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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Aralbaeva G.G., Berikbolova U.D.

The present article deals with the issues of clustering of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the level of innovative development. According to the article there are three clusters characterized by the level of innovative development: high, medium and low levels of development. It is stressed that the division of territorial units was carried out on the basis of the method of the hierarchical cluster procedure which allows distinguishing homogeneous groups. An integral indicator is presented in the article. It allows making a rating assessment of the territorial units of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the level of innovation potential. According to the present article an integral indicator can be used to rank any set of indicators that characterize any process, for example, demographic, social, socio-demographic, investment, infrastructure, etc. This research focuses on the Kyzylorda region as a promising region whose activities are aimed at the socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is emphasized that the Kyzylorda region is included in the cluster with an average level of innovative development. According to the level of innovative development, it is on the 10th place out of 17 regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.23670/IRJ.2021.9.111.058


Научная статья

Итри Ханаа*

ORCID: 0000-0003-2042-7928, Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого (СПбПУ), Санкт-Петербург, Россия

* Корреспондирующий автор (hamaitri1995[at]gmail.com)


В данной статье рассматриваются экономические последствия пандемии COVID-19, а также освещаются различные сценарии экономической политики, а также их социальные и геополитические последствия для марокканской экономики. В качестве ответных мер против пандемии COVID-19 в Марокко был разработан трехэтапный план действий, затрагивающий здравоохранение, экономику и социальный порядок. На данный момент участие правительственных учреждений, частного сектора и членов гражданского общества в каждой из этих областей успешно способствовало уменьшению ущерба и попытками поддержания контроля над пандемией. Данное исследование позволит лучше охарактеризовать то, как Его Величество король Мохаммед VI с самого начала пандемии использовал упреждающий подход для борьбы с распространением вируса и борьбы с социальными и экономическими последствиями, которые могут возникнуть в её результате.

Ключевые слова: COVID-19, последствия пандемии, Марокко, финансовый кризис, налогово-бюджетная политика, национальная экономика, экономический рост.


Research article

Itri Hanaa*

ORCID: 0000-0003-2042-7928, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU), St. Petersburg, Russia

* Corresponding author (hanaaitri1995[at]gmail.com)


This article examines the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and highlights various economic policy scenarios, as well as their social and geopolitical implications for the Moroccan economy. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a three-stage action plan was developed: health, economy, and social order. In each of these areas, the involvement of government agencies, the private sector and members of civil society has so far helped to limit the damage and establish some control over the pandemic. This study provides a better understanding of how His Majesty King Mohammed VI, from the very beginning of Covid-19, used a proactive approach to combat the spread of the virus and deal with the social and economic consequences that could result from it.

Keywords: Covid-19, consequences of the pandemic, Morocco, financial crisis, fiscal policy, national economy, economic growth.


The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a major global health crisis. Unlike previous pandemics and often compared to the" Spanish flu", the latter is unique in terms of the speed of spread. To combat the pandemic, Governments had no choice but to ensure the normal functioning of all sectors.

In connection with this global epidemic context and to combat this pandemic, Morocco, like other countries, took decisive measures, ordered several measures to be stopped on March 16, 2020, called for travel restrictions and sanitary isolation, and on March 20, 2020, the Ministry of the Interior of the Kingdom of Morocco declared a sanitary emergency. In parallel, the government, to limit the negative consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, has taken a number of related measures at the economic and social level.

In this context, Moroccan and international economic actors have faced economic problems arising from this new situation and its impact on contractual obligations arising from existing contracts, labor relations and management rules, and are forced to take urgent decisions to ensure continuity, and sometimes to suspend or terminate their activities, minimizing possible risks.

Purpose and methodology

The purpose of the article is to analyze the changes that are taking place and have occurred in various sectors of the Moroccan economy. For the analysis, we used text analysis and statistical information from the report on monitoring the economic situation in Morocco for July 2020. The source of the research information base is the Office of the High Commissioner for Planning (HCP) [3], the main source of economic, demographic, and social statistics.


Morocco was one of the first countries to declare a public health emergency and introduce measures to contain the spread of the pandemic. This quick decision is explained by the fact that Morocco has learned from the experience of its neighboring countries and the limited infrastructure capacity (only 670 hospital beds at the time of the announcement of the 1st case). According to data related to the Office of Financial Research and Forecasts (DEPF), which depends on the Ministry of

Finance, Morocco is on the 4th merengue? In the world in terms of resources mobilized as a percentage of GDP. Morocco has mobilized almost 2.7 % of GDP and Morocco is ahead of only three countries: Sweden (6% of GDP), Chile (4.7% of GDP) and New Zealand (4% of GDP). Note that the eurozone is, according to these data, at the level of 1% of GDP.

Economic measure

As for monetary policy, on March 17, the Moroccan Central Bank decided to reduce the key rate by 25 basis points to 2% to support economic activity. A Committee of Economic Supervision was also established. Its chairman is the Ministry of Economy, Finance and administrative reform, which includes the Ministries of the Interior, Foreign Affairs, Agriculture and Fisheries, Health, Industry, Tourism and Labor, the Central Bank, (the professional group of Moroccan banks), (the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises), (the Federation of Industrial Chambers of Trade and Services) and (the Federation of Chambers of Crafts).

Companies can also impose a moratorium on the repayment of bank and leasing loans until June 30, 2020 without paying fees and penalties. Small enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises and employed enterprises can apply for deferred bank loans until the end of June 2020, and an additional line of operational credit provided by banks and guaranteed by the central guarantee fund has also been activated. At the beginning of April, almost 142,000 entrepreneurs, or 57% of the total number, said that they had temporarily or permanently suspended their activities, with more than 135,000 forced to suspend their activities, and 6,300 were permanently closed. By category, the share of enterprises that have temporarily or permanently suspended their activities includes 72% of very small enterprises, 26% of small and medium-sized enterprises and 2% of large enterprises [3, P.2]. Below in Fig. 1 is the status of the company's activity.

- Suspension 54% ■ Unexpected 43% ■ Permanent suspension of activity 3% Fig. 1 - Status of companies' activity (2020)

As for the companies that continued their work (43% of the total number of enterprises), despite the health crisis, half of them may be forced to reduce their production in order to adapt to the situational flow. At the same time, 81% of these entrepreneurs may have reduced their production by 50% or more. By company category, 49% of very small, small and medium-sized enterprises operating during the study period said that their production could be reduced due to the current health crisis. (A decrease of 50% or more for 40% of these companies). Below in Fig. 2 Percent of companies that have reduced their production by category.

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50°% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

6% 10%

13% 19%

1 щ

1 1

41% 40%

39% 36%

Small companies Small and medium Large enterprise Total enterprise size companies

■ Reduction by 50% or more ■ Reduction of less than 50%

Fig. 2 - Percentage of companies that reduced their production by category (2020)


Social measure

In the period from March 15 to June 30, 2020, employees who are in difficult conditions are unemployed. In the State Social Security Fund, a monthly monetary compensation in the amount of 2000 net dirhams will be paid in addition to payments for mandatory medical insurance and family benefits. This allowance will be paid from a special fund to combat the coronavirus pandemic. These employees will also be able to take advantage of the deferred repayment of bank loans, namely consumer and consumer loans until June 30, 2020. In addition, the committee decided to include a mobile payment mechanism to transfer assistance to workers working in the informal sector (in Morocco, the level of mobile phone use exceeds 100 percent) [3].

Financial measures

Companies with an annual turnover of less than 20 million dirhams in 2019 can, if they want, get a delay in filing tax returns until the end of June with the suspension of tax audits and notifications of a third-party owner until June 30, 2020 [7].

On March 15, King Mohammed VI ordered the creation of a special fund to combat the coronavirus pandemic. The fund, which has an initial amount of funds in the amount of 10 billion rubles. It is financed from the general budget and is financed by private and corporate subsidies, it is aimed at mitigating the economic and social consequences of preventive measures (in particular, by financing the proposals of the Economic Monitoring Committee), as well as at restoring and mobilizing the health system to combat the spread of the pandemic (purchase of equipment, modernization of infrastructure and emergency treatment). As of March 23, 2020 the Fund had more than 23.5 billion dirhams of contributions [4].


Morocco is mentioned today as an example of its dexterity, leadership under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and, above all, its consistency in decision-making and involving the population through the special Covid-19 fund and the media to maintain public trust. Indeed, the safety of Moroccans was preferable to any other considerations, which allowed for faster control of events and created a framework for caring for infected people. This analysis describes various aspects of the scale of the coronavirus crisis in Morocco. Whether it is society, the economy, the environment. It demonstrates a creative approach and careful use of innovations in the country. It also positions the crisis in relation to the new economic model and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, while supporting the important role of international financial institutions in maintaining the macroeconomic, financial, and social stability of Morocco and Africa.

In conclusion, it should be noted that this crisis, although it has immediate financial consequences for countries, businesses, and families, has allowed us to re-establish priorities. We realized that health is crucial, and education is the role of the family and school. Healthcare and education, which were abandoned by a number of countries to give preference to an impressive infrastructure, the greatness of industries.

Конфликт интересов Conflict of Interest

Не указан. None declared.

Список литературы / References

1. Coronavirus: Morocco's three-pronged crisis management strategy. - [Electronic resource]. - URL: https://laquotidienne.ma/article/alaune/coronavirus-la-strategie-de-gestion-de-crise-du-maroc-en-trois-axes (accessed 12.06.2021)

2. Report of the UN Secretary-General " Shared responsibility, global solidarity: responding to the socio-economic consequences of COVID-19"- [Electronic resource]. - URL: https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/sg_report_socio-economic_impact_of_covid19.pdf. (accessed 12.06.2021)

3. Office of the High Commissioner for Development, the United Nations System in Morocco and the World Bank/ Social and economic consequences of the covid-19 crisis in morocco. - [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/954841597690094449/Note- trate%CC%81gique-conjointe.pdf (accessed 12.06.2021)

4. President of the Moroccan Institute of International Relations, Ecoactu report, " The coronavirus pandemic: what impact on Morocco and the world?" - [Electronic resource]. - URL: https://www.ecoactu.ma/coronavirus-kedoudi/ (accessed 12.06.2021)

5. Jean-Thomas Lesueur / Thomas More Institute, France / Covid-19: optimization of the Moroccan". - [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://institut-thomas-more.org/2020/04/21/covid-19-%e2%80%a2-les-initiatives-marocaines-peuvent-elles-inspirer-les-pays-africains/ (accessed 12.06.2021)

6. Article 19/ "Covid-19 Fund-Morocco: the total amount of donations reaches 32.8 billion dirhams"- [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://article19.ma/accueil/archives/126357 (accessed 12.06.2021)

7. Item Africa, "Covid-19 confirms the urgency of economic diversification. - [Electronic resource]. - URL: https://www.lepoint.fr/afrique/le-covid-19-confirme-l-urgence-de-la-diversification-de-l-economie-11-04-2020-2371036_3826.php (accessed 12.06.2021)

DOI: https://doi.Org/10.23670/IRJ.2021.9.111.059


Научная статья

Аралбаева Г.Г.1, *, Берикболова У.Д.2 1 ORCID: 0000-0001-7364-3128;

1 2 Оренбургский государственный университет, Оренбург, Россия

* Корреспондирующий автор e-mail (galia55[at]mail.ru)


В статье рассматриваются вопросы кластеризации регионов Республики Казахстан по уровню инновационного развития. Выделено три кластера, характеризующиеся уровнем инновационного развития: высокий, средний, низкий уровни развития. Разбиение территориальных единиц проводилось на основе метода иерархической кластер -процедуры, позволяющее выделить однородные группы. Представлен интегральный показатель, позволяющий составить рейтинговую оценку территориальных единиц Республики Казахстан по уровню инновационного потенциала. Интегральный показатель может быть применен для ранжирования любого набора показателей, характеризующих какой-либо процесс, например, демографический, социальный, социально-демографический, инвестиционный, инфраструктурный и др. В данной работе сделан акцент на Кызылординскую область, как перспективный регион, деятельность которого направлена на социально-экономическое развитие Республики Казахстан. Выявлено, что Кызылординская область входит в кластер со средним уровнем инновационного развития. По уровню инновационного развития находится на 10 месте из 17 регионов Республики Казахстан.

Ключевые слова: регион, кластер, кластерный анализ, инновации, инновационное развитие, показатели качества, инновационный потенциал.


Research article

Aralbaeva G.G.1 *, Berikbolova U.D.2

1 ORCID: 0000-0001-7364-3128;

1 2 Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia

* Corresponding author (galia55[at]mail.ru)


The present article deals with the issues of clustering of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the level of innovative development. According to the article there are three clusters characterized by the level of innovative development: high, medium and low levels of development. It is stressed that the division of territorial units was carried out on the basis of the method of the hierarchical cluster procedure which allows distinguishing homogeneous groups. An integral indicator is presented in the article. It allows making a rating assessment of the territorial units of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the level of innovation potential. According to the present article an integral indicator can be used to rank any set of indicators that characterize any process, for example, demographic, social, socio-demographic, investment, infrastructure, etc. This research focuses on the Kyzylorda region as a promising region whose activities are aimed at the socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is emphasized that the Kyzylorda region is included in the cluster with an average level of innovative development. According to the level of innovative development, it is on the 10th place out of 17 regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Keywords: region, cluster, cluster analysis, innovation, innovative development, quality indicators, innovative potential.


Clustering of the objects under consideration allows organizing them into relatively homogeneous groups to develop a single policy for them. In particular, the clustering of regions for innovative development was carried out. To determine the main directions of promoting the innovative development of the region it is necessary to identify the types of territorial units of Kazakhstan. This will allow developing differentiated solutions depending on the level of innovative development [1].

The results of clustering of the regions of Kazakhstan by innovation potential are presented in the work of Musabalina D.S. [2], including innovative susceptibility represented by a group of three indicators - the return on the use of fixed assets, labor productivity and environmental friendliness of the production level. However, such indicators as the environmental friendliness of the production level, the return on the use of fixed assets are not recorded in statistical collections, their measurement presents certain difficulties.

For the general characteristics of the innovative development of regions both absolute and relative indicators are used. In the present study the following indicators are used: the share of enterprises with innovations in the total number of enterprises, %; the volume of innovative products (goods, services), total million tenge; the cost of product innovations, million tenge; the cost of process innovations, million tenge; the number of enterprises with one of the four types of innovations, units. The information base is represented by data for 2019 [3]. Statistical data for 2020-2021 will be published later.

Innovative development is characterized by a variety of quantitative indicators. Respectively it is not possible to solve the problem of identifying homogeneous groups of territorial units based on the usual ranking. In this case it is necessary to involve a special mathematical and statistical apparatus of multidimensional data. In the present case 17 objects (regions) are characterized by six quantitative indicators. To distinguish homogeneous groups of territorial units by the level of innovative development the iterative method of cluster analysis is applied [2].


The division of territorial units of the Republic of Kazakhstan is made on the basis of the method of hierarchical cluster procedure which allows distinguishing homogeneous groups by the level of innovative development. The Euclidean metric is used to determine the distance between clusters. Since the indicators have different units of measurement the transition to center-normalized features was carried out by subtracting the arithmetic mean for each indicator and dividing by the mean square deviation. The method of main components was used to assess the integral indicator of innovation potential.

The purpose of the study is to make a cluster analysis of the regions of the Kyzylorda region by the level of innovative development.

Main results

The process of clustering requires determining the number of clusters. The k-means method requires knowledge of the number of clusters. It can be determined on the basis of a meaningful analysis and the division of territorial units into predefined types, for example, high, medium and low levels of development. It is also possible to determine the number of clusters based on formal analysis, for example, constructing a dendrogram based on hierarchical cluster procedures, based on the Sturges' formula [3] or based on several applications of the k - means method for different variants of the number of clusters and comparing them with each other based on the quality indicators of the partition. In the present study when determining the number of clusters both a substantive and a formal approach is used: the number of clusters are taken equal to 3. The Euclidean metric is used to determine the distance between clusters. The transition to center-normalized features was carried out according to the formula:

x = ^ (1)


where x - is the arithmetic mean;

a - the mean square deviation.

Figure 1 shows a graph of centered-normalized features of each class.

The territorial units assigned to the first cluster have the highest values for all indicators of innovative development.

2,00 1,50 1,00 0,50 0,00 -0,50 -1,00 -1,50

■3 cluster 2 cluster 1 cluster

Fig. 1 - Graph of center-normalized signs of classification of territorial units of the Republic of Kazakhstan

by the level of innovative development for 2019

In accordance with this, the regions assigned to this cluster can be attributed to regions with a high level of innovative development. The largest number of enterprises that have one of the four types of innovations carry out the maximum costs for product innovations in the republic. At the same time the costs of process innovations are at an average level for the second cluster.

The third cluster includes territorial units that have the worst values for all signs of innovative development. The regions assigned to the third cluster are characterized by the lowest shares of enterprises with innovations, respectively, this cluster is characterized by a low level of innovative products and low innovation costs. The composition of the clusters is shown in Table 1.

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According to the data presented in Table 1, it can be seen that, for example, the Kyzylorda region is assigned to the second cluster characterized as a cluster with an average level of innovative development. Despite this, according to some indicators,

the region is in the last place within its cluster, in particular, in terms of the volume of innovative products (a total of 16425.5 million tenge). For example, the regions assigned to this cluster in 2019 produced innovative products in the amount of 44503 million tenge to 211088 million tenge (Pavlodar and Kostanay regions, respectively). The Kyzylorda region is assigned to the second cluster due to the relatively high values of the share of enterprises with innovations.

Table 1 - Composition of clusters of division of territorial units of the Republic of Kazakhstan _by the level of innovative development in 2019_

Geographical unit The level of innovative development

1 cluster - High

The East Kazakhstan Region Nur-Sultan city Almaty city (on average, 14% of enterprises have innovations, the average volume of innovative products (goods, services), 134,012 million tenge, the average number of enterprises with one of the four types of innovations is 550 units)

2 cluster - Medium

The Aktobe Region The Atyrau Region The Jambyl Region The Karaganda Region The Kostanay Region The Kyzylorda Region The Pavlodar Region (on average, 11% of enterprises have innovations, the average volume of innovative products (goods, services), 68,867 million tenge, the average number of enterprises with one of the four types of innovations - 138 units)

3 cluster - Low

The Akmola Region The Almaty Region The West Kazakhstan Region The Mangystau Region The North Kazakhstan Region The Turkistan Region Shymkent city (on average, 7% of enterprises have innovations, the average volume of innovative products (goods, services), 32779 million tenge, the average number of enterprises with one of the four types of innovations is 84 units)

The method of main components is used to assess the integral indicator of innovation potential, taking as the innovation potential the first main component, which ensures the preservation of information content of at least 55% [6], [7], [8].

The following indicators are used as indicators characterizing the latent variable «innovation capacity»:

- the share of enterprises with innovations in the total number of enterprises, %;

- the volume of innovative products (goods, services), total million tenge;

- costs for product innovations, million tenge;

- the number of enterprises that have one of the four types of innovations, units.

The use of the principal component method allows avoiding duplication of information caused by the correlation of the initial indicators. As a result of the evaluation the main component was obtained with a level of information content of 61 % (it should be at least 55 %). Table 2 shows a matrix of factor loads reflecting the relationship of the initial features with the integral indicator.

Table 2 - Matrix of factor loads for the main component

Indicator Coefficient of correlation of the integral indicator with the initial feature

The share of enterprises with innovations in the total number of enterprises 0,81

The volume of innovative products (goods, services) 0,55

The costs of product innovation 0,72

The number of enterprises that have one of the four types of innovations 0,71

The correlation coefficients showing the relationship between the main component (integral indicator) and the initial features have taken high values (modulo close to 1). Since the relationship between the integral indicator and the initial signs is positive the integral indicator can be called «innovation capacity».

According to the values of the integral indicator, a rating assessment of territorial units can be set (see table 3).

Table 3 - Rating assessment of the innovation potential of the territorial units of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2019

Rating The value of the integral indicator Geographical unit

1 2,10037 Nur-Sultan city

2 1,29882 The East Kazakhstan Region

3 1,16978 Almaty city

4 0,48965 The Kostanay Region

5 0,43099 The Aktobe Region

6 0,42027 The Karaganda Region

7 0,13582 The Jambyl Region

8 -0,09008 The Kyzylorda Region

9 -0,31135 The Pavlodar Region

10 -0,36614 The Almaty Region

11 -0,41972 The North Kazakhstan Region

12 -0,50937 The Atyrau Region

13 -0,57565 The Turkistan Region

14 -0,61176 The Akmola Region

15 -0,63744 Shymkent city

16 -1,06779 The West Kazakhstan Region

17 -1,45641 The Mangystau Region

Thus, the city of Nur-Sultan, Almaty as well as the East Kazakhstan region have the greatest innovative capacity. This indicates good prospects for the region and its investment attractiveness for potential investors in agricultural enterprises, industrial production, etc. where innovative technologies and products are being introduced.

The integral indicators «socio-economic capacity» and «demographic capacity» can be constructed in a similar way.


1) The division of the territorial units of the Republic of Kazakhstan is carried out on the basis of the method of hierarchical cluster procedure which allows distinguishing homogeneous groups by the level of innovative development. The Kyzylorda region has entered the middle cluster with an average level of innovative development. The Kyzylorda region is assigned to the second cluster due to the relatively high values of the share of enterprises with innovations;

2) the integral indicator "Innovation capacity" is presented. It allows making a rating assessment of the territorial units of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the level of innovation potential. The Kyzylorda region is in the middle of the list and occupies the 8th place in the rating for innovation potential. It indicates good prospects for the region and its attractiveness for potential investors.

3) publicly available indicators were used to cluster regions for innovative development.

Конфликт интересов Conflict of Interest

Не указан. None declared.

Список литературы / References

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