COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF UNIVERSITIES IN TOP1 OF GLOBAL RANKING OF ACADEMIC SUBJECTS 2020 Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
Global Universities / GRAS / Global Ranking of Academic Subjects / indicators / GRAS 2020

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Adán José Doria Velarde, Freddy Rondon Vargas, Lenmy Stephanie Ochoa Santos, Diego Ivan Cajamarca Carrazco

Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS) is an annual classification of worldwide universities, grouped by subject, according to five indicators: Q1, CNCI, IC, Top and Award, evaluating, in particular, the quality of research activities. This paper aims to perform a comparative study, through a descriptive analysis, of universities in Top1 of GRAS 2020, to relate and compare their indicators. This report first presents information about ranking indicators and, then, shows the results of them: Q1, CNCI, IC, Top and Award. The best performing institution is Harvard University (HARVARD), achieved the best Total Score values in two subjects: Biological Sciences (BS) of Life Sciences field and Statistic of Social Sciences field. However, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) achieves placing with the highest Total Score values in two subjects: Physics of Natural Sciences field and Materials Science & Engineering of Engineering field. Also, Michigan University (UMICH) obtains the highest Total Score value in Dentistry & Oral Sciences subject of Medical Sciences field.

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1adoriav@escuelamilitar.edu.pe. Escuela Militar de Chorrillos "Coronel Francisco Bolognesi". https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6111 -3047 2rondonfreddy@hotmail.com. Universidad Cesar Vallejo. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2325-9579 3c23427@utp.edu.pe. Universidad Tecnológica del Perú. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7684-7406 4diego. caj amarca@espoch. edu.ec Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo http: //orcid.org/0000-0001 -6619-0490

Abstract: Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS) is an annual classification of worldwide universities, grouped by subject, according to five indicators: Q1, CNCI, IC, Top and Award, evaluating, in particular, the quality of research activities. This paper aims to perform a comparative study, through a descriptive analysis, of universities in Topi of GRAS 2020, to relate and compare their indicators. This report first presents information about ranking indicators and, then, shows the results of them: Q1, CNCI, IC, Top and Award. The best performing institution is Harvard University (HARVARD), achieved the best Total Score values in two subjects: Biological Sciences (BS) of Life Sciences field and Statistic of Social Sciences field. However, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) achieves placing with the highest Total Score values in two subjects: Physics of Natural Sciences field and Materials Science & Engineering of Engineering field. Also, Michigan University (UMICH) obtains the highest Total Score value in Dentistry & Oral Sciences subject of Medical Sciences field.

Keywords: Global Universities, GRAS, Global Ranking of Academic Subjects, indicators, GRAS 2020

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. GRAS 2020 edition

3. Characterization and comparison of universities in Topi of Global Ranking of Academic

Subjects (GRAS) 2020 edition

3.1 Field: Natural Sciences (NS)

3.2 Subject: Life Sciences

3.3 Field: Medical Sciences

3.4 Subject: Social Sciences

4. Conclusions

1. Introduction

Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS) and Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) are published to know the positioning of the best higher education institutions (lESs) in the world [1] [2].

Indicators are used to measure the quality of universities according to academic activities, production

and dissemination of research, innovation, internationalization, competitiveness, to name just a few [3] [4] [5] [6].

In the case of GRAS [2], also edited every year since 2009, is presented by field: Natural Sciences, Engineering, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, and Social Sciences, through a World Rank value (WR) positioning the university and, also, a Total Score value (TS) as university performance to relate five indicators: Q, CNCI, IC, Top and Award [7] [8].

Top1 of universities classified in each subject is considered in this paper. Universities from the US take top positions in 31 subjects; universities from China dominate 11 subjects. The greatest performing IES is Harvard University (HARVARD), taking 14 crowns, 5 of which are from Social Sciences subject, 4 from Medical Sciences, 3 from Engineering, and 2 form Life Sciences. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) tops 6 subjects, 5 of which are engineering field [7] [8]. Other universities included are: University of California Berkeley (UC Berkeley), University of Pennsylvania (UPENN), New York University (NYU), University of Chicago (UCHICAGO), Yale University (YALE), Michigan University (UMICH) and University of Colorado at Boulder (CU Boulder) from the US. Oxford University (OX) from the United Kingdom and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) from SG. Paris-Saclay University (PSU) tops the list of the subject of Mathematics at its first appearance in GRAS 2020. Also, universities of CN highlights: Tsinghua university (Tsinghua), Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Tongji University (TONGJI), Jiangnan University (JU), Beihang University (BUAA), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Beijing Jiaotong University (NJTU), Wuhan University (WHU), Central South University (CSU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (POLYU), University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB). From NL are classified Wageningen University & Research (WUR) and University of Amsterdam (UVA). De DK, Aarhus University (AU) and from BE, Ghent University (UGENT), to name just a few.

This paper aims to perform a comparative study, through a descriptive analysis, of universities in Top1 of Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS) 2020 [9], to relate and compare their indicators. This report first presents information about ranking indicators and, then, shows the results of them: Q1, CNCI, IC, Top and Award.


GRAS Global Ranking of Academic Subjects

ARWU Academic Ranking of World Universities

IES Higher education institution

TS Total Score

WR World Rank

Q1 Q1 Journal Impact Factor Quartile

CNCI Category Normalized Citation Impact

IC International Collaboration

2. GRAS 2020 edition

Since 2009, ShanghaiRanking Consultancy stared to publish the ARWU on a global scale and, also, by academic subjects, called Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS) [1] [2]. 2020 edition was published on 29th of this year and has a classification higher than four thousand (4.000) IESs in five fields: Natural Sciences, Engineering, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, and Social Sciences, which are divided in fifty-four (54) subjects [7].

While six objective indicators of ARWU are about the number of students and staff winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals, number of highly cited researchers selected by Clarivate Analytics, number of articles published in journals of Nature and Science, number of articles indexed in Science Citation Index - Expanded Social Sciences Citation Index and per capita performance of a university [10] [11], GRAS ranking indicators are five: Q1, CNCI, IC, Top and Award, which have different weightings, according to subjects (Table 1) [8]. Two similarities in both rankings are: 1) the maximum indicator value is one hundred (100), corresponding to the obtained by the best university. The indicator is

calculated as a percentage proportionate to this maximum value (100) to others universities [8] [10] [11] [12] and, 2) each university is associated to a World Rank value (WR) which informs about their position and calculates Total Score (TS) as academic performance, product of a relationship with indicators [8] [13] [14] [15].

GRAS ranking focuses its objective to research activities, and most especially, for cutting-edge research [15], because universities are selected from a minimum amount of scientific papers during the period 2014-2018, which is variable depending on subject . Bibliometric data are collected from Web of Science and InCites. Web of Science categories are mapped to 54 academic subjects [8] [9].

Table 1. Indicators, definition and weight according to field and subject of GRAS 2020 [8].

Indicador Definition Natural Sciences Engineering Life Sciences Medical Sciences Social Sciences

Mat, Phys, Chem, EarthS, Geo, Eco Ocea ME, EEE, AC, CSE,CE, Che, MSE, TE, IST , FST, B, T ST BE, NN, ESE, AE, MOE, RS, MME, MeE WR BS, HBS AS VS CM, DOS PH N, PPS MT Ec, S L, S, Ed, Co, Ps, BA, F, M, PA PS, HT M, LIS

Q1 The number of papers (articles) published in Q1 Journal Impact Factor Quartile in an Academic Subject, during the period of 2014-2018. Papers in different Web of Science categories are grouped into relevant Academic Subjects. 100 100 200 100 200 100 100 100 200 100 100 100 100 200 150 150 150

CNCI Category Normalized Citation Impact (CNCI) from InCites to measure average impact of papers authored by an institution in an Academic Subjec, during the period of 2014-2018. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50

IC International Collaboration (IC) is the number of publications that have been found with at least two different countries in addresses of the authors divided by the total number of publications in an Academic Subject for an institution, during the period 20142018 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 10

Top The number of papers published in top journals and conferences in an Academic Subject, during the period 2014-2018. Top Journals are identified through ShanghaiRanking's Academic Excellence Survey. 100 100 NA 100 NA 100 100 100 NA 100 100 100 100 NA 100 100 100

Award The total number of the staff of an institution winning a significant award in an Academic Subject since 1981. The significant awards in each subject are identified through ShanghaiRanking's Academic Excellence Survey. 100 NA NA 20 NA NA 20 100 NA NA 100 NA 20 NA 100 NA 20

3. Characterization and comparison of universities in Topi of Global Ranking of Academic Subjects

(GRAS) 2020 edition

Below is presented the comparative study of universities in Top1 1 of GRAS 2020 [9], classified in five fields: Natural Sciences, Engineering, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, and Social Sciences, in respect to rank indicators.

3.1. Field: Natural Sciences (NS)

Fig. 1 shows TS value of universities positioned in eight subjects considered in Natural Sciences field[8] [9]: Mathematics (Math), Physics (Phys), Chemistry (Chem), Earth Sciences (ES), Geography (Geo), Ecology (Eco), Oceanography (Ocea) and Atmospheric Science (AtmS). Four universities are positioned above average value of TS (344.76), the first three from US and the last one from FR: MIT (Phys), CU Boulder (ES), UC Berkeley (Chem) and PSU (Math) with values of 390.1; 387.2; 380.6 and 362.9, respectively. Fig. 2 presents values of Q1, CNCI, IC, Top and Award of these universities. In respect to MIT (Phys), which has the highest TS value (390.1), in the same order, the values are: 90.1; 85.9; 80.8; 97.9 and 100. Universities with highest scores of Q1, CNCI, IC, Top and Award, to Natural Sciences field, are:

• Q1: OX (Geo), UW (Ocea) and CU Boulder (AtmS) with 100.

• CNCI: UC Berkeley (Chem) with 99.8.

• IC: OX (Eco) con 91.8.

• Top: OX (Geo), OX (Eco) and CU Boulder (AtmS) with 100.

• Award: PSU (Math), MIT (Phys) and CU Boulder (ES) with 100.

PSU (Mafh) MIT (Phys) UC CU Boulder OX (Geo) OX(Eco) UW(Ocea) CU Boulder Berkeley (ES) (AtaS)


Fig. 1. Total Score of universities in Top1 of GRAS 2020 Natural Sciences field [9].

PSU(MiSi) MTIfPhyi) UCBerkdey(Chem) CUBoulder(E5) 0X(Geo) OX(Eco) UW(0cea) CUBodder(Alm5)

■Q1 iCNCI IC ilop lAwaid

Fig. 2. Q1, CNCI, IC, Top and Award of universities in Top1 of GRAS 2020 Natural Sciences field [9].

3.2. Subject: Life Sciences

Fig. 3 presents TS value of universities positioned in four subjects considered in Life Sciences field [8] [9]: Biological Sciences (BS), Human Biological Sciences (HBS), Agricultural Sciences (AS) and Veterinary Sciences (VS).

TS values are above the average (326.35) correspond to a university from US: HARVARD (BS) and HARVARD (HBS).

Fig. 4 presents the values of Q1, CNCI, IC, Top and Award of universities in this field. In respect to HARVARD (BS), with the highest TS of 360.9; in same order, reaches the values of: 100; 100; 76.2; 100 and 45.6. Universities with highest results of Q1, CNCI, IC, Top and Award, to Life Sciences field, are:

• Q1: HARVARD (BS), HARVARD (HBS) and WUR (AS) with 100.

• CNCI: HARVARD (BS) with 100.

• IC: WUR (AS) with 86.

• Top: HARVARD (BS), HARVARD (HBS), UGENT (VS) with 100.

• Award: HARVARD (BS) with 45.6.

Fig. 3. Total Score of universities in Top1 of GRAS 2020 Life Sciences field [9].


■ Q1 ■ CNCI ■ IC ■ Top ■ Award

Fig. 4. Q1, CNCI, IC, Top and Award of universities in Top1 of GRAS 2020 Life Sciences field [9]. 3.3. Field: Medical Sciences

Fig. 5 shows TS value of universities positioned in six subjects considered in medical sciences [8] [9]: Clinical Medicine (CM), Public Health (PH), Dentistry & Oral Sciences (DOS), Nursing (N), Medical Technology (MT), and Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences (PPS).

TS values are above the average (311.18) correspond to two universities from US: UMICH (DOS) and HARVARD (CM).

Fig. 6 presents values of Q1, CNCI, IC, Top and Award of universities in this field. In respect to UMICH (DOS), with the highest TS of 367.4; in the same order, the values are: 66.9; 86.5; 83.5; 97.3 and 100. Universities with the highest Q1, CNCI, IC, Top and Award results, to Medical Sciences field, are:


• CNCI: UMICH (DOS) with 86.5.

• IC: UMICH (DOS) with 83.5.

• Top: HARVARD (CM), HARVARD (PH) and UPENN (N) with 100.

• Award: UMICH (DOS) and UPENN (N) with 100.

Fig. 5. Total Score of universities in Top1 of GRAS 2020 Medical Sciences field [9].

100 100 100 100 97.3.00 96 4 100100 100 100 100


■ Q1 ■ CNCI ■ IC «Top ■ Award

Fig. 6. Q1, CNCI, IC, Top and Award of universities in Topi of GRAS 2020 Medical Sciences field [9].

3.4. Subject: Social Sciences

Fig. 7 presents TS value of universities positioned in fourteen (14) subjects considered in Social Sciences field [8] [9]: Economics (Ec), Statistic (S), Law (Law), Political Sciences (PS), Sociology (S), Education (Educ), Communication (Co), Psychology (Psycho), Business Administration (BA), Finance (F), Management (M), Public Administration (PA), Hospitality & Tourism Management (HTM) and Library & Information Science (LIS).

TS values are above the average (301.81) correspond to three universities: UCHICAGO (Ec), HARVARD (S), HARVARD (PS) from US; and POLYU (HTM) from CN.

Fig. 8 presents the values of Q1, CNCI, IC, Top and Award of universities in this field. In respect to HARVARD (S), with the highest TS of 399.8; in same order, reaches the values of: 100; 87.2; 62.2; 100 and 100. Universities with highest results of Q1, CNCI, IC, Top and Award, to Social Sciences field, are:

• Q1: HARVARD (S), UVA (Co), HARVARD (Psycho), NYU (F), AU (PA), POLYU (HTM), HARVARD (LIS) with 100.

• CNCI: UCHICAGO (Ec), YALE (Law) and AU (PA) with 100.

• IC: NUS (M) with 90.4.

• Top: HARVARD (S), YALE (Law), HARVARD (PS), UC Berkeley (S), HARVARD (Psycho), UPENN (BA), POLYU (HTM) and HARVARD (LIS) with 100.

• Award: UCHICAGO (Ec), HARVARD (S), HARVARD (PS) and POLYU (HTM) with 100.

Fig. 7. Total Score of universities in Top1 of GRAS 2020 Social Sciences field [9].


■Qi 111 1(1(1 87.1 100 81.8 10(1 100 1(1« 98,2 100 91 100 100 10«

■CNCI 1(111 fll 1(1(1 91« ill «2,5 98,8 12,1 82,4 891 81,1 100 95 111

IC 61,5 «2,2 21,6 59,2 41, S 515 «2,3 «2,2 60,7 ««,5 9«,4 59,1 m 55

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■Top 913 1«« 100 100 1(1« ay 89,6 1«« 10« 912 «9,4 11 1«« 10«

■Award 1(111 1(1(1 0 100 (1 0 0 « « « 0 II 1«« 0

Fig. 8. Q1, CNCI, IC, Top and Award of universities in Top1 of GRAS 2020 Social Sciences field [9].

In summary form, table 2 shows the best universities in the world by field and indicator to compare them side by side by TS value:

• In Q1 indicator, seventeen universities obtained the score of 100: OX (Geo), UW (Ocea), CU Boulder (AtmS), Tsinghua (TE), HIT (IST), HARVARD (BE), TONGJI (CE), JU (FST), HARVARD (B), BUAA (AE), SJTU (MOE), NJTU (TST), WHU (RS), CSU (MME), HARVARD (BS), HARVARD (HBS), WUR (AS), HARVARD (CM), HARVARD (PH), HARVARD (MT), HARVARD (PPH), HARVARD (S), UVA (Co), HARVARD (Psycho), NYU (F), AU (PA), POLYU (HTM) and HARVARD (LIS).

• In CNCI indicator, four universities obtained the score of 100: HARVARD (BS), UCHICAGO (Ec), YALE (Law) and AU (PA).

• In IC indicator, a university obtained the best score of 91.8: OX (Eco).

• In Top, twenty universities obtained the score of 100: OX (Geo), OX (Eco), CU Boulder (AtmS), SJTU (MOE), WHU (RS), USTB (MEt), HARVARD (BS), HARVARD (HBS), UGENT (VS), HARVARD (CM), HARVARD (PH), UPENN (N), HARVARD (S), YALE (Law), HARVARD (PS), UC Berkeley (S), HARVARD (Psycho), UPENN (BA), POLYU (HTM) and HARVARD (LIS).

• In Award indicator, twelve universities obtained the score of 100: PSU (Math), MIT (Phys), CU Boulder (ES), MIT (CSE), MIT (ChE), HARVARD (EnSE), UMICH (DOS), UPENN (N), UCHICAGO (Ec), HARVARD (S), HARVARD (PS) and POLYU (HTM)

Table 2. Universities located in Top1 of GRAS 2020 by field and indicator with the best scores [9].

Field Q1 CNCI IC Top Award

Natural Sciences OX (Geo), UW (Ocea), CU Boulder (AtmS) UC Berkeley (Chem) OX (Eco) OX (Geo), OX (Eco), CU Boulder (AtmS) PSU (Math), MIT (Phys), CU Boulder (ES)

100 99,8 91,8 100 100

Tsinghua (TE), HIT (IST),


100 84,4 88,7 100 100


100 100 86 100 45,6



100 86,5 83,5 100 100


Social Sciences HARVARD (S), UVA (Co), HARVARD (Psycho), NYU (F), AU (PA), POLYU (HTM), HARVARD UCHICAGO (Ec), YALE (Law), AU (PA) NUS (M) (Law), HARVARD (PS), UC Berkeley (S), HARVARD (Psycho), UPENN (BA), UCHICAGO (Ec), HARVARD (S), HARVARD (PS), POLYU (HTM)


100 100 90,4 100 100

4. Conclusions

GRAS and ARWU are classifications of global universities, performed by ShanghaiRanking Consultancy, to visualize the positioning of these University Education Institutions, and compare their total score according to indicators. In the case of GRAS are five: Q1, CNCI, IC, Top and Award, which have different weightings according to 54 academic subjects divided into five fields: Natural Sciences, Engineering, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences and Social Sciences. In this paper, a comparative study was performed, through a descriptive analysis, of universities in Top1 of GRAS 2020, to relate and compare their indicators.

The best performing institution is Harvard University (HARVARD), which achieves the greatest values of Total Score in two subjects: Biological Sciences (BS) with TS (360.9) in Life Sciences field and Statistic (S) with TS (399.8) in Social Sciences field. However, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) also achieves to position with the best scores in two subjects: Physics of Natural Sciences field with TS (390.1) and Materials Science & Engineering with TS (366.4) in Engineering field. And Michigan University (UMICH), in Dentistry & Oral Sciences subject, with TS (367.4) is the best in Medical Sciences field.

In Q1 indicator, 9 universities achieve the best score (100). In CNCI indicator, four universities achieve that score. In IC indicator, one university achieves the highest value of 91.8. In Top indicator, 20 universities reach 100. Finally, Award indicator, 12 are positioned as the best universities also with the value of 100.


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