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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Abdullaev Z.G.

In this article, as a result of the collapse of the Russian Empire as a result of the February (1917) revolution, the Provisional Government of Turkestan by the Provisional Committee and at the same time its composition, local structural structure, administrative apparatus, including new procedures, "revolutionary tasks" of public security arising from from the creation of executive committees of public organizations, i.e. committees of public security (PSC), elections to the newly created committees of public security were conducted unfairly and unilaterally, the number of seats allocated to representatives of the rural population was only 3 out of 19. It is said that this caused dissatisfaction among representatives rural population. At the same time, the article mentions that the public security committee established in the region did not rely on any laws and regulations in its activities, and the Russian-speaking members of this committee used violence against the local Muslim population in the course of their efforts. Archival materials show that they disregarded the laws and national interests and carried out their illegal actions based on their own wishes.

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UDK 903

Abdullaev Z. G. doctoral student Namangan State University Uzbekistan, Namangan city



Annotation: In this article, as a result of the collapse of the Russian Empire as a result of the February (1917) revolution, the Provisional Government of Turkestan by the Provisional Committee and at the same time its composition, local structural structure, administrative apparatus, including new procedures, "revolutionary tasks" of public security arising from from the creation of executive committees of public organizations, i.e. committees of public security (PSC), elections to the newly created committees of public security were conducted unfairly and unilaterally, the number of seats allocated to representatives of the rural population was only 3 out of 19. It is said that this caused dissatisfaction among representatives rural population. At the same time, the article mentions that the public security committee established in the region did not rely on any laws and regulations in its activities, and the Russian-speaking members of this committee used violence against the local Muslim population in the course of their efforts. Archival materials show that they disregarded the laws and national interests and carried out their illegal actions based on their own wishes.

Key words: Management, public security committee, Provisional Government, elections, population of the earth, legal document, public protest, restrictions, illegal actions.

As a result of the collapse of the Russian Empire in connection with the February (1917) revolution, the Provisional Government created the Provisional Government of Turkestan, and at the same time, the public, arising from the "revolutionary tasks", including new procedures, began to create a local structural structure, an administrative apparatus in its composition. security -executive committees of public organizations, i.e. committees of public security (OKOB)[1]. In practice, it was the committees that included the administrative system established by the Provisional Government in cities, counties, volosts, villages and settlements (fortresses). The first JXQ was formed at a meeting held on March 6, 1917 in Tashkent, and its composition was determined to be 19 people. However, among the 19 members of the Public Security Committee of this city of Tashkent, representatives of the rural population were a minority. In

this situation, the elections to the Committee of Public Security were repeated in other cities of Turkestan, and the elected representatives of the rural population were in the minority. As a result, the active, politicized part of the country began to express its dissatisfaction with the Turkestan Governor-General, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Russia, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Muslim faction of the State Duma. In a telegram sent by the political resident of Russia in Bukhara, A.Ya. In order to appease the Muslims, it is necessary to obtain instructions from the Provisional Government to hold new alternative elections as soon as possible... it is necessary to allocate three seats to the Muslims at the expense of the working class. In response to this telegram, A. N. Kuropatkin asked "to show full confidence in public organizations, councils, electoral bodies and provide them with support... to approach the appeals of representatives of the local population with caution."[2]

Public security committees established locally carried out their activities without relying on any laws, regulations and normative documents. For example, it was noted that in the village of Jalal-Abad there was no representative of this village in the village of Jalal-Abad. It is also said that the members of the local committees of public safety act only in their own interests, they "mangle the grain of the citizens" brought from the villages for sale in the markets... Drunkenness, prostitution, night shooting Sunrise.[3]

With their efforts, the Russian-speaking members of the Public Security Committees committed violence against the rural population - Muslims, and carried out their activities based on their own wishes, without relying on any statutes and legal documents. They were allowed to arrest representatives of the population at any time, give instructions on the seizure of food products brought to the market from the surrounding villages, conduct searches of products in houses inhabited by Muslim residents, enter houses where women live... a bazaar with a revolver, they collected food, laid out at home in the volost, and from there they distributed [food] only to some of those who supported their actions.[4]

In itself, the illegal actions of the Committee of Public Safety provoked protests from local residents. In the administrative system of Turkestan, officials at the national level did not pay attention to the illegal activities of the Committee of Public Security, created after the February (1917) revolution. However, the local population held rallies and expressed their reaction to the restriction of the rights of the terrestrial population by the local Public Security Organization. For example, on May 31, 1917, the issue of unfair restrictions on Muslim members in the activities of the Committee of Public Safety in Jalalabad was discussed in the mosque, and in practice it was about "non-compliance with the instructions of the Committee of Public Safety." Andijan district, not to bring flour, grain and other daily food products to the market, it was noted that grain and flour did not come from neighboring villages. It was also noted that the money for the flour purchased by the former commissar Marmulet for

10,723 soums was not given to the population, which caused discontent. According to the protest of the Jalal-Abad volost near the Jame mosque, the participants stated that such lawlessness and unlawful behavior must be stopped, and that conducting one's activities only in a narrow circle, in particular, the exclusion of Muslims from the Public Security Committee, "could end in sad

consequences..... we are sure that the committees (The establishment and

elections of the Committee of Public Security (Z.A.) were carried out incorrectly and carelessly... our inexperience was taken advantage of... our situation became even more complicated, and repeated elections led to a deterioration of the situation, and not to Until now, no one has explained to us the freedom and equality of citizens, nor informed us about the duties and procedures of the Committee of Public Security[5].

Such protests in the administration system of Turkestan, misunderstanding in the life of the population can be attributed to the then leadership, careless attitude towards the interests of the population of the earth, violation of the rights of the population, the main attention to the Russian and Russian-speaking population.

Existing archival sources indicate that the Turkestans are not sufficiently informed about political activities, awareness of their rights, participation in various elections, their goals and objectives, their benefits to the people. For example, what is the Committee of Public Security (CSC) created in the country, the procedure for holding elections, its composition, goals and tasks were not explained to the local population. It can be said that after the February (1917) revolution, this can be seen as a threat that the land population of Turkestan will be well aware of their rights, as well as a form of disrespectful attitude towards the local population. This state of "ignorance" is widespread, especially in remote villages, far from the regional centers of Turkestan. Elections of local public security committees were not held, the goals and objectives of this organization were not explained. If we take into account how narrowly the periodical press was distributed at the beginning of the 20th century and how much of the population was able to satisfy their daily needs: to work in the field, to do needlework, to be literate, politically active, then we can see the real situation before our eyes. In particular, the procedure for electing the Committee of Public Security and its chairman was not carried out systematically, but was organized hastily and in places indifferently. In particular, the organization of elections to the National Assembly at the local level was so complicated that "due to the inexperience of the population in such a process, the situation of the population did not improve, but rather worsened in several elections.". The people who participated in the elections were not informed about the goals and objectives, their rights and consequences. The purpose of the organization of the public safety committee was not explained to the voting citizens "about freedom and equality." Electoral officials "gathered a handful of people in a certain place and shouted only "freedom"... and formed a committee of public safety. Thus,

due to the inexperience of the population, as well as the inexperience of the election leaders, many irresponsible persons entered this [public security] commission[6].

It can be seen that after the February (1917) revolution, the rights of the people, their peace, peaceful life, socio-political, military-economic processes, the food supply of the population, and electoral processes should become fair. The committee itself, which actually engaged in illegal activities. Moreover, there were many cases of activity of Russians and Russian-speakers in the Committee of Public Security, disregard for the position of the local population, neglect and infringement of their rights. The leadership situation in the management system has reached such a level that some "admirers" managed to get themselves elected to one position or another, taking advantage of the inability of the Public Security Committee to carry out a full and honest activity.

The illegal actions of Golovshchenko, who became a commissar, intensified every day. The Muslim population began to suffer from the arbitrariness of Golovshchenko, who took over the commissariat on the basis of a decision of the Committee of Public Security. In particular, he began to arrest citizens, threatening them with weapons, set specific prices in the markets, confiscate food products free of charge, or rather, confiscate them, regardless of the rights of others. Meanwhile, the Andijan Public Security Committee received information that Golovshchenko is an active serviceman, evaded military service and works as a "district commissar" in Jalal-Abad. During the investigation, it turned out that Golovshchenko was a deserter from an active military unit and refused to return to military service. As a result, using local leadership, JXQ "entered the trust" and took over the commissariat of the Jalalabad section. A group of soldiers from Andijan district JXQ was sent to the Jalal-Abad region, fearing that Golovshchenko's arbitrary, threatening and illegal actions were damaging the reputation of the new government[7]. The above situation also testifies to the illegal activities of JXQ in the administrative system of the country after the February (1917) revolution.

Due to the fact that representatives of the Muslim population did not have a decisive voice in their composition, the Public Security Committee, which acted on the ground, continued to restrict the interests of the Muslim population and did not protect their rights. In fact, it should be noted that even after the February (1917) revolution, the legal documents adopted by tsarist Russia continued to be a continuation of the "unjust policy" towards the colonial territories. It can be said that in the administration of Turkestan, especially in the local government system, the focus is on Russians, and the rights of the land population are treated with disdain. For example, on June 14, 1917, the Public Security Committee of the city of Namangan sent a letter under the sign of military urgency to the Provisional Committee for the Administration of Turkestan, in which it was reported that the joint meeting of Russian and Muslim representatives of the union of industrial workers, the union of land

workers and peasants, the cultural and educational society, society Muslims "Islam", "Union of Women Workers" and other public organizations. At a joint meeting, a decision was made on the expediency of electing 60 deputies in elections to the local duma. 4106 Europeans and 7409 rural residents are planned to take part in the elections to the city duma. In this United Assembly, the rural population and the European electorate decided to equally divide the allotted 60 seats, although they differ sharply in numbers respectively. In particular, it was decided to allocate 30 seats in the Namangan City Duma for representatives of the population of the earth, and although the number of European voters is currently small, 30 seats have also been allocated for them. At the head of this unfair approach to the system of governance was the city of Namangan JXQ. In particular, the equal distribution of 60 deputies for election to the city duma for rural residents and Europeans, despite the fact that the number of voters differed by almost two times, the city of Namangan left JXQ "indifferent". On this occasion, a letter sent by the Public Security Committee of the city of Namangan to the Provisional Committee for the Administration of Turkestan expresses support for the decision of the Joint Assembly of June 13, 1917, which states that "A separate Duma of Muslims is completely inappropriate, and that "the population is ready for public work ". " He says [8].

Members of the Public Security Committee, acting in the system of government of Turkestan, oversaw local discipline, elections, market prices, food supply, etc. Members of the Public Security Committee of the Andijan district-city level appeared in cases of illegal possession of food products brought from rural areas to city markets taking possession of the property of farmers. This committee's unjustified attack on the withdrawal of peasants to the city's markets eventually halted the flow of food. For example, a member of the Andijan Uyezd Public Security Committee, Assistant Commissioner Grigorenko, always responds to protests against the illegal actions of residents in relation to their property with "swearing, insults, threats of arrest or execution, the possibility of calling soldiers for execution." rural population." gave". Members of the Committee of Public Security, headed by Grigorenko, a member of the Andijan Uyezd Uyezd Deputy Commissioner of the Committee of Public Security, in the performance of their duties ensured that these efforts were "in the interests of the revolution", "focusing on the Muslim population", "giving a legitimate tone » their illegal activities and bringing them to the market. They confiscated the grain and rice they were selling in the market and divided it among themselves at night. There were also cases when confiscated property was returned to the owner in the evening or the next day for a fee. It can be seen that during the day the peasants who brought their grain, rice, etc. to the market for sale, were deprived of their property due to confiscation, and at night or the next day they themselves "bought" the same property again. Of course, such behavior of the members of the Committee of Public Safety caused discontent among the Muslim population. In practice, this indicates the activities

of JXQ members in these places without reliance on any procedures or legal documents. The activities of JXQ within the framework of the structural system of the Interim Committee of the Administration of Turkestan are focused on leadership, which has destroyed the trust in the country's governance system in the life of the population[9].

As can be seen from the above examples, members of the Public Safety Committee working in the field also dealt with food issues. Since the First World War (1914-1918) continued, grain supplies to the country were sharply reduced, "revolutionary processes" disrupted relations between Russia and Turkestan, the main attention was paid to the supply of military personnel who participated in the war, and affected the food supply of the population of Turkestan. The Provisional Committee of the Turkestan Administration, which took over the administration of Turkestan, was practically powerless in providing the population with food; the amount of grain was traditionally brought into the country from the North Caucasus and the central provinces of Russia, which had been formed over decades., was drastically reduced, and the country's population was forced to endure the scourge of famine. If we turn to historical evidence, then instead of the planned 18 million poods of grain in 1916, only 1 million poods of grain were brought to Turkestan. After the February Revolution of 1917, the supply of grain to Turkestan practically ceased, and the entire population of the country suffered from hunger. In 1917, the price of a pound of grain rose from 3.5 sums to 81 sums. In April 1917, in the Chorsu and Registan markets of Samarkand, a package[10] of flour cost 2325 tyiyns, and[11] the average price of a pound of flour was 10 soums[12].

Thus, at a time when a kind of leadership was maintained, not only officials in the administrative system of the country, but also local managers got into a whirlpool of problems and did not know what to do in terms of providing for the local population. It can be said that local officials were worried about providing food for themselves and their families, and their attention to the food supply of the population was reduced. As a result, such vices as theft, robbery, robbery, have become "commonplace" in some places. Members of the Committee of Public Safety in places where it is necessary to make efforts to provide the population with food began to abuse their powers for selfish purposes. In particular, members of the Committee of Public Safety used their powers to confiscate grain and other foodstuffs. For example, according to information from May 26, 1917, members of the PLO of the Andijan district city took away food and domestic animals belonging to Mullakhamid Mullamakhmudov and Bozorboy Abdukodirboev in the Khakkulabad volost (the number and which products were not specified). in the source - Z.A.) was taken away[13].

In conclusion, we can say that the formation of the JXQ in the system of the Interim Management Committee of Turkestan is one-sided, that is, the focus is on Russians, and the interests and rights of representatives of the local

nationality are not taken into account in the formation and practical activities of its members. Those who operate in the JXQ management system, which was created and operates locally, do not rely on any legal documents, and in their practical activities illegally interfere in everyday life, search the houses where Muslims live. population, confiscate food products brought to the market, and threaten the population with weapons, as well as persons engaged in incitement, denying the interest of land peoples in elections to local governments. JXQ did not include representatives of the rural population in its composition, tried to make decisions and implement them, if possible without thinking. The system of local self-government in the regions tried to appoint Russians to the post of district commissars, despite the fact that the majority of the population was from agrarian peoples. The leadership after the February (1917) revolution was at such a level that there were impostors who illegally "took over" the leadership of JXQ. It was also a sign that the management system was not functioning properly and was not systematic.


1. The victory of Soviet power in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Tashkent: "FAN", 1967. - P.169.

2. History of Uzbekistan (1917-1991). First book 1917-1939 Tashkent: "UZBEKISTAN", 2019. P.25-26.

3. Abdullaev R. National-political organization of Turkestan in 1917-1918. Tashkent: « Literature sparks ", 2016. - S. 79.

4. State Archive of the Ferghana Region, fund 121, op. 1, case 12, l. 43.

5. State Archive of the Ferghana Region, fund 121, op. 1, case 12, o. l. 43, l. 44.

6. State Archive of the Ferghana Region, fund 121, op. 1, case 12, reverse side l. 43 and l. 44.

7. State archive of the Fergana region, f. 121, op. 1, d. 12, l. 60.

8. National Archives of Uzbekistan, fund I-1044, op. 1, case 19, 66 p. and back.

9. State Archive of the Ferghana Region, fund 121, op. 1, case 12, l. 47.

10. A pack is an ancient unit of weight, equal in value to 1 pound (1 pound = 409,512 r). See: Annotated Dictionary of the Uzbek Language. Fifth volume. Tashkent: "National encyclopedia of Uzbekistan" GNIZ, 2008. -p.206.

11. Pud - 16,38 kt. A unit of weight equal to. See: Annotated Dictionary of the Uzbek Language. Third volume. Tashkent: "National encyclopedia of Uzbekistan" GNIZ, 2008. -p.319.

12. Rezhabboev N. Food policy in Turkestan (1917-1924). Tashkent: "TURON-IKBOL", 2021.-B.11.

13. State Archive of the Ferghana Region, fund 121, op. 1, case 12, sheets 5354.

Archive documents:

1. National Archives of Uzbekistan, fund I-1044, op. 1, case 19, 66 p. and back.

2. State archive of the Fergana region, f. 121, op. 1, d. 12, l. 43.

3. State archive of the Fergana region, f. 121, op. 1, d. 12, l. 44.

4. State archive of the Fergana region, fund 121, op. 1, case 12, l. 47.

5. State archive of the Fergana region, f. 121, op. 1, d. 12, l. 60.

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