CONCEPT "MOTHERLAND" IN THE ENGLISH AND UZBEK LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Jalolova Feruza Normurodovna

Concept includes all the mental characteristics of a phenomenon and provides an understanding of reality. Ordered collection of concepts in the mind of a person forms his/her conceptual realm. Language is one of the means to access to the people’s mind, their conceptual realm, the content and structure of concepts as units of thinking. The article is devoted to the study and the analyze of concept of motherland in theEnglishand Uzbeklanguages in the field of cognitive linguistics.Their specific features are described and analyzed.

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Jalolova Feruza Normurodovna, National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulughbek, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

E-mail: missjalolova@mail.ru

Abstract. Concept includes all the mental characteristics of a phenomenon and provides an understanding of reality. Ordered collection of concepts in the mind of a person forms his/her conceptual realm. Language is one of the means to access to the people's mind, their conceptual realm, the content and structure of concepts as units of thinking. The article is devoted to the study and the analyze of concept of motherland in theEnglishand Uzbeklanguages in the field of cognitive linguistics.Their specific features are described and analyzed.

Key words: concept, cognitive linguistics, cognition, culture, world picture, motherland, nuclear, periphery.

Cognitive linguistics is a modern school of linguistic thought and practice. It is concerned with investigating the relationship between human language, the mind and socio-physical experience. It originally emerged in the 1970s and arose out of dissatisfaction with formal approaches to language which were dominant, at that time, in the disciplines of linguistics and philosophy.

Cognitive linguists seek to understand how semantics and syntax work together, and to understand the relationship between language and thinking. They also try to understand how language influences how people form concepts. Cognitive linguistics created the idea of mental spaces, which are conceptual packets created as people think and talk.

Thus the term "concept" is an umbrella term for several scientific directions: first of all, for cognitive psychology and cognitive linguistics, dealing with thinking and cognition, storing and transforming information, as well as for cultural linguistics, which is still defining and refining the boundaries of the theory formed by the postulates and basic categories. Language is necessary not for the formation of concepts but for the exchange of concepts and the discussion in the communication


process. Concepts exist in the real mentality of people, therefore, it is necessary to verbalize them for communication express them using language means. In language concept can be verbalized by separate words, phrases, sentences or the whole texts, this depends on the concept itself. The choice of verbal shape depends on the personal meaning, mental representation and the internal lexicon of the speaker, which are all interconnected among themselves. The notional component of the concept is stored in the mind in verbal form and can be just described or interpreted.

Concept is a mental structure that represents the knowledge of an individual about a particular segment of the world. Being a part of the world picture, the concept reflects the orientation of values of both the individual person and the entire linguistic community as a cognitive unit of meaning, a concept is an abstract idea or a mental symbol sometimes defined as a "unit of knowledge", built from other units which act as a concept's characteristic. A concept is typically associated with a corresponding representation in a language such as a single meaning of a term [1, 248].

Like most new scientific notions, "concept" was introduced with a certain degree of pathos and sometimes through a cognitive metaphor: it was called "a multidimensional cluster of sense", "a semantic slice of life" (Clark), "a gene of culture" (Talmy), "a certain potency of meaning" ( Ляпин), "a unit of memory", "a quantum of knowledge", "a germ of mental operations" and even "a misty something" (Аскольдов). Today, the term "concept" is widely used in various fields of linguistics. It has entered into the notional system of cognitive, semantic, and cultural linguistics. [3:89]

As well as the specific and general features of each language and culture, there are also specific and common aspects of English and Uzbek languages and culture. During the study of a particular national conceptual concept, it is necessary to study its similarities and differences. One of the main ways to study the national outlook is to analyse the structure of a particular concept. This technique helps us to draw conclusions about a specific concept in the nation's thinking. Below we will consider the features of motherland in English and Uzbek languages.

Motherland, a loaded term, usually refers to a mother country is the land of one's birth, residence or citizenship,a place of origin. In the English language this term also expresses with such words: old country, native land, fatherland, homeland, mother country, place of birth, country of origin, native country, native soil, home country, home town, nation, state, place of origin, God's country, birthplace, home, old world, terra firma, nation, cradle, government, kingdom, root, soilnative, soil, aboriginal while in Uzbek language: мамлакат, юрт, диёр, эл, она юрт, киндик цон тукилган жой, маскан, улка, шауар, давлат, улка, бошпана, уй, замин, цадрдон ер, турар жой, мулк. The motherland is associated with objects that bring about familiarity, comfort and a sense of belonging.

Motherland has its core as the original building block for the verb to be born, the nouns parents and relatives, the adjective native, and the concept of one's own, something integral to oneself. Motherland touches a point of fondest emotion in both


children and adults. We call our country motherland because we were born in her, because in her our native language is spoken, and everything in her is for, our own.

It is important to notice that the concept "Motherland" holds a specific place in the worldview of English and Uzbek peoples. Affection and love for the parental home to family and friends, to the inner circle is always essentially witness in both nations every field especially in their life style, art, literature. Any man that is acquainted with English and Uzbek cultures knows that concept "Motherland" in Uzbek lingua-culture much more considerable, than in English: there are words of motherland and fatherland in English, but they practically are never used by Englishmen in relation to the own motherland. Among Uzbek and English people the image of Motherland is represented with deep love, devotion and respect.

The semantic meaning of the concept of "motherland" in English and Uzbek languages has been defined in general terms. They are: "the place of birth, the country, the country of birth," "the territory of a certain people and its nature, its population, its unique culture, language, culture, life and traditions", "a place of something, such as the location of the plant".

Followings the main meanings of "motherland":

Motherland, it is always personal, personal perception of "heir demographic space reflects the following structure of knowledge: the place (and / or space). Value attitude, which is determined for the subject that is the birthplace and perception of themselves as part of micro and macrocosm and part of society, a place of awareness of their inner world and mastery of their native language. The subject experienced here and continues to be emotionally positive attitude to his native land, to their parents and consanguinity "roots", to close people, to the familiar childhood traditions to their native language;

We got acquainted with the interpretations of the language in various dictionaries and created the cognitive map of the "motherland" concept in Uzbek language:


Nuclear Periphery

Она юрт, диёр, киндик цен тукилган жой, маскан, улка, ша%ар, мамлакат, оила, давлат, улка, бошпана, уй,замин, цадрдон ер,турар жой, мулк, ота макон, ма%алла, цишлоц, ватан туйгуси, ватан тинчлиги, тугулмоц, ватан цадри, ватан согинчи, ватан тупроги, ватан ца%рамони,ватан фидоийси,ватан душмани, ватан хоини, ватан келажаги, она ватан,улуг ватан, улуг ватан уруши, ватандош, ватанжудолик, ватанфуруш, ватангадо, ватанга цайтмоц, ватанли булмоц, ватан цилмоц,ватанни тарк этмоц, ватанни асрамоц, ватанни %имояламоц, ватан учун курашмоц, ватанни севмоц, мустаццил ватан, ватандан гурурланмоц, ватан учун жон бермоц, ватан учун цурбон булмоц, ватан му%аббати, ватанни цумсамоц, ватанни англаш, Чегара, чаман, тупроц, улуг, хизмат, бойлик, бурч, муцаддас, садоцат, тинчлик, уруш, олтин бешик, му%аббат, вафо, тушаг, цуёш, уруг, поспон, цургон, жаннат, саждагоошё, бецавм, овул, уя, бута, курпа, Хиндистон, аждодлар, тарих, маданият, озод, мустацил, равнац, минтаца, шарц, му%ожир, буюк, халц, тарих, душман, хоин, хонадон, мерос, авлод, аждод, тинчлик, дунё, олам, алла, дуо, остона, аньана, цадрият, %имоя, посбон, олий неьмат, минтаца, пахта, олтин, обида, одат, тимсол, миллат, уруг, эркин, фаравон, мудофаа, жамият, истицлол, %уррият, аскар, садоцат, согинч, цадрдон

The map of the motherland concept in English language can be described as follows:

Nuclear Periphery

old country, native land, father-land,homeland, mother country,place of birth, country of origin, native country, native soil, home country, home town, nation, state,place of origin, God's country, birthplace, home, old world, terra firma, nation, cradle, government, kingdom, root, soilnative, soil, aboriginal, Land of Promise, house, compatriot, countryman, parricide, wanderer, refugee, patriot, patriotism, to born, place, national, flag, anthem, earth, government, kingdom, home sickness, great patriotic war, to protect motherland, to fight for homeland, to love country, to be proud of motherland, to die for homeland, to sacrifice for country, to flee the country, to leave the country, to keep homeland, to return to motherland, country enemy, parricide of country, beautiful, fascinating, great, hot, tropical, temperate, cold, foreign, overseas, strange, home, native, adopted, host, neighbouring, distant, far, far away, independent, occupied, free, enemy, friendly, neutral, non-aligned, Eastern, Western, english speaking, member, nonmember, developed, industrial, advanced, backward, low-income, poor, affluent, rich, capitalist, communist, democratic, socialist, oil-exporting, oil-producing, govern, rule, run, lead, divide, split, flee, leave, serve, love, betray, play for, represent, tour, travel, visit, border smth, export smth, import smth, agree smth, sign smth, country of origin, a part of country, the country as a whole, ancestors, history, culture, border, enemy, sacred, generation, peace, defense, world, earth, custom, society




The English language practically does not use the lexeme motherland in practice. Basically, they use the words home, house and country indeed. The following are examples of this: "Germans live in Germany, Romans live in Rome, Turkish live in Turkey, and Englishmen live at home", "home of Englishman - his fortress", "home is home, though it's never so lovely "," house is comfortable ".

Finalizing the general analysis, let's underline some of the key moments: When living in the linguistic community a man enriches his conceptual system not only thanks to the own experience but also thanks to the language in which there keeps social and historical experience as commonly human as national one. The last one defines specific peculiarities of the language at all its levels. It gives the worldviews some specific features, some national color, which is explained by the differences among the cultures and traditions of different peoples. Motherland associated with the native land as a nurse and poilitsey, and thus - with his mother ancestress. Hence the image of the mother country, dating back to the archetype of the matriarchs as the beginning and the source of all life, and as the end of life's journey -a return to the womb of damp earth.

This way, we come to the conclusion that in both languages there are present some similar and some different features which compose its national identity and at the same time this difference reflects an unique cultural nature in which they can grow and make their history.

Concept Motherland traditionally attribute to the number of universals, along with such base concepts as mother, family, freedom, love, faith, friendship, on the basis of that national cultural values are formed. However, the idea of motherland, being common to all mankind "universally" though extremely variant, possesses a national specific.

For Uzbek people open patriotism is characteristic, verbally expressed love to the motherland that is a national character trait. In both languages essence of motherland consists in devotion and love to homeland, people and willingness to protect it from enemies.


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