish" are at the periphery.
People in the United Kingdom can identify themselves as: English, Welsh, Irish or Scottish; British; British and English, Welsh, Irish or Scottish (the dual national identity). As for the Scotland due to the Census 2011, sixty-two per cent of the population identify themselves as 'Scottish only', twenty-five per cent - as 'British and Scottish identity only' and eight per cent - as 'British only'. It is worth noting that mainly elder generation (the 50 to 64 age group) that grew up before the devolution refers themselves to the British identity [13].
In the analyzed articles Allan Little draws attention to the concept "the dual national identity" that contains two conflicting sources of "being British" and "being Scottish". This concept is expressed through other concepts which characterize them and stand in opposition: "shared memory", "socio-economic bedrocks of a shared Britishness" concepts are opposed to "a distinctly Scottish political space", "independence" creating the conflict situation.
At the turn of the twentieth century in the times of the British Empire the population of Scotland considered themselves as being "British" and shared a common social trajectory of that reality. For example, the then existing commercial system of "Imperial Preference" provided good trading opportunities. When the Empire became the "Commonwealth", people began to rely not only on the economic and trading relations ("socio-economic bedrocks of a shared Britishness"), but also on "shared memory", memory, values and feeling of belonging. This is compared with a community not of real economic might but on common values, fellow feeling - in general, "a community of sentiment, powerful sentiment maybe, but of sentiment nonetheless" [3]. The use of the word "bedrock' ("socio-economic bedrocks of a shared Britishness") is worth mentioning. Due to the Cambridge dictionary the word bedrock has the following meanings: 1) solid rock underlying loose deposits such as soil or alluvium; 2) the fundamental principles on which something is based. "Bedrock" can be interpreted metaphorically in the first direct meaning and in figurative sense referring to the second meaning. Nevertheless, this word characterizes solid and inviolable relations strengthened by common labour for the benefit of the state. Thus, the concept "British" stayed the main one in the world image in those times. However, the establishment of the Scottish National Party ("the SNP") in 1934 inaugurated the stage of the identity awareness and tendency for independence of Scotland ("Scottish", "distinct Scottish demos", "a distinctly Scottish political space", "We Scots", "Scotland Free by 73"). Since that time a social conflict in Scotland has become more evident. All that ideas of commonality of interest, shared memory and history which existed up to the postwar period and hid behind the concept "Britishness" in the articles have begun to recede in memory.
According to Allan Little's opinion, the government of Scotland persists in the exit from Great Britain, and the ideas about Scottish independence occur with increasingly frequency, so that it becomes a key point of a Scottish policy ("mainstream ambition").
In the article "Scotland's Decision" Little provides an image of "Rip Van Winkle", the eponymous character of the short story written by the American writer Washington Irving: if Rip Van Winkle awoke from a twenty years sleep which started on the eve of the Scottish referendum in March 1979, he would see completely different modern social, economic and political reality. All those things were considered as "British" in modern Scotland has begun gradually to disappear and blur. In the late 20th century the Scottish Parliament due to the Scotland Act 1998 gained authority during the process of devolution and along with this the Scots have become aware of the notion "Scottish". Nevertheless, one can observe in Scotland at the present moment that the phenomenon, which Little calls "the dual national identity": Scottish population identifies themselves either with the notion "British" or "Scottish". However, according to the recent survey of the Scotsmen there is a tendency to identify themselves as "strongly Scottish". In spite of social conflicts existing now in the Scottish reality, Allan Little believes that there are still a lot of factors which symbolize the concept of "Britishness". In the analyzed articles his opinion is confirmed by multiple repetitions of the concept "shared memory", which underlines the importance of common shared history, unity and interests.
Summarizing the concept analysis it may be stated the following. The concepts analyzed through the represented historical events, that influenced on the perception and interpretation of the developed situation, create Allan Little's individual cognitive field reflecting a certain world image of Scotland, which reveals two contradictory tendencies ("British", "shared memory" against "Scottish", "independence") leading to a present social conflict situation and, as a consequence, to the dual national identity of the Scots. One should mention that analyzed concepts reflect Little's individual cognitive sphere, but they are also a part of national and linguistic world images and represent cultural and national aspects of the world view of the Scottish people. Thus, the concepts "BRITISH" and "SCOTTISH", mainly based on such terms as Britishness and Scottishness, represents a fragment of the conceptual world view of the Scots, and the lexical means describing this cognitive field contributes to the design of the linguistic world view. The name "Rip Van Winkle" is of a particular interest as this meta-phoric allusion to the W. Irving's short story draws a dramatic change in the worldview of the Scots and points out the confrontation between two identities, one of which
(the Scottish one) comes back to the mythical base for their ethnical identification. Thus, Britishness seems more civic or political than ethnic or cultural construct while Scottishness represents the origins of Scottish mindset and stereotypes. A concept analysis provides a better understanding of the reality by another cultural community
Библиографический список
and may be a keystone of a successful intercultural communication and facilitates an interpreting, especially revealing some implicit meanings and broadening our outlook. The results of this research can contribute to a more detailed investigation of the ethnic conflict between the Englishmen and the Scots.
1. Oakland J. British Civilization. An introduction. London: Routledge, 2002.
2. Fox K. Watching the English: The Hidden Rules of English Behaviour. Hodder & Stoughton. 2014. Available at: file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/Watching%20the%20English%20 the%20Hidden%20Rules%20of%20English%20Behaviour.pdf
3. Little A. Scotland's Decision. BBC. 2014. Available at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/special/2014/newsspec_8699/index.html
4. Little A. Scotland and Britain 'cannot be mistaken for each other'. BBC. 2018. Available at: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-44361867
5. Smith A.D. The Ethnic Origins of Nations. Blackwell Publishing, 1988.
6. Манерко Л.А., Проконичев ПИ., Устинова Д.В. Мир англо-шотландской баллады как отражение языка, культуры и перевода: учебное пособие. Москва: Р Валент, 2022.
7. Кубрякова Е.С. Семантика в когнитивной лингвистике. Известия академии наук. Серия литературы и языка. 1999: № 58: 3-12.
8. Степанов Ю.С. Константы: Словарь русской культуры. Москва: Языки русской культуры, 1997.
9. Вережбицкая А. Семантические универсалии и описание языков. Москва: Языки русской культуры, 1999.
10. Болдырев Н.Н. Когнитивная семантика. Введение в когнитивную лингвистику: курс лекций. Тамбов, 2014.
11. Гудков Д.Б. Теория и практика межкультурной коммуникации. Москва: ИТДПК «Пнозис», 2003.
12. Cambridge Dictionary. Available at: https://dictionary.cambridge.org
13. Brief Analysis of the 2011 Census Results. Available at: http://media.scotslanguage.com/library/document/SLC%20Analysis%20of%20Census%202011%20for%20Scots.pdf References
1. Oakland J. British Civilization. An introduction. London: Routledge, 2002.
2. Fox K. Watching the English: The Hidden Rules of English Behaviour. Hodder & Stoughton. 2014. Available at: file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/Watching%20the%20English%20 the%20Hidden%20Rules%20of%20English%20Behaviour.pdf
3. Little A. Scotland's Decision. BBC. 2014. Available at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/special/2014/newsspec_8699/index.html
4. Little A. Scotland and Britain 'cannot be mistaken for each other'. BBC. 2018. Available at: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-44361867
5. Smith A.D. The Ethnic Origins of Nations. Blackwell Publishing, 1988.
6. Manerko L.A., Prokonichev G.I., Ustinova D.V. Miranglo-shotlandskojballady kakotrazhenieyazyka, kul'tury iperevoda: uchebnoe posobie. Moskva: R. Valent, 2022.
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8. Stepanov Yu.S. Konstanty: Slovar' russkoj kul'tury. Moskva: Yazyki russkoj kul'tury, 1997.
9. Verezhbickaya A. Semanticheskie universalii i opisanie yazykov. Moskva: Yazyki russkoj kul'tury, 1999.
10. Boldyrev N.N. Kognitivnaya semantika. Vvedenie v kognitivnuyu lingvistiku: kurs lekcij. Tambov, 2014.
11. Gudkov D.B. Teoriya ipraktika mezhkul'turnojkommunikacii. Moskva: ITDGK «Gnozis», 2003.
12. Cambridge Dictionary. Available at: https://dictionary.cambridge.org
13. Brief Anaysis of the 2011 Census Results. Available at: http://media.scotslanguage.com/library/document/SLC%20Analysis%20of%20Census%202011%20for%20Scots.pdf
Статья поступила в редакцию 24.09.24
УДК 82.091
Tolkachev S.P., Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Department of Russian and Foreign Literature of the Translation Faculty, Moscow State Linguistic University
(Moscow, Russia), E-mail: stolkachov@yandex.ru
POSTCOLONIAL LONELINESS AS A LIFESTYLE (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE PROSE COLLECTION "UNACCUSTOMED EARTH" BY J. LAHIRI). The most important part of the life of migrants in today's world is a problem of loss of roots when forced to move from a country to another and their long, often rather difficult adaptation to new living conditions. The heroes of post-colonial works experience this migration in different ways: from a painful, sometimes torturous transformation of identity in the process of changing place of residence to an exciting self-discovery experiment. Postcolonial writers of Great Britain, India and the Caribbean countries paint a convincing picture of how migrants involuntarily destroy their well-established ideas about home, homeland and nationality, and thereby recreate the picture of the cosmopolitan status of the diaspora, primarily Indian, in the context of globalization.
Key words: postcolonial literature, hybridity, Jhumpa Lahiri, migration, ethnocultural identity
С.П. Толкачев, д-р филол. наук, проф., Московский государственный лингвистический университет, г. Москва, E-mail: stolkachov@yandex.ru
Важнейшей частью жизни мигрантов в современном мире является проблема утраты корней при вынужденном переезде из страны в страну, и их долгая, чаще всего трудная адаптация к новым условиям существования. Перои постколониальных произведений переживают этот опыт миграции по-разному: от болезненной, порой мучительной трансформации идентичности в процессе перемены места жительства до увлекательного эксперимента самопознания. Постколониальные писатели Великобритании, Индии стран Карибского бассейна рисуют убедительную картину того, как у мигрантов поневоле разрушаются устоявшиеся представления о доме, родине и национальной принадлежности, и тем самым воссоздают картину космополитического статуса диаспоры, прежде всего индийской, в условиях глобализации.
Ключевые слова: постколониальная литература, гибридность, Джумпа Лахири, миграция, этнокультурная идентичность
Современная американская писательница бенгальского происхождения, лауреат Пулитцеровской и других престижных премий Джумпа Лахири (род. 1967) - настоящее её имя Ниланьяна Судесна - в большинстве своих произведений затрагивает проблемы постколониального образа жизни человека, которому в силу различных обстоятельств приходится мигрировать из одной страны в другую. Родившись в Британии, Лахири долгое время проживала в Соединенных Штатах, но потом сменила место пребывания на Италию. Вся проза Лахири так или иначе отражает факты ее личной «биогеографии». Так, в одном из своих последних произведений - сборнике рассказов «На новой земле» ("Unaccustomed Earth") (2008) [1] - с особой остротой ставится проблема одиночества и бесприютности постколониального героя. Вторую часть книги, названную «Хема и Каушик», выделяет особая художественная выразительность и убедительность. Она посвящена двум главным героям и представляет собой
независимое повествование, состоящее из трех глав. Сюжет фокусируется на американце индийского происхождения по имени Каушик, который ощущает эмоциональные и физические неудобства везде, куда бы он ни отправился. Таким образом, это произведение становится ярким примером гибридного текста, раскрывающим мучительное состояние одиночества и неблагополучия главного героя как следствие утраты связей с семьей и родиной. Человек находится в непрерывном поиске своего места в мире, которое найти он не способен, поскольку в постколониальном пространстве проблема восстановления памяти о стабильности доколониального существования, поиска корней в культуре предков занимает главное место.
Актуальность данного исследования состоит в попытке проанализировать один из самых ярких образцов современной постколониальной литературы -сборник повестей Джумпы Лахири «На новой земле».