Научная статья на тему 'Computer technology is the best means of Formation learning environment for studying and teaching English language'

Computer technology is the best means of Formation learning environment for studying and teaching English language Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Sultanova Dilfuza, Muratova Muzayamhon, Jalolova Iroda

Рассматриваются вопросы использования компьютерной технологии в обучении и преподавании английскому языку. Компьютерная технология это лучшее средство формирования среды интерактивного взаимодействия представителей разных национальных, возрастных, профессиональных и других групп пользователей независимо от их места нахождения.The questions of using computer technology in teaching and learning English language are considered. Computer technology presents a special communication environment between people. The environment includes the representations of different nations, ages, professions irrespective of their location.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Computer technology is the best means of Formation learning environment for studying and teaching English language»

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 6. №4. 2020

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/53

UDC 37 https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/53/46


©Sultanova D., ORCID: 0000-0002-5820-7173, Tashkent State University of Economics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, [email protected]

©Muratova M., ORCID: 0000-0002-9896-8671, Tashkent State University of Economics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, [email protected] ©Jalolova I., ORCID: 0000-0003-4920-0786, Tashkent State University of Economics,

Tashkent, Uzbekistan, [email protected]


©Султанова Д. Т., ORCID: 0000-0002-5820-7173, Ташкентский государственный экономический университет, г. Ташкент, Узбекистан, [email protected] ©Муратова М. Н., ORCID: 0000-0002-9896-8671, Ташкентский государственный экономический университет, г. Ташкент, Узбекистан, [email protected] ©Жалолова И. М., ORCID: 0000-0003-4920-0786, Ташкентский государственный экономический университет, г. Ташкент, Узбекистан, [email protected]

Abstract. The questions of using computer technology in teaching and learning English language are considered. Computer technology presents a special communication environment between people. The environment includes the representations of different nations, ages, professions irrespective of their location.

Аннотация. Рассматриваются вопросы использования компьютерной технологии в обучении и преподавании английскому языку. Компьютерная технология — это лучшее средство формирования среды интерактивного взаимодействия представителей разных национальных, возрастных, профессиональных и других групп пользователей независимо от их места нахождения.

Keywords: multimedia, self-education, Internet, computer technology, learning environment, technology-supported learning activities, professional development, self-knowledge, foreign language teaching.

Ключевые слова: мультимедиа, самообразование, Интернет, компьютерные технологии, среда обучения, технологическая учебная деятельность, профессиональное развитие, самопознание, преподавание иностранных языков.

This article aims to analyze the use of computer technology to English language teaching and learning in the non-native speaking countries and to bring out the problems faced by both teachers and learners of English. In fact, computer technology has played an important role in English language teaching, especially, in the non-native speaking of English situations. It also aims to make non-native speakers of English as language teachers aware of the strategies to use it in an effective manner.

As known, many predictions of the future are based on exponential trends. A reason most people fail to understand that revolutionary technological advances are right on our doorstep, is because they instinctively don't see growth as being exponential. Continue reading to see what exponential growth is, and how it is about to skyrocket our technological advances [1-7].

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 6. №4. 2020

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/53

First, let's establish the basics: The rate that our technological advances are achieved, is increasing. Many studies have tracked the advances of many different measures of information technology and have identified that performance doubles on average every 18 months. As the rate of our advances continues to accelerate, the future continues to come faster than we traditionally expect.

The growth of computer technology has brought to the forefront new language teaching and learning opportunities. The reported revealed potential of the new technologies, the need to better prepare students for the information age and accelerate national development efforts present certain challenges and opportunities for the developing countries. But are we ready to develop and integrate new technologies to meet these challenges?

Recent years have shown an explosion of interest in using computers for language teaching and learning. A decade ago, the use of computers in the language classroom was of concern only to a small number of specialists. However, with the advent of multimedia computing and the Internet, the role of computers in language instruction has now become an important issue confronting large numbers of language teachers throughout the world.

Uzbekistan as one of such developing countries is aware of the need to provide our students with knowledge and skills to succeed and compete in an information-based society. Recognizing the challenge of the 'information age', the government reveals growing commitment to technology integration in education by adopting a number of official documents and taking different initiatives which have brought about significant increases in the amount of computer technology and Internet access in our education system.

But despite numerous IT integration policy documents and initiatives in Uzbekistan, as well as expenditures for computer and Internet accessibility, major questions remain about the actual use of technology in classrooms. The research shows that it cannot be assumed that the placement of computer technology in Uzbekistan classrooms equals effective use for teaching and learning. There are various factors that play a part in effective integration of computer technology into educational system with teachers as the most critical factor and significant part of the educational process of change.

The results of our research proved that computers and related electronic resources can play a central role in education. Whatever our feelings about what some have called the digital revolution, we must accept that many, perhaps most, of our students are fully immersed in it. At the very simplest level, we will rarely receive a paper or other assignment from a student that has not been written with the help of a computer. Most of our students will have considerable experience with the Internet and will, whether we like it or not, make use of it for much of their academic work. Many of them will be accustomed to using e-mail as a normal form of communication. But it is not just students who find electronic resources valuable. Teachers can benefit from these resources as well, by employing a series of useful tools.

Of the many electronic teaching techniques that instructors have found useful, we have chosen five that we believe seem particularly likely to help significant numbers of teachers. All of these techniques demand an investment of time if they are to succeed, and our willingness to use them should be balanced carefully against other, perhaps more important, teaching priorities. But for each technique, there are both simple and complex ways of proceeding, and we will try to make clear the respective advantages and disadvantages.

The five ways in which we suggest teachers consider using electronic resources involve tasks that we will usually have to perform in any case. New technologies can help us perform them better and more easily:

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice https://www.bulletennauki.com

Т. 6. №4. 2020 https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/53

- Administration: The routine administration of courses can be more efficiently handled with a course home page, electronic discussion groups, and e-mail lists. These tools can also dramatically improve the continuity and the community aspects of courses, helping students to engage with and learn from each other and even from people outside the course.

- Readings or sources: The Web and CD-ROMs provide a wider variety of secondary and primary sources than has previously been available. With your guidance, your students can now gain access to materials that were once accessible only to experts because they were too cumbersome to reproduce for classroom use or too expensive for students to purchase. By taking their own paths through these sources, students can bring their own evidence and arguments into lectures and discussion sections, as well as write on a wider range of research topics.

- Papers or presentations: Rather than performing assignments and taking exams from the teacher alone, students can perform more independent exercises in publishing, exhibit building, or assembling and presenting teaching units and other materials for their peers. A web archive of several terms' work can make the course itself an ongoing and collaborative intellectual construction.

- Lectures: A computer with presentation software can provide a single tool for augmenting lectures with outlines, slides, statistical charts and tables, images, music, and even video clips. In addition to printing them as handouts, you can save in-class presentations in a web-compatible format for later review and discussion.

- Discussion: Electronic discussion tools such as e-mail, conferencing software, and on-line chat services can seed discussion questions before the class meets, draw out your shy students, and follow up on discussions or questions on the reading between classes. For courses without face-to-face discussion sections, these tools can bring the course to life over great distances and help overcome scheduling difficulties.

Most teachers have computers, and most have at least some access to e-mail and the Internet. In many schools and universities, most students do, too. Many teaching opportunities are likely to be available to you, therefore, using equipment you and your students already have. Other techniques require more advanced technologies that you may or may not wish to purchase on your own, and that your institution may or may not make available to you. It should be obvious; therefore, that you should make no plans for using electronic tools before making sure that both you and your students will have access to the necessary technology.

But owning, or having access to, technology is usually only a first step. Even more important is learning how to use it. This is one of the biggest challenges facing anyone who wishes to use electronic tools, because the knowledge is not always easy to acquire. Many people, of course, are highly skilled in computer technology and know how to teach themselves to do almost anything. But many other people have limited computer skills, are easily intimidated by new and unfamiliar tasks, and tend to avoid doing anything that requires them to learn something very different from the things to which they are accustomed.

Keep in mind, finally, that the technology associated with computers and the Internet changes with breathtaking speed. Although certain skills will remain useful to you over long periods of time, there will be many things that will have to be relearned time and time again. The rapidity of change in this field can be bewildering and intimidating. But it is also the source of some valuable innovations that can be of great use to you.

Thus, computer technology is perhaps the best means to creating an environment conducive to language learning. This technology can support teachers in making language learning faster, easier, less painful, and more engaging, and helps create an optimal language learning environment. Learning languages through computer technology reflects the many and varied ways to teachers are

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 6. №4. 2020

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/53

currently using computers and the Internet and provides a rich resource for both novice and expert educator.

Finally, computer technology provides two paths to optimal language learning conditions: software, which increasingly is delivered over the Internet, and Internet communications. If one thinks for a moment of multimedia CDs or DVDs, it is evident that learners are exposed through such materials to a wide variety of language; they get instant feedback; they are able to repeat words and phrases as often as they wish during practice; they are given rewards and incentives to practice, such as games and entertaining challenges, as well as opportunities to explore and manipulate language; and they are able to access the disks where, when, and as often as they want. Adding the Internet to this mix, especially live text and voice chat, curricular collaborations, and Web-based media projects, provides abundant opportunities for interaction with native speakers and peers, the negotiation of meaning, authentic audience, and authentic tasks.

Computer technology is getting more and more recognition from teachers, because they:

- stimulate the process of studying any subject and facilitate the exchange of experience in teaching various disciplines; increase significantly the interest of students to the educational process, in particular, to the mastery of foreign language speech activity at lessons of a foreign language;

- expand the communicative practice of students; make possible the use of new methods, based on a comparison of students' own data, and those which they receive as a result of communication.

The main purpose of using computer technology in language teaching is to promote students' motivation and learning interest in the English language. In the non-native English-speaking context, this can be a practical way to get them involved in the language learning. While using computer technology in teaching if students are not too dependent on their mother tongue, they should be motivated to communicate with each other in English. The process of English learning should be more student-centered and less time-consuming. The language teachers should maintain the students' communicative competence through multimedia technology.

To sum up, the utilization of computer technology can fully improve the students' thinking and practical language skills. One of the most effective ways to improve the process learning foreign languages is the use of computer and Internet technologies in the education system. The computer-information model of education is a kind of transitional phase from a system of traditional teaching methods foreign languages to a modern system of open education Information Society.

From the foregoing it can be concluded that computer technology is becoming both more useful and more cost effective for many fields of teaching. And yet only we, English teachers, can determine whether these methods will prove effective in our classroom. Whatever we decide, we should remember that computer technology complements, but does not fundamentally alter, the elements of teaching.


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Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 6. №4. 2020

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/53

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Список литературы:

1. Hayes D. Making all the flashy stuff work: The role of the principal in ICT integration // Cambridge Journal of Education. 2006. V. 36. №4. P. 565-578. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057640601049256

2. Herrington J., Kervin L. Authentic learning supported by technology: Ten suggestions and cases of integration in classrooms //Educational Media International. 2007. V. 44. №3. P. 219-236. https://doi.org/10.1080/09523980701491666

3. Rubin R. B., Rubin A. M., Haridakis P. M. Communication research: Strategies and sources. Cengage Learning, 2009.

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6. Kerimbaeva B. T., Niyazova G. Z., Kaya K. The role of computer technology in teaching English language // Вестник РУДН. Серия: Информатизация образования. 2017. Т. 14. №1. С. 108-113. https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8631-2017-14-1-108-113

7. Kerimbaeva B. T., Iskakova P. K. Psychological aspects of training with using of modern information technologies // Global Science and Innovation: materials of the IV international scientific conference. March. 2015. P. 320-324.

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Ссылка для цитирования:

Sultanova D., Muratova M., Jalolova I. Computer Technology is the Best Means of Formation Learning Environment for Studying and Teaching English Language // Бюллетень науки и практики. 2020. Т. 6. №4. С. 411-415. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/53/46

Cite as (APA):

Sultanova, D., Muratova, M., & Jalolova, I. (2020). Computer Technology is the Best Means of Formation Learning Environment for Studying and Teaching English Language. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 6(4), 411-415. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/53/46

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