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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Velilaeva Liliya R.

Scottish emigrational poetic discourse of the XIXth century is an ambiguous and complex part of history, culture and literature of both countries: Scotland and the USA. Images of “former” Motherland (Scotland) and “new” Fatherland (the USA) are central and plot-forming in poems of Scottish poets-emigrants in the USA. The purpose of the paper is to determine integral and differential characteristics of artistic images of Scotland and the USA in the Scottish poetic emigrational discourse. The material of the analysis is Scottish emigrational poetry of the XIXth century. The paper involves such methods of investigation and analysis: comparative analysis and genre analysis. Comparative analysis reveals positive appraisal to be present in the descriptions of both countries. This appraisal is created with the help of the choice of specific vocabulary. Scotland is often described with the help of “might” and “right”, the USA is characterized with “independence” and “justice”. There is no myth destruction in the artistic images of both Scotland and the USA. This can be explained by special position of a poet-emigrant: Scotland was his homeland no more and at the same time they were not the part of the USA. Positive appraisal in the description of Scotland and the USA has different reasons. The preference of Scotland is made subconsciously, they choose the USA rationally. Scottish urban landscape is dominant compared with urban American landscape and occurs in the poetic texts more often. The patriotic myth is the dominant idea in the creation of the artistic images of Scotland and the USA.

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ISSN 1998-5320 (Print) ISSN 12587-943Х (Online)

Наука о человеке: гуманитарные исследования Т. 15 № 4 2021

Филологические науки

УДК 821.111

DOI: 10.17238/issn1998-5320.2021.15.4.8

Scientific article

L. R. Velilaeva1

El lilivelilaeva@yandex.ru 'Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University the name of Fevzi Yakubov, Simferopol, Russian Federation

Comparative analysis of the USA and Scotland's artistic images in the poetic texts of the Scottish poets-emigrants in the USA in the XIXth century

Abstract: Scottish emigrational poetic discourse of the XIXth century is an ambiguous and complex part of history, culture and literature of both countries: Scotland and the USA. Images of "former" Motherland (Scotland) and "new" Fatherland (the USA) are central and plot-forming in poems of Scottish poets-emigrants in the USA. The purpose of the paper is to determine integral and differential characteristics of artistic images of Scotland and the USA in the Scottish poetic emigrational discourse. The material of the analysis is Scottish emigrational poetry of the XIXth century. The paper involves such methods of investigation and analysis: comparative analysis and genre analysis. Comparative analysis reveals positive appraisal to be present in the descriptions of both countries. This appraisal is created with the help of the choice of specific vocabulary. Scotland is often described with the help of "might" and "right", the USA is characterized with "independence" and "justice". There is no myth destruction in the artistic images of both Scotland and the USA. This can be explained by special position of a poet-emigrant: Scotland was his homeland no more and at the same time they were not the part of the USA. Positive appraisal in the description of Scotland and the USA has different reasons. The preference of Scotland is made subconsciously, they choose the USA rationally. Scottish urban landscape is dominant compared with urban American landscape and occurs in the poetic texts more often. The patriotic myth is the dominant idea in the creation of the artistic images of Scotland and the USA.

Keywords: Scotland, the USA, poetry, emigration, XIXth century, artistic image, comparative analysis.

Paper submitted: August 11, 2021.

For citation: Velilaeva L. R. (2021) Comparative analysis of the USA and Scotland's artistic images in the poetic texts of the Scottish poets-emigrants in the USA in the XIXth century. Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 15, no. 4, p. 76-81. DOI: 10.17238/issn1998-5320.2021.15.4.8.

Компаративный анализ художественных образов США и Шотландии в стихотворениях шотландских поэтов-эмигрантов США XIX века

Аннотация: Шотландский эмиграционный поэтический дискурс США XIX в. — сложное и неоднозначное явление в истории, культуре и литературе. В стихотворениях шотландских поэтов-эмигрантов США XIX в. образы «старой» Родины — Шотландии — и «новой» Родины — США — являются центральными и сюжетообразующими. Цель данного исследования состоит в определении интегральных и дифференциальных признаков художественных образов этих двух стран в шотландском поэтическом эмиграционном дискурсе. Методами исследования стали компаративный анализ и метод жанрологического анализа. Компаративный анализ выявил позитивную оценочность, которая присутствует в описании обеих стран. Эта оценочность создается с помощью выбора определенной лексики. Шотландия часто описывается с помощью right и might, США характеризуются с помощью justice и independence. Художественным образам Шотландии и США несвойственна демифологизация, что можно объяснить особым положением поэта-эмигранта: Шотландия уже не его непосредственная родина, а сами они еще не смогли стать полноценной частью новой родины. Таким образом, позитивная оценочность в описании Шотландии и США имеет разные причины. Шотландию поэты-эмигранты предпочитают подсознательно, а США для них становятся рациональным выбором. Шотландский урбанистический пейзаж доминирует над урбанистическим пейзажем США и встречается намного чаще. Идеологической доминантой в создании образов Шотландии и США становится патриотический миф.

Научная статья

Л. Р. Велилаева1

И lilivelilaeva@yandex.ru

'Крымский инженерно-педагогический университет имени Февзи Якубова, г. Симферополь, Российская Федерация

© Л. Р. Велилаева, 2021

Vol. 15 No. 4 2021 Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities ISS'NSi1N51897^98433x2(onF'linn<!)

Philological Sciences

Ключевые слова: Шотландия, США, поэзия, эмиграция, XIX век, художественный образ, компаративный анализ. Дата поступления статьи: 11 августа 2021 г.

Для цитирования: Велилаева Л. Р. (2021) Компаративный анализ художественных образов США и Шотландии в стихотворениях шотландских поэтов-эмигрантов США XIX века. Наука о человеке: гуманитарные исследования, том 15, № 4, с. 76-81. DOI: 10.17238/issm998-5320.2021.154.8.


Scottish emigration is a complex and ambiguous phenomenon in history, culture and literature of the XIXth century. The result of the emigration of the Scots of the XIXth century was the appearance of a whole cluster of Scottish poets-emigrants who took an active part in the American literary process. Despite the fact that participation was rarely noticed by American literary critics, their work is a separate chapter in the history of both American and Scottish literature (Velilaeva, 2019; Novikova, 2015; Novikova, Velilaeva, 2018).

Scotland remained the old Homeland for poets-emigrants. The image of the new Homeland-USA was actively created by Scottish poets and emigrants as part of the emigrational discourse. The USA was not just a country of residence for the Scots, but a place where they managed to assert themselves. Emigration of the XIXth century was not forced, like the emigration of the XVIIIth century, so the goals of emigration were different. Emigrants left in search of new employment opportunities, self-realization, opportunities for literary realization (Velilaeva, 2016; Benvenist, 1995).

The purpose of the article is to determine the integral and differential features of artistic images of the USA and Scotland in Scottish emigrational poetic discourse. To achieve the purpose, the following tasks were set: 1) to compare the artistic images of Scotland and the USA; 2) to determine the specifics of creating artistic images of Scotland and the USA; 3) to consider the reasons for the lack of demythologization in the context of a positive interpretation of the images of Scotland in the United States.


The paper is based on such methods of investigation and analysis: comparative analysis and genre analysis.


The USA and Scotland: comparative analysis. The United States became a country that Scottish emigrant poets considered their new Homeland. Therefore, directly or indirectly, there was a comparison of the United States with Scotland. The goals of such a comparison were different, the results were different either.

1. Both the USA and Scotland are beautiful, magnificent states, their characteristics are always positive.

The poetic texts actively used the laudative function, which stimulated the appeal of poets to the genre of an ode. The genre of the ode was also relevant because the poems were intended not only for publication. Often poets read them at meetings of Scottish communities, Caledonian clubs and meetings of authors with their audience. An example of such a text is the poem of H. McCulloch's Centennial, 1876.

There were also poems that were written for singing. Then they were closer to the genre of the anthem (church anthem): W. M. Wood's Hail, o Fatherland, to Thee!, D. M. Henderson's Columbia — Hail to Thee!, J. D. Law's Hurrah for Pensylvania! and others.

2. Despite the similarity in positive evaluation, the motives for this positivity were different. Scotland is more characterized by an emotional-associative, spontaneous, subconscious preference. While the United States poets-emigrants praise in terms of rationality.

There is no praise for legal rights and freedoms or any social guarantees of a lyrical hero who is in Scotland in lyrics and small epic forms (poems, ballads) of Scottish authors.

!ssn i2587-943xPonHne) Наука о человеке: гуманитарные исследования Т. 15 № 4 2021

Филологические науки

For the Scottish mentality, the term right is more familiar. It contains an archaic, mythopoetic meaning. For Scots, it means order in the world order and society, means social and world order, "harmony", "correct" world order (Sarkisyan, Zimina, 2020, p. 187-248).

The concept of "might", which often serves as a rhyme for "right" has the meaning of physical power, life energy and strength. That is the embodiment of such a natural right to life (Mifologiya Britanskikh ostrovov, 2007, p. 198). And it is always felt as a natural right to success, to victory.

It is this concept that is meant when the right is mentioned by H. Ainslie (The knight o'ellerslie), P. MacPherson (Dark Culloden Day (April 16, 1746), J. Kennedy (Auld Scotia in the field).

In relation to the United States, the actual legal terms and concepts of "independence" and "justice" become relevant. They are leitmotifs in the poetic texts of D. K. McCallum (Soldier's song of freedom), J. D. Law (Columbia — Caledonia), etc.

3. Scotland, paradoxically, is more urbanistically described in the texts of Scottish emigrant poets. Urbanism is concrete. The Scottish poets-emigrants themselves experienced all the adversity, difficulties and deprivation of emigration along with their ancestors, knew the history of the emigration of their ancestors. But this does not prevent them from introducing optimism into the urban landscape.

However, there is a paradox here. The United States of America was also actively urbanized in the XlXth century. Therefore, for poetry about the new Homeland — the USA it would be appropriate to have such texts. But we did not find detailed urban landscapes. But even those descriptions of the employed population, crafts and small businesses found in the texts of Scottish poets-emigrants look skimpy and faceless in comparison with the description of Greenock by J. Davidson or Glasgow by Alexander Smith:

...Draw thy fierce streams of blinding ore,

Smite on a thousand anvils, roar

Down to the harbor-bars;

Smoulder in smoky sunsets, flare

On rainy night, with street and square

Lie empty to the stars.

(A. Smith, Glasgow. In: (Scott, 1976, p. 399).

For comparison, consider the American landscape of P. Ross from Twa Scots:

.And twa miles south there lay a toun Where centred a' the country's treasure; And soon in it they had some trade, Their craps to sell, their corn to measure. (Ross, 1897, p. 89-91).

Both poems were created in the same chronological period. But the stylistics and optics of these two texts seem to indicate that they are from different centuries.

4. More detailed is the description of American space, which has a negative evaluation.

Such semantics is found in the description of landscapes in texts with historical themes (for example, in the description of the South, where there were more slaveowners), in poems dedicated to the Civil War. An illustration of this kind of text is the poem by J. Kennedy The Refugees. The same "negative landscape" is attracted to texts when you need to describe the life of wealthy segments of the population (H. McCulloch's Thanksgiving Day).

However, such a negative assessment may occur where the natural Scottish landscape is correlated with the industrial American landscape. This is confirmed by the texts of J. Kennedy Auld Scotia in the Field, or D. M. Henderson Daisies in Baltimore.

We believe it necessary to emphasize that in general in the poetic works of Scottish poets-emigrants there is no tendency to negate the American space. For many of them, a career in the United States began

Vol. 15 No. 4 2021 Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities ISS'NSi1N51897^98433x2(onF'linn<!)

Philological Sciences

with heavy labor specialties. Some even managed to participate in "exploitation of the jungle" or taming the mustangs (P. Ross's Twa Scots, J. C. Moffat's Tamers of the Ground). Excessive negative semantics could jeopardize their "American dream", and they did not want this at all.

The problem of demythologization. The peculiarities of life in exile, the need to adapt forced poets-emigrants to carefully select emotive and evaluation epithets.

The metropolitan poets of Scotland could afford much more. Their statements about Scotland are often sharply critical, polemic and dramatic. This trend was observed throughout the metropolitan Scottish literature and was associated with the problem of farmland. It seemed to metropolitan poets that Scottish literature as a whole, and poetry in particular, was marked by Cailyardism (treacle of the poetry) (Shotlandii krovavaya luna, 2007). They talked about the pseudo-work of rhyming poetasters, who considered themselves followers of the traditions of Robert Burns.

Polemics led to the appearance of rather harsh statements in metropolitan poetry:

There's puckle lairds in the auld house Wha haud the was thegither: There's no muckle graith in the auld house Nor smeddum aither...

(W. Soutar, The Auld House. In: (Scott, 1976, p. 461]).

Such criticism was unacceptable for poets-emigrants either when describing Scotland or when describing the United States. The list of reasons can be expanded by several more circumstances.

In the context of patriotic discourse, a critic of the Motherland, when you are in your homeland, is one situation. This criticism is regarded as criticism of itself, for its own and on behalf of its own. In this case, you can comment on your point of view: demythologization serves only as a tool thanks to which Scotland will have new political, socio-cultural and even literary prospects. So, V. Sutar's poem in the finale offers a rather optimistic forecast:

...But the folk maun funder the auld house And bigg up anither (Scott, 1976, p. 461).

Things were quite different in exile. The preference of Scotland's demythologization would significantly reduce (and, perhaps, deprive) internal time and space in general. They would lose Scotland — their country with a great history, culture and rich folklore. This, in turn, would detract from their own value and significance. Being the sons of the "Glorious Northern Paradise", using negative mythopoetics, they became refugees from a poor, backward country without freedoms and without rules somewhere on the edge of Europe.

Demythologization against the United States of America could not be realized not only for political reasons. At first, the image of the "new" Homeland — the USA was presented to the Americans only as the "Union of States". But by the second half of the XIXth century, the Americans themselves began to understand that this was not enough in the geopolitical space today. The formation of the image of the "great power" became relevant.

What was relevant for the Scots themselves was the preservation of the meaning and pathos of their own emigration as the embodiment of the transfer from Paradise of the old, lost, to Paradise new, newfound. In a religious context the emigration was considered as expansion of borders of former time and space of the Old Testament and development and moving to New Testament, time and space. Scotland, the old Motherland, remained a kind of outline preceding the real embodiment of paradise expectations and their embodiment in the image of the United States.

According to biographical data, problems of various kinds occurred in the life of each emigrant (Istoriya literatury SSHA, 2000; Novikova, 2018; Ostapenko, 2012; Ross, 1889). But they also definitely had an achievement in the field of finance, education and status. And it is paradoxical that the poems of poets-emigrants tell a little about this. And bitterness and disappointments, which, of course, were present

!11N ^MMpOnU Наука о человеке: гуманитарные исследования Т. 15 № 4 2021

Филологические науки

in the life of the emigrant, were practically not mentioned. Almost the only example is a monologue of an emigrant disappointed in his share taken of all the texts we analyzed:

O gie me back my lowland cot, My shepherd's plaid and lowly lot, When ower the hills I used to stray And herd the sheep the lee-lang day. ...Wae's me that fate us twa has twined, And I sair' strangers ower the sea; Their hearts are leal, their words are kind. But lass, it is'na hame to me! (Crichton, 1889)

The lyrical hero — the shepherd — is disappointed in reality and wants to return the past: "Lowland's remains", "Mary's braids" — everything that was in his past life. He cannot find his place in the USA, find his home. But at the same time, he focuses on the fact that his surroundings are kind hearts and faces (American). For him, Homeland is a way of life and a way of thinking that he has lost and cannot replace them in a new place.


The findings of the study were as follows.

1. The positive assessment of both the US and Scotland has different causes and nature. Scotland enjoys a subconscious preference, for the United States it is rather a rational choice.

2. Scotland's urban landscape is much more common than the USA's urban landscape.

3. The construction of images of Scotland and the USA takes place in the context of a positive patriotic myth.


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Novikova M. A., Velilaeva L. R. (2018) Pisatel'skaya biografiya kak interzhanr i intertekst perevodnoy antologii / khrestomatii (k postanovke problemy). [Writer's biography as intergenre and intertext]. Perevodcheskiy diskurs: mezhdistsiplinarnyy podkhod. Materialy II Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Tranlational discourse: interdisciplinary aspect. Materials of the II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference]. Arial Publ., Simferopol, pp. 414-419. (In Russian).

Ostapenko I. V. (2012) Priroda v russkoy lirike ig6o-ig8o-kh godov: ot peyzazha k kartine mira [Nature in Russian lyrics of 1960-1980: from landscape to the worldview]. Simferopol, Arial Publ., 432 p. (In Russian).

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Vol. 15 No. 4 2021 Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities ISS'NS^N518!7^84533(2(on'liinn<!)

Philological Sciences

Crichton J. D. (1889) The emigrant shepherd's lament. In: Ross J. D. Scottish poets in America with biographical

and critical notices. Pagan & Ross Publ., New York, 218 p. (In English). Ross J. D. (1897) A cluster of poets Scottish and American, with biographical and critical notices. Walter W. Reid

Publ., New York, 377 p. (In English). Ross J. D. (1889) Scottish poets in america with biographical and critical notices. Pagan & Ross Publ., New York, 218 p. (In English).

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Scott T. (1976) The penguin book of Scottish verse. Intro. and ed. by T. Scott. Penguin Publ., London, 519 p. (In English).


Бенвенист Э. (1995) Словарь индоевропейских социальных терминов. Пер. с фр. Н. Н. Казанского и др.

Общ. ред. и вступ. ст. Ю. Степанова М., Прогресс-Универс, 1995, 454 с. Велилаева Л. Р. (2016) Шотландские поэты США XIX в.: социокультурный статус и его поэтическая реализация.

Филологические науки. вопросы теории и практики, № 7(61), ч. 2, с. 13-15. Велилаева Л. Р. (2019) Эмиграционный и метрополийный дискурсы шотландской поэзии XIX века. Монография.

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мент. М. А. Новиковой. Симферополь, Сонат; Крымский Архив, 320 с. Crichton J. D. (1889) The emigrant shepherd's lament. In: Ross J. D. Scottish poets in America with biographical

and critical notices. Pagan & Ross Publ., New York, 218 p. Ross J. D. (1897) A cluster of poets Scottish and American, with biographical and critical notices. Walter W. Reid Publ., New York, 377 p.

Ross J. D. (1889) Scottish poets in America with biographical and critical notices. Pagan & Ross Publ., New York, 218 p.

Scott T. (1976) The penguin book of scottish verse. Intro. and ed. by T. Scott. Penguin Publ., London, 519 p.

Author4 s information

Liliya R. Velilaeva

Cand. Sc. (Philol.), Associate Professor, Department of English Philology. Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University the name of Fevzi Yakubov (8 Uchebnaya Lane, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295015, Russian Federation). E-mail: lilivelilaeva@yandex.ru

Информация об авторе

Велилаева Лилия Раимовна

Кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры английской филологии. Крымский инженерно-педагогический университет имени Февзи Якубова (295015, РФ, Республика Крым, г. Симферополь, Учебный пер., 8). E-mail: lilivelilaeva@yandex.ru

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