UDC: 578.834.1
O. Zh. Uzakov, S.Yu. Komissarova, A.T. Alymkulov, Kermaly kyzy M. International Higher School of Medicine, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Introduction. At present COVID-19 pandemic is an acute and socially significant problem for the whole world population, which is explained by its scale, contagiousness, the insidiousness of the pathogen, and lack of effective preventive means (vaccine) and effective therapeutic ways to combat this infection. It is safe to say that one of the main parameters of Covid-19 pandemic evaluation is the psycho-emotional and psychological health ofthe population
The aim. Evaluation of anxiety disorders in people living in Kyrgyzstan and comparison with the population of Kazakhstan, under conditions of quarantine and state of emergency due to COVID-19 epidemic.
Materials and methods. This article presents the results ofa survey of832people during the COVID-19 epidemic, quarantine, and state of emergency. The questionnaire included questions concerning the detection of anxiety disorders according to the C.D.Spielberger scale. Because of quarantine measures and restrictions for contacts between people, the survey was conducted by online questionnaire. Respondents were selected by random and continuous sampling.
Results. The results of the questionnaire showed that a high level of reactive anxiety prevails among representatives of Kyrgyzstan. In contrast, most survey participants from the Republic of Kazakhstan had an average level of reactive anxiety.
Conclusions: The study showed that the development of the COVID-19 epidemic had a significant impact on the psycho-emotional state of youngpeople aged 17-25 years.
Keywords: respondents, coronavirus infection, anxiety disorders, reactive anxiety, personality anxiety, epidemic.
О. Ж. Узаков, С.Ю. Комиссарова, А.Т. Алымкулов, Карималы К.М.
Corresponding author: Komissarova S, postgraduate student of the International Higher School of Medicine,
tel: +996552190694, email: le 15110m.mail.ru
Эл аралык жогорку медицина мектеби, Бишкек шаары, Кыргыз Республикасы
Киришуу. Учурда COVID-19 пандемиясы дуйнвнун бардык калкы учун актуалдуу жана социалдык мааншуу квйгвй болуп саналат, бул анын масштабы, жугуштуулугу, козгогучтун тымызындыгы жана натыйжалуу алдын алуучу каражаттардын (вакцинанын) жана натыйжалуу терапиялык методдордун жоктугу менен тушундурулвт. бул инфекция менен курвшуу. Ковид-19 пандемиясын баалоонун негизги параметрлеринин бири бул калктын психоэмоционалдык жана психологиялык ден-соолугу den ишенимдуу айта алабыз.
Иштин максаты. карантиндик шартта жана COVID-19 эпидемиясынын кесепетиненулам Кыргызстанда жашаган адамдардын тынчсыздануу бузулууларын баалоо жана аларды Казакстандын жашоочулары менен салыштыруу.
Материалдаржана ыкмалар. Макалада COVID-19эпидемиясын иштеп чыгуу, карантиндик чараларды киргизуу жана взгвчв кырдаал учурунда 832 адом катышкан сурамжылоонун жыйынтыгы келтирилген. Сурамжылоого C.D.Spielberger шкаласы боюнча тынчсыздануу бузулууларын аныктоого байланыштуу суроолор камтылган. Карантиндик иш-чараларга жана адамдардын ортосундагы байланыштын чектелишине байланыштуу, изилдвв онлайн анкеталык ыкма менен жургузулду. Респонденттерди тандоо туш келди жана узгултуксуз тандоо ыкмасы менен жургузулду.
Жыйынтыктар. Сурамжылоонун жыйынтыгы квревтквндвй, Кыргызстандын вкулдврунун арасында реактивдуу тынчсыздануу децгээли жогору. Ал эми, Казакстан Республикасынан келген сурамжылоого катышкандардын копчулугундо орточо реактивдуу тынчсыздануу болгон.
Табылгалар. Изилдвв квревтквндвй, COVID -19 эпидемиясынын внугушу 17-25 жаштагы жаштардын психоэмоционалдык абалына олуттуу таасир тийгизген.
Ачкыч евздвр. респвнденттер, коронавирустук инфекция, тынчсыздануу бузулуулары, реактивдуу тынчсыздануу, жекеадамдын тынчсыздануусу, эпидемия.
О.Ж. Узаков, С.Ю. Комиссарова, А.Т. Алымкулов, Керималы к. М. Международная высшая школа медицины, г. Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика Аннотация
Введение, в настоящее время острвактуальной и социально значимой проблемвй для всего населения мира является пандемия COVID-19, что объясняется ее масштабом, контагиозностъю, коварством возбудителя и отсутствием действенных превентивных средств (вакцина) и эффективных терапевтических способов борьбы с данной инфекцией. С уверенностью можно
сказать одним из главных параметров оценки пандемии Соу1с1-19 является психоэмоциональное и психологическое здоровье населения
Цель работы, оценка тревожных расстройств у людей, проживающих в Кыргызстане и сравнение их с жителями Казахстана, в условиях карантина и ЧП из-за эпидемии СОУЮ-19.
Материалы и методы. В статье приведены результаты опроса 832 человек в период развития эпидемии СОУЮ - 19, введения карантинных мероприятий и чрезвычайного положения. Анкетирование включало вопросы, касающиеся выявления тревожных расстройств по шкале С&.8р1е1Ъещег. Исследование проводилось методом онлайн анкетирования, в связи с карантинными мероприятиями и ограничением контактов между людьми. Выбор респондентов проводился методом случайной и сплошной выборки.
Результаты. Результаты анкетирования показали, что высокий уровень реактивной тревожности преобладает среди представителей Кыргызстана. В отличие от этого, у большинства участников анкетирования из Республики Казахстан был выявлен средний уровень реактивной тревожности.
Выводы. Исследование показало, что развитие эпидемии СОУЮ -19 оказало существенное влияние на психоэмоциональное состояние молодых людей в возрасте 17-25 лет.
Ключевые слова, респонденты, коронавирусная инфекция, тревожные расстройства, реактивная тревожность, личностная тревожность, эпидемия.
Currently, the COVID -19 pandemic is an acute and socially significant problem for the entire population of the world, which is explained by its scale, contagiousness, the insidiousness of the pathogen and the lack of adequate preventive means (vaccine) and effective therapeutic methods to combat this infection. Mankind known many various natural, social and man-made disasters , such as, for example, pandemic smallpox, plague, cholera, influenza (Spanish flu), explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, different armed x conflict s , disasters and others. Information Until recently about the scale and consequences of such disasters spread in society rather slowly due to the lack of modern mass media, and the volume of disseminated information was strictly controlled by the authorities. We live in an era of information explosion, digitalization has embraced all areas and lives, information can rapidly spread not only within one country, but throughout the planet. In such conditions, even the most closed countries cannot control the dissemination of information. Today, through the media and social networks , an information, total panic attack on the consciousness of people continues around the clock and
persistently. People during a pandemic laying there in social networks s photos of corpses, described the horror stories about illness and death cases worldwide. All this is initiated ovalo significant degree of panic and hysteria in society . Because, with high probability, this can be considered one of the most epidemic of global, in the information plane, a "disaster" in the history of mankind. [ 1 ] Panic causes negative changes in the psychological, emotional and social status of people, which leads to a decrease in all indicators of immunity [2 ]. This is confirmed by a sharp increase in the incidence of coronavirus infection in the population against the background of a significant weakening of the general and antiviral immunity of people, that is, a person becomes more susceptible to viruses and diseases. The nature of the behavioral reactions of people in the epidemic and the growth of the dynamics of morbidity indicators convincingly testify to this [3] .It would be appropriate to quote the wise thoughts of the great philosopher, thinker and healer Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna) - "Panic is half the disease. Calmness is half health. Patience is the beginning of recovery. " Therefore, we can say with confidence one of the main parameters for assessing the Covid -19 pandemic is the psycho-
emotional and psychological health of the population [1 ]. In our opinion, in the pathogenesis of the development of the epidemiological dynamics of the increase in the incidence of C ovid -19, at this stage, the leading place is taken by measures aimed at improving the emotional and mental state of the population, and the development of specific means of preventing mental disorders. The study revealed a moderate correlation between the degree of fear of contracting COVID -19 and high values of personal anxiety. Most of the respondents were interested in information about Covid -19 via the Internet (67.3-79.4%), TV, the media, where information that did not have an evidence base was often posted, which makes it possible to say with a high degree of probability about "media" (the term of the authors) initiation of Covid-19 [3].
Fear of infection, restriction of contact with relatives, or in constant contact, fear of infecting them, it is all factors affecting degraded s psychological and emotional status [3,4 ]. Also, ail important role is played by the absorption of a large amount of negative information, and misinformation, which "can make anyone feel anxiety or stress" [ 5 ]. And Changes mental health during an emergency in the field of health can not be evenly distributed among the population and to varying degrees, affect the most p aznoobraznye population. [ 6 ]. For example, in the United Kingdom, surprisingly, the highest increases in psychiatric shock were found among women, youth and preschool age groups. [7 ] Purpose of the work: Assessment of anxiety disorders in people living in Kyrgyzstan and comparing them with residents of Kazakhstan , in conditions of quarantine and emergency due to the COVID-19 epidemic. Materials and research methods The study provides the results of a survey of 832 people, including 683 respondents from the Kyrgyz Republic, and 189 from the Republic of
Kazakhstan, all participants belong to the age group 17-25 years old. The study was carried out by the method of online questioning, in connection with quarantine measures and the limitation of contacts between people. The selection of respondents was carried out using a randomized sample method. Among the respondents there were 466 women and 356 men. The survey included questions regarding the identification of anxiety disorders on a C scale . D . Spielberger [8 ] , which assesses reactive and personal anxiety.
Interpretation of results on the C scale . D . Spielberger is carried out as follows: up to 30 - low anxiety; 31-45 - average I (moderate) anxiety; 46 or more - high anxiety. Reactive and personal anxiety were determined . Reactive anxiety ( RT) was characterized by a state of anxiety in response to a certain situation, and, accordingly, personal anxiety (LT ) - a persistent predisposition of a person to perceive a wide range of situations as threatening. Statistical processing of the survey results was carried out using IBM SPSS Statistics 23 and Microsoft Excel programs. Results
There were 643 respondents from the age category 17-25 living in the Kyrgyz Republic , while in the Republic of Kazakhstan 189 people in this age group were interviewed.
The participants were asked about the presence of chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus , hypertension , chronic lung diseases, etc. The overwhelming majority of respondents from both countries did not have chronic diseases . only 27 people (4%) out of 636 respondents in the Kyrgyz Republic had chronic diseases, and 11 (6%) and 189 people from the Republic of Kazakhstan. Respondents were asked about the main source of information about COVID -19, the results are shown in Figure 1 . Despite the fact that b Olsha instvo respondents in both countries called the main source of information about COVID -19 social networks , revealed differences between countries.
Thus, in Kyrgyzstan, seven out often respondents of the survey participants (68%) received information about COVID -19 from social networks , and in Kazakhstan , four respondents out of ten (44%) received information much less often . In addition, residents of Kyrgyzstan were three times more likely to receive information from such an unreliable source as society (6% and 2%). In contrast, residents of Kazakhstan were 4 times more likely to receive information about COVID -19 from television and
Another group of questions posed to respondents , concerned the use of measures of prevention of the disease COVID -19. All survey participants were asked to choose from a list of measures those that most fully reflect their approaches to preventing COVID -19 . Significant differences were revealed across countries (Fig. 2 ). Thus, 60% ofKazakhstan residents reported that they used an integrated approach in the prevention of COVID -19 - self-isolation, measures of personal hygiene and healthy nutrition, and 26% used personal hygiene changes in combination with self-isolation. The respondents of
radio (3% and 13%), and 1.6 times more often from news portals. In Kazakhstan, there are also five times more respondents who were not interested in any information about COVID -19 at all (5% and 1%, respectively ). Thus, we can conclude that the residents of Kazakhstan more often received information from more reliable sources, while the residents of Kyrgyzstan more preferred such unreliable, unreliable sources of information as social networks and the nearest society.
Kyrgyzstan used a comprehensive one, including personal hygiene, self-isolation and healthy food 2 times less often - 28%. At the same time about tnositelno is, most of the residents of Kyrgyzstan (36%) ispolz ovali only personal hygiene measures, and 28% used personal hygiene measures in conjunction with the self-imposed isolation. Thus, it can be stated that most of the participants in the survey in Kazakhstan used more effective preventive measures than the residents of Kyrgyzstan.
Figure 1. Chronic diseases among participants of survey
96,0% 94,0%
4,0% 6,0%
Kyrgyzstan Kazakhstan
■ yes ■ no
Figure 2. Main source of information about COVID-19
21% I
news portals
13% 3% J
social networks
from other
people (relatives, friends)
I'm not interested
1% 3 /0 other
I Kyrgyzstan ■ Kazakhstan
The study revealed a higher level of reactive anxiety among survey participants in Kyrgyzstan, in comparison with respondents in Kazakhstan ( Fig. 3 ). Consider for exponents of reactive anxiety in more detail : half of the respondents from Kyrgyzstan 297 of590 people has been marked by a high level of anxiety, while the same level of anxiety to identify linen , 21% (40 of 188
respondents) of respondents from Kazakhstan. The average level of anxiety was found in 51 % ( 96 people) of the respondents in Kazakhstan , in Kyrgyzstan, the average level of anxiety was found in 39% of cases (230 people). The low level of anxiety was 11%, among those surveyed in Kyrgyzstan (63 out of590), and 28% in Kazakhstan (52 out of 188).
Figure 3. Prevention measures
28% 26% 28%
mm II I
Self-isolation Self-isolation and Self-isolation, Personal hygiene personal hygiene personal hygiene measures only measure measure and healthy diet ■ Kyrgyzstan ■ Kazakhstan
2% 1% don't use
Indicators of personal anxiety (hereinafter referred to as LT) are shown in Figure 4 . The low level of personal anxiety among the respondents in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan was relatively the same (6% and 7%, respectively ). The average LT level was: among respondents from Kyrgyzstan -49 % ( 285 out of586 respondents); in Kazakhstan - 49 % (
Figure 4 State anxiety
107 out of 185 respondents); high level of anxiety -45% ( 266 out of586) - 35% (65 out of 185) among respondents from Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, respectively. Thus, in Kyrgyzstan, the proportion of respondents experiencing a high level of anxiety is 10 percentage points higher than in Kazakhstan.
11% ■
low level
I Kyrgyzstan ■ Kazakhstan
hight level
Based on the results of the study, we came to the conclusion that the coronavirus infection (COVID -19) pandemic had a significant negative impact on the psychoemotional status of young people. In relation to sources of information about COVID -19, social networks for residents of both countries turned out to be predictable. A significant difference between RK and KR was manifested in terms of prevention measures. Only a third of respondents in the Kyrgyz Republic adhered to them, while in the Republic of Kazakhstan the overwhelming majority of respondents did not neglect them. Such a significant difference between countries, and less commitment of respondents from the Kyrgyz Republic, can be explained by the lack of a structured approach and organization of educational work. Information in the Kyrgyz Republic was submitted in a chaotic manner, in a large volume and from all possible sources, which prevented the formation of an algorithm of actions among the
respondents of the Kyrgyz Republic. The level of anxiety also varied. The level of reactive anxiety among the respondents of the KR was almost twice as high as those obtained in the RK. A significant role in the statistical cal difference in terms of sy g p ali factors: the absolute shortage of medicines, speculation in the market of pharmacy and medical equipment, a huge influx of negative information through social networks and the lack of publicly responsible person from officials. Indicators of mild and moderate anxiety were significantly increased in RK relative to KR. This fact indicates that most of the population of the Kyrgyz Republic is subject to a higher degree of anxiety.
Summarizing the results obtained, it should be noted that the main reason for the high level of anxiety among the respondents of the Kyrgyz Republic is the failure of administrative regulation on the part of healthcare organizers.
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