CONCEPT ANALYSIS: “INFORMATION”, “INFORMED SOCIETY”, “VIRTUALITY”, “VIRTUALIZATION”, “SOCIAL VIRTUALIZATION”. Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
Information / informatization / information society / virtuality / virtualization / society virtualization / artificial intelligence / information technology / cybernetics / digitization / информация / информатизация / информационное общество / виртуальность / виртуализация / виртуализация общества / искусственный интеллект / информационные технологии / кибернетика / оцифровка.

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Shukurov Akmal Sharofovich

This article deals with the most widely used in our lives today: “Information”, “Informatization”, “Informed Society”, “Virtuality”, “Virtualization”, “Society Virtualization”, “Artificial Intelligence”, “Information Technology”, to explain the definition, description and essence of the concepts. The article analyzes the definitions from various sources and gives the author's personal approach.

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В статье рассматриваются наиболее широко используемые в нашей жизни сегодня: «Информация», «Информатизация», «Информированное общество», «Виртуальность», «Виртуализация», «Виртуализация общества», «Искусственный интеллект», «Информационные технологии». , чтобы объяснить определение, описание и суть понятий. В статье анализируются определения из разных источников, дается авторский подход.



Shukurov Akmal Sharofovich

NUUz, base doctorate (PhD) +99890-345-20-45 akmal .shukurov.95@mail.ru

Annotation: This article deals with the most widely used in our lives today: "Information", "Informatization", "Informed Society", "Virtuality", "Virtualization", "Society Visualization", "Artificial Intelligence", "Information Technology", to explain the definition, description and essence of the concepts. The article analyzes the definitions from various sources and gives the author's personal approach.

Keywords: Information, informatization, information society, virtuality, virtualization, society virtualization, artificial intelligence, information technology, cybernetics, digitization.

Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются наиболее широко используемые в нашей жизни сегодня: «Информация», «Информатизация», «Информированное общество», «Виртуальность», «Виртуализация», «Виртуализация общества», «Искусственный интеллект», «Информационные технологии». , чтобы объяснить определение, описание и суть понятий. В статье анализируются определения из разных источников, дается авторский подход.

Ключевые слова: информация, информатизация, информационное общество, виртуальность, виртуализация, виртуализация общества, искусственный интеллект, информационные технологии, кибернетика, оцифровка.


Yes, we have said so many times that the 21st century is the information age, and now we only understand the information revolution in the 21st century. Of course, in this information age, many concepts have entered the life of society. Concepts such as "information", "informatization", "informed society", "virtuality", "virtualization", "virtualization of society", "artificial intelligence", "information technology", "cybernetics", "digitization" are widely used. But no matter how widely these concepts are used in our lives, many do not distinguish them from each other. With this in mind, in this article, we aim to clarify the definition and difference of the above concepts.


Information - 1) detailed information about an event. An official statement from the government about an agreement or contract reached as a result of negotiations between states. Under international law, agreements, treaties or other decisions reached as a result of diplomatic negotiations between two or more States are officially announced by two or more States. Information about the negotiations between the two countries is usually called joint information; 2) names of some periodicals (for example, information of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, information of the test center of the Republic of Uzbekistan, etc.) [1].

Information - (from Latin, informâtio "explanation, presentation, understanding of something" ^ informare "form, teach; think, imagine [2]) - information regardless of the form of their presentation [3/4].

Although the concept of information is widely used, it remains one of the most controversial concepts in science, and the term can have different meanings in different areas of human activity. [5]

Information is a set of scientific and technical data, knowledge about the results of the development of science and technology. In other words, information, according to this interpretation, scientific and technical activity is a product and "raw material" of the information service system.

Information is all the information that a person receives through the senses. Information is derived from the Latin word informatio, which means to explain, state something, or information about something or an event.

Information (Latin - "information" - explanation, narration) is actually a systematic flow of information about the human world, events and happenings, objects, facts and processes, transmitted first by people orally and then in writing. Information can now be transmitted and received in a variety of advanced formats, such as text, audio, video, and animation. From the middle of the twentieth century, the concept of information began to mean the transmission of information signals between people, between machines and machines. The transmission took place through the media. By mass media, we mean mainly the press, television, radio. It can also be considered as a mass media, given the enormous potential of the Internet to provide information to the general public today. The scientific study of information as a unique phenomenon began in the first quarter of the twentieth century with the creation and development of technical means of communication. During this period, information was mainly understood as a form of signal exchange using technical means in human relations. According to N. Wiener, who conducted his research in

this area, information was originally perceived as a physical variable[6]. According to him, the processes of management and communication in society are carried out through the transmission, storage, processing of information through technical means. In the context of an open information system, the importance of solving global problems related to information and information security of individuals, society and the state is growing. The concept of information security is the protection against accidental and intentional natural or artificial influences, which cause significant harm to the subjects of information relations. According to NNPotrubach, information security is an activity aimed at ensuring the vital activity of the state, society, social group, individual, supporting the development of the existing decision, the ability to withstand information threats and attacks, public awareness. and the ability to withstand various streams and resources of information in order to protect against psychic influences that negatively affect the psyche, is a set of measures, such as the formation of safe individual and group safe behavior and attitudes [7].

The rapid growth of the information industry and the development of ways to automate it have led to the creation of computers and the computerization of various spheres of human life. This, in turn, gave rise to the theory of the future of the "informed society".

The information society is a society in which most workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and implementation of information, especially knowledge, which is its highest form [8].

In the real practice of the development of science and technology in the advanced countries of the late twentieth century, the outlines of the information society created by theorists are gradually emerging. People living in e-apartments and cottages around the world are expected to become a single computerized and informed society. Any accommodation will be equipped with various electronic equipment and computerized devices. Human activity is mainly focused on information processing, while material production is loaded on machines [9].

The theory of "informed society" was developed by well-known authors in science P. Drucker, R. Katz, Dj. Included by Kesh, Y. Masuda, U. Martin, D. Nesbit, A. Norman, M. Porat, and others [10]. In particular, in the early 1980s, information about the emergence of this society in Western and Eastern countries, especially in Japan, was first put forward by the American professor J. Matrin and the Japanese scientist Y. Masuda [11]. One of the first authors of the concept of an informed society, the Japanese scientist Y. Masuda in his book "Informed society postindustrial society" said that "Informed society is one of the greatest achievements of

mankind. According to him, the development of new technologies will lead to a positive change in social life." "Human values change in an informed society," Masuda said. It's a classless, non-confrontational society run by a smaller state apparatus" [12]. Consequently, adherence to this definition requires an individual living in an informed society to have a deep understanding of his or her rights and universal norms. Only then will the need for strong regulatory control by citizens by the state diminish.

Information technology is the technology of data management and processing. Usually this term is understood as computer technology. In the field of information technology, work is carried out on the collection, storage, protection, processing and transmission of various information through computers and computer networks.

The main technical means of information technology are non-organizational means of communication - telephone, teletype, telefax, etc.

Although information technology has existed at different stages of human development, a distinctive feature of modern information society is that for the first time in the history of civilization, the power expended on knowledge, production, energy, raw materials, materials and consumables is cost-effective, meaning that information technology is leading the way among existing new technologies.

The information technology industry consists of computers, communication systems, databases, knowledge repositories and related activities.

Today, information technology can be divided into "preserving, rationalizing, creating" types. The first type of technology saves labor, material resources, time. Examples of streamlined information technology are ticket booking and hotel billing systems.

Creative information technology consists of systems that produce, use, and integrate human information.

The modern development and achievements of information technology show the need to inform all areas of science and human activity.

Informatization of society means the use of information as a wealth of society, which provides economic development, scientific and technological progress of the country, the acceleration of the process of democratization and intellectualization of society.

Virtuality (Latin virtualis - possible) - an object or state that does not actually exist, but can occur under certain conditions. These conditions are described in different ways in different approaches to virtuality. In ontological interpretation, virtuality is seen as a potential state of existence, in which the presence of a certain

active principle is predisposed to the occurrence of certain events or situations that can take place under appropriate conditions. In physics, when particles have the same quantum numbers as real numbers, they are called virtual, but for them the connection between energy, momentum, and mass is not satisfied. These particles are carriers of interactions that facilitate the transformation of real particles. Because such a process occurs in intermediate short-term cases, then virtual particles cannot be determined experimentally. With frequency interpretation of probabilities, virtuality serves as the propensity or location of physical systems to occur in the frequencies of random events observed. All of this shows that virtual particles, states, and dispositions are certain aspects of the formation of a real being. Another approach to virtualization was formed under the influence of the development of computers and information technology. With the help of modern technical means it is possible to dive into virtual reality, in which the subject can not distinguish between objects and events in the real and virtual world: the world is given to him directly in his emotions, and they appear at this level be indifferent. However, because virtual reality describes states of consciousness, it is thus different from objective reality, including the world of our daily lives. In a similar context, it is necessary to consider the virtual realities that exist in psychology, aesthetics, and spiritual culture in general. The study of different types of virtual realities and the transition between them poses new challenges for philosophy in defining the criteria for distinguishing different types of reality, their place in cognition and practice, the relationship of virtualism with the category of opportunity, and related explanations. In this regard, the problems of the internal activity of matter and the role of teleological principles in the development of the world are of particular importance. [13]

Virtual - 1) the generalized name of virtual events, virtual reality, a set of virtual realities, a piece of virtual reality that contradicts itself; 2) specific name for gratual and ingratual versus consuetal. Virtual, unlike other mental derivatives, such as imagination, is characterized by the fact that a person perceives and experiences it not as a product of his own mind, but as reality. Virtual possesses the following properties: unaccustomedness, spontaneity, fragmentation, objectivity, altered status of corporeality, consciousness, personality and will. [14].

Virtual reality is reality, regardless of its nature (physical, geological, psychological, social, technical, etc.), which has the following properties: generation (virtual reality is produced by the activity of some other reality external to it; psychological virtual reality generated by the human psyche), relevance (virtual reality exists in actual fact, only "here and now", only as long as the generating

reality is active), autonomy (in virtual reality, its time, its space and its laws of existence), interactivity (virtual reality can interact with all other realities, including those with generative ones, as ontologically independent of them). [15].

A person's virtual reality is a person's own identity, a way of self-individualization, which gives a person the opportunity to compare himself with the rest of the world.

The virtual reality of a person is a person's own identity, a way of self-individualization, which gives a person the opportunity to distinguish himself through opposing the position of another person.

The virtual reality of consciousness is a person's own identity, a way of self-individualization, which gives a person the ability to separate his psyche (thoughts, feelings, experiences) from the psyche of another person.

Virtual philosophy is a polyiontic philosophy that presupposes the coexistence of many ontological realities with a virtual type of relationship between them.

Virtual civilization is a culture built on virtual philosophy in combination with scientific virtual models implemented through virtual computer technology.

Virtual image - a mental image that reflects the processes occurring inside the psyche and controls them; a person who has a virtual image believes that a representative of this image objectively exists, regardless of the person.

A virtual person is the sum of all virtual human realities. [16].

Virtual reality involves the interaction of people with simulations, not with things. The reality of modern society is a materialized institutional structure that makes practice independent of the desires of individuals. The individual is in the social reality of the institutions and perceives it as a natural thing necessary for survival. In the postmodern era, the individual enters the virtual reality of simulations and increasingly perceives the world as a gaming environment, realizing its habituality, the manageability of its parameters, and the ability to break out of it. Distinguishing between old and new types of social organization using "real / virtual" dichotomy allows us to introduce the concept of virtualization as a process of replacing institutional practices with simulations. Thus, the term "virtualization" not only refers to phenomena described as postmodernism and de-reification, but also seems more heuristic than the last two concepts, as it reveals the prospect of conceptualization rather than the "end" or the "disappearance" of the old society, but the process of forming a new one.

In general, virtualization is manifested not as a single process, but rather as a heterogeneous but similarly oriented trend in different areas of life. This can be

demonstrated by describing the simulation of modernist institutional practices in the selected institutional areas for analysis: economics, politics, science, art, family. [17]

As you know, the concept of "information" has long existed in the field of knowledge, which represents the worldview. The origins and development of cybernetics have led to the widespread use of this concept in conjunction with the concepts of "communication" and "management". At present, the creation, processing, storage, reproduction and dissemination of information is a separate field of science - computer science (Latin: introduction, explanation, in Oriental languages: "message", "information"). The word was coined in 1964 in France.

Today, technology is a product of science in many ways. Science, on the other hand, is one of the highest moral values created by man, and although its values are always very different, it never loses its importance as an expression of relevant information. Technology is a hardware tool of science.

We receive more than 90% of our information through sight and hearing. For example, in biology, we study plants, that is, we learn about plant life. When we touch a hot object, we immediately pull our hand away. In this case, our brain receives information that the object has a high temperature. As we ride the bus, we hear the noise of the engine. Noise is normal for us, but for an experienced driver it is information. By hearing this information, he can determine the technical condition and performance of the bus engine.

An analysis of the many approaches to the word "information" available in the literature shows that the term has been found to be used in social, economic, political, ontological, epistemological, psychological, and other contexts. The word "information" can be broadly defined as follows:

Information is a detailed stream of information about an event, a systematic flow of information about the human world, events and happenings, objects, facts and processes, perceived by the human senses, regardless of the form in which they are presented. Information is transmitted first by people orally and then in writing, and these are the two main forms of information exchange. We can see that other concepts and terms related to "information" are based on the same core. In particular, "Information Technology" means the objects that allow the storage, processing and transmission of information, while the term "Informed Society" means the armament of society with information.



Similarly, an analysis of the many approaches to the word "virtual" available in the scientific literature shows that virtual is used in ontological, epistemological, psychological contexts, and the classification criteria are the origin of the virtual.

Virtual is the generic name of virtual phenomena and is characterized by the fact that, as a simulation of the real world, unlike other mental products, such as imagination, man perceives and experiences it as reality, not as a product of his mind.


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