COLLEMBOLS OF AGROCENOSES IN THE NORTHERN REGIONS OF UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
collembola / agrocenosis / soil / seasonal dynamics / коллембола / агроценоз / почва / сезонная динамика

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Elmuratova Zulhumor Urazovna

0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm soils of agrocenoses of wheat and cotton in the Shavot region of the Khorezm region, which is located in the north of Uzbekistan . A total of 120 samples with a volume of 1 dm3 were taken from the layers. As a result of studying the number and species composition of springtails in layers of 0-30 cm, it was established that 14 species of springtails belonging to 5 families and 13 genera were discovered.

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0-10 см, 10-20 см, 20-30 см почвы агроценозов пшеницы и хлопчатника Шавотского района Хорезмской области, который расположен на севере Узбекистана. Всего из слоев было отобрано 120 проб объемом 1 дм3. В результате изучения количества и видового состава коллембол в слоях 0-30 см установлено, что обнаружено 14 видов коллембол, принадлежащих к 5 семействам и 13 родам.


Distribution and seasonal dynamics of soil collembolan in the soils of southern regions of // European science review, Premier Publishing s.r.o. Vienna. 2018. -№9-10.-P. 28-31.

9. Rakhimov M.Sh., Majidova D.Z.,

Mardonov Sh.U. "Moss Mites on soil layers in cenoses of southeast Uzbekistan //"Materials of the XVII international scientific and practical conference". Cutting-edge science-2020 Vol. 14.

UDK: 595.2:57.083.236


Elmuratova Zulhumor Urazovna National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent, 100174,

University, st,

Annotation. 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm soils of agrocenoses of wheat and cotton in the Shavot region of the Khorezm region, which is located in the north of Uzbekistan . A total of 120 samples with a volume of 1 dm3 were taken from the layers. As a result of studying the number and species composition of springtails in layers of 0-30 cm, it was established that 14 species of springtails belonging to 5 families and 13 genera were discovered.

Key words: collembola, agrocenosis, soil, seasonal dynamics.


Элъмуратова Зулхумор Уразовна Национальный университет Узбекистана имени Мирзо Улугбека, г. Ташкент,

100174, Университет, ул.

Аннотация. 0-10 см, 10-20 см, 20-30 см почвы агроценозов пшеницы и хлопчатника Шавотского района Хорезмской области, который расположен на севере Узбекистана. Всего из слоев было отобрано 120 проб объемом 1 дмЗ. В результате изучения количества и видового состава коллембол в слоях 0-30 см установлено, что обнаружено 14 видов коллембол, принадлежащих к 5 семействам и 13 родам.

Ключевые слова: коллембола, агроценоз, почва, сезонная динамика.


Collembola are considered to be one of the most ancient insects, and great attention is being paid to studying their role in the process of material circulation in nature, assessment of soil condition and soil formation. In many countries, a number of scientific studies are being carried out on the role of collembola in assessing the soil condition, studying the characteristics of intermediate host, and

determining their participation in the cycle of residual substances in the soil [4, 5, 6]. Accordingly, determining the fauna of collembola in the soil layers of the agrocenoses of northern Uzbekistan and evaluating their ecological and taxonomic structure is of great scientific and practical importance as a leading direction of fundamental entomology. In temperate regions, the depth of the soil layer, where

the main life forms exist, is about 1 meter, and the largest part of them is located at a depth of 5-10 cm on the surface, which is favorable according to a number of parameters of the soil layer (density, gas content, nutrients, etc.). The soil is characterized by a complex and unstable gas composition. The soil is characterized by a lack of oxygen, an excess of carbon dioxide gas and a sharp gradient of these gases in the soil layers [9].

Soil air is almost always saturated with water vapor, and the ability of pedobionts to retain water in their organism is weakly developed. Most soil animals need 100% air humidity, so the humidity of the habitat is the most important factor for the life activity of pedobionts. However, due to its high surface tension, the water drop can be dangerous as a trap for small terrestrial animals in the soil. The soil softens the effects of climatic factors. The temperature of the upper layers changes with each centimeter towards the depth. If excess water is retained in the soil for a short period of time, some form of moisture is retained, which saturates the soil air during droughts [7].

For soils in the horizontal direction, the distribution of edificator plants, the activity of burrowing animals, associated with the microrelief, a high degree of mosaicism within the desired habitat is characteristic. Even in an apparently homogeneous tillage layer, the depth of the gray horizon is not uniform, which is reflected in the distribution horizon of microarthropods. Soil acidity, nitrogen and carbon content varies within a radius of a few millimeters around earthworm nests [2].

In general, despite the moderation of temperature and humidity changes, the soil is characterized by a heterogeneous

environment for the organisms living in it. This heterogeneity is observed along the vertical and horizontal axes, and covers not only large and medium, but also small and very small widths of space measured in a few millimeters [4].

Collembola is very sensitive to soil moisture and air humidity. Their skin structure plays an important role in their distribution in different soil layers. There are no specific xerophilic species among Collembola, but the majority of species found in dry biotopes and adapted to drought [6]. In ecomorphosis, morphological and physiological changes occur in the morphology of collembola belonging to the Istomidae and Hypogasturidae families, that is, there are changes in their cuticle, and the fat bodies in them become larger up to 70%, and the concentration of proteins in their cells increases. At this time, collembola migrate to the deep layers of the soil and do not eat. During times of drought, most species of Collembola stop feeding. When they stop eating, i.e. when their intestines are empty, water evaporation in their body decreases or stops altogether [3].

Collembola in the soil layers is determined primarily by soil moisture. The working mechanism of the generally accepted "Berleze-Tulgren apparatus" for the live extraction of small arthropods from the soil is structured accordingly, that is, when the upper parts of the soil samples in the funnel are dried with the help of electric lamps, the small arthropods in the soil move downward, that is, to the moist part of the soil, and as a result, the fixing liquid is added falls into the bowl. Collembola that live in the litter move to plant stems when humidity increases, for example after rain, and their activity is stronger in the evening than during the day [5].

the temperature rises to +20 0 C, Tomocerus vulgaris species migrates from plant branches back to the plant bed [4]. The humidity of the habitat of Collembola directly affects their molting and egg laying. If the soil moisture is sufficient, the molting and laying of eggs are active [3].

Material and work style. Research materials were collected from the soil layers cotton and wheat agrocenoses of farms "Erboev Bakhodir",

"Yakhshimurodov Ulug'bek", "Eshzhanov Odilbek", "Bodomzor-Obad" of Shavot district of Khorezm region, during 2019-2020.

a total of 120 samples of volume 1 dm3 were taken from 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm. the soil layers. Soil samples were taken from the field at designated points, placed in bags and labeled with paper. Date of sampling, name of the place, name of agrocenoses, soil layer and other information were recorded on the label paper. In order to study the species composition and ecology of collembola from the above-mentioned areas were used the transect and stationary methods to study seasonal dynamics of sampling [1, 2,3].

Areas where soil samples were

The generally accepted "Berleze-Thulgren apparatus" was used to isolate collembola from soil samples [7, 8, 9]. This apparatus consists of the following parts (devices): a tripod, a large funnel, a sieve, a glass container. First, a funnel is placed on the tripod, then a sieve is put on top of the funnel and a soil sample is filled inside it. A glass container is fixed on the lower part of the funnel and filling liquid (alcohol) is poured into it. The essence of the operation of this apparatus is that as a result of the downward drying of the soil samples put on the sieve on the funnel, the small animals in the soil also move downwards. Then the fixative falls into a container with 70-80% ethyl alcohol. Small arthropods that have fallen into the collection dish are placed in a Petri dish and are viewed under a binocular microscope and picked [7, 8,


From 1 to 20 specimens of 120 soil samples, collembola were observed, in some ones no collembola. An average of 10 specimens of collembola were collected from each of the obtained soil samples. A total of 1200 specimens of collembola were isolated from all soil samples. (Table 1)-

Table 1

taken and number of samples

Coenoses Farms of Shavat District, Khorezm Region

Erboev Bakhodir Yakshamur o do v IJlugbek Eshzhanov Odilbek Bodomzor -Abad

Wheat 15 15 15 15

Cotton 15 15 15 15

Total: 30 30 30 30


The obtained results and their analysis. In soil layers of 30 cm wheat and cotton agrocenoses of Shavat district, Khorezm region up to total 14 species, 13 [Wi Hernia, Xenylla, Hypogastrula, Haloxenylla, Metaphorura,

Ongulonychiurus, Lophognathella,

Supraphorura, Onychiurus, Axenyllodes, Adbiloba, Pseudachorutes, Archisotoma, 5 (Hypogastruridae to his family Willemia denisi, Xenylla schillei, Hypogastrura tullbergi, Xenylla afflniformis , Xenylla

maritima; Onychiuridae Metaphorura affinis, Ongulonychiurus colpus Lophognathella choreutes, Supraphorura furcifera, Onychiurus taimyrica; Odontellidae to the family Xenyllodes bayeri; Neanuridae to the family

Achorutes sokolowi, Pseudachorutes subcrassus; Isotoma besselsi in the Isotomidae family species and 2 (Poduromorpha, Entomobryomorpha) suborders of collembola were found (Table 2).

Table 2

Species composition of collembola in soil layers of wheat and cotton


No Types Shavat district, Khorezm region

Wheat agrocenosis Cotton agrocenosis

10 cm 20 cm 30 cm 10 cm 20 cm 30 cm

1. Family: Hypogastruridae William Dennis + + + - - -

2. Xenylla schillei + + + + + +

3. Hypogastr tullbergi + + - + + -

4. Xenylla affiniformis. - + + - - -

5. Xenylla maritima + + + + + +

6. Family: Onychiuridae Metaphorura affinis + + + + + +

7. Ongulonychiurus colpus + + + + + +

8. Lophognathella choreutes - + + - - -

9. Supraphorura furcifera + + - - - -

10. Onychiurus taimyrica + + - + + -

11. Family: Odontellidae Xenyllodes Bayer + + + + + +

12. Family: Neanuridae Achorutes Sokolovi - + + - - -

13. Pseudachorutes subcrassus + + - - - -

14. Family: Isotomidae Isotoma besselsi - + + - + +

6 species of collembola (Willemia denisi, Xenylla affmiformis, Lophognathella choreutes, Supraphorura furcifera, Achorutes sokolowiPseudachorutes subcrassus) found only in wheat agrocenoses, 8 species (Xenylla schillei, Hypogastr tullbergi, Xenylla maritima, Metaphorura affinis, Ongulonychiurus

colpus, Onychiurus taimyrica, Xenyllodes bayeri, Isotoma besselsi] were found in wheat and cotton fields.


Thus, When studying wheat and cotton agrocenoses of the 30 cm soil layers of Shavat district of Khorezm region, located in the north of Uzbekistan were

determined more amount of collembola in 10-20 cm the soil layers. Among the 14 species of collembola identified from the soil layers of wheat and cotton fields located in Shavat district of Khorezm region, 14 species (100%) were found in wheat fields; and 8 species (57%) were found in cotton fields; meeting was observed.

In the soil layers of wheat and cotton fields located in Shavat district of Khorezm region, was found that collembola belong to the family Hypogastruridae of the suborder Poduromorpha are found in abundance.


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