№ 6 (111)
• 7universum.com
июнь, 2024 г.
Azamatjon Shuxratjon o'g'li Shokirov
Master's degree student at Andijon State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan, Andijan E-mail: [email protected] https://orcid. org/0000-0002-3239-5 735
Шокиров Азаматжон Шухратжон угли
студент магистратуры Андижанского государственного медицинского института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Андижан
This study investigates the flavonoid content of ethanol extracts from locally grown Papaya Carica and Indian Papaya Carica plants using UV spectrophotometry. The analysis reveals that the local samples exhibit a higher flavonoid concentration than the imported Indian sample, with rutin used as the reference standard. A Shimadzu UV-1800 spectrophotometer was employed for the analysis, and all reagents were sourced from Sigma-Aldrich. This comparative study underscores the potential of local Papaya Carica as a superior source of flavonoids.
В этом исследовании с помощью УФ-спектрофотометрии изучается содержание флавоноидов в этанольных экстрактах местных растений папайи карика и индийской папайи карика. Анализ показывает, что местные образцы демонстрируют более высокую концентрацию флавоноидов, чем импортированные индийские образцы, при этом в качестве эталонного стандарта используется рутин. Для анализа использовали спектрофотометр Shimadzu UV-1800, все реагенты были получены от Sigma-Aldrich. Это сравнительное исследование подчеркивает потенциал местной Папайи Карика как превосходного источника флавоноидов.
Keywords: UV Spectroscopy, Papaya, Carica,Shimadzu, Rutin, Flavanoids.
Ключевые слова: УФ-спектроскопия, папайя, карика, шимадзу, рутин, флавоноиды.
Flavonoids are a diverse group of phytonutrients (plant chemicals) found in almost all fruits and vegetables. They are known for their antioxidant properties and numerous health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic effects. Papaya Carica, commonly known as papaya, is a tropical fruit renowned for its rich
nutritional profile and medicinal properties. This study aims to compare the flavonoid content in ethanol extracts of Papaya Carica grown locally in Uzbekistan with those imported from India, utilizing UV spectro-photometric analysis.
Библиографическое описание: Shokirov A. COMPARATIVE UV SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF ETHANOL EXTRACT OF LOCAL PAPAYA CARICA AND INDIAN PAPAYA CARICA PLANT // Universum: медицина и фармакология: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 6(111). URL: https://7universum. com/ru/med/archive/item/17698
Materials and Methods
Three samples of locally grown Papaya Carica were collected from different regions of Ferghana valley within Uzbekistan. One sample of Papaya Carica was imported from India for comparison. All samples were authenticated and processed in the laboratory.
Reagents and Chemicals
Ethanol (analytical grade) from Sigma-Aldrich Rutin (reference standard) from Sigma-Aldrich
The samples were washed, dried, and ground into a fine powder. Ethanol extraction was performed by soaking 10 grams of each powdered sample in 100 mL of ethanol for 24 hours with occasional shaking. The extracts were filtered using Whatman No. 1 filter paper and evaporated to dryness under reduced pressure. The
residues were re-dissolved in a known volume of etha-nol for further analysis.
UV Spectrophotometric Analysis
The flavonoid content in the ethanol extracts was quantified using a Shimadzu UV-1800 spectrophotometer. Rutin was used as the reference standard for calibration.
Preparation of Standard Solution: A stock solution of rutin (1 mg/mL) was prepared in ethanol and diluted to obtain standard solutions ranging from 10 to 100 ^g/mL.
Sample Analysis: The ethanol extracts of the papaya samples were diluted appropriately, and their ab-sorbance was measured at 415 nm. The flavonoid content was calculated using the calibration curve.
Figure 1. UV spectral analysis of Indian Papaya
Figure 2. Local Papaya Sample 1
Figure 3. Local Papaya Sample 3
The analysis shows that all samples from local plantations of Papaya Carica are rich in flavonoid content compared to imported Papaya sample. Fist sample has 0.1431 absorbance in 415 nm while Indian sample has
0.1164 absorbance. When we do calculations based on rutin in Aliminum Chloride solutions UV spectr analysis it shows percentages of flavonoid content of plant compared to rutin.
Table 1.
Flavonoid Content
Sample Absorbance Flavonoid Content (mg/g rutin equivalent)
Local Sample 1 0.1431 0.72%
Local Sample 2 0.1407 0.709%
Local Sample 3 0.1285 0.647%
Indian Sample 0.1164 0.588%
The results indicate that the local samples contain a higher concentration of flavonoids compared to the Indian sample.
The higher flavonoid content in local Papaya Carica may be attributed to the specific growing conditions, including soil quality, climate, and agricultural practices
in Uzbekistan. These factors can significantly influence the phytochemical profile of plants. The use of rutin as a reference standard provides a reliable means of quantifying flavonoid content through UVspectrophotometry
Figure 4. Local Papaya Sample 1 Absorbance
Figure 5. Local Papaya Sample 2 Absorbance
Figure 6. Local Papaya Sample 3 Absorbance
Figure 7. Indian Papaya Sample Absorbancce
This comparative study demonstrates that locally grown Papaya Carica in Uzbekistan possesses a higher flavonoid content than the imported Indian Papaya Carica. Local samples average concentration is 0.692% while Indian samples concentration is 0.588%. The findings suggest that local Papaya Carica could be a more
potent source of flavonoids, offering greater health benefits. Further studies on the specific environmental factors and agricultural practices that enhance flavonoid content in local papaya are recommended. By conducting this study, we contribute to the understanding of the phytochemical differences between locally grown and imported medicinal plants, highlighting the importance of local biodiversity in pharmacognosy and phytotherapy
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