CLINICAL SIGNS AND METHODS OF EARLY DETECTION OF MALIGNANT TUMOR DISEASES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Makhmudova M.N.

A malignant tumor is a neoplasm whose cells undergo serious changes that lead to a complete loss of the ability to control their division and differentiation (the degree of cell development).

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UDK 616

Makhmudova M.N.


Fergana Institute of Public Health Medicine

Uzbekistan, Fergana


Annotation: A malignant tumor is a neoplasm whose cells undergo serious changes that lead to a complete loss of the ability to control their division and differentiation (the degree of cell development).

Key words: clinical diagnostic, modern methods, early detection, malignant tumor diseases.

Oncology, or as it is also called cancer, is a group of tumors that grow from skin cells and mucous membranes. Another name, sarcoma, refers to malignant tumors of muscles, bone tissue, and adipose tissue. These tumors tend to metastasize and get used to normal organ tissues, so surgical intervention does not always contribute to a positive result. It is best when the tumor can be detected at an early stage of its development, but such a diagnosis is somewhat difficult. For such detection of oncology at an early stage of development, you need to know the signs of cancer, and at the slightest suspicion, you need to urgently consult an oncologist. According to the degree of differentiation, high-, medium-, low- and undifferentiated tumors are distinguished. Sometimes, due to the low level of cell differentiation, the tumor can become so atypical and unrecognizable that it becomes completely impossible to determine the source from which it originated. Even histological examination does not always make it possible to determine the source tissue of such a tumor. The clinical manifestations of a malignant tumor are quite diverse. Such neoplasms are prone to focal growth and to germination into surrounding tissues and organs. They have extremely rapid and aggressive growth, and are also capable of provoking the formation of metastases, sprouting into blood and lymphatic vessels.

So what is the main difference between a benign tumor and a malignant one? There are several important differences that determine the nature of the tumor.

Each person has these signs individually, but the general picture is as follows: at first there is rapid fatigue, weakness. The weight of a person decreases sharply for no apparent reason. There are thickenings and tumors, subcutaneous nodules. This especially applies to the area of the mammary glands, inguinal areas and armpits. Blood or pus, sometimes mucus, may appear in the urine and stool. Wounds do not heal for a long time, coughing may not go away for a long time, the timbre of the voice changes. Body temperature ranges

from 37 degrees to 38 degrees Celsius, such a temperature fluctuation lasts from two weeks to several months, sometimes up to several years. Oncological diseases are very insidious, so the first stages of the disease can be asymptomatic. Everyone can make the right conclusion for themselves that it is much easier to prevent the disease, to nullify it, than to treat an already neglected form of oncology later. To prevent oncological diseases at an early stage of development, you need to contact our medical center, where, thanks to modern equipment and new diagnostic methods, the correct diagnosis will be made in a timely manner, which means that treatment of this difficult disease will begin on time. Diagnosis at an early stage will significantly increase a person's chances of full recovery. It is not superfluous to find out the causes of oncological diseases.

There is no exact formulation of the causes of oncological diseases, but there are two versions of the origin and causes of oncology. The first of them is genetic. Hereditary information is disrupted in DNA cells. The second one is viral. The virus is activated, which leads to a violation of the genetic apparatus of the cell. Both of these versions suggest that the disease appears due to a violation of genetic information that occurs under the influence of external factors. A person, without knowing it, can be a carrier of this disease, the impact of external and internal factors only triggers the process of degeneration of the body's cells. Some of these factors are known, these are carcinogens: radiation, ultraviolet radiation, viruses, some chemicals. The worst thing is that this disease can appear at any age, no one is immune from it. The course of oncological diseases is divided conditionally into several stages:

1 - stage is characterized by the division of atypical cells that have appeared.

2 - stage, a tumor is formed and appears.

3 - stage is characterized by the appearance of metastases in other organs.

4 - stage is characterized by the appearance of relapses, destruction of other organs and tissues. Unfortunately, treatment at this stage is almost impossible.

The symptoms of cancer depend on the structure and nature of tumor growth, as well as on all diseases that a person has. The symptoms can be influenced by the age, gender, and way of life of the patient. But there are the most striking symptoms that indicate the presence of the disease. The first symptom is the appearance of a tumor. It can be benign, and has nothing to do with cancer. However, by contacting an oncologist, you should undergo a detailed examination and diagnosis. The tumor may be painless, but only a specialist doctor can determine its nature and danger to health and life. People who have a long smoking history may have a cough. Sometimes this indicates processes in the respiratory tract, but if, despite treatment, the cough does not go away for two or more weeks and, moreover, is accompanied by the presence of blood veins in the sputum - most likely, we can talk about suspected lung

cancer. The appearance of bleeding indicates violations in the human body, it can be various diseases, but often such bleeding is a sure symptom of a malignant tumor. Contacting a doctor in any of these cases is mandatory! Much attention should be paid to moles. The mole is a benign tumor, and by itself it does not pose a danger. But this tumor can turn into a malignant one -melanoma. Pay attention to the following points:

1. The mole has a smooth and even surface.

2. The edges of the birthmark should be smooth, in melanoma, they are usually notched.

3. The color of melanoma can be any: black, pink, white, red and with a blue tint.

4. Melanomas can bleed, cause itching and have a crust.

The treatment of malignant tumors is very difficult — it requires a special individual approach and the use of aggressive therapies. They often recur. In the presence of metastases in distant organs, the prognosis is usually unfavorable.

Malignant tumors, first of all, are manifested by a systemic reaction of the body. This happens because malignant neoplasms cause cancer intoxication (poisoning), which can be so severe, up to cancerous cachexia (exhaustion). This happens for two reasons: firstly, rapidly multiplying tumor cells need nutrients, which they actively consume, while healthy body tissues begin, literally, to "starve". The second reason is the collapse of the tumor, due to the lack of its blood supply, because the blood vessels simply do not have time to grow at the same pace with the development of pathological cells. Decay products simply poison the human body.

All these factors, of course, deplete the body, cause inflammatory processes in the body. Hence the symptoms of a malignant tumor: weakness, lethargy, general malaise, fever, body temperature. Due to a decrease in immunity, the patient becomes more vulnerable to various infections.

There are also stages of malignant tumors that characterize the degree of development of the process and give doctors an idea of possible methods of treating such a patient and prognoses.

Such indicative symptoms may occur quite rarely, but you need to know them. When each of the above symptoms appears, you need to contact the oncologist of the polyclinic at your place of residence or at the diagnostic center. Upon confirmation of the diagnosis, surgical treatment is indicated in any specialized oncological institution (polyclinic, hospital). You also need to contact a specialist if there are suspicious spots on the body that do not disappear for a long time. Postponing a visit to an oncologist is not worth it, a timely diagnosis and treatment initiated contributes to a full recovery. It should be remembered that if a person has cancer, there is no need to despair. Although the disease is still considered practically incurable, it is successfully treatable in the early stages of the disease. Our medicine, which is armed with new technologies and methods, is able to cure patients at the second and third stages

of cancer. The fourth stage of the course of the disease is considered the most severe, this is the stage of an extremely neglected case of the disease. But nowadays there are many examples of the treatment of oncopathology. The main thing is to be an optimist, even ancient doctors said that a good mood helps in the cure of any disease. Timely access to a specialist doctor, correct diagnosis and effective treatment will definitely save your life!


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