COGNITIVE APPROACH TO STUDY OF ANTHROPONYMS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
cognitive approach / linguocultural approach / concept / the sphere of the concept / creative group's names / anthroponimics

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Bakhtijon Ravshanovna Mamatkulova

This article describes the problems of the analysis and Lingguocognitive and linguocultural approach to the study of creative group's names (hereinafter referred to as CGN) on the Russian material. The problems associated with not only the cognitive and cultural approaches, but also with a concept related as a unit to the sphere of the concept based on the study of cognitive linguistics. Different examples of linguocognitive and linguocultural analysis as well as a concept as a unit of mental association are illustrated in this research paper. The theoretical basis of this scientific article included scientific papers, which examines such topics as "anthroponimics", "cognitive approach", "the notion of the concept".The topicality of the study is due to the need for additional CGN research. The novelty of this research is to determine the direction of the study of CGN and to study this topic deeply. The purpose of this article to investigate cognitive processes, to draw conclusions about the types of mental representations in human consciousness.

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Bakhtijon Ravshanovna Mamatkulova

Chirchik higher tank command Engineering school Teacher of the department

of languages Phd researcher of Uzbek State World Language University


Abstract: This article describes the problems of the analysis and Lingguocognitive and linguocultural approach to the study of creative group's names (hereinafter referred to as CGN) on the Russian material. The problems associated with not only the cognitive and cultural approaches, but also with a concept related as a unit to the sphere of the concept based on the study of cognitive linguistics. Different examples of linguocognitive and linguocultural analysis as well as a concept as a unit of mental association are illustrated in this research paper. The theoretical basis of this scientific article included scientific papers, which examines such topics as "anthroponimics", "cognitive approach", "the notion of the concept".The topicality of the study is due to the need for additional CGN research. The novelty of this research is to determine the direction of the study of CGN and to study this topic deeply. The purpose of this article - to investigate cognitive processes, to draw conclusions about the types of mental representations in human consciousness.

Keywords: cognitive approach, linguocultural approach, concept, the sphere of the concept, creative group's names, anthroponimics

Modern constantly developing science, and with it the scientific paradigm, require a detailed, comprehensive approach to the study of phenomena of various structures.

The end of the 20th century was marked not only in science, but also in linguistics and in general, the formation of a new paradigm, which became a natural result of the development of scientific and artistic knowledge of man. Therefore, we note that anthroponymy, as a section of onomastics, as well as studies of individual cognitive approaches in particular, have long-standing connections in the language, however, new scientific aspects have been established within the framework of cultural linguistics and cognitive (cognitive) linguistics. Within the framework of this theory, a linguo-cognitive approach has been formed. In 1995, Z. G. Burdina rightly noted that "the modern stage in the development of linguistic thought requires from the study of accounting not only a change in the

scientific paradigm focused on the transition from the study of the language system to the analysis of living speech processes in the spirit of the ideas of cognitive linguistics, but also directly studying the language system in its connections with the cognitive system and speech-thinking processes "[4, p. 85].

Her works by American linguists, however, later acquired her adherents in European countries. To date, not only abroad, but also in Ukraine and Russia, there are already a number of teaching aids, as a result of research by such scientists as

N.N.Boldyre [3] , E.S.Kubryakova [6] , Z.D.Popova[7] etc. The material of the proposed research is over 2500 different names of creative groups in Russian, and in particular various pop -groups, rock bands, ensembles, etc: 1LMI (KVN team), Mirabelle (show ballet), Mirage (show ballet), Bi-2 (rock group), Alisa (rock group), Triumph (show ballet), etc. Thus, the relevance of the topic of this study lies in the study of consciousness, which is a common subject of cognitive science and cognitive linguistics. At the same time, the striking difference between cognitive linguistics and other cognitive sciences lies precisely in its material - it examines consciousness on the basis of language.

The purpose of this article is to study and analyze cognitive processes, analyze the names of creative teams using specific examples, draw conclusions based on mental representations that arise in a person's mind, as a reaction to the scientific phenomena presented by us, followed by a cognitive interpretation of the research results. This goal determined the nature of the following tasks to be solved in this article: the study of mental processes occurring during the perception, comprehension and cognition of reality with the help of consciousness, as well as the forms and types of their representation at the conscious level; the study of the issue of obtaining data on the activity of the mind using the analysis of methods of cognitive linguistics.

"Modern cognitive linguistics is heterogeneous, different directions in cognitive analysis are presented, and leaders and leading figures in different schools of cognitive linguistics have been identified" [6; 11].

Scientists are increasingly attempting to classify trends in modern cognitive linguistics. Recognizing the relativity of such classifications, we note, nevertheless, that they have their own meaning, since different directions primarily use different methodological techniques for studying the concept [8; 13].

E. Yu. Balashova, characterizing the scientific directions that have developed in domestic cognitive linguistics, identifies two main approaches, namely: linguo-cognitive and linguocultural [2; 6].

E. Yu. Balashova refers to the linguo-cognitive approach of scientists who are based on the fact that suchunit, as a concept, implying mental information. The concept provides "access to the concept sphere of society" [2,;11].

Z. D. Popova and IA Sternin rightly assert that the linguocultural approach involves the study of the specifics of the national conceptual sphere from culture to consciousness. This approach defines the concept as a basic unit of culture, which has figurative, conceptual and value components, with a predominance of the latter [7; 13].

Human thinking is non-verbal, rightly asserted by Z.D. Popova and I.A. Sternin, it is carried out using a universal subject code. "People think in concepts encoded by the units of this code and constituting the base of the universal subject code", for example: Bi-2 stands for Coast of Truth 2, most likely the number "2" in this conceptual figure also carries a semantic load, implying two leaders of musical rock groups. 13 (show ballet), this numerical designation of a male show ballet, firstly, is represented by a quantitative numeral, and secondly, it indicates the number of ballet participants. The name of the pop group DDT was formed by an abbreviation, and this abbreviation arose spontaneously and does not have a specific meaning. There are several variations of decoding this abbreviation: House of Children's Creativity, Fools from the House of Technology. The abbreviation DDT (DichloroDiphenylTrichloroethane) is also used on the farm as an insecticidal agent used against mosquitoes, pests of cotton, soybeans,peanuts. The next pop group deliberately called themselves ChayF. The indicated abbreviation consists of two words: tea and chifir, by assimilating, they added the letter "f' from the word

chifir to the word tea, and as a result the abbreviation Chayf was obtained. The abbreviation ChayF is consonant with the word Kaif, we assume that the concept of Kaif is expressed not only as a homophone to the abbreviation ChayF, but also encoded in it, as a cognitive reaction after the name is pronounced. Confirming our hypothesis, we substantiated our analysis on the following fact: the first name of the creative team was Kaif, but the musicians thought it was too ascetic and decided to encrypt it in the ChayF abbreviation. As you know, chifir is a psychostimulating drink thatStudying the linguo-cognitive approach, we have established that "a concept is an affiliation of human consciousness, a global unit of mental activity. An ordered set of concepts in a person's consciousness forms his conceptual sphere" [7; 19].

Linguistic methods used to describe the lexical and grammatical semantics of linguistic units become methods of linguo-cognitive research. Cognitive

linguistics examines the semantics of units that represent (objectify, verbalize, externalize) a particular concept in a language.

S.A. Askoldov asserted that "the concept is a mental formation that replaces us in the process of thought a certain set of objects of the same series" [1; 269].

The theory of the concept has been actively developed by domestic linguistics over the past decade and, despite many different interpretations, has developed a certain unity in the main directions. The opinion of Yu.S. Stepanov is generally accepted, who called the concept a kind of "fusion of ideas, concepts, knowledge, associations" [10; 367].

Standard associative reactions indicate the existence of so-called prototypical images. In this scientific article, we will consider the following standard associations with proper names: show-ballet Surprise is associated with a pleasant surprise.

The name of the dance ensemble the wind can be correlated with the nature of the wind, its "essence". The wind is very changeable. Therefore, in this ensemble there can be both dynamic dances and slow ones. The name of the band of the rock group 7B is an abbreviation, borrowed from medical terminology and implies the code of mild schizophrenia, with which they are not taken into the army.

Studying the relationship between meaning and a concept, the structure of meaning and the scope of its localization, linguists are increasingly talking not just about meaning, but about its construction. Meaning arises on the basis of the natural categorization of reality as the internal organization of concepts. Developing the cognitive-realistic theory of lexical representation, Z.D. Popova argues that there is a fundamental difference between the lexical concept and meaning. Concepts are semantic units that are usually associated with linguistic forms and form an integral part of the so-called mental grammar "of the user, while meaning is more a property of situational use than words. Thus, meaning is not a property of the language itself, but a rises in the process of its use. There are lexical concepts and conceptual information structures, or cognitive models in relation to which they are objectified. Developing the theory of integration of a lexical concept, Z.D. Popova shows how concepts can be combined, on the basis of which meanings are formed [8; 10].

The semantic-cognitive approach in linguo-cognitive research indicates that the path of research "from language to concept" is the most reliable and that the analysis of linguistic means allows the simplest and most effective way to identify the features of concepts and model the concept (compare, for example, with the

difficulties of describing concepts expressed by means of non-verbal, arts - music, dance, painting, etc.

So, we believe that it is more correct to interpret concepts primarily as units of thinking, rather than memory, since their main purpose is to provide the process of thinking. They also act as custodians of information, but whether they are memory units remains to be proven.

It seems that the theoretical significance of cognitive linguistics at the present stage of the development of scientific thought can hardly be overestimated. There is no doubt that cognitive linguistics is a new stage in the study of such an important problem of linguistics as language and thinking, and it is cognitive linguistics that breathed new life into this problem. The ideas and categorical apparatus of cognitive linguistics make it possible to solve many theoretical problems of linguistics that caused difficulties or had modern cognitive linguistic, it seems to us, will largely determine the directions and methods of scientific research of the current century.


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