CLASSIFICATION OF CONDITIONAL SENTENCES IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Almatova N.A.

The relevance of this study lies in the fact that the conditional mood of the English language has not been sufficiently developed, however, the intensity of the use of a conditional sentence in English speech requires the emphasis on education and the use of conditional sentences, as well as determining the features of their translation.

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UDC: 378.30

Almatova N.A. teacher

department of foreign languages faculty of agro engineering and hydro melioration Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro technologies

Andijan, Uzbekistan



Abstract: The relevance of this study lies in the fact that the conditional mood of the English language has not been sufficiently developed, however, the intensity of the use of a conditional sentence in English speech requires the emphasis on education and the use of conditional sentences, as well as determining the features of their translation.

Key words: development, methods, speech, learning languages, education, classification.

Translation is a complex multifaceted phenomenon, some aspects of which can be the subject of research in various sciences. Within the framework of translation studies, psychological, literary, ethnographic and other aspects of translation activities are studied, as well as the history of translation activities in a particular country or countries. The leading place in modern translation studies belongs to linguistic translation studies (translation linguistics), which studies translation as a linguistic phenomenon.

Conditional sentences are one of the most difficult parts of English grammar, often causing problems not only for those who have recently started learning the language, but also for those who have been learning it for a long time.

Any conditional clause includes an independent clause and a dependent clause. A subordinate clause usually begins with the preposition "if" and expresses a circumstance or condition, the main thing is that it is the result of an action or circumstances described in the subordinate clause. Most often, in such sentences, the subordinate clause is put at the beginning, but the order does not really play a very important role. So, for example, these two sentences have exactly the same meaning: If she goes to the store, she will buy ice cream.

If she goes to the store, she will buy ice cream.

She will buy ice cream if she goes to the store.

As you may have noticed by now, different teachers, textbooks, and websites explain the conditional problem from a wide variety of perspectives. Perhaps the reason for this difference is the complexity of the material, therefore

it is impossible to say which version of the explanation most fully reflects the essence of the issue.

There are three main types of conditional clauses. The correct use of grammatical rules for conditional sentences lies in the reality or non-reality of the actions that are described in the sentence.

Conditional sentences of this type are complex sentences with a subordinate clause of a real condition. The main sentence in them expresses an action related to the future, present or past tense, and the subordinate clause is a completely feasible condition for this action.

More often than others, there are sentences in which the action refers to the future tense: in them the verb of the main sentence is in the future tense, and in the subordinate clause - in one of the present tense forms. In the subordinate clauses, the future tense forms of the verb are not used.

This type of conditional sentences in English is responsible for the "real" condition of the action presented in the sentence. The events of this conditional clause are in the future tense. All conditional sentences will necessarily contain such conjunctions as "if", "when", "as soon as", "before", till, untill, "after " or others. A feature of this type of conditional clauses is the fact that the simple future tense (Future Indefinite) is used only in the main clause. In the subordinate clause after the indicated conjunctions, we use only the simple present.

If you hear her singing, you will be impressed by her voice.

When this museum is open, we will go for an excursion there.

If you heat ice, it melts.

When it rains, the streets are wet.

The dog is happy when it sees its master.

This condition expresses the real dependence of one action on another in the present or future tense. A present condition is expressed by a verb in one of the present tenses; the condition related to the past tense is expressed by one of the past tense; the condition related to the future tense is expressed.

If you know the subject, you need not be afraid.

If he is working, he cannot go with us.

If he said that, he was wrong.

If he was working, why did you disturb him?

I'll pay you, provided I get my wages tomorrow.

If he asks us, we'll tell him the truth.

I shan't tell him anything, unless he asks me.

Any conditional sentence consists of two parts - conditional and main. The conditional part, as in Russian, is usually expressed using the adverb if / if.

The first type of conditional clauses is called real, because fulfillment of the conditions in these proposals is quite feasible.

In addition to if, words and phrases are used such as: when, as soon as (as soon as), before, until.

When she reads the letter, she will become nervous. As soon as you are ready, I'll drive you home.

Also, conditional clauses use the unless union (unless / unless), which can be replaced with if + not (negation). After unless, the predicate verb is affirmative, since unless already implies negation. She will forget about it unless we remind her. She will forget about it, unless we remind her. She will forget about it if we don't remind her.

The clause, which usually begins with the word if, can appear either at the beginning of a conditional clause (before the main clause) or at the end. If it is at the beginning, then a comma is placed after it. If it is at the end, then no comma is put in front of it.

If you leave now, you'll catch the train. You'll catch the train if you leave now.

In the conditional part, in addition to Present Simple, the following real tenses can be used: Present Continuous and Present Perfect. If you are looking for troubles, you'll them.

Will you go to the picnic next weekend if you have a chance? - Yes, I will / No, I won't.

What will she do, if she misses the train? - She will take a bus. Some authors single out the zero type of conditional sentences as a separate item. This type describes universal situations in which the fulfillment of a condition from a subordinate clause will inevitably lead to the result indicated in the main clause. The simplest example of this type of conditional clause is natural phenomena or the laws of physics. It differs from the first type in that both parts of the sentence use Present Simple.

Modern translation studies are characterized by a wide variety of theoretical concepts and research methods. The accumulated scientific baggage needs analysis and comprehension. The creation of the history of translation studies of the twentieth century is of undoubted theoretical and practical interest.


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