COLOMBIAN STRATEGICAL PRODUCTS TO EXPORT TO THE USA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Barrera Gonzalez A.L.

The article describes the trade partnership between Colombia and the United States in the context of strengthening the liberalization of relations between the countries through trade agreements. This is relevant as Colombia and the US have an active commercial partnership and they have regional trade agreements set up to facilitate and speed up commercial exchange between both countries. It is important for governments to identify the products that stand out because they can potentially find mechanisms to promote their exports. The nature of the study is descriptive and analytical. Quantitative methods for measuring commercial dynamics and changes and qualitative methods are used to analyze indicators of structure and dynamics. The data used was obtained from official sources such as Comtrade, the Colombian National Government and international organizations involved in international trade analysis and statistics generation. The article is divided into three parts, showing the commercial structure of the countries, trade between them, and Colombian products with advantage and export potential. The study period is from 2007 to 2020. The results show that there are Colombian products with potential and commercial benefits that can be promoted to increase the momentum of the trade partnership.

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2. Введение системы международных стандартов ИСО 9000 позволило бы оценивать не только процесс управления, но и также эффективность подбора и управления персоналом, позволило бы повысить престижность таможенных органов Российской Федерации среди всех участников внешнеэкономической деятельности.

3. Создание системы переквалификации и обучения, учет мнения работников, более качественная система мотивации, значительно повысила бы результативность работников, а также подняла уровень организационной культуры.

Список использованной литературы:

1. Федотова Г.Ю. Актуальные вопросы повышения эффективности работы таможенных органов на основе внедрения международного опыта менеджмента качества [Текст] / Г.Ю. Федотова, Научные труды СЗИУ РАНХиГС. Том 4. Выпуск 1 (8). 2013. С. 163.

2. Контроллинг [Электронный ресурс] // Экономический словарь.- Москва, 2022. Режим доступа: https://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/econ_dict/7970.

3. Контроллинг. (Что? Зачем? Кому? Как?) [Электронный ресурс] // Интернет-проект «Корпоративный менеджмент».- Москва, 2021. - Режим доступа: https://www.cfin.ru/management/controlling/ what_is_controlling.shtml

4. От шлагбаума к автовыпуску - 30-летие ФТС России [Электронный ресурс] // Сайт ФТС России-2021.-Режим доступа: https://customs.gov.ru/press/aktual-no/document/315695.

©Андреева О.А., Тараканова К.П., 2022

УДК 339.5

Баррера Гонсалес А.Л.

Магистрант ЮУрГУ г. Челябинск, РФ Научный руководитель: Конькова Е.Д.

к.э.н., доцент, доцент ЮУрГУ г. Челябинск, РФ



В статье описывается торговое партнерство Колумбии и США в контексте усиления либерализации отношений между странами посредством торговых соглашений. Это актуально, поскольку Колумбия и США имеют активное коммерческое партнерство, и у них есть региональные торговые соглашения, созданные для облегчения и ускорения коммерческого обмена между обеими странами. Для правительств важно определить продукты, которые выделяются, потому что они потенциально могут найти механизмы для продвижения своего экспорта.

Характер исследования описательно-аналитический. Количественные методы измерения коммерческой динамики и изменений и качественные методы используются для анализа показателей структуры и динамики. Используемые данные были получены из официальных источников, таких как Comtrade, Национальное правительство Колумбии и международные организации, занимающиеся анализом международной торговли и формированием статистики.

Статья разделена на три части, показывающие коммерческую структуру стран, торговлю между ними и колумбийские продукты с преимуществом и экспортным потенциалом. Период исследования: с 2007 по 2020 год. Результаты показывают, что существуют колумбийские продукты с потенциальными и коммерческими преимуществами, которые можно продвигать для повышения эффекта торгового партнерства.

Ключевые слова

Торговая политика, коммерческие преимущества, потенциальные продукты, Колумбия, США.

Barrera Gonzalez A.L.

Master student of economics, SUSU, Chelyabinsk, Russia Supervisor: Konkova E. D.

Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor SUSU Chelyabinsk, Russia



The article describes the trade partnership between Colombia and the United States in the context of strengthening the liberalization of relations between the countries through trade agreements. This is relevant as Colombia and the US have an active commercial partnership and they have regional trade agreements set up to facilitate and speed up commercial exchange between both countries. It is important for governments to identify the products that stand out because they can potentially find mechanisms to promote their exports.

The nature of the study is descriptive and analytical. Quantitative methods for measuring commercial dynamics and changes and qualitative methods are used to analyze indicators of structure and dynamics. The data used was obtained from official sources such as Comtrade, the Colombian National Government and international organizations involved in international trade analysis and statistics generation.

The article is divided into three parts, showing the commercial structure of the countries, trade between them, and Colombian products with advantage and export potential. The study period is from 2007 to 2020. The results show that there are Colombian products with potential and commercial benefits that can be promoted to increase the momentum of the trade partnership.

Key words

Trade Policy, Commercial advantages, Potential products, Colombia, USA.

Colombia has an abundance of natural resources and a strategic position that allows it to have a privileged position in the Latin American chain supply. However, the country lags in terms of human development, especially in areas far from the center of the country, as well as in the development of technologies and the creation of new knowledge. The transport system is multimodal and is concentrated in the northern, central, and western areas, leaving the eastern and southern areas communicated mainly through air transport. These circumstances affect the type of products that Colombia trades with other countries [6, 9, 11].

The United States also stands out for its natural resources and the dynamism of the economy. It has a series of conditions that make it a place with a favorable environment to promote new businesses, and especially, the businesses of the future. Its creation and innovation indicators are high not only regionally but also internationally [7, 8, 12].

The trade opening of countries can be described from different approaches. In this case, an approximation

is presented in relation to the total production of the country measured by GDP and another approximation measured by the size of the population [2].

Average opening by trade= () x 100 , (1)

Commercial exchange per inhabitant = (Xl+ Ml\ (2)

where GDPi - represents Gross Domestic Product for the country i;

Xi - represents exports for the country;

Mi - represents imports for the country i.

The index of average opening by trade of Colombia is 34, compared to the USA that is about 23, meaning that Colombian economy is, in relative terms, more open than the US economy [15]. But calculating the per capita trade indicator in the United States is higher (11,57 compared to 1,48 reached by Colombia) [15], [13]. That is that the amount of trade that would correspond to everyone in the United States is much higher.

Exports in Colombia have fallen slightly, going from 16.4% in 2007 to 13.5% in 2020. However, imports have remained stable, at values close to 20% of GDP. In the United States, both the ratio of imports and exports to GDP have decreased slightly compared to the levels prior to the 2008 crisis, but the trade balance remains stable [1].

The first five Colombian exported are oil, natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, and related, coffee, roses and plastic, representing 68.33% of the total exports. In the case of the USA are mineral fuels, mineral oils, and products of their distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxes representing 41.65% of total exports for the year 2020 [13].

The commodity imported by Colombia in a higher percentage was nuclear reactors, boilers, followed by machinery and mechanical appliances, parts thereof. In general, the five principal commodities are technology intensive. These five products represent 42,12% out of the total imports. This contrast with the USA's situation, where the main commodity was electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles, representing 14.3% of total imports. It should be noted that the main products exported by the United States are in turn imported by the country, suggesting that there is a balanced trade of these products [13].

The United States is one of Colombia's main trading partners, but in recent years it seems to have lost share in trade with this country, especially in exports, while in turn Asian countries such as China and Japan are gaining ground in the Colombian market. Participation in exports went from 26% to 24% and in imports it went from 33% to 29%, between 2007 and 2020 [1].

Between 2007 and 2011 the trade balance of Colombia with the USA was in surplus and growing, but as of 2011 the balance turned to a downward trend, reaching its minimum point in 2015. The same trend that has been observed in the trade relationship with the United States is reflected in the country's trade balance [1].

In 2007, 1,876 products were exported from Colombia, and 3,656 were imported, but by 2020, 1,819 were exported and 3,366 were imported. This means there is a slight downward trend in both flows in terms of the number of products [16].

The products in which Colombia is a net exporter and the United States a net importer can be identified, following the following procedure. First, it is necessary to calculate the Index of Relative Trade Balance for every product.

IRTBi = , (3)

1 xi+mi K '

where X[ -mi - Representing balance or trade balance of the product

Xi +mi - Representing flow by product

The results are in a range of -1 and 1. Each of these results can be ordered in a matrix, following the following criteria: if 0.5 < RTBI < 1, then the country is considered a net exporter of product k; if -0.5 < RTBI < 0.5, then the country is considered to have balanced trade in that product k; if 0.5 < RTBI < 1,

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then the country is considered a net importer of product k.

The table 1 shows the products where Colombia is a net exporter and the USA a net importer, showing that there are comparative advantages for Colombia.

Table 1

Colombian net export commodities to the United States [13]

Commodity COL RTBI value USA RTBI value

Coffee, tea, mate, and spices 0,90590621 -0,76655522

Live animals; animal products 0,7646579 -0,50880574

Live trees and other plants; bulbs, roots, and the like; cut flowers and ornamental foliage 0,94799381 -0,71384735

In accordance with the information reviewed previously, Colombia is a net exporter of coffee, tea, yerba mate and spices; live animals; animal products; live trees and other plants; bulbs, roots and the like; cut flowers and ornamental foliage, due to the ratio between the balance of trade and the trade flow above 0.5. in turn, the United States is considered a net importer since the relationship between the trade balance and the trade flow is below -0.5.

Complementary, to know the potential offer in a defined market, the International Trade Center makes a proposal for its calculation in dollars. Projecting supply and demand into the future based on GDP and population forecasts, demand elasticities, and prospective tariffs, estimates benchmarks for comparison to actual exports, as follows [5].

Q fx D corrected for market access) x BTF, (4)

where Q f —Supply of product k by country i

D J —Demand of the product k by the country j

The products with the greatest export potential from Colombia to the United States are traditional exports like are coffee flowers and bananas. But beyond this, there is a set of products that have untapped potential remaining and that can potentially help diversify the Colombian export offer. The principal products are: coffee, not roasted, not decaffeinated; cut flowers & buds, fresh; bananas, fresh or dried; motor vehicles for the transport of persons; door/window (frames), of aluminum; medicaments consisting of mixed.; rubies, sapphires & emeralds, worked; vegetables, prepared or preserved; cane or beet sugar & chemically pure sucrose; coffee, not roasted, decaffeinated; insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, ant sprouting products and plant growth regulators, disinfectants, and similar products; fish cuts, fresh. Some of those products have preferential tariffs due to the RTA.

Thus, when considering the dynamics of trade relations between Colombia and the United States over the 14 years proposed for this study, it was found that the trade balance is falling, being more and more in deficit, the amount of exported products is somewhat reduced.

Despite this, there are potential and competitive markets for Colombian exports to the US and products in which Colombia has potential. It is important for Colombia to eliminate its competitiveness bottlenecks in order to take advantage of the feed-in tariffs offered in the agreement. However, more determined efforts are needed from the business sector, government agencies, the US government, and the academic sector. List of used literature

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