d Rasuleva Nigina (MnB)
+99890 9661114 Wechat ID: niginam11
Abstract: China and Ukraine are both countries with long histories and profound cultural heritage. Over the centuries, the diplomatic relations and friendly exchanges established between the two countries have become a solid foundation for good-neighborly friendship. Cooperation between China and Ukraine in various fields has achieved fruitful results. This kind of cooperation benefits the people of both countries and has the support of the two peoples. China and Uzbekistan will continue to cooperate on the road of national development and growth, and will surely open a splendid new chapter in the friendship between the two countries. Cooperation in the field of education has always been an important part of China-Uzbekistan relations. In recent years, new achievements have been made in student exchanges, Chinese teaching, cross-regional exchanges, joint archaeological expeditions, and bilingual translation of artistic works. Science fiction is one of the common genres of Chinese literature and Uzbek literature. This article studies the similarities and differences of science fiction works between the two countries, clarifies the different cultural values of the science fiction genre in the two countries,
analyzes the impact of science fiction novels on cross-cultural communication, and gives appropriate scientific conclusions.
Keywords: science fiction; values; comparative literature; reflection on issues;
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