Научная статья на тему 'COMPETENCIES PUSHED ONLINE'

COMPETENCIES PUSHED ONLINE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Chernogortseva S.V., Sychev S.V.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a catalyst for multiple changes in real business, both in terms of the organization of work processes and in terms of financial flows, labor relations, technological modernization, and the transition to new forms of employment. Changes in the principles organizing the work process, such as timekeeping and binding to the workplace, which showed their formality in the period of self-isolation, will lead to a change in the list of psychological and social competencies of the employee fundamental for the employer. One of the study tasks, according to ISSEK experts, is to identify in-demand and prospective competencies, taking into account the pro et contra of remote work.

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Текст научной работы на тему «COMPETENCIES PUSHED ONLINE»


Chernogortseva S. V.

Deputy First Vice Rector HSE University Sychev S.V. Leading Expert Centre of Statistics and Monitoring of S&T and Innovation of HSE


Черногорцева Софья Вячеславовна

Заместитель первого проректора НИУ ВШЭ Сычев Сергей Владимирович

Ведущий эксперт Центра статистики и мониторинга науки и инноваций НИУ ВШЭ


Summary. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a catalyst for multiple changes in real business, both in terms of the organization of work processes and in terms of financial flows, labor relations, technological modernization, and the transition to new forms of employment. Changes in the principles organizing the work process, such as timekeeping and binding to the workplace, which showed their formality in the period of self-isolation, will lead to a change in the list of psychological and social competencies of the employee fundamental for the employer. One of the study tasks, according to ISSEK experts, is to identify in-demand and prospective competencies, taking into account the pro et contra of remote work.

Аннотация. Пандемия COVID-19 стала катализатором множественных изменений в сфере реального бизнеса как с точки зрения организации рабочих процессов, так и с точки зрения финансовых потоков, трудовых отношений, технологической модернизации, перехода на новые формы занятости. Изменение организующих рабочий процесс принципов, таких как учет рабочего времени и привязка к рабочему месту, показавших свою формальность в период самоизоляции, приведет к изменению перечня принципиальных для работодателя психологических и социальных компетенций работника. Одной задачей исследования эксперты ИСИЭЗ видят определение востребованных и перспективных компетенций с учетом pro et contra удаленной работы.

JEL Classification: J24, O15, Y10

Keywords: key competencies, creativity


The epidemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19, which has been sweeping the world since late 2019, has become a force majeure that has had a negative impact on all spheres of social and labor relations. If we look at the regime of self-isolation, which has now reached a planetary scale, from scientists' point of view, it should be recognized that a large part of the working-age population in economically developed countries has been involved in a global social and psychological experiment. Hundreds of millions of people went into quarantine, accepting as inevitable the complete restructuring of the work regime, all business processes total digitalization, and as a consequence the blending of personal and public space and time.

Using the unique opportunity to remain simultaneously participants of this experiment and independent researchers, the authors studied the dynamics of changes in professional and personal competencies of an individual in the conditions of remote work both in the period of temporary isolation

and in the perspective of 5 years. We recognize that the nature of change depends largely on the industry itself. For example, professions in the global media and entertainment industries have already undergone significant changes over the past five years, so production processes in these industries have undergone the least restructuring. At the same time, the financial services and investment sectors are just on the verge of radical change. And those who work in sales and manufacturing will definitely need new skills, such as digital literacy, working under uncertainty, self-organization, and rejection of non-verbal communication channels, to compete in the labor market. There has been a psychological shift in minds of workers and employers during the quarantine, leading to the understanding that working from home is full-fledged work. The fact that remote work can be as effective as traditional forms of employment has not yet become a new social trend, but it has undoubtedly led to many business processes reformatting despite they were previously considered impossible without the employee's physical presence at the workplace. The



growing popularity of remote work in the future is capable of significantly changing the labor market and demand for competences. In many ways, this new form of collaboration is made possible by digital solutions permeating the social and business space, but it is also true that the ability to work fully from home will drive an even greater immersion of the world into digital reality.

Changing the principles organizing the work process, such as timekeeping and workplace attachment, which proved formal during the period of self-isolation, will lead to a change in the list of employee's psychological and social competencies that are fundamental for employers. Self-discipline and consistency will probably supersede such qualities as emotional intelligence and empathy, and also tactical, "skill" competence, such as keeping business correspondence will become much more in demand than confidence in public speaking. The approach to the choice between job applicantse combinations of competences will also be subject to revision. For example, the balance in the psychological profile of an employee between autonomy and solidarity, specialization and versatility, leadership qualities and cooperation, and creativity and sustainability will have to be reconsidered.

On the one hand, more opportunities for hiring new employees remotely will be a factor making human labor cheaper, which will lead to the accelerated displacement of workers with low and medium professional qualifications by AI algorithms. On the other hand, due to business processes increased automation and the attraction of more qualified personnel with competencies that best match the vacancies, labor efficiency will increase, which will lead to a reduction in employment at work. And the increase in free time will either become a process of self-development and personal growth trigger, or will lead to an increase in the level of happiness and life satisfaction in society, the result of any of these scenarios will be even greater efficiency.

It should also be taken into account that the difficulties of workplace technical organization over time will be shifted by employers to employees. The social consequences of this shift in roles have not yet been studied and will require a separate study. But already now we can predict an increase in requests for co-working services.

The labor market in the context of the forced transition to remote work challenges potential job seekers to learn to think and act in a more integrated way, taking into account the variety of social skills and professional knowledge that will need to be demonstrated in the absence of direct eye control from management, the need to self-organize daily and to be motivated without a manager.

One of the study tasks, according to ISSEK experts, is to determine the boundaries of which competencies will become more in demand. The analysis of skills will highlight the most promising competencies.

Among competencies, the most interesting to study is "innovativeness and creativity". The authors suggest that it is "creativity" that will undergo the greatest revision during the active transition to remote work.

Traditionally personal competences are divided into reactive and proactive. Reactive competencies are effective when a person has to respond to multiple signals from the environment, and proactive competencies are effective when a person is required to anticipate scenarios and prevent signals from the outside circle. "Creativity" and partly "autonomy" refer to proactive. At the same time critical thinking, interaction and cooperation with others, ethics and social responsibility are reactive competencies. However, at a time when business processes are changing, reactive competencies become more important. They are usually indispensable to quickly solve current problems in the organization. This is exactly what is happening now in remote work, the most useful and in-demand reactive competences are such as awareness and self-control, attentiveness, punctuality, digital advancement and self-organization, while courage, readiness for creative experimentation and making mistakes recede into the background.

Researchers predict that for some time creativity and social skills will leave the list of the most in-demand competencies. The reason for that will be employers' demand for competencies that allow to build automation of business processes for which creativity may be unnecessary. Accordingly, when the issue of automation is resolved, the demand for creativity will arise again. This will be actively promoted by the final formation of a mixed work environment with free working hours, adjusted to biological rhythms, which is only possible in a remote work environment.

Self-isolation is firmly associated with the stimulation of creativity. That is why it is creativity, its stimulation, pumping up or even awakening, that becomes the main subject of research.

Literature Review

There is still no established definition for the content of the concept "competence" or "key competence". Nor is there a single, universally accepted classification of competences. Nevertheless, most authors associate competence with the effective performance of an activity or action.

According to the definition given in D.N. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary, competence is a range of powers, an area subject to one's competence. Thus, professional competence (belonging to the law) -the range of issues, the solution of which is the responsibility of employees.

In S. I. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, competence is a range of issues, phenomena, in which a person has authority, knowledge, experience.

A. K. Markova proposed to consider competence as an individual characteristic of the degree of compliance with the profession [1, c.24].

According to N. G. Milovanova, V. N. Prudayev, competence is the ability to carry out practical activities that require a conceptual system and understanding, an appropriate type of thinking that allows you to promptly solve emerging problems and tasks [2, a25].

Q Shishov, A. Agapov gave the following definition: competence is the ability and readiness of a person to activity based on knowledge and experience, which are acquired through learning, focused on the independent participation of a person in the learning and cognitive process, aimed at its successful inclusion in the work activity [3, a 3].

Panfilova A.P. proposed to consider competence in a broad (as a degree of social maturity and education of all people) and narrow (as knowledge and skills) sense of the word [4, a 20-23]. In the broad sense, competence can be viewed from three sides: 1) as a methodological principle; 2) as a form of conscious social activity; 3) as an element of a social role.

A.A. Cheremisina defines competence as a steady ability of a person to activity with knowledge, which is formed by a deep understanding of the essence of tasks and problems to be solved, good knowledge of experience available in this area, active mastering of its best achievements, the ability to choose means and ways of action, adequate to the specific circumstances of place and time, a sense of responsibility for the results achieved [5].

Competence is one of the properties, manifestation of personality and consists of solving problems effectiveness encountered in the sphere of human activity and carried out in the interests of this organization [6, c.284].

Social and psychological competence of employees is considered as a certain level of development of their communicative qualities, ability to adequate interpersonal perception and interaction, ability to prevent and resolve conflicts [7, c. 288].

The socio-psychological competence of employees, which is implemented in a specific professional activity, correlates with the degree of development of the service team and is characterized by a certain level of adaptation of employees to a given social role (level of social competence) [8, c.104].

The term "key competencies" was first introduced by G. Hamel and C.K. Prahalad defining them as "the skills and abilities that allow a company to provide fundamental benefits to consumers".

According to I.I. Gancherenok, critical thinking, creativity, initiative, ability to solve problems, make decisions and assess possible risks as well as constructive management are central in key competences.

In the scientific literature creativity is understood as an employee's ability to generate significant new forms in any form, which should be easily disseminated and widely used. Consequently, the new type of human resources formation is based on the ability to create and widely apply original ideas, elements, models, the ability to compose existing technologies in a new way, etc.



In this approach, not the possession of knowledge, but the ability to create it, in other words, not just "knowledgeable" specialists are needed, but those possessing certain key competencies. Thus, one of the most important tasks of any organization in terms of intensive internal development, achievement of competitive advantages is the formation of its own intellectual and creative resources (Gorelov article Creative Management).

The National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education of Great Britain (NACCCE) has identified 4 main characteristics of creativity:

1. Creativity involves imagination - the process of generating something original;

2. creativity is "purposeful"; it is imagination in action that has a moment of completion;

3. creativity produces something original in relation to the previous work or output of a person or group of people;

4. creativity has value in relation to the purpose it pursues.

Thus, according to British specialists, creativity is associated with the generation of ideas, their evaluation and the identification among them of the most important.


The study was based on a set of quantitative and qualitative methods. Theoretical materials for the article were the publications of scientific literature related to the topic under consideration. The informational and empirical basis of the work consisted of domestic and foreign studies results, expert assessments, Russian and foreign media thematic publications.

In order to achieve the objectives, a sample online survey was conducted. A questionnaire was developed as a tool for collecting quantitative data. The questions for the questionnaire were formulated in accordance with the main objectives of the research. The answers to the questions helped to see and explore the nature of creativity, determine its place in the list of key competences and suggest tools for its measurement in a context where all the usual communicative competences have gone digital.

After developing the questionnaire, a survey was conducted: respondents were invited to answer questions and give their comments and observations. In addition, several short face-to-face interviews were conducted to determine if any questions remained that were important to the study. These procedures can be seen as a guarantee of the developed instrument's high validity.

Respondents are represented by the following specialists: heads of organizations, projects; marketing directors, directors of external relations; HR managers, communication managers; HR-transformation experts.

After the sample was formed, respondents were sent an official invitation to participate in the survey. The survey was conducted in May 2020. Data analysis was conducted on the responses of 13 respondents.




According to the VTslOM survey conducted in May, the number of citizens working remotely in self-isolation has increased eightfold. Before the coronavirus pandemic, only 2 percent of respondents worked remotely; today, 16 percent have moved to remote work (fully or partially).

Sociologists note that the eightfold increase in the proportion of people working remotely was almost painless. People's existing digital skills were sufficient, and the missing ones were mastered fairly quickly. Digital literacy, as noted by sociologists, "is gradually and steadily growing" [9].

The Association of Electronic Communications (RAEC) in cooperation with the National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE) and Microsoft in Russia conducted research on the impact of spring 2020 events - the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, such as mass self-isolation, changing formats of interaction and consumption patterns - on Russian business.

47% of respondents believe that remote working will become one of the generally accepted formats of employment. There will be the following changes in internal business processes and the organization of external interaction[10]:

• redistribution of external interaction in favor of digital channels;

• increase in the dynamics of business processes and acceleration of digitalization;

• personalization of relationships with clients;

• growth of cooperation.

According to VTsIOM research, 61% of employees who switched to remote working mode have a negative attitude to this transition, while 36% have a positive attitude. Participants in the survey, who do not like the remote mode, identified the following reasons: the work requires direct contact with people, at home it is difficult for them to focus, the increased volume of work, it is difficult to combine work and private space.

Microsoft researched the changes in the users emotional state over six months of remote work. The study found that in the six months since going to work remotely, people were having significantly more meetings, making calls, and chatting than before the pandemic. The percentage of Microsoft Teams users sending chat messages after office hours more than doubled. This means that many of the employees who previously didn't work after office hours are now doing so [11].

Accelerating digitalization, the introduction of new digital tools, and changing work formats require employees to develop skills that will allow them to remain relevant in the post-coronavirus reality. According to 16% of survey participants, a lack of competencies among employees is a major barrier to the digital tools use . The speed and depth of current changes emphasize the need to develop appropriate skills - both the use of digital tools and technologies, and the ability to self-organize, the ability to adapt quickly to changing conditions, and the ability to build effective communication.

Analysts at the World Economic Forum in Davos believe that the following skills will be important in 2020: complex problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, managing people, coordinating with others, emotional intelligence, judgment and decision making, service orientation, collaboration and negotiation, and cognitive flexibility.

LinkedIn experts published a list of skills that will be most in demand in the job market in 2020. The ranking was topped by experience and knowledge in using blockchain, as well as creativity. According to them, the top 5 top soft skills of 2020 include: creativity, persuasiveness, collaboration, adaptability, and emotional intelligence [12].

In the materials of this article the authors shared their views on the key competences that will be in maximum demand in the near future. The level of their development will determine a person's competitiveness in the labor market, and for a company it will mean the most effective management of the available human capital.

Digital Literacy

Digital literacy is the set of knowledge and skills you need to use digital technology and Internet resources safely and effectively. It includes digital consumption (knowledge and use of Internet services for work and life), digital competencies (skills to use technology effectively) and digital security (basic safety online) [13].

Digital literacy skills include the knowledge to use technology to produce, distribute, and consume information digitally. Understanding the structure, processes, and approach to problem solving through automation is becoming a necessary element in many professions. This is especially true in companies where one of the key products or business lines is a digital product, as employees have to interact with the programmers who implement it.

Digital literacy is important during the workflow: finding the information they need, checking the sources they use to get it, and using cloud and other digital services to interact within the organization. This became especially relevant during the pandemic, when companies were forced to move to remote work.

Communication within and between departments is already moving into digital channels: messengers, online conversations, digital project tracking boards. If an employee does not have the skill to interact, find new digital products and abandon old ones, he or she can fall out of the work process, which reduces the efficiency of both the department and possibly the entire company, and in the future may cause this employee to lose his or her position [14].

To improve the mass literacy of Russian residents, a publicly available online service цн$роваaгpамотностb.р$ (digital literacy.rf) was launched on December 25, 2019. The resource is created and will be developed as a showcase for educational platforms and solutions of project partners. The portal hosts the first training videos and courses for the development of basic digital skills - the key

32 East European Scientific Journal #3(67), 2021 competencies of the digital economy and digital literacy.


Our world has become too big and fast for humans to know, know how, and do everything alone-sometimes even within a specific task. High-performing teams can accomplish more than anyone else, and companies know it. One employee's strengths can complement those of others to best achieve overall goals. Social skills will be important in the future: adapt to new acquaintances, negotiate, collaborate, and don't shift responsibility.

Comprehensive problem solving

In the future, the most in-demand professionals will be those who possess a systematic, holistic approach to solving any problems. It is necessary to develop this quality beginning with the outlook and finishing with the exact understanding of laws of systems functioning. Ability to see different sides of a task and find balance, i.e. to distribute time and forces so that to execute every stage of work and as a result to solve a task completely. A specialist with this ability can predict what potential trouble awaits the project and prevent it.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and manage your own and others' emotions, intentions, motivations, and desires [15]. The need for emotional intelligence emphasizes the importance of responding effectively and interacting with peers. The skill helps to solve practical problems and achieve goals in life and at work. People with developed emotional intelligence are able to negotiate with others, make decisions, and respond appropriately to negative situations.

Rob Cross, Professor of Global Leadership at Babson College School of Management in Massachusetts: "It usually takes three to five years for people to transform into a high-performing employee. But if you know how to blend in quickly, ask the right questions, and raise your own status, it can be as short as nine months."

Your level of emotional intelligence determines how well you can hear and understand others and empathize with others' experiences. This skill is critical for leadership positions. Managerial candidates must be empathic, empathizing with employees, understanding their emotional state, and showing their humanity toward them.


Creativity is still the most in-demand agile skill in 2020. Creativity will be a sought-after skill in many industries, from media to transportation, experts say. Organizations need people who can creatively solve problems and tasks in all business spheres, from software development to personnel management, do not limit their knowledge and skills to one profession, can and like to invent, look for new approaches and think outside the box. CNN Digital Director for Europe, Middle East and Africa Blatnad Healy confirms that employers "are always looking for people who think deep, see big and don't shy away from discussion " [16].

People who can think creatively in their subject area are able to find non-trivial solutions and create new opportunities. They are able to act differently in critical situations, offering innovative solutions to complex problems. Creativity is always valued, but especially important in times of economic uncertainty; the ability to be creative helps organizations stay afloat even in these difficult times. Amanda van Nuys notes on LinkedIn that creativity is valued in any profession "regardless of the country or industry in which you do business" [17].

To explore the nature of creativity and determine its place in the list of core competencies, a questionnaire survey was conducted.

The first question of the questionnaire asked respondents to rate the priority of competencies (High/Middle/Low) in normal conditions and in remote working conditions. The answers are presented in Figures 1 and 2.

Fig. 1 Priority of competencies in normal conditions.



The highest level of priority was given by the problem solving, critical thinking, decision making, experts to the following competencies: comprehensive and emotional intelligence.

Priority of competencies in a remote work environment

100 90

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Complex Critical Creativity Cooperation Cognitive Service Judgment and Emotional Ecological Digital skills Self-control Ethics and problem thinking flexibility orientation decision intellect thinking social

solving making responsibility

■ High ■ Middle iLow

Fig. 2 Priority of competencies in a remote work environment.

The highest level of priority was given by the experts to the following competencies: comprehensive problem solving, digital skills, collaboration, and decision making.

Question 2: Is the list of business and psychological qualities combined in the competence cluster "innovativeness and creativity" correct (Yes/No). The distribution of responses is presented in Figure 3.

Fig.3 Priority of qualities combined in the competence cluster "innovativeness and creativity".

Most respondents believe that multitasking and fluency skills are not related to the competencies of innovativeness and creativity.

Question 3: Which competencies are opposite or antagonistic to creativity? The answers are presented in Figure 4.

Fig. 4 Competencies are opposite or antagonistic to creativity.

In answer to question 4: Do you think it is possible to measure the level of creativity? If yes, what degrees would you note? What scales do you think are correct for this kind of measurement? Several experts do not think it is possible to measure creativity. But for the most part, experts think it's possible, and have suggested the following tools for measurement:

• Binary scale;

• Basic scale: weak, medium, strong;

• Unique/non-unique; for teamwork, productive/non-productive;

• Thinking type tests, projective techniques;

• Scales: speed of proposing a solution, novelty of the solution, variability (number of options offered);

• Degrees - basic, "like everyone else", "on-trend", "ahead of its time".

A number of experts noted that assessment tools need to be tied to team roles. Also, creativity can be assessed through the bottom line.

When asked what practices and tools can develop or pump up creativity competence, the experts suggested the following options:

• Trainings;

• Designing user experience;

• Travel, new cultural contexts;

• Doing creative assignments, "blank pages," a game model of idea generation;

• A set of physical exercises to develop creativity;

• Rethinking experiences;

• Through professional tryouts of tasks that have never been done and are therefore non-typical;

• Exercises "non-typical function of the subject", "consideration of the problem from different positions", synthesis: search of new qualities through crossing of subjects/formats;

• Creativity;

• Comparative analysis of products of any thought activity.

Question 6: After how long will the request for creativity be in maximum demand? The distribution of answers is shown in Figure 5.

Fig. 5 Term of the creativity request

Question 7: How much more important is personal survive in a company? The answers are presented in creativity than professional creativity in the struggle to Figure 6.

Fig. 6 How much more important is personal creativity than professional creativity in the struggle for company survival?

Question 8: How sensitive is creativity to team atmosphere? Answers are presented in Figure 7.

Fig. 7 How sensitive is creativity to the atmosphere in the team?

Question 9: Which positions in the company are most in demand for creativity competence? The answers are presented in Figure 8.

Fig. 8 How sensitive is creativity to team atmosphere?

Specialists were asked how justified the stereotype that reactive knowledge and competences are inherent to more mature employees, and proactive ones to younger employees? Experts' opinions were divided. Some believe that it is justified because:

• experience often interferes with the perception and implementation of new things;

• there is no tradition of updating one's stock of knowledge and skills throughout life;

• mature workers often stop developing, and become "experts";

• for mature workers, error experience is often an emotional barrier to developing a non-standard solution.

Some professionals have the opposite point of view, and believe that it is not justified because:

• individual: young professionals are mostly trained in the conservative education system;

• depends on a person's personality, his motivation and readiness to develop;

• depends on the personal and professional qualities of the person;

• If a person is ready to develop, a mature specialist can be more proactive, because he/she sees prospects and possesses knowledge, while a young specialist can be just afraid of "stepping on mistakes";

• there is a notion of trainability which is not connected to age;

• it may depend on the culture in the organization;

• creativity depends not on experience of the person, but on ability of the person to be "well-watched" .

Also, the opinions of experts were divided on the question of the propensity to cooperate generation Y. Professionals were asked the question: Do you agree with the opinion that Generation Y is most likely to be

collaborative and team-oriented, despite a reputation as a generation of bright individualists who ignore the interests of the firms they work for? A number of experts agree with this view, provided there is a great deal of meaning in this collaborative activity. What matters is the comfortable environment in which professionals find themselves. This is achieved through effective and pleasant interaction with colleagues. Also one of the experts notes that game distributed teams have created the "habit" of individualists to work in teams. At the same time, experts note that when generations lose interest, they lose the ability to strongly collaborate and quickly give up.

A number of specialists do not believe in generational theories. They believe that everything depends on personal qualities of a person, on corporate culture and company values.


Remote work in the future has the potential to significantly change the labor market. In many ways, the new form of collaboration will be a driving factor for an even greater immersion of the world in digital reality. In this regard, a personal brand online and social capital will be important factors for successful interaction in the social and business space.

Personal brand can show belonging to a certain company, possession of skills and abilities, strong personal qualities, but the basis is reputation. In today's world all processes are changing rapidly, including personal brand building. The competition between professionals is getting tougher and thus it is necessary to make more efforts to be successful. People with more connections not only find it easier to find a new place, but also simply work more effectively. According to a study by American psychologist Julianne Holt-Lunstad [18], the main conclusion is that communication is not only important for our psyche, it is a biological need.



Lack of communication is a health risk comparable to a sedentary lifestyle, smoking 15 cigarettes a day or living in environmentally unfriendly areas [19].

The development of a personal brand when online and social capital is the field for the next study.


Today, knowledge and even skills (as individual elements) are becoming obsolete rather quickly, so the competency-based approach is the most promising. It allows to see the picture strategically, as well as to provide high flexibility.

Having analyzed prospective competences, we conclude that not only digital competences are in demand, but also soft skills. Accordingly, empathy and other communication competences will come to the fore.

Soft skills in 2020 will be more valued by employers, experts say. People with expertise in these skills, capable of empathy, will be in high demand -this, in particular, opens up a new wide front of work for coaches and mentors who specialize in the development of emotional intelligence within teams.

In 2020, creativity continues to be the most in-demand flexible skill.


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