Научная статья на тему 'Comparative analysis of the Gerchberg – Papoulis method in the problems of scalar and vector tomography'

Comparative analysis of the Gerchberg – Papoulis method in the problems of scalar and vector tomography Текст научной статьи по специальности «Математика»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Comparative analysis of the Gerchberg – Papoulis method in the problems of scalar and vector tomography»

bility analysis based on the Bayesian approach is carried out to three types of data: daily confirmed, critical

and death cases of COVID-19 [1-2]. As a result, the set of more sensitivity parameters is investigated. The sce-

narios of COVID-19 propagation on Siberia [3], UK and USA are modelled and discussed.

This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 21-51-10003).


1. Krivorotko O. I., Kabanikhin S. I., Sosnovskaya M. I., Andornaya D. V. Sensitivity and identifiability analysis of

COVID-19 pandemic models // Vavilov J. of Genetics and Breeding. 2021. V. 25, N. 1. P. 82-91.

2. Andrianakis I., Vernon I. R., McCreesh N., et al. Bayesian history matching of complex infectious disease models

using emulation: a tutorial and a case study on HIV in Uganda // PLOS Computational Biology. 2015. V. 11, N. 1:


3. Krivorotko O. I., Kabanikhin S. I., Zyatkov N. Yu., et al. Mathematical modeling and forecasting of COVID-19 in

Moscow and Novosibirsk region // Numerical Analysis and Applications. 2020. V. 13, N. 4. P. 332-348.

Non-destructive testing of the state of the insulating coating of the main pipeline according

to the UAV-magnetometry data

V. N. Krizsky1, S. V. Viktorov2, O. V. Kosarev1, Ya. A. Luntovskaya1

1Saint-Petersburg Mining University

2Bashkir State University, Ufa

Email: Krizskiy_VN@pers.spmi.ru

DOI 10.24412/cl-35065-2021-1-02-01

Monitoring the state of trunk pipelines is an urgent practically important task for trouble-free operation.

Determination of the transient resistance at the "pipe/soil" boundary according to magnetometry data using

unmanned aerial vehicles is the inverse problem of mathematical geophysics to determine the coefficient

function of the boundary condition of the third kind.

The paper considers mathematical models of direct [1, 2] and inverse problems, algorithms for their solu-

tion based on the search for the extremal of the regularizing A.N. Tikhonov�s functional. The results of compu-

tational experiments are discussed.


1. Krizsky V. N., Aleksandrov P. N., Kovalskii A. A., Victorov S. V. Mathematical Modeling of Electric Fields of Pipelines

Cathodic Protection Systems in Anisotropic Media // Science & Technologies: Oil and Oil Products Pipeline Transportation.

2020. V. 10, N. 1. P. 52-63. DOI: 10.28999/2541-9595-2020-10-1-52-63.

2. Krizsky V. N., Aleksandrov P. N., Kovalskii A. A., Victorov S. V. Mathematical Modelling of Electric and Magnetic

Fields of Main Pipelines Cathodic Protection in Electrically Anisotropic Media // E3S Web of Conferences. II International

Conference �Corrosion in the Oil & Gas Industry 2020�, 2021. V. 225. [Electron. resource]. URL: https://www.e3s-

conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2021/01/e3sconf_corrosion2020_04002/ e3sconf_corrosion2020_04002.html (the

date of access: 01.03.2021) DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202122504002.

The Gerchberg � Papoulis method in non-scalar tomography problems with limited data

S. V. Maltseva

Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS

Email: maltsevasv@math.nsc.ru

DOI 10.24412/cl-35065-2021-1-02-02

The problem of recovery a scalar field by limited data [1] has some difficulties. One of the methods for

solving this problem is the Gerchberg � Papoulis iterative method [2]. Problem with limited data may also be

considered for non-scalar fields. This report contains a generalizations of this method for the case of vector

and 2-tensor fields. The results of numerical simulations are presented.

This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) and the German Science Foundation

(DFG) according to the joint German-Russian research project 19-51-12008.


1. Natterer F 1986. The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography (New York: John Wiley & Sons).

2. Defrise M and De Mol C 1983 A regularized iterative algorithm for limited-angle inverse Radon transform // Opt.

Acta: Int. J. Opt 30. 403-408.

Comparative analysis of the Gerchberg � Papoulis method in the problems of scalar and vector tomography

S. V. Maltseva 1, V. V. Pickalov 2

1Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS

2Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS

Email: maltsevasv@math.nsc.ru; pickalov@itam.nsc.ru

DOI 10.24412/cl-35065-2021-1-02-03

The paper discusses the methods of solving the inverse problems of a few-views and limited angle data of

two-dimensional tomography using iterative procedures in Fourier space. Partial absence of angular data can

be approximately compensated by extrapolation in the Gerchberg � Papoulis iterative method [1]. In particu-

lar, these algorithms should be complemented by a priori information and regularization procedures [2�3].

The computational experiment compare reconstruction errors of mathematical models of scalar and vector


This research was partially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project RFBR-DFG No. 19-51-



1. Defrise M., De Mol C. A regularized iterative algorithm for limited-angle inverse Radon transform // Optica Acta.

1983. V. 30, N. 4. P. 403-408.

2. Maltseva S. V., Svetov I. E., and Louis A. K. An iterative algorithm for reconstructing a 2D vector field by its limited-

angle ray transform // J. of Physics: Conference Series. 2021. V. 1715, art. 12037.

3. Derevtsov E.Yu., Pickalov V.V. Reconstruction of vector fields and their singularities from ray transforms //

Numerical Analysis and Applications. 2011. V. 4, N. 1. P. 21-35.

The problem of identification an unknown substance by the radiographic method

V. G. Nazarov

Institute of Applied Mathematics FEB RAS

Email: naz@iam.dvo.ru

DOI 10.24412/cl-35065-2021-1-02-04

The paper considers the problem of partial identification of the chemical composition of unknown medi-

um by the method of multiple transillumination of this medium with X-ray radiation. Sample of unknown sub-

stance is assumed to be homogeneous in chemical composition, and the photon flux, collimated both in direc-

tion and in energy. A mathematical model is formulated for the identification problem. The proposed ap-

proach to solving the problem is based on the method of singular value decomposition of a matrix [1, 2]. At

the first stage of solving the problem is reduced to finding singular numbers and singular vectors for the series

systems of algebraic equations linear with respect to products of unknown quantities. Then, based on the re-

ceived data, a special function is built, called an indicator of the distinguishability of substances, which enables

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