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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Maslova Ludmila

The article discusses the examples of competence-oriented assignments which were used at English lessons at the Economics University as a means to develop and assess competences of economics students. Their structure and content are analysed. Constructed on the basis of professional tasks of economists competence-oriented assignments serve as the resource to renew the content of English lessons and implement the function of English language as a means for the purposeful development of professional competence.

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2. Andreeva A. (2012) "Fenetyc population characteristics Yakutia (by Features dermatohlific drawings)", International magazine of experimental education, 4: 77-78.

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6. Horbunov N.S., Klak N.N, Shekhovtsova Y.A. (2012) "Prognostic dermatoglific possible signs of human", Herald of new medical technologies, 4 p.

7. Mishagin V.P., Zoroastrov O.M. (2010) "Forensic aspects of regional dermatoglific characteristics". Medical science and education in the Urals. №1:112-114.

8. Seema, Mahajan A, Gandhi D, Singh M. (2012) "Dermatoglyphics - Study and Review of literature", Novel Science International Journal of Medical Science, 1 (6): 191 -198.

9. Shpak L.Y. (2013) "On the classification of finger patterns. Bulletin of Anthropology". Science Almanac. 2 (24):132-140.

10. Zvyahyn V.N., Mazur E.S., Voroshilov N.S., Ahmedyn R.L. (2008) "Discriminant canonical analysis ethno-territorial polymorphism in Example contrast ethnic groups", Journal of Tomsk state-owned University, 309: 115-117.



The article discusses the examples of competence-oriented assignments which were used at English lessons at the Economics University as a means to develop and assess competences of economics students. Their structure and content are analysed. Constructed on the basis of professional tasks of economists competence-oriented assignments serve as the resource to renew the content of English lessons and implement the function of English language as a means for the purposeful development of professional competence.


competence-oriented assignments, professional tasks, competence, foreign language


Ludmila Maslova

PhD student, Department of Pedagogy Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia Saint Petersburg, Russia lsm-2003@list.ru

The implementation of the competence-based approach in education involves changing the views on the educational outcomes. The implementation requires creating fundamentally new training and methodological resources (courseware), the box of evaluation tools, in particular, to measure the results through the integrated development of competencies.

Professional tasks identified in the Federal State Educational Standards of higher education are being used to design the content of training of future specialists (Tryapitsyna, 2013) and are considered to be the basis for the creation of competence-oriented assignments (COA). COA are viewed as part of the professional task, as "the integrative didactic unit of content, technology and monitoring of the quality of students training" (Shehonin, Tarlykov, Kleshcheva, et.al., 2014), i.e. as the condition and means for achieving and assessing modern educational results.

COA serve as a basis for project and research activities of students, discussions, role plays and simulation games. Assignments of this type have a number of differences from the traditional assignments as they are created for the evaluation of the integrated results of professional training, i.e. the ability of students to apply their knowledge and skills in practical situations similar to the professional ones.

The study of the working programs of universities and scientific literature on the subject of approaches to the assessment of professional competence allows to identify the presence of certain trends. These trends characterise the process that starts from the individual theoretical developments in scientific articles and PhD theses (EO Uskova (Uskova, 2008), AI Gorbunov (Gorbunov, 2012) and others) and goes all the way to the widespread practical application. In the working programs competence development levels are set in the form of requirements to the level of knowledge (from the level of recognition and reproduction to the system of knowledge and its creative use), the level of skills (from the reproductive to productive skills and the ability to research) and personal qualities. Moreover, the highest creative level is realised with the participation of students in research activities, competitions and conferences.

COA are formulated by authors following the logic of Bloom's taxonomy with the usage of templates of L.S. Ilyushin's tasks builder (Ilyushin, 2013). COA are recognized to be the tasks for the application of knowledge and intellectual activities.

The purpose of using Bloom's taxonomy in designing assignments is to offer the most comprehensive and individualised form of training and assessment with focusing on the level of personal achievements of students. L.S. Ilyushin's tasks builder with specified templates allows teachers to create assignments of various levels, including the assignments of high complexity with creating one's own product and application of knowledge and skills from different areas.

COA developers compare the levels of activities required for the tasks with the components of competence and the competence development levels. For example, in the collective work of the Saint-Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics ( ITMO ) (Shehonin, Tarlykov, Kleshcheva, et.al., 2014) the development of the competence to the level of "'reproduction and understanding " corresponds to " knowledge and understanding " in Bloom's taxonomy; development to the level of "use" is associated with the categories of " application and analysis" and achievement of the level of "creativity" corresponds to the implementation of the increased complexity of tasks of the categories "synthesis and evaluation."

COA as the source of assessment tools are intended for the organization and conduct of monitoring current students' educational achievements and for the final performance evaluation at the end of a given course (module).COA are recognised as problem-oriented; situational; requiring general intellectual skills, awareness, reflexivity (Makhotin, 2014).

The general structure of COA can be identified in the following way:

• the formulation of the problem;

• the provision of information or links to the sources;

• tasks for the work with the information.

Thus, the specialists of the Pedagogy Department of Herzen University in their work (Akulova, Pisareva, Piskunova, 2008) examine approaches to designing COA (so called «situational tasks») to assess the competence of students. The COA structure include: the

topic, personally significant educational issue (question), information on a given issue and the set of tasks to work with the information. A.A Shehonin, V.A. Tarlykov and others in their work (Shehonin, Tarlykov, Kleshcheva, et.al., 2014) refer to a structure containing the stimulus, task formulation, source of information. D.A. Makhotin focuses on the foreign experience in COA development and considers them as a means to assess general and professional competencies of the students highlighting the stimulus and problematic components (Makhotin, 2014).

The algorithm for creating COA thus is the following: the description of a problem by a teacher or providing students with opportunities to identify the problem themselves; searching for the information resources that allow students to carry out planned activities (materials in electronic or printed form, magazine articles, research papers); the preparation of tasks for students to perform which will be followed by a group discussion.

The following are the examples of COA that have been used in the classroom on foreign language lessons at St. Petersburg University of Economics to assess the development of professional competence. COA are built according to Bloom's taxonomy and based on the professional tasks of the future economists. It is important to note that under the conditions of the implementation of the competence-based approach in education there is a change in the emphases in the foreign language teaching at universities. Along with the goal of improving the language skills of students the goal of using the foreign language as a means to develop professional competence is now being implemented. It means the introduction to the students new aspects of professional tasks, application of their knowledge in the new conditions.

The Simulation of professional tasks which are indicated in the standard (Federal...) and related to the calculation and economic activities is performed through the implementation and evaluation of the assignments associated with the calculation of economic indicators using the description in the foreign language, drawing a graph according to a given description and writing a business plan. Tasks related to calculations based on a document constitute working with the procedural knowledge. They prepare students to get acquainted with new methods of calculation and adopt innovative experiences of other countries.

Assignments for indicators' calculations based on the description are created in the logic of the Bloom's taxonomy with the usage of the tasks builder of L.S. Ilyushin (Ilyushin, 2013) №21- "application" (Calculate on the basis of data ... ) . The drawing of a graph under the description in a foreign language refers to №15- "use" (Picture the information graphically ...).

Writing business plans for economic enterprises within the framework of the calculation and economic activities include representation of the company, its products and services, the description of the sales market, the calculation of the efficiency of investment, writing the Balance Sheet and refers to the "synthesis" category in Bloom's taxonomy (Ilyushin, 2013): (№30-Develop a plan allowing...). The information on writing a business plan can be obtained from various foreign language websites. For example, the business plan of Coach House Bed and Breakfast (Coach House.) was used as a sample because it corresponds to the format of a typical business plan. Choosing the tourism sector is justified by one of the specialties of the university related to the service industry.

Students are encouraged to make a similar plan using the specified format and key expressions, transferring knowledge in a new situation. Creating a business plan involves applying previously studied topics: "The company", "The company structure", "Services" "The Market", "Financial Considerations", "The Starting Balance Sheet". Thus, writing the business plan is the final project the implementation of which requires the reiteration of the main topics and some entrepreneurial creativity by the students.

It should be noted that the business plan reflects a company philosophy and should be written in a special way attracting foreign investors' interest to the project. In order

to write a business plan in the foreign language, students should consider the business from the point of view of the foreign partner, the possibility to adapt it to the other economic system and acquire ways of thinking of foreign culture representatives. COA of this type involves the application of knowledge and skills of students with transferring them to the new situation: for example, the Russian and the American versions of the Balance Sheet are significantly different so the task involves the transition from one version to the other.

Working with this competence-oriented assignment contributes to the development of critical thinking of students preparing them for professional interactions in the context of globalization. Assignments created with the help of task builder of LS Ilyushin and related to the Balance sheet in the foreign language require implementation of the analysis: (№25- Create classification ...) and assessment: (№41- Identify opportunities ... for ...), (№37- Determine which solution is best for ...).

Analytical and research activities are related to the search and processing of information, analysis, data interpretation for economic calculations and indicators characterizing socio-economic processes in Russia and abroad (Federal...). Training to solve professional tasks related to analytical and research activities involves the development of all kinds of reading skills (skimming, scanning, reading for comprehension, reading for specific purpose.), skills in working with text and graphical information and involves the use of a variety of texts:

1) texts with the correctly - presented information :

•assignments to determine the meaning of the paragraphs and the general idea of the text.

• assignments including filling in the gaps in the text ( prognosis).

•assignments for the correction of statements in accordance with the paragraph's

meaning or conceptual idea of the author;

2) texts with excessive, missing, inconsistent information to detect contradictions , inconsistencies, hidden issues.

These assignments to the texts can be compared with Bloom's taxonomy categories: "understanding", "analysis", "synthesis.

Competence - oriented assignments within the analytical and research activities are the tasks of writing a report on a particular subject in a foreign language (may be prepared as a presentation), or articles to participate in students' scientific conferences. This activity involves the analysis, synthesis, evaluation of different approaches, theories and points of view on a particular issue, and the presentation of their own opinions on the

problem under the study ( "synthesis» №35-express your opinion ... in the form of......).

Performing tasks of high complexity, such as writing articles for a students' scientific conference, participation in the competition corresponds to the development of competencies to the creative level.

COA considered above are aimed at creating a foreign-language product (business plan, presentation, article). They can be represented as follows: search and working with the information on a specific issue (understanding, determination of the meaning, processing, transformation, identification of contradictions), creation of their own text product, evaluation.

Taking into account the specificity of the discipline "Foreign Language", which implies working on a text and terms, the steps of creating one's own product in a foreign language are represented as follows:

1. Defining the necessary linguistic material in the text to solve problems (keyword phrases, terms).

2. Studying these terms and the context of their use.

3. Implementing information retrieval on a given issue.

4. Extracting and processing the necessary information from various sources.

5. Studying concepts, attitudes and opinions.

6. Creating one's own product in the form of a business plan, presentations, articles, reports on the topic.

7. Reflective evaluation.

Expected results of implementing COA are considered to be a contribution to the formation of professional competencies by means of the discipline "Foreign Language": the ability to draw up business plans of enterprises (PC - 3) , interpret financial and accounting information in company reporting (PC - 7), analyse socio - economic indicators (PC -8); the ability to search, process information and create an information report (PC -9).

Organizational and management activities are presented in the professional standard by the following professional tasks (Federal.): participation in working out managerial solutions and decisions based on the criteria of social and economic efficiency, managing small groups created for the implementation of economic projects. These activities involve the development of communicative and managerial skills in the context of teamwork. The simulation of professional tasks of organizational and management activities is carried out in the process of working on reports, presentations, projects when short-term and long-term goals are being set, the stages of creating work are being discussed, analysis of specific professional activities is being performed.

In this context, discussions of students, business games, collective performance of a specific project, discussions of work performed by students are very topical. Collective designing of a business plan is a collective project activity. Project skills developed in this activity allow students to identify the problem, collect and process information, analyse the prospects for solving this problem. For these purposes students used the Internet and scientific literature. For the business game the following situations were used: "Getting a loan", "Where to invest?" The intended learning outcome of these activities is the formation of professional competence (PC - 11). This is the ability to organize the activities of the group set up to implement a specific economic project.

During the experimental work, activities discussed above have been matched to three levels of development. That resulted in selection of corresponding levels of competence development of future economists by means a foreign language (basic, productive, creative). Identifying these levels helps assess individual students' progress in detail. Training students to make presentations, elaborate project work, preparing them for scientific conferences were carried out in both the classroom and a specially-organized "Linguistic Club". Club activities have helped increase the number of classroom hours to work with students and to implement the in-depth study of certain aspects of the specialty.

Sharing the view of L.V. Lvov (Lvov) we believe that presentations, defences of projects, test materials and COA for the development and analysis of the formation of the professional competence levels must be included into training and methodological resources (courseware). Certain text samples of works prepared by the teacher such as texts samples, documents used in professional sphere, authentic resources of the Internet are recognized as an essential component of the training and methodological resources (courseware).

We can conclude that competence-oriented assignments in the teaching content of foreign language lessons at universities have sufficiently high potential for the development of professional competencies. For successful implementation of these tasks it is necessary to strengthen the cooperation in the process of training between foreign language teachers and teachers of specialized disciplines at university.


1. Akulova O.V., Pisareva SA, Piskunova E.V. (2008) Konstruirovanie situatsionnyh zadach dlya otsenki kompetentnosti uchashchihsya: Uchebno-metodicheskoye posobie dlya pedagogov shkol. SPb. KARO. 96 P.

2. Coach House Bed and Breakfast Business Plan. Available at: http://www.bplans.com/bed_and_breakfast_business_plan/executive_summary_fc.php.

3. Federal gosudarstvennyj standart vysshego professional 'nogo obrazovaniya po napravleniyu podgotovki 080100 Economika (kvalifikatsia (stepen') -bakalavr). Available at: http://fgosvo.ru/uploadfiles/fgos/8/20111115140416.pdf.

4. Gorbunov A.I. (2012) Formirovanie professional'noi kompetentnosti v oblasti informatsionnoi bezopastnosti u budushchih economistov v usloviyah vuzovskogo obrazovaniya. Avtoref.diss.na soisk. uch.st. kand. ped. nauk. Joshkar-Ola.

5. Ilyushin L.S. (2013) "Ispol'zovanie "Konstruktora zadach" v razrabotke sovremennogo uroka". Shkol'nye tehnologii. №1. Pp. 123-132.

6. Lvov L.V. Uchebno-metodicheskij kompleks kompetentnosti kak osnova psihologo-pedagogicheskogo protsessa. Available at: http://www.edit.muh.ru/content/mag/trudy/02_2011/06.pdf.

7. Makhotin D.A. (2014) "Kompetentnostno-orientirovannye zhadaniya kak sredstvo otsenki obshchih i professional'nyh kompetentsij obuchayushchihsya". Srednee professional'noe obrazovanie. №5.

8. Shehonin A.A., Tarlykov V.A., Kleshcheva I.V., et.al. (2014) Kompetentnostno-orientirovannye zhadaniya v sisteme vysshego obrazovaniya. Uchebnoe posobie. Saint-Petersburg. NIU ITMO. 98 P.

9. Tryapitsyna A.P. (2013) "Soderzhanie professional'noi podgotovki studentov budushchih uchitelej k resheniyu zhadach modernizatsii obshchego obrazovaniya". Vestnik Gertsenovskogo Universiteta.№1. Pp.50-61.

10. Uskova E.O. (2008) Formirovanie professional'noj kompetentnosti spetsialistov economiko-pravovoj sfery sredstvami inostrannogo yazyka v vuze. Avtoref.diss.na soisk. uch.st. kand. ped. nauk., Ul'yanovsk.



The subject of detection of qualities which the managerial leader shall possess is reflected in this article. Examples of successful managerial leaders and efficiency of personal qualities are researched. On the basis of the conducted research, it is offered to allocate charismatic components of leaders, for more accurate information of this problem.


leader, management, personal qualities


Darya Muntyanu


Kuban State Agrarian University Krasnodar, Russia 9181926799- avon@mai l. ru

Anastasia Myzenko


Kuban State Agrarian University Krasnodar, Russia

Introduction. Leadership, as well as management, is somewhat art. Till today questions of leadership remain actual as any definite and certain answers are not given yet. But various models and theories, help to realize need of flexible approach to a management. Management is closely interconnected with leadership. The essence of their interrelation is that leadership is an important aspect of management. The capability to

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