Научная статья на тему 'Concept and evaluation of innovative state of socio-economic systems'

Concept and evaluation of innovative state of socio-economic systems Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kotov Dmitry

The author proposed the concept of an innovative state of socio-economic systems. Based on the proposed concept developed innovative evaluation system of states of real socio-economic systems, including performance evaluations. Was evaluated an innovative state of the Russian Federation.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Concept and evaluation of innovative state of socio-economic systems»


УДК 65.0: 330.34.01 Dmitry Kotov

associate professor, PhD, State Education Institution of Higher Professional Education "Bashkir Academy of Civil Service and Management" under the jurisdiction of the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Tel.: (374) 2761407, E-mail: koroltay@mail.ru

The author proposed the concept of an innovative state of socio-economic systems. Based on the proposed concept developed innovative evaluation system of states of real socio-economic systems, including performance evaluations. Was evaluated an innovative state of the Russian Federation.

Keywords: innovative state of socio-economic system, vision, innovation development, national innovation system, performance evaluation of innovation, innovation development.

Дмитрий Валерьевич Котов

доцент, к.э.н., докторант кафедры Инвестиций и инноваций ГОУ ВПО Башкирская академия государственной службы и управления

при Президенте Республики Башкортостан. Тел./факс: (374) 2761407, Эл. почта: koroltay@mail.ru


Автором предложена концепция инновационного состояния социально-экономических систем. На основе предложенной концепции разработана система оценки инновационных состояний реальных социально-экономических систем включая показатели оценки. Проведена оценка инновационного состояния Российской Федерации.

Ключевые слова: инновационное состояние социально-экономической системы, концепция, инновационное развитие, национальная инновационная система, показатели оценки инновационного состояния, управление инновационным развитием.

1. Introduction

Maintenance of innovation systems of large socio-economic systems is the sphere of scientific research, where the activity of scientists is rather high at present. Intensification of economic processes, improvement of competition and scientific and technical progress constantly change the context for the development and application of managerial decisions. That's why an adequate reply of economic science must become here improved approaches to the management of the innovative development. In order to develop such approaches we need the perfection of theoretical foundation, the development of concepts to describe present and future economic situations, and the practical result must be the instruction for working out the decisions on innovative development management.

At present, a basic approach to the innovative development management is the creation and maintenance of the effective functioning of national innovation systems. The concept of innovation system was first introduced by K.Freeman in 1987[1]. The following system development of this concept is noticed at B. Lundvall and others. In "Oslo Manual" a definition is used: "a net of institutions in state and private sectors, which in the process of their interaction actuate, import and modify and spread new technologies''^]. In the process of developing the given direction of economic investigations we can suggest a different approach to the national economic system and its management. Within the framework of this approach, the existing approaches and concepts of innovative development management are not excluded, and on the contrary, they are complementary.

2. The concept of innovative state of socio-economic systems

Let's suppose that the present existing socio-economic systems are at a definite stage of their development. The extraction of the current state may become the basis for the elaboration of management mechanisms of the effective development of socioeconomic system in future. Let's introduce a concept of "a state of socio-economic system". The state of socio-economic system is a really existing at a definite period of time a complex of characteristic features, determining principals of functioning, managing and developing the socio-economic system. It is evident that there exists a multiplicity of states of socio-economic systems. And we can suppose that all of them are characterized by systems of activities and their concrete meanings in statics and dynamics, all of them have their own management systems, key resources and technologies, used for goods production. The states of socio-economic systems can be classified, the criteria of classification will be: framework of society, production principle, structural sources of development, stage of development cycle and other. It is possible to extract rather big number of typical states of socio-economic systems. But the most interesting for studying at the present moment of economic development is the so

Picture 1. Conceptual model scheme of innovation state of socio-economic system

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called innovation state. Innovation state of socio-economic system is the state where the scientific information principle of production is the main one, and innovations are considered as the main development source.

The introduction of the concept of "innovation state of socio-economic system" is the basic for the suggested author's conception - the conception of innovation state of socio-economic systems. The conceptual model scheme of the innovation state of socio-economic systems is given in picture 1.

Characteristic features and principles of the conception are as follows:

1) Innovation state of the socio-economic system is reference, ideal state for the maintenance of innovative development of socio-economic system.

2) A socio-economic system realizing scientific information principle of production and provision of services may be in the innovation state.

3) Spheres, maintaining innovation state, may be parts of a system, or the system may get necessary results from outside, from other socio-economic systems.

4) Innovation state is measurable.

5) Innovation state of a large complicated socio-economic system is determined by innovation states of forming it socio-economic subsystems.

6) Management of innovative development of socio-economic system and subsystems forming it is provided by control actions, the result of which is approximation real activities of system functioning to ideal.

3. Evaluation of innovative development of the socio-economic systems

Innovation state of real socio-economic system is rater difficult to define clearly. It is suggested introducing a system of indicators to estimate the innovation state of socio-economic system. As the objects of estimation, characterizing the extracted classification properties of spheres of socio-economic system, we suggest using sectors of innovation activity and investigations and elaborations, according to the methodology "Oslo Manual" [3]. And the system of indicators should be based on both the given manuals, and the basis of indicators the innovation activity, used by Russian Statistics of Russia.

It is suggested measuring "innova-tiveness" of states as socio-economic systems in different ways. They often measure innovation potential. One should

distinguish between innovation state of socio-economic system and innovation potential. Innovation potential of a state is the prime indicator of innovation activity planning within the state. A detailed investigation of the given economic concept, as well as its quantitative evaluation on the basis of the statistical data allowed M. Porter to suggest an actively used abroad measuring instrument (coefficient "innovation potential of a state", dimensionless scale) [4]. However, such a measuring instrument doesn't give a possibility of a detailed comparison between the existing state of things in the innovation sphere and desirable. Besides that, the innovation potential, reduced to uniform coefficient, doesn't allow to extract disadvantages of the existing innovation system. Similar indicators for the innovation potential assessment are suggested by the famous organization "Boston Consulting Group" [5]. In Russia the investigation of innovative development is carried out by many scientists, among the advanced opinions the criteria of economic state innovativeness, expressed by qualitative indicators are named [6]. However, quantitative indicators are not introduced in the suggested criteria that make the estimation and practical application

of the suggested criteria more complicated. Whereas the use of a set of separate statistical data, without qualitative estimation, doesn't allow to extract the most complicated and important directions for strategic management. In order to estimate the development level of innovative systems in regions, centre "Centre of strategic elaborations "North-East"" suggests innovativeness index usage. Innovativeness index comprises the estimation of human resources, creation of new knowledge, transfer and application of new knowledge, introduction of new production on the market [7]. This index doesn't consider quality state of the researched objects and slightly touches upon the development of innovative infrastructure. Its application for the development management is complicated because of lack of the record keeping of the desired indicators values.

Among a great number of indicators used by Russian Statistics for evaluation of the whole system of innovative activity, many indicators stand out such as indicators of research and development, level of innovative activity of companies and organizations and many others. The most difficult from the accumulation and evaluation point of view is the indicator of

Table 1. Indicators system of innovative state evaluation of socio-economic systems (national level - state)

N Code number Indicator name Measuring instrument Source of criterion value (reference) in the modern context

1 Hl Share of internal expenses for research and development in GDP (gross domestic product) percent Criterion value is taken upon the recommendation of Lisbon strategy of EC countries [8]

2 H2 Number of granted patents for 10 000 people patent (one unit) Is taken as an average rated value on leading world countries (the Group of Eight countries)

З Ш Number of innovatively active companies (percentage of organizations, realizing technological innovations in total number of organizations)0/) percent Is taken according to the strategy of science and innovation development in Russia up to 2015

4 H4 Percentage of innovative products (services) in total amount of produced goods percent

5 H5 Ratio of incomes and expenses on the international market of licenses coefficient Criterion value is taken in accordance with parity index of received and transferred payments

б ГО Trend direction of change of indicators H1-H5 coefficient Positive value of a trend for the last 3 years

7 H7 Availability of infrastructure, providing functioning of innovation market and services connected with it available/n ot available Qualitative indicator, characterizing level of innovative infrastructure development

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Table 2. Summary table of comparison of ideal innovative state and actual value of innovative activity indicators in the Russian Federation in 2008 [9,10]

N Code number Indicator name Actual data 2008 Reference (ideal) of innovative state Comparison of actual and ideal values, %

1 H1 Share of internal expenses for research and development in GDP (gross domestic product) 1,03 3,00 34,33

2 H2 Number of granted patents for 10 000 people, units 2,21 6,26 35,30

3 H3 Number of innovatively active companies (percentage of organizations, realizing technological innovations in total number of organizations)% 9,40 44,25 21,24

4 H4 Percentage of innovative products (services) in total amount of produced goods (services rendered)% 5,00 18,00 27,78

5 H5 Ratio of incomes and expenses on the international market of licenses, share of units 0,44 1,23 35,92

6 H6 Trend direction of change of indicators H1-H5 1,03 more than 1 values are in accordance with each other

7 H7 Availability of infrastructure, providing functioning of innovation market and services connected with it (qualitative indicator) weak is available values are not in accordance with each other

Picture 2. graphic image of comparison of reference and actual quantitative indicators of innovative activity in Russia in 2008

"innovative infrastructure organizations activity", which is impossible just to compare with the number of subjects of innovative infrastructure. It is necessary to estimate the quality of work of such subjects. That's why we suggest introducing into the system of estimation of innovative state of socio-economic systems not only quantitative, but qualitative indicators as well.

The given approach can be applied to the large-scale socio-economic systems, such as state and region. Thus, a regional socio-economic system may have certain restrictions, connected with the presence or absence of components, such as "Knowledge generation" or "Education". For small-scale socio-economic systems - companies and organizations - the evaluation of the innovative state may be carried out according to a simple system of indicators. However, before using this or that system, one should determine the components presence in it. Absence or presence of components is also a part of evaluation of innovative state and can allow making conclusions about the recommended management system. Thus, while planning innovative systems, a deep analysis of competitive environment of system functioning will be necessary as well as research and development results markets development, resources, including financing, innovative infrastructure services, etc. is given in table 1.

The use of the suggested system of evaluation indicators of innovative state is recommended for strategy elaboration of innovative development management and creation of national and regional innovative systems.

4. Innovative development of the Russian Federation

Let's make an estimation of problems of the Russian Federation innovative development (table 2).

For convenience's sake and for quantitative indicators values analysis let's reduce them to the percent scale and show on the diagram (picture 2).

We mark general discrepancy of indicator values of "reference" and actual values, all the values make only third part or even less. Thus, a question arises about necessity of studying the discrepancy between the expenses and research and development results and innovative activity of companies and organizations.

Parity availability between the development of knowledge generation sphere and innovative activity in economics is supposed to be expected, but it is absent.

Absence of demand on research and development results is observed, or innovative activity stimulation mechanisms are absent. Growth of demand of Russian production and final consumption are satisfied by foreign products or by Russian products, produced on foreign equipment using foreign technologies. It is evident, that the problem of such discrepancy is explained by insufficient infrastructure development. For the efficient management of innovative development it is necessary to elaborate innovative infrastructure creating mechanisms that would meet the economics requirement as a whole and research and development sector, and

companies and organizations innovative activity stimulation mechanisms.

5. Conclusion

Socio-economic systems innovative state conception is suggested by the author alongside with the system of qualitative and quantitative indicators for innovative state evaluation of socio-economic systems of the national level. Reference values of indicators are suggested, typical of socio-economic system in its innovative state, and on their basis an approach to evaluation of the current state of socio-economic systems is worked out. The given approach allows carrying out analysis of innovative activity of socio-

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economic systems and elaborating methods of efficient management of innovative development.

On the example of the results of innovative activity in Russia in 2008, the evaluation of innovative state is carried out, problems are revealed and national innovative policy improvement directions are suggested.


1. Freeman, K. Technology Policy and Economic Performance: Lessons from Japan, Pinter Pub Ltd, 1987.

2. National Innovation Systems. Paris: OECD Publications, 1997.

3. Oslo manual. URL: http:// www.oecd.org/dataoecd/3 5/6 1/ 2367580.pdf (Date treatment 12-01-2010)

4. Michael E. Porter and Scott Stern The Global Competitiveness Report 2001-

2002 // New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. URL: http://www.isc.hbs.edu/econ-innovative.htm (Date treatment 12-012010)

5. Global innovative index // BCG. URL: http://www.globalinnovationindex.org (Date treatment 12-08-2010)

6. Ismailov T.A., Gamidov S.G. Innovative economics - strategic direction of development of Russia in 21st century // Innovations, 2003. - №1. URL: http:// stra.teg.ru/lenta/innovation/515 (Date treatment 12-03-2010)

7. Knyaginin V.N. Is a new generation of innovation regions development possible? "Centre of strategic elaborations "North-East"" URL: http://www.csr-nw.ru/ content/library/default.asp?shmode= 8&ids=46&ida=2277 (Date treatment 12-03-2010)

8. Europe glossary // Lisbon Strategy.

URL: http://europa.eu/scadplus/glossary/ research_and_development_en.htm (Date treatment 12-09-2010)

9. Strategy of science and innovation development in the Russian Federation up to Approved by Interagency committee on scientific-innovative policy (record of February 15, 2006, N1). URL: http:// regions.extech.ru/acts/rtf/strateg_2015.rtf (Date treatment 12-08-2010)

10. Publications of Russian Statistics: Regions of the Russian Federation. Socio-economic indicators. 2009; "Group of eight" in figures. 2009; Russian statistical annuals. 2009; Indicators of innovative activity: 2009. URL: http://www.gks.ru/ wps/portal/!ut/p/.cmd/cs/.ce/7_0_A/.s/ 7_0_8EJ/_th/J_0_LV/_s.7_0_A/7_0_87E/ _me/7_0_8EB-7_0_7UL-7_0_7UJ-7_0_A/ _s.7_0_A/7_0_8EJ (Date treatment 12-01-2010)

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