Adilova O.A. dotsent Qudratov J. master's
Jizzakh State Pedagogical University
Annotation. Knowing the essence of the phenomena and processes of nature and society, determining their peculiarities, aspects, characteristics, and making objective scientific-philosophical ideas and generalizations about them is realized only by using certain research methods. In addition to the general-philosophical sense, the method is also used in a narrow (specific) sense. Philosophical method is characteristic of all sciences and is called dialectical method. The dialectical method serves as a methodology - a methodological basis for existing sciences. Currently, methodology is not a teaching about various methods and methods of analysis used in science, but means how the researcher understands the source of research, how he approaches it, and what the goal of the research. Each method, whether philosophical or scientific, is a method of conducting work - a method of examining the source of research. Methodology is a researcher's practical work system, which includes the methods of collecting, studying, and summarizing facts.
Key words: method, philosophical method, special method, methodology, methodology.
Introduction. Linguistics, like any other science, during its historical development, studies linguistic phenomena, scientifically analyzes the research object (source), reveals its internal "secrets", specific aspects, determines its nature, composition, and works on the basis of certain methods. This is completely natural. Because the method uses an aspect, side (part,) of the research source (object part) is a way of learning, identifying, knowing. In other words, knowing the essence of natural and social phenomena and processes, determining their peculiarities, aspects, characteristics, and making objective scientific-philosophical ideas and generalizations about them can only be realized through the activity of specific research methods and their application. Therefore, the method serves the concept of scientificity, which is the existence of science, its integral component, logical part (component). It ensures the development of science, establishes that science is a powerful part, a type of social consciousness, and serves it.
Literature analysis and methodology
It can be said that in addition to having a number of facts and events that serve as a direct basis for making certain scientific and theoretical conclusions
and creating doctrines, each science must also have methods for researching and analyzing these facts. Therefore, the existence, conclusions, and activity of each science are determined and measured by its research object (source), research goal, and, at the same time, research methods. So, what is the method that serves the scientific principle in science? What does the term method mean? What does it represent? It is logical and natural for the question to arise. Method is etymologically derived from the Greek word (methodos), which means "research", "study".
The method is a way of knowing nature, society and thinking process -thinking, according to the theory of knowledge, approaching reality according to the principles (principles) of the theory of knowledge. Therefore, the method in this philosophical sense is a way of knowing, explaining and interpreting any phenomena and processes of objective reality. At the same time the method can be used in a narrow (specific) sense, in addition to being used in a general-philosophical sense. In this case, it becomes important with regard to a specific science, with the analysis of the research object (source) of the same science. Therefore, the method is distinguished by being different in different disciplines as a special, private, field method. In other words, the method is characterized by having general and specific, philosophical and branch views. So, the method is essentially in a dialectical relationship with its existence as a philosophical and scientific "weapon".
Philosophical method has relative independence and individuality due to its specificity to all sciences, its generality for all sciences, and it is called the dialectical method. This method, unlike the scientific-research method of a particular science, is of particular importance due to its wide scope and the fact that it works within all disciplines. Also, the idea of strict adherence to the principle of scientific consistency is among the important, main aspects of this method. According to what has been said, the dialectical method serves as a methodology-methodological basis for all sciences. In other words, the general philosophical method - the dialectical method is a general teaching that affects special scientific methods, that is, methods related to various disciplines, so it is called methodology, that is, a teaching about methods that are a method of scientific research. But nowadays (at the time) methodology, scientific research methodology is not a teaching about various methods and methods of analysis used in a certain science, but how the researcher understands the source and object of research and how he approaches it, what purpose he plans for the research, in other words, it refers to the worldview of the researcher. To be clear, methodology is, first, what kind of knowledge the researcher seeks to generate about the source of his research, what kind of knowing he engages in. It is known that in philosophy, a researcher can create two types of knowledge about a thing - an object of study:
a) emotional, empirical knowledge;
b) intellectual, logical, theoretical knowledge.
Each type of knowledge creation has different ways, means and methods, as well as goals.
Secondly, it is the method by which the researcher approaches the source of the research. There are two ways of approaching things in philosophy. They are:
a) metaphysical (nominalistic) approach;
b) dialectical approach.
Both the metaphysical approach and the dialectical approach (the metaphysical or dialectical understanding and interpretation of things) have their own principles. The researcher conducts research based on these principles in the process of scientific research.
The third is that the researcher takes a materialistic or idealistic (spiritual) point of view and conducts scientific research from this point of view. We remind you that each method, whether it is a philosophical (general) method or a scientific (specific) method, each has a method of conducting work, conducting work, and checking the source and object (subject) of research. In other words, if the method is a way to know and determine the reality, object (subject), events and processes
- the truth, then the methodology is a tool to open and build this way. Methodology is a system of practical work of a scientist, which includes the methods of finding, studying and summarizing facts. In other words, the methodology is generalization, analysis, classification, mapping of language and speech units, in practice is to reach the goal by trying ways.
In conclusion, I will try to explain this with a simple life example. The knowledge about different aspects of the language and the discovered laws can be compared with the pictures taken from the front, back, sides, and top of a big building. Although these photos are not completely similar to each other, they all unite in one breed - the shape of a building; these photos complement each other and serve to perfect our knowledge about the shape of the building. None of the scientists who drew pictures of the four sides of the building did anything wrong. The mistake is equating the image of the building from one side (the law that is studied by a certain method about one side of the language) with the building itself
- whoever did this, surely made a mistake." Conclusion that is, the method - the method of scientific research is a method of knowing and studying a specific feature (aspect) of the phenomena of objective existence, objects.
Methodology - the methodology of scientific research is a set of methods and methods of generating scientific knowledge about the source of research. Methodology - the methodology of scientific research takes into account the researcher's worldview, how he understands the source of research, how he approaches it, what he determines - the purpose (intention) of the research.
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