COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH IN TEACHING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
traditional and non-traditional methods / grammar / English language / learning process / education

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Azizaxon R.U.

This article highlights of the methods teaching foreign languages, an integral part of the general education system, submits to the main trends in the development of this system and the role of the communicative method in teaching foreign language.

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UDK 81-13

Azizaxon R. U. teacher

School № 15 Fergana city Uzbekistan, Fergana



Annotation: This article highlights of the methods teaching foreign languages, an integral part of the general education system, submits to the main trends in the development of this system and the role of the communicative method in teaching foreign language.

Keywords: traditional and non-traditional methods, grammar, English language, learning process, education.

Today, in the era of scientific and technical progress, English is not only the language of international communication, but also the language of development of cooperation in all areas of the social, political and cultural life of mankind. The ultimate goal of teaching a foreign language in higher education is the transfer of knowledge and skills from teacher to student, the development of students' abilities for continuous, continuous self-education, the desire to replenish and update their knowledge, to use them creatively in practice, in future professional activities.

Naturally, this implies a thorough study of all aspects of the language: grammar, phonetics, vocabulary. There are two approaches to the study of foreign languages: traditional and non-traditional. The traditional method of learning English is also called grammar-translational. It is a systematic study of grammatical material, phonetics (pronunciation), forms the skills of translation and reading. Pupils compile phrases and sentences from words using their grammatical knowledge. They make up dialogues, memorize them, learn words by subject, retell texts, perform written grammar exercises. The main features of this approach are: memorizing material and thoroughness. The peculiarity of the traditional method is that in the process of work, pupils must master in a given volume all types of speech activity.

There are two main approaches in the traditional method: isolated and complex. An isolated approach is when a teacher teaches first phonetics, then reading, then grammar. With this approach, all aspects of the language are studied separately and in one sequence or another. It is supposed that later it will be possible to "assemble" a living real foreign language into a single system as a model from a children's designer. This is the most reliable way to never learn a

language. Usually they teach this way where nobody is seriously interested in learning a language and, therefore, language learning is only a formality.

An integrated approach is when all aspects of the language are studied in conjunction. For example, texts for reading and listening, monologues, dialogues, grammar exercises contain specially selected vocabulary (words) and grammar in accordance with the tasks. Pupils work on them in all types of speech activity, combine them with each other. The work is organized in such a way that the same words, grammatical phenomena, are often found in the text in the exercises, are played up in situations. Due to this, the most effective assimilation of language material occurs. In general, the skill of a teacher working according to the traditional method is determined by the ability to "tie in" all aspects and components into a single, efficiently working complex.

The traditional method involves systematic classes for quite a long time. The so-called "communicative" method of learning the language, designed for people who already have at least an elementary level of knowledge, is also widely used today. The so-called non-traditional methods of learning foreign languages began to ripen here in the Soviet era, but they did not reach the broad masses, because the grammatical-translational method prevailed, and all public educational institutions worked only on it. Much has been said and written about its effectiveness.

All results are achieved by minimizing the use of the pupil's native language during the classes. When using this approach, it is very important to teach a person to think in a foreign language so that he perceives a foreign language without any associations with his native language. With this method of teaching, the study of theoretical aspects is minimized or absent altogether, and the main attention is paid to lively communication, i.e. speaking. When using a communicative approach, it is very important to try to make the lessons as interesting and engaging for the pupil as possible, since this greatly contributes to a good consolidation of the material and allows the information obtained to remain in the pupil's memory for a long time. Topics for discussion are chosen in such a way that they correspond to the circle of the pupil's personal or professional interests and correspond to his age. It is often a misconception that the use of a communicative approach to the study of grammar is given unpardonably little time. In fact, in the process of learning a great deal of attention and sufficient time is devoted to both vocabulary and grammar, but their mastering is not the main purpose of learning a foreign language. Now that the first wave of enthusiasm has passed, some of the aspects of communicative learning are considered more critically.

With the introduction of a communicative approach to the teaching of a foreign language, the problem of teacher training, developing teaching materials, testing and evaluating achievements arises. Among the most frequently discussed issues:

1) can communicative learning be applied at all stages of training;

2) is it equally suitable for teaching English as a second and as a foreign language;

3) whether it requires a complete rejection of the grammatical curriculum or only its revision and adaptation;

4) how this approach can be evaluated; how suitable it is for teachers who are not native speakers. Speaking about the educational materials used in communicative teaching of a foreign language, it should be noted their almost unlimited variety. Supporters of the communicative approach consider educational materials: as a way to influence the quality of educational communication and the use of language. Training materials thus play a primary role in stimulating the communicative use of language.

Traditionally, there are three main types of educational materials: based on the text, based on the communicative task, reality. The communicative method of teaching English is more focused on practical needs: grammar - in a very limited form as needed, vocabulary - as needed for practical tasks, practice - in the form of dialogues and life situations. Discussion of real-life situations attracts pupils, causes keen interest and a desire to share their ideas. The teacher also directs pupils to perform a language task. The main place in communicative teaching of a foreign language is occupied by game situations, work with a partner, tasks for finding errors, which not only allow to increase lexical reserves, but also teach how to think analytically. Many supporters of the communicative approach support the use of authentic materials in the classroom. These can be various language realities, such as signs, magazines, advertisements and newspapers, or visual sources around which communication can be built (maps, pictures, symbols, graphics, tables, etc.)[4].

Representatives of the "traditional" school believe that non-traditional methods are suitable only to learn the language at a time, for example, for a tourist trip. But in order to read in the language of the newspaper or use it for work, you must first learn the grammatical "base". Since the distinctive features of the traditional method are extensiveness and solidity, unlike the intensive method, pupils do not try to "dive" and start thinking in the language being studied, but with cold grammatical calculation translates.

The traditional method is used by those who need the language not as a means, but as an end. That is, linguistic philologists doomed to delve into the structures of the language, and those who want to master it perfectly - to write, read, translate, communicate freely in it. There is no method that can guarantee knowledge forever. But after the end of the course of classes, where teaching was conducted on non-traditional methods, forgetting often happens even faster. This is due to the fact that such lessons are mainly conversational.

The main problem of non-traditional methods is how not to lose intensively developed practical skills without being able to regularly apply them in real life.

The main problem of the traditional method is how to make the extensive knowledge gained to the level of practical skills. Both problems ultimately require the solution of the same task - to find opportunities for the regular practical application of the knowledge gained. Knowledge of a foreign language implies different types of speech activity: speaking, listening, listening, reading, and reading comprehension. Each of these types involves its own methods of working on them. Accordingly, the method used for teaching, for example, speaking, is unlikely to be suitable for teaching writing. Therefore, from the point of view of different tasks, any method has its strengths and weaknesses.


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