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Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским технологиям, автор научной работы — Belov M.L., Samsonova A.A., Filimonov P.A., Ivanov S.E., Gorodnichev V.A.

Results are provided of a study devoted to the atmosphere optical state influence on the wind aerosol lidar sensing range and comparison of range estimates obtained for different sensing wavelengths in ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared ranges. It is demonstrated that the aerosol lidar sensing range significantly depends on the Earth atmosphere optical state. The maximum laser sensing range is realized at the wavelength of 1.06 μm dangerous for vision. Sensing wavelengths of 0.355, 1.57 and 2.09 μm are potentially safe for vision. Laser sensing range for the wavelength of 2.09 μm is slightly inferior to the sensing range of 0.355 and 1.57 μm. In this regard, it is promising in the atmosphere surface layer to use sensing wavelengths of 0.355 or 1.57 μm in a wind aerosol lidar. Maximum sensing range of a wind aerosol lidar for a wavelength of 0.355 μm in the transparent earth atmosphere with the receiving lens radius of 150 mm (depending on the laser used) is about 2.5--0.8 km, and for a sensing wavelength of 1.57 μm --- about 1.5 km

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Похожие темы научных работ по медицинским технологиям , автор научной работы — Belov M.L., Samsonova A.A., Filimonov P.A., Ivanov S.E., Gorodnichev V.A.

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UDC 621.375

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2022-1-49-61


M.L. Belov A.A. Samsonova P.A. Filimonov S.E. Ivanov V.A. Gorodnichev






Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russian Federation


Results are provided of a study devoted to the atmosphere optical state influence on the wind aerosol lidar sensing range and comparison of range estimates obtained for different sensing wavelengths in ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared ranges. It is demonstrated that the aerosol lidar sensing range significantly depends on the Earth atmosphere optical state. The maximum laser sensing range is realized at the wavelength of 1.06 |am dangerous for vision. Sensing wavelengths of 0.355, 1.57 and 2.09 |am are potentially safe for vision. Laser sensing range for the wavelength of 2.09 |am is slightly inferior to the sensing range of 0.355 and 1.57 |am. In this regard, it is promising in the atmosphere surface layer to use sensing wavelengths of 0.355 or 1.57 |am in a wind aerosol lidar. Maximum sensing range of a wind aerosol lidar for a wavelength of 0.355 |am in the transparent earth atmosphere with the receiving lens radius of 150 mm (depending on the laser used) is about 2.5-0.8 km, and for a sensing wavelength of 1.57 |am — about 1.5 km


Atmosphere laser sensing, wind speed, aerosol lidar

Received 24.05.2021 Accepted 21.06.2021 © Author(s), 2022

Introduction. Laser remote sensing is one of the main methods to monitor the Earth atmosphere parameters. Laser locators (lidars) make it possible to promptly obtain arrays of atmospheric parameters with high temporal and spatial resolution. One of the atmospheric parameters, information about which is used in many practical applications, is the atmosphere wind speed.

Wind speed and direction (in those spatial scales that allow laser sensing) should be known for ensuring the aircraft take-off and landing, eliminating con-

sequences of disasters and emergencies (when harmful or poisonous substances enter the atmosphere), scientific research, environmental protection, etc.

Wind lidars provide remote and prompt acquisition of information about the wind speed and direction based on measuring the aerosol particles motion (under the influence of wind) that are always present in the Earth atmosphere.

Laser methods in measuring wind speed are subdivided into Doppler and correlation methods [1-9]. Despite the fact that aerosol lidars (using the correlation methods) provide a shorter sensing range (compared to the Dop-pler lidars), they are potentially more attractive in certain practical applications. Such lidars require simpler equipment; they could promptly measure the entire wind speed vector and assess the wind speed spatial distribution along the sensing path without spatial scanning.

One of the most important issues in designing laser systems (including aerosol lidars) is the problem of sensing range.

This work is devoted to comparative analysis of the wind aerosol lidar sensing range, when operating in different spectral ranges (from ultraviolet to near infrared (IR)).

Problem statement. In case of monitoring atmospheric parameters, the sensing wavelength should appear within the atmosphere "transparency windows". Such "transparency windows" are understood as parts of the spectrum with high transmittance (for paths in the atmosphere surface layer, ^m: 0.2-0.9; 0.95-1.06; 1.2-1.3; 1.5-1.8; 2.1-2.4; 3.3-4.0; 8-12) [10-13].

Aerosol lidars register radiation scattered by aerosol particles, which largest fractions are ~ 0.1-1.0 ^m (submicron fractions). With an increase in the sensing wavelength, radiation fraction scattered "backward" (towards the lidar receiver) is decreasing. Therefore, "transparency windows" are of interest to solve the problem of measuring the wind speed, ^m: 0.2-0.9; 0.95-1.06; 1.2-1.3; 1.5-1.8; 2.1-2.4 ("transparency windows" of 3.3-4.0 and 8-12 ^m shall not be considered). The atmosphere transmission spectra in ultraviolet, visible and near-IR ranges [13] are presented in Fig. 1.

Comparative analysis of the maximum sensing range for a wind aerosol lidar was carried out in regard to "transparency windows" of 0.2-0.9; 0.95-1.06; 1.2-1.3; 1.5-1.8; 2.1-2.4 ^m, and existing laser radiation receivers, and sources (suitable in solving the problem of atmosphere laser sensing with duration of a ns-unit and pulse energy of tens of mJ and more).

Energy of laser radiation scattered by the atmospheric aerosol. Laser correlation methods in atmospheric wind sounding are based on registration of a laser signal scattered by aerosol particles "backward" (towards the lidar). In a general case, energy characteristics calculation of such a signal is a difficult


0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Wavelength, |j,m Fig. 1. Atmosphere transmission spectra

task. However, in case of a transparent atmosphere, the Es (z) expression for energy (or the Ps (z) power) of the received laser signal could be obtained using the single scattering approximation.

It is assumed that the sensing scheme is monostatic. It is believed that at the sensing wavelength in the visible and near-IR spectral regions, optical radiation absorption by atmospheric gases is small (in comparison with attenuation in the aerosol atmosphere). Let us assume that the sensing path is horizontal and moves through the atmosphere surface layer. The monostatic lidar sensing scheme is shown in Fig. 2.

To evaluate the energy of a useful signal (scattered by the atmosphere "backward" towards the lidar) registered by the lidar receiver during detection time in the visible and near-IR spectral regions, let us use the relation (see, for example, [9-12]):

E ( ) _ PjKtKrCTpuiser?XdOXKT(z)G(z) Es(z)— ^ 2 .

8z 2

Here P is the lidar radiation power, Pi = Wpuisejxpuise, Wpuise is the pulse energy, ^puise is the lidar pulse duration; Kt, Kr are the transmittance coefficients

of the lidar transmitting and receiving optics; c is the speed of light; rr is the effective radius of the lidar receiving aperture; Xd is the detection time; is the Earth atmosphere scattering indicatrix for a scattering angle equal to k (in the "backward" direction to the lidar); a is the aerosol scattering index; z is the distance to the current atmosphere volume, from which at the t = 2z / c moment of time the signal arrives at the lidar receiver; T 1/2(z) = exp (-sz -kmz ) is the atmospheric transmittance along the lidar — current atmosphere volume path; s is the atmosphere attenuation index; k m is the molecular absorption index (in "transparency windows" of the visible and near-IR regions molecular absorption has insignificant effect); G(z) is the lidar geometric function.

The lidar geometric function has the following form (in the Gaussian approximation) for the sensing scheme shown in Fig. 2 (biaxial monostatic sensing scheme with parallel optical axes of the transmitting and receiving lidar channels):

a2 ( b2 }

G(z ) = exp

ar +a£

(a2 +a2)

z2 ,

where ar, at are the field of view of the receiving optical system and the angle of lidar radiation divergence; b is the distance between optical axes of the transmitting and receiving channels (base).

For a monostatic sensing scheme with combined optical axes of the lidar source and receiver, the G(z ) function is simplified:

G(z ) = -2^.

a? + a?

Let us use a more general relation (taking into account molecular scattering) in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum to evaluate the Es (z) energy of a useful signal [10]:

E ( )_ PjKtKrCTpuiserfrd (aXn +°m%Mn)T(z)G(z)

Es(z)_ t ,

8z 2

where oM is the indicator of the atmosphere molecular scattering at the radiation wavelength; aM = 0.0119(0.55/À)4, X are the radiation source wave-

lengths, ^m; xm*: is the atmosphere molecular scattering indicatrix for the scattering angle equal to n (in the direction "backward" to the lidar), xMn= 0.75(l + cos2 y), y is the scattering angle, rad; T1/2(z) = = exp (-sz -oMz -kMz) is the atmosphere transmittance along the lidar-

current atmosphere volume, taking into account molecular absorption and scattering.

Receiver threshold energy. An estimate of the lidar sensing range could be obtained from the condition of equality of the received lidar signal energy and the minimum detectable (threshold) energy of the lidar receiver.

The ES min(A) most general expression for the laser signal minimum detectable energy during the id detection time has the following form (for the considered case, i.e., reception of the laser signal scattered by the atmosphere) [10]:

Es minM =1M2 E(X)

( f Afvt^ ^

1 +



Eb (X) id + ij

+ -

^ |Д2 ^ E(X) 2eB )) )


Eft) ; B- = BFG; B = j =_2T

X^X)^ le 2xd eG%ReqFo

Eb (A,) is the background radiation energy (during the %d detection time); ^ is the given signal-to-noise ratio; ^(A) is the quantum efficiency at the wavelength X; c = 1,6 • 10-19 A • s is the electron charge; id is the dark current (leakage current); ij is the effective Johnson current; G is the photodetector amplification; FG is the noise amplification parameter (FG ~ 1.0-2.5); t,e ~ 1; in calculations it was assumed that FG / « 1 [10]; Req, T are the equivalent load resistance of the output circuit and its absolute temperature; h is the Planck's constant; k is the Boltzmann constant.

Background radiation along with the useful laser signal is received by the lidar receiver in ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared ranges due to solar radiation scattered in the Earth atmosphere.

The Eb (A,) background radiation energy (during the xd detection time) for a lidar with narrow field of view and a narrow-band spectral filter could be represented as (see, for example, [11]):

Eb (A,) = Lb(X)AXna'2Sr%d, where Lb (A) is the background radiation spectral brightness; AX is the narrowband filter spectral width; mi2 is the solid angle of the receiving optical system field of view; Sr = nr?.

At present, analytical expression for the Lb spectral brightness was obtained only for extremely transparent Earth atmosphere (atmosphere vertical optical depth of xo < 0.2). A specific form of this expression depends on the sensing scheme (sensing in close to horizontal direction, sensing from top to bottom or from bottom to top). Let us assume that sensing is in the atmosphere surface layer in direction close to horizontal. Then for the Lb, we have the following [11]:

Lb = 0.25A.AX(Y) CoSI expl I-exp

cos9-cos9o ^ v cosQy v cos9o

where Xs =o / s; kSi is the spectral solar constant at the laser sensing wavelength; x(Y) is the atmospheric scattering indicatrix; y is the scattering angle between the solar radiation direction and the direction of the receiver optical axis; 9, 9 and 9o, are the zenith angles (with respect to the vertical) and the azimuths of the receiver optical axis and the Sun directions, respectively (when calculating, 9 = ^o = 0 was assumed for the sake of clarity); xo is the optical depth (in vertical direction) of the entire Earth atmosphere at the sensing wavelength; cos y = cos 9 cos 9o + sin 9 sin 9o cos (9 - ).

Study of the atmosphere optical state influence on the sensing range. Let us perform a comparative analysis of potential capabilities (in terms of the sensing range) of an aerosol lidar in different spectral ranges in the atmosphere surface layer.

Most of the time, the Earth atmosphere surface layer stays in a state of haze or foggy haze. Under atmospheric haze, the empirical formula for the s(^) attenuation coefficient in the visible and IR spectral ranges has the following form [14]:

3 91

eft) = —(no + n{X~n2 ), (1)


where SM is the meteorological visibility range, km; no, n1, n2 are the empirical coefficients; X is the radiation wavelength.

Atmospheric haze properties significantly depend both on the year period (winter, summer or spring-autumn) and on the atmosphere optical state at the time of measurement.

Values of the no, n1, n2 coefficients (obtained experimentally) for different

year periods and certain atmosphere optical states are given in [11, 14]. For the aerosol scattering index (see, for example, [11]):

oft) = (2)

1 + a(^)

Here a(^) is the parameter depending on the wavelength,

a(À) = (0.1 - 0.2)


Let us use the empirical formula for the %K atmosphere aerosol scattering indicatrix (in the "backward" direction to the lidar):

Along with expression (1), spectral dependence of the haze and foggy haze attenuation index is also approximated by a more coarse, but more convenient formula [10] (in visible and IR spectral ranges):

To evaluate the s aerosol attenuation index in the visible and near-IR spectral ranges (wavelengths of 0.532; 1.06; 1.57 and 2.09 ^m), let us use (1)-(4), and for the ultraviolet range — numerical models of the atmosphere optical properties.

For the spectrum ultraviolet range (wavelength of 0.355 ^m), let us use the aerosol extinction index value for two atmospheric models. For the continental aerosol optical-location model [15] (this model corresponds to the atmosphere optical state with meteorological visibility range of ~ 15 km), the attenuation index s = 0.337 km-1 (calculation by (4) provides the attenuation index value of 0.489 km-1). For the American model of pure standard atmosphere [16] (this model corresponds to the atmosphere optical state with meteorological visibility range of ~ 25 km), the attenuation index s = 0.24 km-1 (calculation by (4) provides the attenuation index value of 0.329 km-1).

To carry out a comparative analysis of the aerosol lidar potential capabilities for measuring wind speed in different spectral ranges, let us select the following sensing wavelengths, ^m: 0.355 (third harmonic of a neodymium-activated YAG laser; in the spectral region lower than 0.355 ^m, strong effect of ozone absorption starts); 0.532 (second harmonic of a neodymium-activated YAG laser); 1.06 (fundamental harmonic of a neodymium-activated YAG laser); 1.57 (optical parametric oscillator pumped by a neodymium-activated YAG laser); 2.09 (holmium-activated YAG laser).

When calculating, the sensing path was supposed to be horizontal (atmosphere optical parameters were constant and corresponded to the atmosphere surface layer), the atmosphere was cloudless, and the sensing scheme was mono-static and coaxial. Data from [11] was used for the atmosphere optical depth and for the spectral solar constant at different wavelengths. The ^ signal-to-noise

0.33 sM




ratio was set equal to 100 (in most cases, the aerosol inhomogeneities contrast is a few percent [9, 17, 18]). The Sun zenith angle was taken equal to 0O = 45°, the receiving lens radius was 150 mm, the angle of the laser locator radiation divergence was 0.5 ■ 10"3 rad, and the receiving optical system field of view was 0.75 • 10-3 rad. Transmittance of the transmitting and receiving optical systems in calculations were taken equal to 0.9 and 0.7, respectively. Equivalent load resistance and its absolute temperature were equal to Req = 106 Q and T = 298 K.

Characteristics of lasers used to calculate the sensing range (pulse energy Wpuise, pulse duration xpuise and repetition rate fpuise) [19-21] for different wavelengths are provided in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1

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Characteristics of various laser models for wavelengths of 0.355 and 0.532

Characteristic NL319, lamp pumping NL231-100, diode pumping LF117, lamp pumping NL319, lamp pumping NL231-100, diode pumping LF117, lamp pumping

Л = 0.355 /um Л = 0.532 /um

Wpulse, mJ 2000 40 150 5000 90 450

хpulse, ns 4-7 3-7 10-14 4-7 3-7 10-14

fpulse, Hz 10 100 10 10 100 10

Table 2

Characteristics of various laser models for wavelengths of 1.06, 1.57 and 2.09 ^m

Characteristic NL319, lamp pumping NL231-100, diode pumping LF117, lamp pumping CFR400, lamp pumping HLPN-50-10-40, fiber laser pumping

X = 1.06 /um X = 1.57 /jm X = 2.09 /im

Wpulse, mJ 10 000 150 850 70 50

Xpulse, ns 4-7 3-7 10-14 11 10

fpulse, Hz 10 100 10 10 100

For reception at each wavelength, the following photodetectors were used with the maximum spectral sensitivity [22]: PMT R1924A-100 for 0.355 ^m; PMT H8711-300 for 0.532 |im; avalanche photodiode G14858-0020AA for 1.06 ^m; avalanche photodiode G8931-20 for 1.57 ^m; PIN photodiode G12183-205K for 2.09 |im. Spectral filter width [23]: 2 nm for 0.355 and 0.532 ^m; 4 nm for 1.06 ^m; 9 nm for 1.57 ^m and 80 nm for 2.09 ^m.

In the visible and near-IR ranges, calculations were performed for the various atmosphere optical states [11, 14]: 1 is summer period: stable haze, SM = = 20 km; 2 is summer period: radiation haze, SM = 15 km; 3 is summer period: radiation haze, SM = 12 km; 4 is summer period: persistent haze, SM = 10 km; 5 is winter period: winter haze, SM = 10 km; 6 is winter period: ice haze, SM = = 8 km; 7 is winter period: winter haze, SM = 6 km; 8 is winter period: haze with snow, SM = 5 km; 9 is spring-autumn period: haze with drizzle, SM = 3 km; 10 is spring-autumn period: foggy haze, SM = 2 km.

Calculation results at wavelengths of 0.532 and 1.06 ^m for the lamp-pumped lasers are shown in Fig. 3, a and c. Calculation results for lasers at the wavelength of 0.532 ^m with a pulse energy of 5,000 mJ and at the wavelength of 1.06 ^m with a pulse energy of 10,000 mJ are not presented, since radiation of these lasers even scattered in the atmosphere is safe only at a distance of more than ~ 400-700 m (GOST 31581-2012. Laser safety. General safety requirements for development and operation of laser products, M., Standartinform, 2013). Calculation results for diode-pumped lasers are shown in Fig. 3, b and d. Calculation results for wavelengths of 1.57 and 2.09 ^m are shown in Fig. 4.

2 3 4

5 6 b

7 8 9 10

2 3 4

5 6 7 d

8 9 10

Fig. 3. Sensing ranges at the wavelengths of 0.532 (a, b) and 1.06 ^.m (c, d) for lamp-pumped lasers at the pulse energy of 450 (a), 850 mJ (c) and diode-pumped lasers at the pulse energy of 90 (b) and 150 mJ (d)

2.0 4.-5



I 1.0

ад я

'a 0.5



1 23456789 10 a

Fig. 4. Sensing ranges at the wavelength of 1.57 (a) and 2.09 ^.m (b)

1 23456789 10 b

Results of the sensing range evaluation for the wavelength in the ultraviolet spectral region of 0.355 ^.m are shown in Fig. 5. Here are the results of calculations for two numerical atmosphere models (SM = 15 and 25 km) for a lamp-pumped laser with the pulse energy of 2,000 mJ (Fig. 5, a), lamp-pumped laser with the pulse energy of 150 mJ (Fig. 5, b) and diode-pumped laser with the pulse energy of 40 mJ (Fig. 5, c). Atmospheric absorption coefficient value for the wavelength of 0.355 ^.m is taken from [24].


I 2.0


a» 1.5


8 0.5


25 km

Sm= 15 km




•i 0.5


Sm= 25 km

Sm= 15 km


и M



из Й и ей

<Sj^= 25 km

SM= 15 km

Fig. 5. Sensing range at the wavelength of 0.355 ^.m

According to the data provided in Fig. 3-5, the aerosol lidar sensing range significantly depends on the atmosphere optical state. For wavelengths of 0.355; 0.532 and 1.06 ^.m: the smaller is the meteorological visibility range SM, the shorter is the sensing range. For wavelengths of 1.57 and 2.09 ^.m, dependence of the sensing range on the Sm meteorological range is more complex.

Naturally, the higher is the energy in a laser pulse, the greater is the sensing range (laser mass and size characteristics will not be discussed in this work). However, spectral dependence of the atmosphere optical characteristics also provides significant influence. The largest sensing range (in the given Figures) is registered in a lamp-pumped laser at the wavelength of 1.06 ^m and pulse energy of 850 mJ. For high transparency atmosphere ( SM = 20 km), the sensing range at the wavelength of 1.06 ^m and pulse energy of 850 mJ is about 4.2 km, and for cloudy atmosphere (SM = 2 km) — about 1.3 km.

However, the sensing wavelength of 1.06 ^m is hazardous to vision (even radiation scattered in the atmosphere is safe for the eyes only at a distance from the laser beam of more than ~ 110 m for the pulse energy of 850 mJ and ~ 50 m for the pulse energy of 150 mJ).

Wavelengths of 0.355; 1.57 and 2.09 |om are potentially safe for vision. Sensing range for X = 2.09 ^m is somewhat inferior (with the same atmosphere optical conditions) to the sensing range for 0.355 and 1.57 ^m. Therefore, it is promising to use sensing wavelengths of 0.355 or 1.57 ^m in the atmosphere surface layer with a wind aerosol lidar. For the wavelength of 0.355 ^m, radiation scattered in the atmosphere is safe for eyes at the distance from the laser beam more than ~ 7 m for the pulse energy of 2,000 mJ, ~ 2 m for the pulse energy of 150 mJ and ~ 1 m for the pulse energy of 40 mJ. For the wavelength of 1.57 ^m, radiation scattered in the atmosphere is safe for the eyes at the distance from the laser beam of more than ~ 0.3 m for the pulse energy of 70 mJ (GOST 31581-2012). In the transparent atmosphere, sensing range for the wavelength of 0.355 ^m is (depending on the laser pulse energy) about 2.5-0.8 km, and for the sensing wavelength of 1.57 ^m — about 1.5 km.

Conclusion. Influence of the atmosphere optical state on the wind aerosol li-dar sensing range was studied, and estimates of the sensing ranges obtained for different wavelengths were compared. It is demonstrated that the lidar sensing range significantly depends on the atmosphere optical state. The maximum sensing range is realized at the wavelength of 1.06 ^m, which is dangerous for vision. Potentially safe for vision wavelengths include 0.355; 1.57 and 2.09 ^m. Sensing range for 2.09 ^m is slightly inferior to the sensing ranges for 0.355 and 1.57 ^m. In connection with the above, it appears promising for the atmosphere surface layer to use in a wind aerosol lidar sensing wavelengths of 0.355 or 1.57 ^m. In a transparent atmosphere with the receiving lens radius of 150 mm, maximum sensing range for the wavelength of 0.355 ^m is (depending on the laser used) approximately 2.5-1.2 km, and for the sensing wavelength of 1.57 ^m it is about 1.5 km.


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Belov M.L. — Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Leading Research Fellow, Scientific Research Institute of Radioelectronic and Laser Technology, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (2-ya Baumanskaya ul. 5, str. 1, Moscow, 105005 Russian Federation).

Samsonova A.A. — Master's Student, Department of Laser and Optoelectronic Systems, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (2-ya Baumanskaya ul. 5, str. 1, Moscow, 105005 Russian Federation).

Filimonov P.A. — Engineer, Scientific Research Institute of Radioelectronic and Laser Technology, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (2-ya Baumanskaya ul. 5, str. 1, Moscow, 105005 Russian Federation).

Ivanov S.E. — Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assoc. Professor, Department of Instrument Elements, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (2-ya Baumanskaya ul. 5, str. 1, Moscow, 105005 Russian Federation).

Gorodnichev V.A. — Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Head of Department of Instrument Elements, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (2-ya Baumanskaya ul. 5, str. 1, Moscow, 105005 Russian Federation).

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Belov M.L., Samsonova A.A., Filimonov P.A., et al. Comparative analysis of aerosol lidar potential possibilities to measure wind speed in different spectral ranges. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Instrument Engineering, 2022, no. 1 (138), pp. 49-61. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18698/0236-3933-2022-1-49-61

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