COMMON AGRICULTURE POLICY: IMPLEMENTATION IN POLAND Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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A gricultural

Bulletin of Stavropol Region

№ 4(24)/2 Supplement, 2016

UDK 631

Parlinska M., Petrovska I.


Maria Parlinska -

Head of Department of Agricultural Economics and

International Economic Relations, Foreign Member Latvia

Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,

Member of Senate Comission foe International Cooperation,

Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, 02-787 Warsaw

Poland Nowoursynowska Street, 166

Tel.: +48 22 5934129

E-mail: maria_parlinska@sggw.pl

Iryna Petrovska -

Department of Agricultural

Economics and International

Economic Relations,

Warsaw University of

Life Sciences - SGGW 02-787 Warsaw

Poland Nowoursynowska Street, 166

Tel.: +48 22 5934129

E-mail: maria_parlinska@sggw.pl

In period, 2004-2014 Poland was one of the biggest beneficiary of Common Agriculture Policy. Also in the next years Poland will get the biggest amount of grant from Common Agriculture Policy (CAP). Modernization of agriculture infrastructure was important for implementation of CAP in Poland. So example of Poland can be taken into consideration by other countries as a standard one. Agriculture production is very important for Polish economy. [2, p.36]

Common Agriculture Policy began in 1957, and started officially to work in 1962, based on Rome agreement. To Common Agriculture Market there were included six countries: Belgium, France, Holland, Luxemburg, Italy and Federal Republic of Germany[1].

The aim of European Union agriculture policy is to stabilize agriculture market, mechanism of free competition and profit of farmers and producers. Common Agriculture Policy is the most expensive economic policy of EU. CAP has the following objectives: increasing of agriculture productivity (promotion of technical progress, development of agriculture production); providing fair standard of living for agricultural community by increasing their earnings; market stabilization; providing availability of supplies; ensuring reasonable prices[2].

Common Agriculture Policy is based on two pillars:

1) market policy with support of farmer's income;

2) rural development policy[2].

The policy supporting farmers is to guarantee the more stable income for farmers, as they have lower income in comparison with urban inhabitants. Financial support of farmers based on system of direct payments from EU budget (grants for agriculture production). But to receive these grants farmers should meet standards about animals, animal and environmental welfare, plan health, and keeping land in good conditions[2].

The rural development policy provides agriculture competitiveness, supporting land management and environment, improving economy and living conditions in rural areas[2].

Common Agriculture Policy is based on the following rules:

1) market equality, which means free production flow, equal prices and regulations;

2) preferences of community (priority sales for members and system of protection against import);

3) financial solidarity (common expenses of CAP);

4) common responsibility of producers [5].

Figure 1 - The CAP post-2013: From challenges to reforms objectives

Source: [3, p. 3], DG Agriculture and Rural Development

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Figure 2 - The part of CAP expenditures by calendar year

Source: [3, p.4], DG Agriculture and Rural Development

Figure 3 - The new greening architecture of CAP

Source: [3, p.6], DG Agriculture and Rural Development

After Poland became EU member, the economic situation of the most agriculture farmers was improved: increasing profitability of production, improving of creating of prices, increasing of export, farmers got grants from CAP [4].

In charts above there are presented the main description of objectives of CAP reforms (chart 1), distribution of funds (chart 2) and environmental performance for more sustainable EU agriculture (chart 3).


It is not that easy to maintain all requirements needed to enter EU. The most important is not only enter this Union, but also the most important to modernize agriculture system in purpose to be able to implement all reforms of CAP and to be able to benefit from this policy. Involving specialists from Poland can help to other counties which willing to enter EU to overcome all problems connected with reforms of agriculture sector.

A gricultural

Bulletin of Stavropol Region

№ 4(24)/2 Supplement, 2016


1. Gross A., Czym jest Wspölna Polityka Rol- 4. na? URL : http://www.arimr.gov.pl/pomoc-un-ijna/wspolna-polityka-rolna/czym-jest-wspol-na-polityka-rolna.html

2. Grudeva E. National peculiarities in perception of the seasons in the Russian and Eng- 5. lish languages (on phycholinguistic experiment data) // Paradigmata poznani. 2017.

№ 1. C. 62-65. 6.

3. Kundera J., Poland in Common Agricultural Policy. URL: http://escijournals.net/IJAE/arti-cle/view/433

Poczta W., Hardt L. Skutki integracji Polski z

UE dla rolnictwa i obszaröw wiejskich - pröba

oceny. URL: https://polskawue.gov.pl/files/



Overview of CAP reform 2014-2020. URL:



Wspölna Polityka Rolna Unii Europejsk-

iej. Rozwöj polskiego rolnictwa. URL: http://




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