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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Larin S.N., Sokolov N.A., Stebenyaeva T.V.

The relevance of the research topic determined by the growing intensification of the modern information technologies and products of the digital economy usage in all areas of industrial production. The statement of the research problem is to identify factors that hinder the adaptation of modern information technologies and products of the digital economy, taking into account the industry specifics of production, and the level of information competencies of enterprise personnel. The purpose of this article is to determine structure and composition of information competencies with their subsequent detailing by category. This will allow controlling the level of knowledge of the information competencies of personnel and creating training and retraining programs for specialists and employees of enterprises. The result of the study was the formation of the composition and structure of information competencies. There are three categories of information competencies: basic, professional and complementary. Authors substantiated that further specification of information competencies in the context of these categories will contribute to the unification of approaches to assessing the level of competencies and professional training of specialists and employees of industrial enterprises.

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S.N. Larin1, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Leading Researcher

N.A. Sokolov1, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Leading Researcher

T.V. Stebenyaeva2, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Leading Researcher

1Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization FVE Institute of International Accounting

and Management Standards

(Russia, Moscow)


Gratitude. The Russian Foundation of Basic Research, grant No. 19- 29-07168mk, funded the study.

Abstract. The relevance of the research topic determined by the growing intensification of the modern information technologies and products of the digital economy usage in all areas of industrial production. The statement of the research problem is to identify factors that hinder the adaptation of modern information technologies and products of the digital economy, taking into account the industry specifics of production, and the level of information competencies of enterprise personnel. The purpose of this article is to determine structure and composition of information competencies with their subsequent detailing by category. This will allow controlling the level of knowledge of the information competencies of personnel and creating training and retraining programs for specialists and employees of enterprises. The result of the study was the formation of the composition and structure of information competencies. There are three categories of information competencies: basic, professional and complementary. Authors substantiated that further specification of information competencies in the context of these categories will contribute to the unification of approaches to assessing the level of competencies and professional training of specialists and employees of industrial enterprises.

Keywords: industrial enterprises, industries, information technology, information competencies.

Introduction. In modern economic conditions, the success of the economic activity of industrial enterprises is largely determined by the level of development of their intellectual potential and its key component of human capital. In our study, we will understand human capital as the personnel of enterprises with a certain level of competencies. This comprehensive criterion assumes that the employees of the enterprise have the required managerial, professional, informational and other types of competencies. High level of these competencies contributes to improving the efficiency of the personnel of enterprises, production processes, organizing interaction with counterparties, optimizing administrative and economic activities. Modern information technologies (IT) and products of the digital

economy have become an important tool for the practical implementation of these and other components of the activities of industrial enterprises. The presence of all types of competencies among the personnel of enterprises, together with modern IT, serves as the basis for the sustainable development of industrial enterprises and their gaining of competitive advantages in the sales markets.

Purpose of the study.

Purpose of the study is to determine the structure and composition of information competencies, their detailing by category to control the level of training of specialists and employees of enterprises. Its implementation in relation to the activities of industrial enterprises will determine the structure, composi-

tion and level of information competencies that their personnel should have.

Materials and methods.

The source materials were the results of a comprehensive study carried out by one of the consulting companies in Russia. They used to assess the factors hindering the development of modern IT and the digital economy products usage in the activities of industrial enterprises.

As a methodological justification, authors used methods of system analysis, processing and generalization of information.

Authors of the article propose to use the definition of modern IT as a set of methods, software and technological tools that allow managing production and technological processes by collecting, storing, processing and presenting various kinds of information [5]. Usage of modern IT in the activities of industrial enterprises helps to reduce the labor intensity of production through the efficient use of information resources. The introduction of modern IT in the activities of industrial enterprises allows creating favorable conditions for their development. The key condition for achieving this goal is that most of the personnel of enterprises have the required level of information and other types of competencies that allow usage of modern IT and digital economy products in production activities.

Results and discussion.

A study jointly conducted by the Deloitte CIS Representative Office and the Center for Strategic Research (CSR) in 2019 showed that the development of digitalization and the introduction of modern IT in the activities of industrial enterprises in Russia is constrained by a number of factors. Among the most significant deterrents are incompatibility of modern IT with existing equipment (56%) and lack of funding (54%). Slightly less significant deterrents were problems with the personnel of enterprises, including a lack of qualified personnel (33%) and a lack of motivation among top managers (29%) [2].

It seems obvious that problems with personnel are associated with an insufficient level of professional, managerial, informational and other competencies. This circumstance directly affects at the development of personnel within the structural information compo-

nent of the intellectual capital of industrial enterprises.

The development of modern IT and digitalization of all spheres of the economy makes it necessary for the personnel of industrial enterprises to have information competencies [4]. In this regard, the main direction of our research is to determine the composition of professional and managerial competencies within the structural information component of the intellectual potential of industrial enterprises. Therefore, we should define the concept of "information competence". Authors propose to interpret this term as a set of necessary knowledge, competences and practical skills in the modern IT and digital economy products usage in production activities, which a specialist must have in order to effectively perform his job duties (management competencies) or qualification requirements (professional competencies) [3].

The expansion of the practice of using modern IT and digital economy products in the production activities of industrial enterprises causes an increased demand for employees with information competencies at the following levels.

First level is justified by the necessity to expand the range of professions, within which specialists must acquire general information competencies in terms of using modern IT and digital economy products at their workplaces to solve current production problems.

Second level is associated with the growing necessity for professional information competencies for the production of products and services within the framework of modern IT and digital economy products, namely: software, various web resources, e-commerce tools, cloud computing, the Internet of things, processing large data arrays. Not so long ago, only IT specialists possessed information competencies. However, the usage of modern IT and digital economy products in the production activities of industrial enterprises has led to a revision of the previous practice and the inclusion of information competencies in the qualification characteristics of many other professions.

Third level is contingent on a change in the way of performed works and usage of complementary information competencies for this

(complementary skills). They designed to support the solution of new challenges using modern IT and digital economy products in the workplace [6]. Such competencies include the use of information communications in the internal and external spheres of activity of enterprises, the promotion of products on ecommerce platforms, the analysis and processing of large data arrays, etc.

Within the framework of the structural information component of the intellectual potential of industrial enterprises, each of the levels described above can assign its own composition of information competencies in three categories: basic, professional and complementary. A detailed breakdown of the knowledge and work skills that specialists of industrial enterprises should have to solve the widest range of production tasks in the context of these categories of information competencies given below.

The category of basic information competencies characterized by the following set of knowledge and skills.

Knowledge: software used in production activities; opportunities and features of the use of modern IT, products of the digital economy; common approaches to ensuring information security.

Work skills: with internal and external devices of the computer; with information networks, operating systems and databases; with text editors and spreadsheets; with various products of the digital economy; on plotting and preparing electronic presentations.

The professional category of information competencies characterized by the following set of knowledge and skills.

Knowledge of: legal framework for the usage of modern IT and digital economy products; policy documents for the implementation of state policy that regulate the development and usage of modern IT in the activities of industrial enterprises; software used in production activities; opportunities and features of using modern IT and digital economy products; general approaches to ensuring information security; methodological foundations of project management.

Work skills: on strategic planning and management of production activities of industrial enterprises; with internal and external

devices of the computer; with information networks, operating systems and databases; with text editors and spreadsheets; with various products of the digital economy; with management systems for the implementation of projects and production activities of industrial enterprises.

The complementary category of information competencies characterized by the following set of knowledge and skills.

Knowledge of: computer-aided design systems; systems of engineering calculations, analysis and simulation modeling of production processes; systems of automated technological preparation of production; enterprise resource planning systems; production process control systems; product data management systems; management systems for regulatory and reference information; systems for collecting, processing, storing and analyzing information; enterprise information content management systems.

Skills in working with systems: engineering calculations, analysis and simulation of production processes; automated design; automated technological preparation of production; enterprise resource planning; management of production processes and data on manufactured products; management of regulatory and reference information; collection, processing, storage and analysis of information; enterprise information content management.

The structure and composition of information competencies, as a rule, are determined in competency passports and qualification requirements for the areas of training specialists (managers of all levels of management) and employees (professional workers) of enterprises. Today, at many industrial enterprises, the practice of forming information competency profiles in relation to job and professional instructions, taking into account the industry specifics of their production activities, became widespread. The development of this practice largely connected with the expansion of the requirements of industrial enterprises acting as employers to the structure and composition of information competencies that specialists and employees should have [1]. Through the formation of information competencies profiles, the indus-

try specifics of production adapted to the conditions and requirements associated with the implementation of various IT solutions.

The above specification of knowledge and work skills that specialists of industrial enterprises should have in the context of the proposed categories of information competencies actionable as the basis for the formation of a unified approach to the selection of specialists and employees for employment, as well as the development of advanced training systems for enterprise personnel.


The results obtained in the course of the studies made it possible to form the following conclusions.

1. In modern economic conditions, the successful production activity of industrial enterprises largely determined by the level of development of intellectual potential and its key component- human capital. It reflected in the presence of the required level of managerial, professional, informational and other types of competencies of the personnel of industrial enterprises.

2. The introduction of modern IT and digital economy products into the activities of industrial enterprises in Russia is constrained by a number of factors. Among them, the so-called personnel problems have great importance. They explained by the insufficient current level of proficiency in professional, managerial and informational competencies. This circumstance reflected in the informational structural component of the intellectual potential of industrial enterprises.

3. Today, any specialist or employee of an enterprise must have a certain level of information competencies necessary to use modern IT and digital economy products in the production process.

4. The structure and composition of information competencies presented in the context of three categories: basic, professional and complementary. Detailing of information competencies in the context of the proposed categories will help to unify approaches to the selection of specialists and employees when they are hired, as well as to the development of systems for advanced training and retrain-

ing of personnel.

Библиографический список

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С.Н. Ларин1, канд. техн. наук, ведущий научный сотрудник

Н.А. Соколов1, канд. физ.-мат. наук, ведущий научный сотрудник

Т.В. Стебеняева2, канд. экон. наук, ведущий специалист

Центральный экономико-математический институт РАН

2АНО ДПО Институт международных стандартов учета и управления

(Россия, г. Москва)

Аннотация. Актуальность темы исследования определяется ростом интенсификации использования современных информационных технологий и продуктов цифровой экономики во всех сферах промышленного производства. Постановка проблемы исследования заключается в выявлении факторов, сдерживающих адаптацию современных информационных технологий и продуктов цифровой экономики с учетом отраслевой специфики производства продукции, а также уровень информационных компетенций персонала предприятий. Цель настоящей статьи заключается в определении структуры и состава информационных компетенций с их последующей детализацией по категориям. Это позволит контролировать уровень владения информационными компетенциями персонала и формировать программы обучения и переподготовки специалистов и сотрудников предприятий. Результатом проведенного исследования стало формирование состава и структуры информационных компетенций. Выделены три категории информационных компетенций: базовые, профессиональные и комплементарные. Обосновано, что дальнейшая детализация информационных компетенций в разрезе указанных категорий будет способствовать унификации подходов к оценке уровня компетенций и профессиональной подготовки специалистов и сотрудников промышленных предприятий.

Ключевые слова: промышленные предприятия, отрасли производства, информационные технологии, информационные компетенции.

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