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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Fyodorova-Radicheva Maya

Specific learning disabilities (SLD) are an umbrella term that combines disorders of various specific school skills (dyslexia, dysgraphia, acalculia, nonverbal learning difficulties). Although each of these disorders has its own individual symptoms, children affected by this type of disorders share some common psychological features, some of which distract their social functioning. The study of the social circle of students with SLD is of particular importance for strengthening their integration into the school environment. This article presents a comparative study examining the social interactions carried out by students without and with SLD, in different social circles. For this purpose, an adapted graphic conversation "My communication circle" (Andrushenko, T. Yu., 2002) was used. The respondents "populated" the social circles, indicating the people with whom they communicate and the emotional coloring of the communication. The study was conducted with 32 students (16 with SLD and 16 without) in 17 different schools in Plovdiv Municipality. All subjects were between 10 and 16 years of age, with a mean age of 13.06 years. There are statistically significant differences in emotionally unequal ("I prefer them, they don't particularly like me" and "They prefer me, I don't particularly like them") interactions in the social circles of peers at school and adults at school, as well as in the total number of declared interactions. This confirms the hypothesis that students with SLD have difficulties assessing the emotional state and attitude of others.

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Балканско научно обозрение. 2021. Т. 5. № 1(11) фьодорова-радичева майа

ISSN print: 2603-4867; ISSN online: 2683-1082 сравнително изследване на социалните ...

UDC 159 922 76 I/-N t?\(*\ 1©2021 Контент достъпен според лицензиата CC BY-NC 4.0

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© The Author(s) 2021 ORCID: 0000-0002-4205-4520


Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski" (4000, Bulgaria, Plovdiv, bul. "Bulgaria" 236, e-mail: maya.fyodorova@uni-plovdiv.bg) Abstract. Specific learning disabilities (SLD) are an umbrella term that combines disorders of various specific school skills (dyslexia, dysgraphia, acalculia, nonverbal learning difficulties). Although each of these disorders has its own individual symptoms, children affected by this type of disorders share some common psychological features, some of which distract their social functioning. The study of the social circle of students with SLD is of particular importance for strengthening their integration into the school environment. This article presents a comparative study examining the social interactions carried out by students without and with SLD, in different social circles. For this purpose, an adapted graphic conversation „My communication circle" (Andrushenko, T. Yu., 2002) was used. The respondents „populated" the social circles, indicating the people with whom they communicate and the emotional coloring of the communication. The study was conducted with 32 students (16 with SLD and 16 without) in 17 different schools in Plovdiv Municipality. All subjects were between 10 and 16 years of age, with a mean age of 13.06 years. There are statistically significant differences in emotionally unequal („I prefer them, they don't particularly like me" and „They prefer me, I don't particularly like them") interactions in the social circles of peers at school and adults at school, as well as in the total number of declared interactions. This confirms the hypothesis that students with SLD have difficulties assessing the emotional state and attitude of others. Keywords: specific learning disabilities, SLD, communication


© Авторът(е) 2021


Пловдивски университет „Паисий Хилендарски" (4000, България, Пловдив, бул. „България" 236, e-mail: maya.fyodorova@uni-plovdiv.bg) Анотация. Специфичните нарушения на способността за учене (СНСУ) са общ термин, обединяващ наруше-нията на различните специфични училищни умения (дислексия, дисграфия, акалкулия, невербални обучителни трудности). Макар, всяко едно от тези нарушения да има своята индивидуална симптоматика, децата, засегнати от този тип нарушения, споделят някои общи психологически особености, част от които засягат социалното им функциониране. Изследването на социалния кръг на учениците със СНСУ е от особена важност за засилване на ин-теграцията им в училищната среда. Настоящата статия представя сравнително изследване, проучващо социалните интеракции, осъществявани от учениците без и със СНСУ, в различните социални кръгове. За целта е използвана адаптирана на графична беседа „Моят кръг на общуване" (Андрущенко, Т.Ю., 2002), в която изследваните лица „заселват" социалните кръгове, като посочват хората, с които общуват и емоционалната окраска на общуването си с тях. Изследването е проведено с 32 ученика (16 със СНСУ и 16 без), в 17 различни училища на територията на област Пловдив. Всички изследвани лица са на възраст между 10 и 16 години, като средната възраст е 13,06 години. Откриват се статистически значими разлики в неравностойните в емоционално отношение („Аз ги предпочитам, те мен не особено" и „Те ме предпочитат, аз тях не особено") интеракции в социалните кръгове на връстниците в училище и възрастните в училище, както и в общия брой посочвани интеракции. Това потвърждава хипотезата, че учениците със СНСУ изпитват трудности в оценката на емоционалното състояние и отношение на другите. Ключови думи: специфични нарушения на способността за учене, СНСУ, общуване


© Автор(ы) 2021


Пловдивскийуниверситет „ПаисийХилендарский" (4000, Болгария, Пловдив, бул. „Болгария" 236, e-mail: maya.fyodorova@uni-plovdiv.bg) Аннотация. Специфические нарушения способности научения (СНСН) - это обобщающий термин, объединяющий нарушения различных специфических школьных навыков (дислексия, дисграфия, акалькулия, невербальные трудности обучения). Хотя каждое из этих расстройств имеет свои индивидуальные симптомы, дети, страдающие этим типом расстройств, имеют некоторые общие психологические особенности, некоторые из которых влияют на их социальное функционирование. Изучение социального круга учащихся со СНСН имеет особое значение для усиления их интеграции в школьную среду. В данной статье представлено сравнительное исследование, изучающее социальные взаимодействия, осуществляемые студентами без и с СНСН в различных социальных кругах. Для этого была использована адаптированная графическая беседа «Мой круг общения» (Андрущенко, Т.Ю., 2002). Респонденты «заселяли» социальные круги, указывая на людей, с которыми они общаются, и эмоциональную окраску своего общения с ними. Исследование было проведено с 32 учениками (16 с СНСН и 16 без) в 17 различных школах Пловдива. Все испытуемые были в возрасте от 10 до 16 лет, средний возраст - 13,06 года. Существуют статистически значимые различия в эмоционально неравных («Я предпочитаю их, они не особенно любят меня» и «Они предпочитают меня, я не особенно люблю их») взаимодействиях в социальных кругах сверстников в школе и взрослых в школе, а также в общем количестве заявленных взаимодействий. Это подтверждает гипотезу о том, что ученики с СНСН испытывают трудности в оценке эмоционального состояния и отношения окружающих. Ключeвые слова: специфеские нарушения способности научения, СНСН, общение

INTRODUCTION the dynamics of the relationships they perform. Levterova,

The characteristics of inclusive and integrated D. S. [1] This task is charged with extreme relevance and education require knowledge of the specific psychological urgency. The search for the specific features of social characteristics of students with special needs, as well as interactions of students with specific learning disabilities


comparative study of social interactions .

Balkan Scientific Review. 2021. Vol. 5. № 1(11)

ISSN print: 2603-4867; ISSN online: 2683-1082

(SLD) is an important aspect of efforts to improve the school environment and build an inclusive school culture that facilitates the participation of all students in school and social life. In this context, the school environment can be considered as a small scale model of society, inclusion in which is one of the main goals of education around the world and in our country. The creation of full members of this society, as well as a positive environment for development and full realization of the potential of each of them, is the most important task of each of us. Adequate methodologies for supporting and facilitating the personal development and individual potential of each, invariably goes through a similar type of research, as a tool for identifying the need for support in various fields. The present study seeks specific areas in the social environment of students with SLD where they need additional support. This needs emerge due to the psychological dimensions of the disorder.

Psychological features and social interactions of studends with SLD

SLD is "an umbrella term that refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders expressed by significant difficulties in acquiring and using listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning (thinking) or mathematics skills" NJCLD [2]

The functional features of the impairment show „a subset of examples in which people cannot master skills that are important for school success, such as reading, spelling, math, communication or social skills" Sturnburg, R. [3, p. 268]. On the other hand, developmental difficulties in children with SLD can be distinguished as general and specific. The general ones are manifested in the development of the cognitive and motor sphere, as well as in the social connections and behavior. The specific ones are based on the peculiarities in the development of the higher mental functions. Levterova, D.S. [4] Vasileva (referring to Pylaeva) points to several types of underdevelopment of neuropsychiatric functions that lead to impaired learning ability in early neuropsychological ontogenesis: reduced working capacity, attention deficit; weakness in mnestic processes and in the development of verbalization operations; insufficient development of control functions; difficulties in visual-spatial, spatio-spatial orientation; in the processing of visual or auditory information. Vasileva, N. Ts. [5, p. 168] The practical-functional approach defines four main groups of SLD - dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia and nonverbal learning difficulties. Levterova, D. S. [6]


Dyslexia is „a partial disorder of the process of mastering reading, manifested in numerous recurring errors of a persistent nature, due to the immaturity of the mental functions involved in the process of mastering reading, with preserved hearing, vision, intellect and regular training ". Rusetskaya, M. N. [7, p. 17] Mavlov (2005) defines dyslexia in school-age children as „difficult to build reading skills in school-age children, despite the lack of a obvious cause, such as sensory disturbances, mental retardation or inadequate teaching." Mavlov, L.D. [8, p. 19] Another commonly used definition, especially for dyslexia, is: „A specific language-based disorder of constitutional origin, characterized by difficulties in decoding a single word, usually reflecting insufficient phonological processing. These difficulties in decoding a single word are often unexpected in relation to age and other cognitive and academic abilities; they are not a result of generalized developmental disorder or sensory impairment." Guardiola, J.G. [9] Difficulties in decoding acoustically similar sounds and their replacement cause difficulty in the overall decoding of the word as a semantic unit. Todorova, E.V. [10]


Lalaeva (2003) defines dysgraphia as a partial specific disorder of the writing process. According to her, the disorder is due to the underdevelopment of higher mental functions, which determine the processes of writing in normal children. Lalaeva, R.I. [11] Both the gnostic and practical aspects of grapheme coding are underdeveloped. These disorders,

however, can manifest themselves in various aspects of the complex processes that take place in the implementation of writing. This makes the violations extremely discreet.


Dyscalculia is a specific disorder of learning arithmetic and working with mathematical symbols. It affects both the mastery and the realization of mathematical operations. In children with dyscalculia there are difficulties in differentiating mathematical signs, numbers and symbols (especially similar graphically), difficulties in manipulating small objects, timekeeping, counting in series, in mastering individual stages of an algorithm, etc. Levterova, D.S. [4] We can talk about two main cases of dyscalculia. In the first, the manifestations of dyscalculia are combined with manifestations of dyslexia, ie they can be related to the general complex of dyslexic disorders. In the second, there are no dyslexic disorders other than arithmetic disorders. Cobanova, L.I. [12]

Non-verbal learning difficulties

Non-verbal learning difficulties (NLD) are a cluster of academic, socio-emotional and neuropsychological characteristics that induce deficits in non-verbal comprehension (poor development of organizational skills, difficult comprehension of abstractions, difficulties in mathematical comprehension, limited social competence, etc.). In this sense, the syndrome is „a combination of educational, academic, social and emotional issues." Levterova, D.S. [6, p. 43] Executive functions impairments are pointed as "one of the key aspect of NLD difficulties." Kouhbanani, S. S. [13, p. 1130] This predetermines the diversity of the problems expirienced by children with NLD. Part of these impairments have severe effect on the social functioning of the affected children.

Social dimentions of SLD

According to Matanova (2003), the existence of the problems of children with dyslexia in social situations has been proven through a lot of research. Based on what has been known so far, she points out that these problems are based on the demonstration of unacceptable behavior, combined with a lack of judgment about the moods and ways of thinking of others, and difficulties in adapting to the social situation itself. The data show that they have difficulty understanding the emotions of others, which in turn causes inappropriate behavior. At the same time there is a sense of guilt, inferiority, aggression, hyperactivity, lack of attention. Matanova, V.L. [14] Students with impaired reading skills shows shortcomings in semantic operation, compared to normal children, which affects the overall structure of social intelligence. There are also peculiarities of social intelligence in students with SLD emerging, as a result of the violations of the verbal coding and decoding. Kiseleva, N. Yu. [15, p. 43] The basis of the problematic socialization of students with SLD are the demonstrated unacceptable behavior, combined with a lack of real assessment of the moods and ways of thinking of others, as well as the demonstrated difficulties in adapting to the social situation. Matanova, V. L. [14] To some extent, this is the basis of the indicated bad social ties in the peer group and lack of self-confidence. Reid, G. [16, p. 68] The negative result of comparing one's own academic abilities with those of others in the peer group has a particularly strong effect on social self-esteem and perception of one's own value in the context of reality. Riddick, B. [17] Given the psychological effects of difficulties in acquiring knowledge and skills inherent in the peer group at school, the development of shyness cannot be excluded. That is, the students with SLD more frequently experience shame and awkwardness. Andreeva, L.M. [18] This protective behavior creates conditions for more negatively directed social interactions, as well as conditions for shifting the focus of attention from the goal of social interaction to the internal self-esteem of the individual. On the other hand, this increased frequency of experiencing these emotions may be the reason for more frequent avoidance of certain types of social interactions. This avoidance is often attributed as

Балканско научно обозрение. 2021. Т. 5. № 1(11)

ISSN print: 2603-4867; ISSN online: 2683-1082

ФЬОДОРОВА-РАДИЧЕВА Майа сравнително изследване на социалните ...

unwillingness to communicate, dislike and neglect by the partner in the social situation.


The study was conducted with 32 students from 17 different schools in Plovdiv Municipality. They are divided in two groups - 16 students with SLD and 16 without. All subjects are between 10 and 16 years of are, the average age is 13,06 years. All students with SLD study in public school and receive additional support for their disability according to the Bulgarian legislation for inclusive education.

The main purpose of this research is to clarify the circle of communication of students with SLD, comparing with those in students without history of disability. The main suggestion verified trough this study is that the existance of SLD hampers social interactions wich leads to less social connections in all types of communications. For this purpose, was adapted the graphic conversation „My social circle" („Moy krug obshcheniya") created by Andrushchenko, T. Yu. (2002). [19] Basically, the talk gathers information about the child's social connections, and the child or the researcher illustrates these connections through symbols (initials) in a specially created circle. In its original version, the talk consists of a circle divided into four sectors, in which the child places his / her relationships with peers and adults inside and outside school. Different colors and different types of lines are used to illustrate the nature of the relationship (positive, negative, strong, weak). The filling („settlement") of the circle takes place through a structured conversation between the psychologist (researcher) and the child. As this graphic talk offers an opportunity to obtain a highly informative profile of children's social interactions, its use in the present study brings a lot of benefits. However, in order to be fully suitable for working with students with SLD, some adaptations have been made.

The spheres of communication in which the child indicates his social connections are divided into separate circles:

• Circle for "Peers at school / classmates"

• Circle for "Adults in school / teachers, staff"

• Circle for "Peers outside school / friends"

• Circle for "Adults outside school / parents, relatives, neighbors, coaches, etc"

Also, each of the four circles is divided into four quadrants, the abscissa being the relation of the self to the others, and the ordinate being the perceived relation of the other to the self. This is how the four types of relationships that the child declares are obtained:

• „The closest, the most beloved people" - I prefer them and they prefer me.

• „They prefer me, I don't particularly like them."

• „I prefer them, they don't particularly like me."

• „Unloved, unloved people" - I do not prefer them and they do not prefer me.

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Figure 1 - "My social circle. Peers in school" - 10 years old student with SLD (created by Author)

To ensure the child's full understanding of the categories, additional graphic stimuli are used to illustrate the relationship by placing a simple graphic image of a smiling and sad person with an explanation of who they are referring to. Figures 1 and 2 present typical examples of the circles filled in by the subjects.

Moni *|Ч.гипо6туыи»

Figure 2 - "My social circle. Peers in school" - 10 years old student without SLD (created by Author)

As can be seen in the examples given above, students with SLD indicate fewer communication partners. In addition, all students with SLD have difficulties in the spatial arrangement of the initials denoting the partners in communication. This phenomenon is not observed in students without disorders.


The main characteristics of the central trend of the data obtained from working with this adapted tool are visualized in the following table.

Table 1 - Descriptive statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Man Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum

yes 16 4.13 3.008 0.752 2.52 5.73 0 9

Peers -in school I+they+ no 16 5.00 3.57S 0.894 3.09 6.91 1 13

Total 32 4.56 3.282 0.580 3.38 5.75 0 13

Lb 1.00 1.592 0.398 0.15 1.85 0 5

Pssrs in schoolI+thev- no 16 1.50 1.366 0.342 0,77 2.23 0 4

Total 1.25 1.481 0.262 0.72 1.78 0 5

yes 16 0-50 0.632 0.158 0Д6 0.84 0 2

Peers in school I-they— no 16 1.63 1.360 0.340 0.90 2.35 0 5

1 ota! <- 1.06 1.190 0.210 0.63 1.49 0 5

yes 16 1.06 0.S54 0.213 0.61 1.52 0 2

Peers ill school I-they- no 16 1.44 1.459 0.365 0.66 2,22 0 5

Total 32 1.25 1.191 0.211 0.82 1.68 0 5

16 2.8S 2.306 0.576 1.65 4.10 0 9

Adults in school I+they+ no 16 2.69 1.740 0.435 1.76 3.61 0 5

'il 2.7 S 2.012 0.356 2.06 3.51 0 9

yes 16 0.13 0.342 0.0S5 -0.06 0.31 0 1

Adults in school I+they- no 16 0.69 0.S73 0.218 0.22 1.15 0 3

Total 32 0.41 0.712 0.126 0Д5 0.66 0 3

yes 16 0.31 0.602 0.151 -0.01 0.63 0 2

Adults in. school I-they— no 16 1.00 1.155 0.2 S9 0.3S 1.62 0 3

Total 0.66 0.971 0.172 0.31 1.01 0 3

yes 16 0.75 1.983 0.496 -0,31 1.81 0 8

Adults in school I-thev- no 16 1.00 1.155 0.289 0.38 1.62 0 4

Total o.ss 1.601 0.2 S3 0.30 1.45 0 8

yes 16 4.44 4.381 1.095 2.10 6,77 0 IS

Pairs outside school I+they+ no 16 4.63 2.S25 0.706 3.12 6.13 1 11

Total 32 4.53 3.62S 0.641 3,22 5.84 0 IS

yes 16 0.44 1.094 0.273 -0.15 1.02 0 4

Peers outside school I+they- no .6 1.06 1.389 0.347 0,32 1.80 0 5

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Total и 0.75 1.270 0.225 0.29 1.21 0 5

16 0.50 0.730 0.1 S3 0.11 0.89 0 2

Peers outside school I-they+ no 16 0.81 0.655 0.164 0.46 1.16 0 2

Total 32 0.66 0.701 0.124 0.40 0.91 0 2

yes 16 0.44 0.727 0.182 0.05 0.83 0 2

Pears outside school I-thev- no 16 0.63 0.719 0.1 SO 0.24 1.01 0 2

Total з: 0.53 0.7 IS 0.127 0,27 0.79 0 2

ves 16 4.8S 4,272 1.068 2.60 7.15 0 IS

Adults outside schoolI+thsyr no 16 6.06 2,977 0.744 4.4S 7,65 2 12

Total 32 5.4- 3.672 0.649 4.14 6.79 0 18

Lb 0.50 0.730 0.1 S3 0.11 0.89 0 2

Adults outside schooll+thav- no 16 0.3 S 0.619 0.155 0.05 0.70 0 2

Total 0.44 0.669 0.118 0.20 0.68 0 2

ves 16 0.19 0.403 0.101 -0.03 0.40 0 1

Adults outside sehoolI-thw+ no .6 0.69 1.195 0.299 0.05 1.32 0 4

Total 32 0.44 0.914 0.162 0.11 0,77 0 4

yes 16 0.19 0.403 0.101 -0.03 0.40 0 1

Adults outside schooll-they- no 16 0.69 0.946 0.237 0.1S 1.19 0 3

Total 0.44 0.759 0.134 0.16 0.71 0 3

yes 16 22.3125 11.38841 2.S4710 16.2440 28.3810 6.00 44.00

Total social interactions no 16 29.8750 12.77432 3.19358 23.0680 36.6820 12.00 58.00

Total 32 26.093S 12.50899 2.21130 21.5S3S 30.6037 6.00 58.00

* Created by Author with IBM SPSS Statistics Version 25 For all four circles, the largest average number of relationships is in the first quadrant - the quadrant containing mutual positive relationships („The closest, the most beloved people" - I prefer them and they prefer me), and least in the fourth quadrant of all circles, containing relationships with people that the subject prefers and wants to communicate with, but they are not positive („I prefer them, they don't


comparative study of social interactions .

Balkan Scientific Review. 2021. Vol. 5. № 1(11)

ISSN print: 2603-4867; ISSN online: 2683-1082

particularly like me.").

The highest average score (4.88 for students with SLD and 6.06 for students without) was obtained in mutually positive relationships with adults outside school (I + they +). This circle actually contains, most often family ties, and almost all the subjects (2 students with SLD put the connection with their mother in "I+ they-" quadrant, and 1 put there the connection with his father) described there the relationships with their parents. Second in average number of relationships (4.44 for students with SLD and 4.68 for those without) are mutual positive relationships with peers outside school. For studends with SLD this number is on average 0.31 higher than the average number of reported mutually positive relationships with peers at school (4.13). At the same time, students without SLD declare more mutual positive relationships with peer at school (5.00), than outside school. The average number of mutual positive relationships with adults in school is similar, but for the other type of relationships it is much smaller.

Next in average number of relationships (1.06 for studends with SLD and 1.44 for those without) are the mutually negative relationships with peers at school (I - they). All students reported more mutually negative relationships with peers at school than outside school, where the average number of relationships for students with SLD is only 0.44, and for those without is 0.63. This can be explained by the formal nature of the student class group, Desev, L.N. [20] where avoiding relationships with people who do not like the person is particularly difficult and even in some cases impossible. The same phenomenon, but presented by the diametrically opposite side, is observed in relationships with peers at school that the individual tends to seek interaction, but does not encounter reciprocity („I prefer them, they don't particularly like me."). The average number of connections in this quadrant of the circle (I + they -) is 1.00 for students with SLD and 1.5 for those without, and the average number in the same quadrant of the circle of peers outside school for students with SLD is 0.44 and for those without - 1.06.

A lower average score, compared to the number of mutually positive relationships with peers at school, is obtained by the mutually negative (I- they-) relationships with adults at school. Students with SLD indicate an average of 0.75 such connections, mostly with teachers. Students without indicate on average 1 connection from this type. This is the highest score in this quadrant for all circles of communication. In general, this fact can be taken as a confirmation of the assumption of weaker connections with teachers for the students without disabilities. Maybe, students with SLD receive more attention from their teachers because of their need for additional support.

With an equal average number of connections (0.5) are quadrant II (I - they +) of the circle of peers at school, quadrant II (I - they +) of the circle of peers outside school and quadrant IV (I + they-) of the circle of adults outside school for the students with SLD. These results to some extent contradict the stated assumption about the impact of the formal characteristics of the student class group on the social relations of the students with SLD and draws the attention to the existance of some trend or pecularities of the perception for the attitude of others about the self. On the other hand, for students without SLD, the number of this type of relationships (I- they+) in the circle of peers in school (1.63) is higher than the same type outside school (0.81). This suggests existance of some specifics in the social functioning of the two groups in school. One of the possible reasons for this can be that the academic underachivement and bigger attention received from students with SLD from the teachers make them less liked from their peers in school.

Next in average number of connections for students with SLD (0.44) are quadrant IV (I + they-) and quadrant II (I -they +) of the circle of peers outside school. For the students without SLD the average number of declared connections from this type in this social circle is higher - 1.06 for I+they-and 0.81 for I- they+._

The average number of relationships with adults in school, negative on the side of the individual and positive on the side of the others (I- they +) is 0.31. For the same type interactions of students without SLD the average number is higher - 1.00. This again draws attention to the quality of students' relationships with teachers and pedagogical specialists in school.

The analysis of the relations in the circle of adults outside school shows that the average number of indicated connections in quadrants II (I- they+) and III (I- they-) is the same for students with SLD (0.19). For those without is also equal for the both, but again higher (0.69). The only lower average number for students with SLD (which is also the lowest in general) is indicated in quadrant IV (I + they-) of the circle of adults in school (0.13). For students without SLD this result is equal to the above mentioned two - 0.69. This can be interpreted as more willingness for positive feedback to the students with SLD from teachers and other pedagogical professionals.

To test this findings for statistical significance was performed ANOVA one-way analisys. The statisticaly significant results are shown in table 2.

Table 2 - Results from ANOVA analisys. (Only statisticaly significant differences are shown)

ANOVA Sum of Squares df Meat Square F Sie.

Peers in school I-Üisy+ Between Groups 10.1:5 : 10.1:5 ::oo5

Within Groups 33,750 30 1,125

Tctd 43.S75 31

Adults in school I+diey- Between Groups 2.531 1 2.531 5.758 o:o:3

Within Groups 13,183 30 0,440

Total 15.719 31

Adults in school I-thejH- Between Groups 3.781 : 3.7S1 4.459 0.043

Within Groups 25.433 30 0.848

Total 29,219 31

Total social interactions Between Groups 457.53: 1 457.531 3,124 0.087

W:ithin Groups 4393,183 30 146,440

Total 4350.719 31

• Created by Author with IBM SPSS Statistics Version 25

The critical value of Fisher's criteria - F, at a = 0.05 and

degrees of freedom v1 = 1 v2 = 30 is 4.17. Stoichev, D. S [21] Therefore, the categories of relationships that can be considered to differ statistically significantly in students with SLD and in those in the norm, will receive empirical values of the criterion Fe > 4.17 and Sig. values <0.05. These conditions are metTor:

• Quadrant II (I- they+) „They prefer me, I don't prefer them" to the circle of peers at school;

• Quadrant IV (I + they-) „I prefer them, they don't particularly like me" to the circle of adults in school;

• Quadrant II (I - they+) „They prefer me, I don't prefer them" to the circle of adults at school;

• Total number of social interactions.

On general, students without SLD declare significantly more social interacions from all types in all social circles. This proves the main hypthesys of this research, that the existance of SLD hampers social interactions. Nevertheless, there are difference in not all social circles and interaction types as expected. Students with SLD declare less connections in the emotionaly unequal interactions mostly with adults at school, wich as it was mentioned above may be interpreted as better connections with the teachers. The existance of more interactions with peers in school who like and prefer the individual, but the individual does not prefer them (I- they+) for students without SLD can be attributed to the suggestion that the students without disabilities are more selective to the peers they interact with and also are more liked from them. On the other hand, it is possible that this difference is due to the difficulties in emotional recognition expirienced from the students with SLD, wich were mentioned above.


From the present study it is clear that students with SLD need support in the social sphere of the school environment. The need of social and emotional learning framework which benefits all students and reduces stigmatizing of students with SLD is already mentioned. Cavioni, V. [22]

Балканско научно обозрение. 2021. Т. 5. № 1(11)

ISSN print: 2603-4867; ISSN online: 2683-1082

Present study shows the additional need for emotion recognition training. The improvement of this skills in students with SLD will allow them to interact better with their peers and teachers. Focusing the efforts of qualified pedagogical specialists working with students with SLD on facilitating equal participation in school life could not only improve the social communication of these students, but also become a prerequisite for better development and higher academic achievement. Because, the full inclusion of students with SLD in the social environment of their classmates could give them the support of the entire student body in the acquisition of knowledge and skills embedded in the curriculum. Also, directing efforts in this direction and successful socialization in the environment will significantly increase the subjective feeling of well-being and happiness in all students.


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Received date: 03.01.2021

Revised date: 29.01.2021

Accepted date: 27.02.2021

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