COMMUNICATION TOOLS BETWEEN TEXT COMPONENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
text / syntactic unit / text criteria / cohesion / coherence / connection between components / текст / синтаксическая единица / критерии текста / когезия / когерентность / связь между компонентами

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Jafar-Zadeh Vusala Nofal Gizi

The article emphasizes the need for a comprehensive study of the text in syntactic linguistics in a holistic way. Taking into account the informative nature of the text, the author lists the categories of the text reflected in foreign linguistics. He provides detailed information about each category. Emphasizing the importance of the connection of components in the formation of the text, the author men-tions syntactic and grammatical coherence. The views of local and foreign linguists are compared. Summariz-ing the ideas of communication, he notes the following types of textual connectivity: 1) logical-semantic con-nectivity; 2) linear connectivity; 3) global connectivity. Noting that the logical-semantic connection is the basic law of text formation, the author underlines that the essence of this type of connectivity creates a semantic connectivity due to the relevant elements and tools of certain semantic features in the components of the text. It is emphasized that as a result of logical and semantic connectivity, the components that make up the text are connected by an indissoluble chain connection, it is impossible to separate such components. The author also talks about the communication tools between the components of the text and separates such toolsdepending on the ratio of cohesion and coherence. Despite the fact that in Russian and Azerbaijani linguistics, only those types of communication methods between components that are formed on the basis of cohesion, that is, chain and parallel communication, are noted. The author also considers in the article the existence of a linear communication method based on coherence between components.

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В статье подчеркивается необходимость всестороннего изучения текста в синтаксической лингвистике целостным образом. Учитывая информативность текста, автор перечисляет категории текста, отраженные в зарубежной лингвистике. Предоставляет подробную информацию о каждой категории. Подчеркивая важность связи компонентов в формировании текста, автор упоминает синтаксиче-скую и грамматическую связность. Сравниваются взгляды местных и зарубежных лингвистов. Обобщая представления о связи, он отмечает следующие типы текстовой связанности: 1) логико-семантическая связанность; 2) линейная связанность; 3) глобальная связанность. Отмечая, что логико-семантическая связь является основным законом образования текста, автор пишет, что сущность этого типа связанности создает смысловую связанность, обусловленную соответствующими элементами и средствами определенных семантических признаков в компонентах текста. Подчеркивается, что в результате логико-семантической связанности компоненты, составляющие текст, связаны неразрывной цепной связью, разделить эти компоненты невозможно. Автор также говорит о средствах связи между компонентами текста и выделяет эти средства в зависимости от соотношения когезии и когерентности. Несмотря на то, что в русской и азербайджанской лингвистики отмечены лишь те виды способов связи между компонентами, которые формируются на основе когезии, то есть цепной и параллельной связи. Автор также рассматривает в статье существование линейного метода связи, основанного на когерентности между компонентами.




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19. Арефьева Н. Г. Гендерные особенности лексической системы русских островных говоров Одесщины / Н. Г. Арефьева // Лшгвютика. Лшгво-культуролопя: Мiжкультурна й мiжмовна комунь кащя: проблеми, питания, виршення : колективна монографiя / За заг. ред. проф. Ю. О. Шепеля. -Диiпро : Акцент ПП, 2018. Т. 12. Ч. 2. - С. 173-187.

20. Карпенко А. Ю. Деминутивное антропоними-ческое словообразование (на материале русских говоров юга Украины) / А. Ю. Карпенко // Вопросы ономастики. - Свердловск : [УрГу], 1980. Вып. 14 : Собственные имена в системе языка. - С. 99-110.

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23. Украшсьш народш шсш. URL: http://pшridne.com/Украïнськio/o20народнio/o20m-сшЮЙ%20ЖУРАВКО,%20ЖУРАВКО,%20ЧОШ %20КРИЧИШ%20ЩОРАНКУ.html.

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Джафар-заде Вусала Нофал кызы Бакинский Государственный Унверситет DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-27114-59-62 СРЕДСТВА СВЯЗИ МЕЖДУ КОМПОНЕНТАМИ ТЕКСТА

Jafar-zadeh Vusala Nofal gizi

Baku State University Department of the Azerbaijani Linguistics,




The article emphasizes the needfor a comprehensive study of the text in syntactic linguistics in a holistic way. Taking into account the informative nature of the text, the author lists the categories of the text reflected in foreign linguistics. He provides detailed information about each category.

Emphasizing the importance of the connection of components in the formation of the text, the author mentions syntactic and grammatical coherence. The views of local and foreign linguists are compared. Summarizing the ideas of communication, he notes the following types of textual connectivity: 1) logical-semantic connectivity; 2) linear connectivity; 3) global connectivity.

Noting that the logical-semantic connection is the basic law of text formation, the author underlines that the essence of this type of connectivity creates a semantic connectivity due to the relevant elements and tools of certain semantic features in the components of the text. It is emphasized that as a result of logical and semantic connectivity, the components that make up the text are connected by an indissoluble chain connection, it is impossible to separate such components.

The author also talks about the communication tools between the components of the text and separates such toolsdepending on the ratio ofcohesion and coherence. Despite the fact that in Russian and Azerbaijani linguistics, only those types of communication methods between components that are formed on the basis of cohesion, that is, chain and parallel communication, are noted. The author also considers in the article the existence of a linear communication method based on coherence between components.


В статье подчеркивается необходимость всестороннего изучения текста в синтаксической лингвистике целостным образом. Учитывая информативность текста, автор перечисляет категории текста, отраженные в зарубежной лингвистике. Предоставляет подробную информацию о каждой категории.

Подчеркивая важность связи компонентов в формировании текста, автор упоминает синтаксическую и грамматическую связность. Сравниваются взгляды местных и зарубежных лингвистов. Обобщая представления о связи, он отмечает следующие типы текстовой связанности: 1) логико-семантическая связанность; 2) линейная связанность; 3) глобальная связанность.

Отмечая, что логико-семантическая связь является основным законом образования текста, автор пишет, что сущность этого типа связанности создает смысловую связанность, обусловленную соответствующими элементами и средствами определенных семантических признаков в компонентах текста. Подчеркивается, что в результате логико-семантической связанности компоненты, составляющие текст, связаны неразрывной цепной связью, разделить эти компоненты невозможно.



Автор также говорит о средствах связи между компонентами текста и выделяет эти средства в зависимости от соотношения когезии и когерентности. Несмотря на то, что в русской и азербайджанской лингвистики отмечены лишь те виды способов связи между компонентами, которые формируются на основе когезии, то есть цепной и параллельной связи. Автор также рассматривает в статье существование линейного метода связи, основанного на когерентности между компонентами.

Keywords: text, syntactic unit, text criteria, cohesion, coherence, connection between components Ключевые слова: текст, синтаксическая единица, критерии текста, когезия, когерентность, связь между компонентами

Introduction. The information function is of great importance in acquiring the value of both written and oral text. To do this, the text must have certain criteria. De Bogrand and V. W. Dressier emphasize that there are seven criteria by which a language product can be a text and perform a communicative function, and if it is absent, one of them means that the text does not perform an informational function. De Bogrand and V. W. Dressier list these criteria as follows: "Connectivity; Sociability/ Consistency; Purposefulness; Persuasiveness; Awareness; Situativeness; Inter-text relations" [4, 235-240].

Coherence is based on the coherence of words and sentences in the text in the form of a chain. Connectivity reveals the attachment that arises through grammatical relations.

Textual linguistics, which began its development in the late XlX-early XX centuries, along with the grammatical and semantic structures of oral and written texts, also acquires a communicative orientation. In the field of text linguistics, as in other fields, in the approach to the concept of text, which is the main object of research, the variety of different viewpoints and research methods attracts attention. In these approaches, some researchers highlighted the communicative orientation of texts, while others highlighted their grammatical structures. The central point of various methods of text research is the question "what are the criteria that make a text as a text". And in the first place in the answer to this question is connectivity. Generally speaking, when we talk about connectivity, we must first approach the textual aspect. Thus, the connectivity of the text does not mean the same thing as the connectivity of the sentence. It is wrong to approach the problem of connectivity as a combination of two sentences. Connectivity is an integral part of the text that arranges sentences, forming the basis of the text, takes on the main load in the text.

The role of connectivity in the formation of the actual connection underlying the text is great. One of the two main components of the text is connectivity. "Connectivity - cohesion) is the name of properties that express the connection between the components that make up the text, in the language within the text" [3]. Coherence is a necessary condition for the formation of the text, but not sufficient. The communication tools in texts are very powerful and diverse. Logical, psychological and formal-structural types of connections form a unity with each other.

One of the most important elements of the structural organization of the text is the coherence of the text, that is, a set of intra-textual connections. According to their content and purpose, these

connections are manifested in two types: syntactic (both structural and semantic connections can be attributed here) and logical-syntactic. Cohesion forms semantic relations between sentences of syntactic integers. The syntax defines the organization of the text. There are various forms of connectivity in fiction:

1) Formal connectivity is manifested not only between the components of the text, but also between words and phrases in a simple sentence, between the components of a complex sentence.

2) Psychological connectivity is an elemnt of assurence of the meaningful connection of the text.

3) Logical connectivity - it provides a semantic and logical sequence of the text, a gradual disclosure of the content, a change of topic-rhematic relations.

Connectivity arranges sentences according to meaning and structure, separating them from a spontaneous sequence and placing them in a certain system. Relationships exist both between text components and between different texts. They determine such connectivity by a certain regularity of the sequence of sentences both with the help of a bundle and without it. But syntactic coherence alone is not enough for the formation of a completely perfect text. The text should also reflect the semantic connection of the sentences from a semantic point of view. The text is a whole in which all its components are interconnected with each other. The components are listed with such a regularity that each serves to clarify and comprehend what follows it. Also, the subsequent component helps to understand the first component. Along with this, the main task of this ancient coherence is that it is not possible to swap the components of the text. The sentences forming the text must be firmly connected with each other.

"Those who speak or write have the ability to create a text, and by turning this ability into a judgment, they create texts, at least in their native language, with the right qualities, which we will analyze in detail in the future, which make the text textual. The linguistics of the text explores and schematizes the main facts that make up the text. The main goal is to investigate how the parts that make up the text form a text that is a whole with linear and semantic continuity" [6, 192].

Explaining the connection in the book named "Some issued on the grammar of the text" through various aspects, V. Dyke strives for the structural and semantic construction of text models, talks about the deep semantic macro-and microstructure of the text. He comes to the conclusion that the text consists of global semantic representations with an "internal structure" (the logical scheme of the text) and a "facial form". The facial structure of the text is presented in the form of a



sequential sentence structure, which includes both morphological and syntactic structures of sentences from the front side, and internal semantic representation. With the macrostructure of the text, the microstructural sequence of sentences is determined using the transformation kit. It is the macrostructure of the text (i.e. the facial and internal structural sequence of sentences) that is distinguished by the property of connectivity. Connectivity distinguishes a grammatically correct sequence of sentences from any other randomly ordered sequence. Dividing the internal structure of the text into grammatical and logical connections, the author identifies two types of connectivity of the text:

1) Linear connectivity, based primarily on the similarity of objects named in the text and being an essential condition for the connectivity of the text; 2) global textual connectivity, determined by the internal structure of the text and being a condition for the connectivity of any text [2, 38-42].

Main body. Summarizing the ideas expressed about connectivity, we note the following types of textual connectivity: 1) logical-semantic connectivity;

2) linear connectivity; 3) global connectivity

The logical-semantic connectivity of the text is the basic law of word formation. The essence of this type of connectivity lies in the fact that semantic connectivity arises in the components of the text, caused by the corresponding elements, by means of certain semantic features. As a result of logical and semantic connectivity, the components of the text are connected by an indissoluble chain connection, it is impossible to divide them into two parts. The last sentence is related in meaning to the sentences preceding it. It is impossible to swap sentences connected by semantic connection. Also, the semantic connection of sentences participates in unity with the logical connection. The syntactic coherence of the sentences that make up the text is not sufficient to form an accurate and correct text. Logical-semantic coherence is the main condition for the formation of a correct text.

The relationships between structurally related units of the text, and with them the composition of repeated components and manifestations of these units, as well as the semantic integration of existing interactions and components in sign functions, unlike other functional moments of their structural connections, are usually specific in each language and depend on the specific type of connection, the characteristics of specific units. For example, a linear sequence, simultaneously with its role as a carrier of a structural connection, can independently carry a logical and semantic load, determining the communicative organization of the content transmitted by it, the direction and method of its logical development.

All types of connectivity in interrelation with each other take part in the formation of the text. The components that make up the text become meaningfully connected with each other, semantic connectivity makes the text a meaningful whole. The words that make up our speech depend on each other to one degree or another. This dependence is also manifested in the sentences contained in the text. When

transferring an event or transmitting our thoughts to others, we use sentences, which, in turn, become semantically and grammatically closely related to each other, and such connectivity leads to the loss of its independence. Sentences within the text have a semantic and grammatical connection with both contacting sentences and remote ones. With the help of general grammatical indicators, the components of the text move from one semantic meaning to another. Grammatical signs are used to connect components semantically, and a semantic connection arises between sentences.

It is also necessary that the ideas that contradict each other are not in unity, and the subject of the referent text (reference, the main meaning of a word or sentence) coincides with external signs, is in a certain connection with them. The way these rules are applied on the surface of the text in terms of words and combinations, and how the text is created at the semantic level, reveals the concepts of connectivity and consistency.

M.Pfutzen considers the text as a certain set of sentences and phrases normalized in meaning and function. In his opinion, the text reflects the situation of reality in thinking as an integral, linguistic unit that has become structural [5, 19]. When defining a text, the interrelation, the connectivity of its components is brought to the fore. The text is a regular set of any number of sentences formed both with the help of bundles and without them. However, the syntactic connectivity of the sentences that make up the text is not enough to form a correct text. For this reason, semantic connectivity is noted as the main feature that determines the connectivity of the text.

Upon forming a text, the interaction of the sentences included in it, the semantic confrontation is brought to the fore. The text is undoubtedly formed as a single whole, and everything that makes it up is interconnected. The sentences follow each other according to the content in such an order that each perceived sentence helps to fully understand the sentence following it. Also, the sentence that follows it, in turn, affects the understanding of the sentence that precedes it. So, returning to this proposal, we clearly understand it.

Linear dependence, based on the similarity of the specified objects in the components, provides an interconnected manifestation of the ideas specified in the text. Macro-connectivity, which is the main condition for all types of texts, determines the connectivity of components, based on the internal structure of the text.

The most important point in the study of cohesion is that each type of connection is not functional if among the components one of them is explicitly isolated from the other. An absolute connection acts in unity with another connection, a semantic connection cannot retain its strength from the beginning of the text to the end, one of the types of connectivity can replace another. Thus, all three types of communication are within the limits of the possibility to determine the complex use, up to the generalization of the text. In this regard, we can easily say that all three types of isolation



are interrelated and inseparable from each other. A simple linear dependency may have an advantage in texts connected by the same type of components, but this does not mean that other types of dependencies do not exist. Other types also manifest themselves to a lesser or greater extent among the components.

All types of dependencies mentioned in the title perform the function of connectivity between components, complementing each other. The interrelation of components with each other is manifested in a complex with meaning, logical, linear and global connectivity.

Conclusion. Along with the set of intra-textual connections of components, there are also communication methods that arise when individual components interact with each other in the text. K. Abdullah calls this method of communication a logical syntactic connection and notes that it is based on cohesion [1, 107].

The communication tools between the components of the text differ depending on the ratio of coherence and coherence. However, in Russian and Azerbaijani linguistics, only those types of communication methods between components that are formed on the basis of cohesion, that is, chain and parallel communication, are noted. But there is also a method of linear communication based on coherence between components.

The chain connection is based on the ring connection of sentences. The meaning of one sentence becomes the subject of another one.

Gentlemen, my guest is Mr. Prince Gagarin. He is the owner of an art that we do not have, which is not given to us. He's an artist. He paints pictures like Rahmatullah Mir Ali, who worked on decorating our ancient walls. Our religion forbids us to draw people. This is not the case with Christians. Mr. Prince made a trip here to draw some stories from our life and nature (Jafarzade A. There is my voice in the world, Baku: Sherg-gyarb, 2016, p.42).

The topic of the first sentence of the text became the topic of another sentence. Similarly, the topic of the second sentence is the topic of the third sentence. This sequence continues in the same way in the 4th sentence. The text as a whole is formed on the basis of a chain connection.

In texts constructed on the basis of parallel communication, a generalizing sentence is first given, then the idea of the subject in this sentence is interpreted by parallel sentences under different aspects, the general idea is divided into sentences expressing a specific meaning.

Both Nadir and Vagif were also decent guys. Each of them had its own superiority, a beautiful feature. But

Sevda did not compare Asif with anyone, she saw him with completely different eyes. Despite the fact that outwardly the girl was indifferent to this communication, inwardly she was not indifferent. She lived by the attractive power of Asif. But Sevda did not know if she loved. This feeling, similar to love, for her was the embodiment of darkness in light, light in darkness (Gadir-zade S. Months without love, Baku: Khan, 2015, p. 6).

The first two sentences of the text are connected by a parallel connection. The following three sentences are also connected by a parallel connection.

The linear communication method differs from the communication methods formed on the basis of cohesion. Such a method arises on the basis of coherence. Each component of the text is linked to each other in the form of theme-rheme, theme - rheme,... That is, each sentence has a separate topic and rhyme. But this does not mean that the proposals are not related to each other. Semantic connectivity is formed, linking sentences with each other.

Mahmoud agha organized a reception for the guests. Bells sounded. The guests have arrived. The artist understood by the eyes that were riveted to him. It was as if he had been introduced to the guests. In the harmony of words that he did not understand, he smiled guiltily, as if he did not know the language. He was watching the room. (Jafarzadeh A. There is my voice in the world, Baku: Sherg-gyarb, 2016, p.48).

Thus, we recommend considering the text connecting method components as parallel, chain and linear.


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2. Givon T. Functionalism and grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1995, 486p.

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4. Hu Zhuanglin. Discourse Cohesion and Coherence. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1994, p.11-15

5. Tannen D. Coherence in Spoken and Written Discourse. NJ:Ablex. Tanen, 1984, p.120.

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Fine literature

1. Jafarzade A. My voice in the world, Baku: East-West, 2016(in Azerbaijani)

2. Gadirzade S. Loveless Months, Baku: Khan, 2015(in Azerbaij ani)

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