Научная статья на тему 'Coastal geosystems of Azov-Black sea coast of Krasnodar region: vulnerability sustainable development'

Coastal geosystems of Azov-Black sea coast of Krasnodar region: vulnerability sustainable development Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Volkova Tatiana Aleksandrovna, Filobok Anatoly Anatolyevich, Belikov Mikhail Yuryevich, Minenkova Vera Vladimirovna

Development of coastal geosystems is one of the leading and promising directions of the activity of the regional economy; hence, it is required to plan the development taking into account the existing system of population settlement, transformation of functional structure of towns and ecological safety. The increase of anthropogenic load on the ecosystems of the Black and Azov seas related to the enhancement of recreational activity in coastal districts has negative effect on the condition of water biological resources of this basin. Due attention was not paid to the development of complex plans of evolution of coastal zones.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Coastal geosystems of Azov-Black sea coast of Krasnodar region: vulnerability sustainable development»

Volkova Tatiana Aleksandrovna, Candidate of geographical sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of international tourism and management Filobok Anatoly Anatolyevich, Candidate of geographical sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of economic, social and political geography Belikov Mikhail Yuryevich, Doctor of Geography, Professor, Dean of the Department of Geography Minenkova Vera Vladimirovna, Candidate of geographical sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of economic, social and political geography «Kuban State University», Krasnodar E-mail: mist-next4@inbox.ru

Coastal geosystems of Azov-Black sea coast of Krasnodar region: vulnerability sustainable development

Abstract: Development of coastal geosystems is one of the leading and promising directions of the activity of the regional economy; hence, it is required to plan the development taking into account the existing system of population settlement, transformation of functional structure of towns and ecological safety. The increase of anthropogenic load on the ecosystems of the Black and Azov seas related to the enhancement of recreational activity in coastal districts has negative effect on the condition of water biological resources of this basin. Due attention was not paid to the development of complex plans of evolution of coastal zones.

Keywords: geosystem, coastal geosystems, Azov-Black sea coast, tourism, recreation, anthropogenic load, recreational activity, sustainable development.

Supported by the grant № 16-35-00405 of the Russian foundation for basic research.

The majority of researchers acknowledge the uniqueness of of the coast promising spots for intensive development. Significant coastal districts as contact zones of lithosphere, hydrosphere and part of these coasts is unique (specific) seashore landscapes (shallow atmosphere [7; 9; 11; 12]. spits, beaches, dunes and limans). Their border (land-sea) location

Natural-economic contact zone «land-sea» is exclusively diverse. ensures the performance of an important function of protection of Industry, extraction ofmineral deposits, fishing, transport connections, the main coastal line from erosion, but leads to high sensitivity and agriculture, environmental protection and combination of residential dependency on any external effects (natural and anthropogenic) and recreational territories were developed [5]. Apparently, natural- on the coastal system. Currently, these problems are not taken into economic contact zone «land-sea» is the zone of intensive interaction account in the working out of plans of development of such natu-of the population, economy and natural environment, a base for devel- ral geosystems by coastal municipal formations and subjects of the opment and placement ofproduction capacities ofmarine sector [4]. Russian Federation.

As it was noted by G. M. Lappo, seacoasts in middle and, to The increase of anthropogenic load on the ecosystems of the

an even greater degree, sub-tropical latitudes are rich in valuable seas related to the recreational activity in coastal districts has nega-resources of multi-purpose use [8]. They are quite favorable for the tive effect on the condition of recreational resources of this district. development of port-industrial and recreational-tourist complexes, Development of industry of coastal states, increase of the number which are most dynamic and elaborate in their functional structure. of urban and coastal settlements, expansion of resort facilities and

Development of coastal geosystems is one of the leading and enhancement of the volumes of industrial-household sewage water, promising directions of the activity of the regional economy, thus, increasing volumes of cargo transfers at ports and shipment of oil, it is required to plan the development considering the existing sys- construction of new terminals, underwater extraction and develop-tem of population settlement, transformation of functional struc- ment of deposits of oil and gas require necessary measures on the ture of towns and ecological safety. This topic covers the issues of prevention of negative consequences of these changes. sustainable development of coastal geosystems united by common In the Russian Federation, there is a conflict between the aspira-

features — seaside location, history of formation, intensity and tion to immediately use coastal resources for consumption and the multi-directionality of development. On the other side, this terri- need to ensure their long-term reserve. As in other countries, this tory is highly polarized — has a high share of urban population, conflict has already reached a critical level. Many districts in the urban areas are different in functional structure, number of people coastal zones are contaminated by the wastes of local and inland in-and prospects of development. Combination of different natural re- dustrial and agricultural enterprises. Due to the contamination of sources of offshore strips and coastal territories makes many districts the environment, the attractiveness of the territory for international

Section 11. Regional studies and socio-economic geography

tourism is reducing; fishing industry is decreasing or disappearing completely. Currently, the concern about the advantages and harm of the development of sea oil and gas deposits is growing.

Contradictions related to the increase of use of coastal resources lead to the aggravation of the problem of socio-economic development. The problems of multiple jurisdiction and competitiveness among the resource users without the mechanisms of dispute settlement, inappropriate forms of resource protection as well as absence of national and local policy of coastal zone management that ensures sufficient information content in the process of decision-making can lead to the loss of sustainable development capacity in the future. As basic resources deplete, the conflicts may reach the scale threatening the human life and social order.

The issues of studying, use and protection of coastal zones started gaining noticeable attention of international community and government organizations in the 70s of the last century [3; 6]. Over the last 30-35 years, Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) methodology was developed abroad, which is, in fact, an economic-legal mechanism of regulation (in the conditions of market economy) of numerous contradicting interests of coastal nature users (extraction of mineral deposits at the shelf, fishing industry, sea transport, industrial and agricultural development of coastal zone, resorts, wildlife zone etc.). In the USSR and Russia, ICZM did not exist primarily because of strictly centralized political system and system of management of economy [1].

A new structural policy of development of coasts is aimed at revealing the priorities of development of different sites of the coastal zone, lessening the load of most powerful port-industrial and resort-recreational districts. Alternative methods of ICZM include the change of set of productions in port-industrial complexes; improvement of legal base; ecological-economic forecast — the assessment of the effects on the environment; the analysis of scenarios and models of development.

In practice, in most countries in the world, such coordination takes place in the form of a tough competition between separate industries, securing ofregional interests before national ones and vice versa. In some countries, there are laws about the management of coastal zones aimed at the regulation of the process of development of contact zone «land — sea». The legislations of all countries regarding the coastal zone imply the leading role of the regions (states, provinces etc.) in the system of regulation of the activity in this zone. On the

other hand, the regions should take into account national interests related to the placement of means in the coastal zone required to solve the tasks beyond the local problems [15].

The need for coordination of economic activity in the coastal zones of Russia poses the problem of their sustainable development and rational organization (zoning); outlining ofindustrial, building, recreational, commercial, bio-meliorative and wildlife sanctuary and research zones. The solution of these problems is possible only in the condition of a system-based approach. It is required to set norms ofexternal effect on the coastal geosystems. Such norm setting should result in reasonable limitation ofthe man's needs or change ofmethods oftheir satisfaction. The man should adjust his activities in the coastal zone to natural conditions regardless the ways he uses it for his own needs.

In Russia, the relevance of drawing and fulfillment of the ICZM program is determined by the following reasons:

1. There are many owners in the coastal zone; there is no common strategy of its use without damage of ecosystem.

2. The country is currently at the stage of radical transformations of all its economic and managerial zones. These transformations should also cover the coastal zones. It is required to give them scientific and well-grounded orientation.

3. In Russia, an inflow of funds for new capital projects, including coastal zone, is observed. There is a current need in creation of a sound foundation for the process of allocation of funds on the development and protection of coastal zones.

4. Regional and local authorities of coastal districts undertake new extended duties without experience or test cases. The ICZM program can help in search and formation of new managerial systems and in the opening of new opportunities for investments.

5. Due to the deficit of port capacities, a wide program of port building, which led to an incisive conflict with other users of the coastal zone, has been set forth. An urgent need to solve these contradictions and develop a fresh approach to the purpose of the coastal zones of this or that basin have come up.

6. The cost of land in the coastal zone is extremely high. The losses of the coastal territory because ofits wrong use (management) imply not only negative economic but also many legal, social, medical and aesthetic consequences.

Azov-Black sea coast (ABS) of the country is one of such intensively developing regions and its unique coastal landscapes have, as a rule, apart from other things, especially high recreational potential.

Table 1. - Key problems of ecological safety at the Azov-Black sea coast of Russia

Impact of the man and his economic activity on the environment Emergency situations caused by factors Ecological problems

Direct Indirect Natural Man-caused

Construction and functioning of sea ports High general density of the population Geographical location, limitation of space Breakage of oil pipelines Depletion of water biological resources

Ship navigation and bottom dredging Recreational load Earthquakes Ship wreckage and oil spills Disposal of solid household wastes

Mud volcanoes

Strong winds

Waste burial Hydro-technical construction Discharge of ballast waters Rehabilitation ofAzov sea

Emissions of contaminating substances in the atmosphere Intensification of agriculture Flood season in Kuban river

Discharge of toxic contaminating substances with sewage waters Wind-driven phenomena Preservation of especially important natural objects and territories

Rock-slide processes

The enhancement of anthropogenic load on the ecosystems of the Black and Azov seas related to the enhancement of recreational activity in the coastal districts has negative effect on the state of water biological resources of this basin. Development of the industry of sea countries, increase in the number of urban and coastal settlements, growth of resort complexes increase of the volumes of industrial-household waste waters, growing volumes of transshipment at the ports and transportation of oil, fertilizers and other mineral resources, growth of shipping industry, extension of ports, construction of new terminals, underwater extraction and exploration of oil and gas deposits require measures on prevention of negative consequences of these changes. Many objects of the environment are the factors of attraction of tourists. The paradox of tourism lies in the fact that the bigger the potential for creation of recreational environment is, the bigger number ofvisitors it attracts and the bigger negative influence on the quality of natural environment it has [14].

The main reasons of aggravation of ecological problems include: imperfection of legislation on nature protection and draw-

backs of the system of nature use management, absence of financing; the condition worsens by socio-economic and geopolitical circumstances (Table.1). Inevitable growth of traffic capacity of southern ports of Russia will lead to the increase of the transport load on the ecosystems [2; 15; 16; 17].

On the territory of the Azov-Black sea coast of the Russian Federation, there is a range of international projects, which are regulated by inter-state agreements: on transportation of oil and gas, sea transportation, railway and air transport, use of water resources.

With the change of geopolitical position of Russia, spatial emphases of economic development are changing significantly. The need in construction of new port complexes, including at the Black and Azov seas, arises.

The working out of complex plans of development of coastal zones hasn't been paid appropriate attention. Industry-based principle of development planning prevails; herewith, the working out of development plans is uncoordinated.


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