Научная статья на тему 'Communicative language teaching and its impact on class motivation'

Communicative language teaching and its impact on class motivation Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kasumi Hysen

This article states different methods, emphasizing the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). Furthermore, we studied the way; students learn a foreign language and also its impact on a class motivation. In our research initially it is studied literature regarding the Method of Communication and its advantages compared to other methods as part of behavior, cognitive or human theories. Moreover, it was conducted a research by observing some of the schools in urban and rural areas, to see how this method is implemented in our schools. At the same time conducting a research that included in itself a motivation questionnaire in order to see which method was more effective in motivating students English Language Teaching.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Communicative language teaching and its impact on class motivation»

Научни трудове на Съюза на учените в България-Пловдив Серия A. Обществени науки, изкуство и култура, том I., Съюз на учените сесия 31 октомври - 1 ноември 2014 Scientific research of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria-Plovdiv, seriesA. Public sciences, art and culture, Vol. I., Union of Scientists, ISSN 1311-9400, Session 31 October - 1 November 2014.



Hysen Kasumi

English Faculty, AAB University

Prishti^, Kosovë


This article states different methods, emphasizing the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). Furthermore, we studied the way; students learn a foreign language and also its impact on a class motivation. In our research initially it is studied literature regarding the Method of Communication and its advantages compared to other methods as part of behavior, cognitive or human theories. Moreover, it was conducted a research by observing some of the schools in urban and rural areas, to see how this method is implemented in our schools. At the same time conducting a research that included in itself a motivation questionnaire in order to see which method was more effective in motivating students English Language Teaching.

Keywords—component; Communication Language Teaching - Method; Motivation; Teaching; Constructive theory;


Methods of teaching and learning have been written by different authors, in which, they use different names for different time periods. Some of the methods, used before are almost fallen into oblivion, but there are such others which achieved success and are still used and well known.

Some of teaching methods are:

> Direct method

> Grammar-translated method

> Audio-linguist

> PPP - (Presantation-Practice-Production)

> Communicative language teaching

> Learning by Doing method, etc.

Method, according to Harmer is the practical implementation of approach Harmer, J. (2001). The user of a method reaches a decision about the type of action, role of the teachers and students, the type of material that will assist teaching and some models for organizing a Syllabus.

For our research were studied the Communicative Language Teaching as a method of Constructivism, and application of this method and its impact on motivation compared to other used methods in rural and urban area of Republic of Kosovo.

Communicative Language Teaching

Speaking about CLT characteristics (Richards, 2006), emphesis that people learn one language when thet use it to do things, rether than by studying its functions, we have a lot of different examples where students learned a second foreing language because of their needs for

that king of language. According to this, we can say that the students' motivation to learn a specific language was because of the need.

Communication method is a method which does not stress practicing the rules. According to scholars of this method it is important to speak a language but not to tell me how language works. There are a lot of people who use the language in real communication and most of them did not follow even a single foreign language course which means that they lack a significant structural and grammatical rules of the language but as Jack Richard points out, mistakes are not important so they are tolerated, the most important thing is to use communication or to speak a language and to understand each other in order to communicate.

English of twenty-first century should be the English of communication, where people want to be able to communicate among themselves and therefore researchers of English language when speaking about English language pronunciation and terminology, use different names for their English language speaking, such as: American English, British English, Chinese English, Albanian English, Russian English, etc. People are not interested in how they are stressing the word or a sentence, they want to be understood. Therefore, (Richards, 2006) states that language competence is, its usage to the purposes and functions.

How do students learn a language?

Most authors, stated that learning a foreign language in the past considered as mechanical. They also put emphasis on precision and accuracy of a language. This means that students had to compile grammatically correct sentences without even a single grammatical mistake in morfology and syntactic. My opinion is that this method makes student highly dependent from the teacher, not giving much opportunities to students to communicate in a relaxed way, among teachers and students, as well as students themselves. Students would learn things by heart, which they can be known at present but not to be able to produce knowledge at the moment they needed.

The consructive theory with the method of communication has a different point of view compared to some other methods where the student becomes the centre of the class and where the teacher is only a faccilitator.

(Richards, 2006) edescribes learning through Communication method as follows:

> Interaktivity between language learners and speakers.

> Creating a colaburalist (cooperative) meaning.

> Establish a meaningful interactivity through a language.

> Learning through a student participation fitbeck when they learn or use a language.

> Being carefully about the language they hear (the input) and attempt to incorporate new forms with anyone who develops communicative competences.

> Attempt of useing the language and experiment with various forms the language.

The broad aim of CLT is to apply theoretical perspective of communicative approach making communicative competence a purpose of teaching and accepting interconnection of a language and communication (Diane, 2000).

(Richards, 2006) when speaking about his experienxe in a class where is used CLT, he speaks according to his class observations. Based on these observations he comes out with the following principles:

Whenever possible „authentical language" should be used - a language that is used in a real context.

Being able to convay the goals of speaker and writer, is part of being competent in communication.

English as (target language) is a tool for communication in the classroom, and not just the object of study.

A function may have different linguistic forms. Since the focus of the course is the real use of language, then it is presented along with a wide range of varieties of linguistic forms. We should emphasis the process of communication but not on language forms.

Games are important, as they have clear features, shared with real communicative events.

Also, the speaker takes immediate/instant feet back by the listener, no matter if he / she have made a successful communication.

As activity as a goal has the fluency of a language, the teacher does not correct the student but takes notes for the students mistakes and later discusses with the class.


According to (Musai, "Psikologji Edukimi ( Zhvillimi, te nxenit, mesimdhenia)", 1999) „Motivation is the general process, from which starts behavior and later is directed towards a goal".

Motivation is defined as psychological composition as incentive (stimulus), the behavior or taken action (Della Chiesa, B., J. Scott and C. Hinton(eds.), 2012).

Talking about internal motivations, it is referred to personal motivation, which is a personal engagement in an activity, which has to do with pleasing, interesting or rewarding. (Della Chiesa, B., J. Scott and C. Hinton(eds.), 2012).

Motivated intrinsic behaviors are rewards which come from within, (satisfaction of doing a task, or the satisfaction of curiosity). (Deci, Edward L.& Richard M.Ryan, 1985), quoted by D. Zoltan indicate that intrinsic motivation is potentially the main motive of education processes. But extrinsic motivation is traditionally seen as something that undermines intrinsic motivation. According to the author, studies show that students lose their intrinsic interest in an activity if it has to do with Extrinsic (external) demand such as reading in school.

Specific Motivation Components in Learning Situations

If we refer to Dorney, Z. we can see that there are three components of motivation.

• Specific motivational components of course, which include syllabus, teaching materials, teaching methodology and exercises.

• Specific motivational components of teachers, which has to do with teachers' personality, teaching style, feet back and relationship with the students.

• Specific motivational components of the group which has to do with dynamic teaching group (Dorney, 1994).

In our research we were interested in class motivation so we conducted a questionnaire which had to do with only specific components of course which include syllabus, teaching materials, teaching methodology and exercises.

The level of learning situation: specific components of motivation on the course / subject include:

1. Make syllabus of the course / subject appropriate.

2. Increase the attractiveness of the course content / subject.

3. Discuss with students the choice of material of the course / subject.

4. Resurrect and support curiosity and attention.

5. Increase student interest and involvement in the task.

6. Increase the difficulties of the task with the capacity and capability of the students.

7. Increase the expectation of students in completing the task.

8. Ease the satisfaction of students, by encouraging them to finish the task.


According to our class observation, we came to a conclusion that Constructive theory with CLT as a teaching method is very attractive in English language teaching. As a result we have also our empirical study which shows the CLT impact on Class Motivation.

The data which are shown in the table below include specific motivational components of course, which include syllabus, teaching materials, teaching methodology and exercises. 300


Qi Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

Urban | Rural Urban | Rural | Urban | Rural Urban | Rural Urban | Rural

1.00 4.1 0.0 8.2 0.0 8.2 0.0 14.3 0.0 8.2 12.5

2.00 4.1 0.0 2.0 0.0 4.1 12.5 8.2 6.3 34.7 6.3

3.00 12.2 0.0 14.3 25.0 22.4 12.5 10.2 25.0 12.2 25.0

4.00 30.6 75.0 53.1 56.3 30.6 50.0 34.7 12.5 24.5 37.5

5.00 49.0 25.0 22.4 18.8 34.7 25.0 32.7 56.3 20.4 18.8

The numbers 1 to 5 are the categories of students' opinions presented in the methodology of this article above, and we have extracted the results for each question from Q1 to Q5 as you can see in "Table 1".

For question 1, we saw that over 49.0% of experimental students declared that they strongly agree with teaching methodology and 30.6% of the rest of the students declared that they agree with the methodology, compared to the control group where the percentage is very low for the 5th category.

We can say that almost the same positive results were gained for the rest of the questions for the experimental group as seen from the "Tab. 1".

Discussion and Conclusion

After the empirical research about motivation and literature review that includes the CLT and other applied methods in our schools, we came to a conclusion that the class motivation using CLT is significantly higher using CLT compared other methods which are used in the rural area.

The experiment shows that data for experimental groups in urban area are higher compared to control group in rural area.


1. Deci, Edward L.& Richard M.Ryan. (1985). Intrinsic Motivation and Self- Determination in Human Behavior.

2. Della Chiesa, B., J. Scott and C. Hinton(eds.). (2012). Languages in a Global World: Learning for Better Cultural Understanding, Educational Research and Innovation. OECD Publishing.doi: 10.1787/9789264123557-en.

3. Diane, L. (2000). "Techniques and Principles in language Teaching". Published by: Oxford University press 2000.

4. Dorney, Z. (1994). Motivation and Motivating in the Foreing Language Classroom. J Store , 74 Nr 3 , 273-284.

5. Harmer, J. (2003). " how to Teach English" (An introduction to the practice of English language teaching). Printed in Malaysia, Malaysia.

6. Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of English Language teaching (third edition ed.). Malaysia, England: Person Education Limited 2001.

7. Miller, D. L. (2011). Curriculum Theory and Practice: What's Your Style? Phi Delta Kappan, 92(7) , 32-39.

8. Musai, B. (1999). "Psikologji Edukimi (Zhvillimi, te nxenit, mesimdhenia)". Tirane.

PhDc. Hysen Kasumi

AAB University Zona Industriale Prishtine - Fushe Kosove, 10000 Prishtine, Republika e Kosoves

hysen_kasumi@hotmail.com hysen.kasumi@universitetiaab.com

Mob: 044/722 533

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