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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Zykova Elena Yu., Pankova Tatyana V., Lomonosova Maria N.

Chromosome numbers (2n) of 15 invasive and potentially invasive plant species from the families Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Malvaceae, Onagraceae, Papaveraceae, Plantaginaceae, Poaceae, Polygonaceae, Portulacaceae, and Rosaceae are reported on the samples collected in the Republic of Altai. To determine the chromosome number (ploidy level), the method of direct counting was used. Among studied species, chromosome complements for Persicaria orientalis (2n = 22), Potentilla norvegica (2n = 42), Veronica persica (2n = 28) were first examined from Russia; for Papaver rhoeas (2n = 14) and Rumex obtusifolius (2n = 20) - from Asian part of Russia; for Bromus squarrosus (2n = 14), Cosmos bipinnatus (2n = 24), and Eriochloa villosa (2n = 54) - from Siberia. Abutilon theophrasti (2n = 42) and Lepidium densiflorum (2n = 32) were first studied from Western Siberia; Epilobium ciliatum subsp. adenocaulon (2n = 36), Portulaca oleracea (2n = 36), Spergularia rubra (2n = 36), and Xanthium strumarium (2n = 36) - from the Republic of Altai. Common distribution and the history of floristic findings of these species in the Republic of Altai are given. Previously published data on chromosome numbers from Russia are cited.

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Turczaninowia 24, 4: 99-107 (2021) DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.24.4.9 http://turczaninowia.asu.ru

ISSN 1560-7259 (print edition)


ISSN 1560-7267 (online edition)

УДК 576.316:581.524.2(571.151)

Chromosome numbers of invasive and potentially invasive species in the flora of the Republic of Altai. Post V

E. Yu. Zykova1, 2*, T. V. Pankova1, 3, M. N. Lomonosova1, 4

1 Federal State Institution of Science Central Siberian Botanical Garden of Siberian Branch of RAS, Zolotodolinskaya str, 101, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation

2E-mail: elena.yu.zykova@gmail.com; ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1847-5835

3ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3661-0719

4ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0510-5349

Keywords. Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae, chromosome studies, Malvaceae, Onagraceae, Papaveraceae, Plantaginaceae, Poaceae, Polygonaceae, Portulacaceae, Rosaceae, species distribution.

Summary. Chromosome numbers (2n) of 15 invasive and potentially invasive plant species from the families Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Malvaceae, Onagraceae, Papaveraceae, Plantaginaceae, Poaceae, Polygonaceae, Portulacaceae, and Rosaceae are reported on the samples collected in the Republic of Altai. To determine the chromosome number (ploidy level), the method of direct counting was used. Among studied species, chromosome complements for Persicaria orientalis (2n = 22), Potentilla norvegica (2n = 42), Veronica persica (2n = 28) were first examined from Russia; for Papaver rhoeas (2n = 14) and Rumex obtusifolius (2n = 20) - from Asian part of Russia; for Bromus squarrosus (2n = 14), Cosmos bipinnatus (2n = 24), and Eriochloa villosa (2n = 54) - from Siberia. Abutilon theophrasti (2n = 42) and Lepidium densiflorum (2n = 32) were first studied from Western Siberia; Epilobium ciliatum subsp. adenocaulon (2n = 36), Portulaca oleracea (2n = 36), Spergularia rubra (2n = 36), andXanthium strumarium (2n = 36) - from the Republic of Altai. Common distribution and the history of floristic findings of these species in the Republic of Altai are given. Previously published data on chromosome numbers from Russia are cited.

Числа хромосом инвазивных и потенциально инвазивных видов во флоре Республики Алтай: сообщение 5

Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки «Центральный сибирский ботанический сад» Сибирского отделения РАН, ул. Золотодолинская, 101, г. Новосибирск, 630090, Россия

Ключевые слова: кариологическое изучение, расселение видов, Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Malvaceae, Onagraceae, Papaveraceae, Plantaginaceae, Poaceae, Polygonaceae, Portulacaceae, Rosaceae.

Аннотация. Приводятся данные о числах хромосом (2n) для 15 инвазивных и потенциально инвазивных видов из семейств Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Malvaceae, Onagraceae, Papaveraceae, Plantaginaceae, Poaceae, Polygonaceae, Portulacaceae, Rosaceae, полученные на материале из Республики Алтай. Для определения чисел хромосом (уровня плоидности) использован метод прямого подсчета. Впервые для России определено число хромосом у Persicaria orientalis (2n = 22), Potentilla norvegica (2n = 42) и Veronica persica (2n = 28); впервые для Азиатской части России - у Papaver rhoeas (2n = 14) и Rumex obtusifolius (2n = 20); впервые

Поступило в редакцию 17.11.2021 Submitted 17.11.2021

Принято к публикации 01.12.2021 Accepted 01.12.2021

* Corresponding author

Е. Ю. Зыкова, Т. В. Панкова, М. Н. Ломоносова

для Сибири - у Bromus squarrosus (2n = 14), Cosmos bipinnatus (2n = 24) и Eriochloa villosa (2n = 54); впервые для Западной Сибири - у Abutilon theophrasti (2n = 42) и Lepidium densiflorum (2n = 32); впервые для Республики Алтай - у Epilobium ciliatum subsp. adenocaulon (2n = 36), Portulaca oleracea (2n = 36), Spergularia rubra (2n = 36) и Xanthium strumarium (2n = 36). Для всех исследованных видов приводятся сведения по общему распространению, истории флористических находок и расселению на территории Республики Алтай, а также литературные данные по числам хромосом с территории России.

We continue the karyological study of invasive and potentially invasive species in the flora of Southern Siberia on the material from the Republic of Altai (Lomonosova et al., 2018; Zykova et al., 2018, 2020, 2021). This research provides data on the chromosome numbers of 15 species, most of which are invasive on the territory of the Republic of Altai. Epilobium ciliatum subsp. adenocaulon and Lepidium densiflorum are also included in the Black Book of the Flora of Siberia (Chernaya kniga ..., 2016). The information on the history of floristic studies of examined species in the territory of the Republic of Altai is provided here. For each species, published data on the chromosome numbers determined from the territory of Russia are given. Latin names of plants are given according to the "Catalog of Life" (Hassler, 2021).

The chromosome numbers were determined by direct counting in metaphase on root meristem squash preparations, via the method described earlier (Zykova el al., 2018). Metaphase plates were observed under 100* magnification by the Axioscope 40 (Karl Zeiss, Axio Lab) and photographed by the AxiCam MRc 5 digital camera (AxioVision 4.8 software).

The herbarium specimens (vouchers) are deposited in the Herbarium of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS (NS).


Cosmos bipinnatus Cav., 2n = 24

"Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, Gorno-Altaysk city, Protochnaya street, wasteland, 51°58'N, 85°55'E. 18 VIII 2017. E. Zykova", Z524-6017.

Annual. North American species (Protopopova, 1994). It is cultivated in many regions, including Siberia, as an ornamental plant. Plants may reappear via self-sowing, becoming a weed. In the Republic of Altai, it is common as a weed in the northern regions, where it was shown for the first time outside of culture from the Altai Reserve and the Mayma district (Zolotukhin, 2012).

The chromosome number was determined on the Siberian material for the first time. The same number

was known from Primorye Territory (Probatova, 2014, and references therein).

Diploid (2x), x = 12.

Xanthium strumarium L., 2n = 36

"Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, Gorno-Altaysk city, Choros-Gurkina street near the Mebelny stop, pebbled bank of the Mayma river, 51°58'N, 85°55'E. 21 VIII 2017. E. Zykova", Z898-6617; "Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, Gorno-Altaysk city, Shosseynaya street, wasteland, 51°58' N, 85°55'E. 22 VIII 2017. E. Zykova", Z899-6717.

Annual. Distributes all over the world as an invasive species (Protopopova, 1994). Since the beginning of the 20th century, it spread in the regions of Siberia. In the Republic of Altai it was first discovered in the middle of the 20th century in the village of Cherny Anuy in Ust-Kan district (Krylov, 1949). At present, it is common on the banks of water bodies and in disturbed habitats in the northern regions of the Republic of Altai (Zykova, 2015).

The chromosome number is reported for the first time for the Republic of Altai. The same number was determined from Novosibirsk Region (Lomonoso-va, 2013), Altai (Chisla khromosom ..., 1990) and Primorye (Probatova, 2014, and references therein) Territories.

Tetraploid (4x), x = 9.


Lepidium densiflorum Schrad., 2n = 32

"Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, Gorno-Altaysk city, Stroiteley street, by the roads, 18 VI 2020. E. Zykova", Z844-0220.

Annual. A North American species widely dispersed in the Northern Hemisphere, penetrating into the Southern Hemisphere (Kotov, 1979). Since the middle of the 20th century, the first localities in Siberia (including Altai) have been recorded. As invasive species, it is included in the Black Book of the Flora of Siberia (Ebel, 2016). It is one of the most widespread alien species in the Republic of Altai, common in the northern regions, occasionally found in the central ones (Zykova, 2015).

The chromosome number is given for the first time from the Western Siberia. The same number was determined from Republic of Buryatia (Chepinoga, 2014, and references therein), Khabarovsk Territory (Probatova, Sokolovskaya, 1988), Magadan (Probatova et al., 2012) and Amur (Probatova et al., 1996) Regions. The diploid level of the species (2n = 16) registered in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (Lomonosova, 2013) may belong to another related species.

Tetraploid (4x), x = 8.


Spergularia rubra (L.) J. Presl et C. Presl, 2n = 36

"Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, Turochak district, Iogach village, stadium, 51°46'N, 87°15'E. 29 VI 2017. E. Zykova", Z338-2617.

Annual or biennial. European species spread throughout the continent (Tzvelev, 2004). It was collected for the first time in the Republic of Altai (Turochak district) in 1996 (Studenikina, 1999), where it had been known to date only from pebbles, water bodies, roadsides (Zykova, 2015).

The chromosome number is given for the first time for the Republic of Altai. The same number was identified from Tyumen Region (Erst et al., 2018). Diploid level of species (2n = 18) was determined for the Republic of Buryatia (Probatova et al., 2016).

Tetraploid (4x), x = 9.


Abutilon theophrasti Medic., 2n = 42

"Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, Gorno-Altaysk city, near the hippodrome, wasteland, 51°58'N, 85°55'E. 18 VIII 2018. E. Zykova", Z676-2718.

Annual. East Asian species cultivated as an ornamental plant, widely dispersed in the temperate zone of both hemispheres. In Siberia, single localities have been recorded since the end of the 20th century; in the Republic of Altai it was first discovered in 2018 (Ebel et al., 2018).

The chromosome number is given for the first time for Western Siberia. The same number was determined from Primorye Territory (Probatova, 2014, and references therein), Irkutsk (Chepinoga, 2014, and references therein) and Amur (Shatokhina, 2006) Regions. Tetraploid level (2n = 28) was determined for the Krasnodar Territory (Probatova et al., 2009).

Hexaploid (6x), x = 7.

ONAGRACEAE Epilobium ciliatum subsp. adenocaulon (Hausskn.) Jäger ex Hand et Buttler, 2n = 36

"Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, Mayma district, vicinity of Kysyl-Ozek village, bank of the Saydys river, 51°58'N, 85°55'E. 15 VIII 2018. E. Zykova", Z816-2518.

Perennial. An American species that settled in Eurasia and Australia (Skvortsov, 2005). It was noted in Russia at the end of the 19th century (Skvortsov, 1995). Since the end of the 20th century, it actively spreads in the regions of Siberia including the Republic of Altai (Zykova, 2015). This species is usually found as an invasive species and is listed in the Black Book of Flora of Siberia (Buko, 2016).

The chromosome number is given for the first time for the Republic of Altai. The same number was determined from Krasnoyarsk Territory (Stepanov, Muratova, 1992), Irkutsk (Chepinoga, 2014, and references therein) and Sakhalin (Probatova et al., 2006a) Regions.

Tetraploid (4x), x = 9.

PAPAVERACEAE Papaver rhoeas L., 2n = 14 "Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, Gorno-Altaysk city, at the Rodnik stop, the bank of the Mayma river, 51°58'N, 85°55'E. 15 VII 2019. E. Zykova", Z803-0419.

Annual. Its native range is from SW Asia and the E Mediterranean (Kadereit, 1997). One of the most widespread species of Papaver found from forest to desert areas (Nikitin, 1983). In Siberia, it was noted as a wild in the Tyumen Region (Krylov, 1931). In the Republic of Altai, it was first discovered in 2014 in the city of Gorno-Altaysk (Zykova, 2014), where it is now quite common.

The chromosome number is given for the first time for the asian part of Russia. The same number was determined from Leningrad Region (Safonova, 1991).

Diploid (2x), x = 7.

PLANTAGINACEAE Veronica persica Poir., 2n = 28 "Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, Gorno-Altaysk city, near the hippodrome, wasteland, 51°58'N, 85°55'E. 18 VIII 2018. E. Zykova", Z682-2718; Z683-2718.

Annual. Eurasian species, very rare in Siberia. It was first found in Tomsk (Muldiyarov, 1996), later in Novosibirsk and Kemerovo Regions (Ebel et al., 2016); in the Republic of Altai, it was found in 2016

in the Turochak district (Ebel et al., 2016), and in 2018 in the city of Gorno-Altaysk (Zykova, 2019).

The chromosome number was determined in Russia for the first time. Tetraploid (4x), x = 7.

POACEAE Bromus squarrosus L., 2n = 14 "Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, Mayma district, vicinity of Rybalka village, wasteland on the territory of the Altai Valley base, 51°55'N, 85°51'E. 18 VIII 2015. E. Zykova", Z755-5215; "Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, Mayma district, vicinity of Mayma village, wasteland on gravel heaps, 52°02'N, 85°54'E. 12 VIII 2017. E. Zykova", Z758-4917; "Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, bypass road between the city of Gorno-Altaysk and the village of Mayma, on gravel heaps, 51°97'N, 85°86'E. 28 VIII 2018. E. Zykova", Z757-2818.

Annual. The species is native in Europe, North Africa, Asia and spreads over the extratropical regions (Tzvelev, Probatova, 2019). A very rare species in Siberia, recorded in the Altai and Krasnoyarsk Territories (Peshkova, 1990). In the Republic of Altai, it was first discovered in 2015; at present, it is rarely found in the city of Gorno-Altaysk and in the Mayma district (Zykova, 2020).

The chromosome number was determined for the first time on the Siberian material. The same chromosome number was known for the Volgograd Region, Republic of Crimea (Chisla khromo-som ..., 1993), Krasnodar (Probatova et al., 2009) and Primorye (Probatova, 2014, and references therein) Territories, Astrakhan Region (Probatova et al., 2010).

Diploid (2x), x = 7.

Eriochloa villosa (Thunb.) Kunth, 2n = 54 "Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, bypass road between the city of Gorno-Altaysk and the village of Mayma, on gravel heaps, 51°97'N, 85°86'E. 28 VIII 2018. E. Zykova", Z897-2818.

Annual. It occurs in tropical and subtropical countries of both hemispheres (Tzvelev, Probatova, 2019). In Siberia, it was first found in the vicinity of the Omsk city (Krylov, Sergievskaya, 1961). Recently two localities were found in Altai Territory (Lomonosova, 2003) and Tomsk Region (Ebel et al., 2009). In the Republic of Altai, it was found in 2017 (Zykova et al., 2019) as a small population in the vicinity of the village of Mayma (Mayma district), which has been preserved for 4 years.

The chromosome number was determined for the first time on the Siberian material. The same chromosome number was known for the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (Chisla khromosom ..., 1993), Amur Region (Probatova et al., 2008a), Khabarovsk (Probatova et al., 1996) and Primorye (Probatova, 2014, and references therein) Territories.

Hexaploid (6x), x = 9.

Triticum aestivum L., 2n = 42

"Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, Mayma district, near the village of Mayma, at the customs post, the outskirts of the field, 52°02'N, 85°54'E. 01 VIII 2015. E. Zykova", Z431-3015; "Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, Mayma district, near the bridge over the Katun river to the village of Platovo, by the road, 52°04'N, 85°55'E. 01 VIII 2015. E. Zykova", Z432-3115.

Annual. Cultivated all over the world (Tzvelev, Probatova, 2019). In the Republic of Altai, it is rarely found in the northern regions along the roads, in ruderal habitats (Zykova, 2015).

Hexaploid (6x), x = 7.


Persicaria orientalis (L.) Spach, 2n = 22

"Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, Gorno-Altaysk city, Protochnaya street, wasteland, 51°58'N, 85°55'E. 18 VIII 2017. E. Zykova", Z760-6017.

Annual. Native to SE Asia and northern Australia, where it grows on riverside sands and pebbles, as well as in disturbed habitats (Tzvelev, 1996; Mayorov et al., 2012). In Siberia, it was recently noted as alien plant in Irkutsk city (Verkhozina et al., 2019). This species was found in the Republic of Altai in 2017 (Ebel, Zykova, 2020).

The chromosome number was determined in Russia for the first time.

Diploid (2x), x = 11.

Rumex obtusifolius L., 2n = 20

"Russia, the Republic of Altai, Mayma district, vicinity of Rybalka village, wasteland at a construction site, 51°55'N, 85°51'E. 2 VIII 2015. E. Zykova", Z872-3315; "Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, Turochak district, vicinity of Turochak village, wasteland, 52°15'N, 87°07'E. 07 VIII 2015. E. Zykova", Z873-3815; "Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, Turochak district, Altai State Reserve, Baygazan cordon, weed on the estate, 51°45'N, 87°26'E. 14 VIII 2017. E. Zykova", Z871-5217; "Russian Federation, the Republic of

Altai, Gorno-Altaysk city, Zhilmassiv microdistrict, by the stream, 51°58'N, 85°55'E. 12 VIII 2017. E. Zykova", Z877-1918.

Perennial. The European species that actively spreads in the regions of Southern Siberia (Ebel et al., 2016). In the Republic of Altai, it was known earlier only from Choya and Turochak districts (Zykova, 2015); at present, it is actively settling in the city of Gorno-Altaysk and Mayma district.

The chromosome number is given for the first time for the Asian part of Russia. The same number was determined from Krasnodar Territory (Probatova et al., 2009). Tetraploid level (2n = 40) was noted for the Sakhalin Region (Probatova, et al., 2007, and references therein). Two chromosome numbers (2n = 24 and 2n = 36) were determined for the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Stepanov, Muratova, 1995).

Diploid (2x), x = 10.

PORTULACACEAE Portulaca oleracea L., 2n = 36 "Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, Turochak district, Altai State Reserve, Baygazan cordon, weed on the estate, 51°45'N, 87°26'E. 14 VIII 2017. E. Zykova", Z896-5217.

Annual. The Mediterranean-Asian species is almost cosmopolitan as an adventive one. In recent years, it has been actively spreading in Southern Siberia (Ebel et al., 2015). In the Republic of Altai, it was first found in 2008 (Zykova, Erst, 2012). Now it settles in the northern regions (Zykova et al., 2019).

The chromosome number is given for the first time for the Republic of Altai. The same number was determined from Primorye Territory (Probato-va, 2014, and references therein) and Amur Region (Probatova et al., 2006b). Diploid level (2n = 18) was determined for the Amur Region (Probatova et al., 2008b) and Primorye Territory (Probatova, 2014, and references therein). Hexaploid level (2n = 54) was determined for the Khabarovsk (Probatova et al., 2006b) and Altai (An'kova, Zykova, 2017) Territories.

Tetraploid (4x), x = 9.

ROSACEAE Potentilla norvegica L., 2n = 42

"Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, Mayma district, Kysyl-Ozek village, wasteland at the bridge over the Mayma river, 51°53'N, 86°00'E. 07 VIII 2015. E. Zykova", Z422-3515; "Russian Federation, the Republic of Altai, Turochak district,

on the 44th km of the Turochak-Artybash highway, by the road, 08 VIII 2015. E. Zykova", Z420-4215.

Annual or biennial. This species has the Holarctic area (Kamelin, 2001). In Siberia, it was widespread to the beginning of the 20th century (Krylov, 1903). In the Republic of Altai it was known for a long time only from Turochak district (Krylov, 1933). Now it is common in Choya and Turochak districts; rarely recorded in Mayma, Onguday and Ust-Koksa ones (Zykova, 2015).

The chromosome number was determined for the first time in Russia. Octoploid level (2n = 56) was mentioned for the Irkutsk Region, the Republic of Buryatia, Trans-Baikal Territory (Chepinoga, 2014, and references therein), Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Khabarovsk Territory (Chisla khromo-som ..., 1993), Primorye (Probatova, 2014, and references therein) and Krasnoyarsk (Chepinoga et al., 2012) Territories, Magadan (Probatova et al., 2012), Sakhalin (Probatova et al., 2007, and references therein) and Amur (Probatova et al., 2013) Regions. Nanoploid (2n = 63) was determined for the Republic of Buryatia (Chepinoga, 2014, and references therein). Decaploid (2n = 70) was reported for the Irkutsk Region, Republic of Buryatia (Chepinoga, 2014, and references therein), Novosibirsk and Leningrad Regions (Chisla khromo-som ..., 1993). Potentilla norvegica is an allopoly-ploid species, which ploidy level ranges from tet-raploid (4x) to dodecaploid (12x) (Persson et al., 2020).

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Hexaploid (6x), x = 7.


So far, we have studied 64 invasive and potentially invasive species from the territory of the Republic of Altai. This report presents the results of the study of chromosome numbers of 15 species. 10 of them are polyploids, namely Abutilon theophrasti, Epilobium ciliatum subsp. adenocaulon, Eriochloa villosa, Lepidium densiflorum, Portulaca oleracea, Potentilla norvegica, Spergularia rubra, Triticum aestivum, Veronica persica, and Xanthium strumarium. Among the 15 studied species, the most active in the Republic of Altai are diploids Rumex obtusifolius, Cosmos bipinnatus, tetraploids Epilobium ciliatum, Lepidium densiflorum, Portulaca oleracea, Spergularia rubra, Xanthium strumarium, and hexaploid Potentilla norvegica.


The study was carried out in the framework of the scientific program of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS (AAAA-A21-121011290024-5). Partly financial support was provided by The Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Genetic Technologies for 2019-2027 approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 479 dated April 22, 2019

"On approval of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Genetic Technologies for 2019-2027". Project topic: "Herbarium collections of biological diversity of plants and fungi of the Collection Fund of the V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences: modernization, development and networking as the basis for fundamental research and improvement of genetic technologies".


An'kova T. V., Zykova E. Yu. 2017. IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 25. K. Marhold (Ed.). Taxon 66(5): 1246; E1-E2. DOI: 10.12705/665.29

Buko T. E. 2016. Epilobium adenocaulon Hausskn. In: Chyernaya kniga flory Sibiri [Black book of the flora of Siberia]. Novosibirsk: "Geo" Publ. Pp. 284-287. [In Russian] (Буко Т. Е. Epilobium adenocaulon Hausskn. // Черная книга флоры Сибири. Новосибирск: Академическое изд-во «Гео», 2016. С. 284-287).

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Chepinoga V. V., Gnutikov A. A., Lubogoschinsky P. I., Fleckenstein K. M. 2012. IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13. K. Marhold (Ed.). Taxon 61(4): 889-891; E5-E10. DOI: 10.1002/tax.614023

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