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Ключевые слова
China / African / agricultural crisis / agricultural assistance / Sino-Africa relations / Китай / Африка / сельскохозяйственный кризис / сельскохозяйственная помощь / китайско-африканские отношения

Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Zhang Xiaohu

Africa is facing a serious agricultural crisis due to natural, historical and realistic factors, such as Physical geographical factors, the influence of colonial history, mistakes in national development, turbulence in the Domestic and International Situation. In order to solve the agricultural crisis in Africa, China has carried out long-term agricultural assistance to Africa. China's agricultural assistance to Africa is mainly divided into three major historical stages: the first stage (from 1950s to the 1970s) was characterized by China's unilateral economic and technical assistance to Africa. The second stage (from the late 1970s to the 1990s) was the adjustment period of China's assistance to Africa, which was China's agricultural assistance to Africa has gradually changed from government-led to project contract responsibility system. The third stage (since the 1990s) was China's agricultural assistance to Africa reflected the principle of market economy, which realized the transformation from unilateral assistance to mutual cooperation. China's assistance to Africa has improved the level of agriculture in Africa, partially alleviated the agricultural crisis in Africa, and further consolidated the traditional friendship between China and Africa, reflecting China's pursuit of building a "community with a shared future for mankind". Some successful experiences can be summarized from China's agricultural assistance to Africa, for example, China thinks about how to implement agricultural assistance to Africa from a strategic perspective and implements it at various levels in the specific process. At the same time, China also gives full play to the traditional friendship between China and Africa to facilitate the implementation of agricultural assistance in Africa.

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Африка сталкивается с серьезным сельскохозяйственным кризисом из-за естественных, исторических и реалистичных факторов, таких как физико-географические факторы, влияние колониальной истории, ошибки в национальном развитии, турбулентность во внутренней и международной ситуации. Чтобы разрешить сельскохозяйственный кризис в Африке, Китай оказал Африке долгосрочную сельскохозяйственную помощь. Сельскохозяйственная помощь Китая Африке в основном делится на три основных исторических этапа: первый этап (с 1950-х по 1970-е годы) характеризовался односторонней экономической и технической помощью Китая Африке. Второй этап (с конца 1970-х по 1990-е годы) был периодом корректировки китайской помощи Африке, которая заключалась в том, что китайская сельскохозяйственная помощь Африке постепенно перешла от системы ответственности правительства к системе ответственности по контрактам на проекты. Третьим этапом (с 1990-х годов) была сельскохозяйственная помощь Китая Африке, отражавшая принцип рыночной экономики, который осуществил переход от односторонней помощи к взаимному сотрудничеству. Помощь Китая Африке повысила уровень сельского хозяйства в Африке, частично смягчила сельскохозяйственный кризис в Африке и еще больше укрепила традиционную дружбу между Китаем и Африкой, отражая стремление Китая к созданию "сообщества с общим будущим для человечества". Можно обобщить некоторый успешный опыт китайской сельскохозяйственной помощи Африке, например, Китай думает о том, как осуществлять сельскохозяйственную помощь Африке со стратегической точки зрения, и реализует ее на различных уровнях в рамках конкретного процесса. В то же время Китай также в полной мере использует традиционную дружбу между Китаем и Африкой для содействия осуществлению сельскохозяйственной помощи в Африке.



Zhang Xiaohu

Ph.D, Lecturer, School of Philosophy History and Culture,

Xiangtan University xhzhang@xtu.edu.cn



Abstract: Africa is facing a serious agricultural crisis due to natural, historical and realistic factors, such as Physical geographical factors, the influence of colonial history, mistakes in national development, turbulence in the Domestic and International Situation. In order to solve the agricultural crisis in Africa, China has carried out long-term agricultural assistance to Africa. China's agricultural assistance to Africa is mainly divided into three major historical stages: the first stage (from 1950s to the 1970s) was characterized by China's unilateral economic and technical assistance to Africa. The second stage (from the late 1970s to the 1990s) was the adjustment period of China's assistance to Africa, which was China's agricultural assistance to Africa has gradually changed from government-led to project contract responsibility system. The third stage (since the 1990s) was China's agricultural assistance to Africa reflected the principle of market economy, which realized the transformation from unilateral assistance to mutual cooperation. China's assistance to Africa has improved the level of agriculture in Africa, partially alleviated the agricultural crisis in Africa, and further consolidated the traditional friendship between China and Africa, reflecting China's pursuit of building a "community with a sharedfuture for mankind". Some successful experiences can be summarizedfrom China's agricultural assistance to Africa, for example, China thinks about how to implement agricultural assistance to Africa from a strategic perspective and implements it at various levels in the specific process. At the same time, China also gives full play to the traditional friendship between China and Africa to facilitate the implementation of agricultural assistance in Africa.

Key words: China, African, agricultural crisis, agricultural assistance, Sino-Africa relations

Food is the basic resource for human survival, and it is also an important resource of strategic significance. Ensuring food security is given the highest priority in any country. However, since the beginning of the new century, the frequency of food crises has increased, not decreased, along with advances in technology and productivity. According to the survey of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) , global hunger is at record levels and rising. In 2021, as many as 828 million people around the world faced hunger, an increase of 46 million from the previous year. Affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, extreme global weather and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, mankind may face "the biggest food crisis since the Second World War".2 In this global food crisis, Africa's food problem is very prominent. According to the survey, 278 million people in Africa face food shortages, accounting for 33 percent of the world's hungry. Various external and internal factors work together in African countries, leading to the development of African agriculture is not optimistic, facing the food crisis, in order to achieve domestic development, Africa urgently needs to solve the problem of food security.

I. Why is agricultural aid important for Africa?

1.Physical geographical factors

1 This paper is supported by The Research Project on Teaching Reform of Colleges And Universities In Hunan Province In 2021: The Teaching Reform and Exploration of the History of International Relations under the background of the Construction of "New Liberal Arts" (HNJG-2021-0407)

2 Chen Xiaoqian, "Issues and prospects of food security in Africa and the Middle East under the background of Ukraine crisis", in Eurasian Economics, Vol. 6, 2022, pp.112-122.

Africa straddles the tropical and temperate zones, climate changes frequently, and agriculture is the most affected by climate change. Climate has had and continues to have a negative impact on African agriculture, making Africa further toward food crisis. Agriculture in most African countries is the lifeline of national economy, and most of these countries' agriculture is "dependent on the weather", which leads to the high vulnerability of African agriculture to cope with climate change. If the climate is suitable for crop growth, it will be a good harvest year, but if the climate is bad, the crop will fail to grow, and the self-sufficiency cannot be satisfied.1 Since 2019, many countries in eastern and southern Africa have been hit by persistent drought and locust infestations, accompanied by floods and cyclones. The worst weather in decades has severely affected food production. The decline in food production caused by climate change is already occurring in many African countries. For example, the warming, droughts and floods caused by climate change have severely affected the cultivation of traditional crops by farmers in parts of South Africa. Some 10 million people in East Africa, including Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya, have been severely affected by the drought. Climate change is exacerbating already fragile agricultural production and poverty. Regions such as sub-Saharan Africa are at the heart of the world's food crisis, which will be exacerbated by climate change.

2. The influence of colonial history

The imperialist powers invaded Africa, which had an impact on African agricultural production structure. In the 16th century, European colonists began their invasion of Africa, which had a great impact on Africa's agricultural base and agricultural productivity, which was already weak at that time. During colonial rule, in order to better develop their own economy and plunder resources, the master state forced the colonies to grow single cash crops for export, such as tobacco, rubber, cotton, coffee, etc. As a result, the traditional agricultural structure of Africa was destroyed, the farmland area was squeezed, and there was no way to achieve self-sufficiency in food.2 Only a small amount of food could be imported for subsistence. Such historical reasons have resulted in a single agricultural system in Africa, an extremely unreasonable production structure, a low proportion of food production, and an excessive reliance on imported products from the international market. Once the food supply chain in the international market goes wrong, Africa will face the problem of food shortage.

3. Mistakes in national development

Delays and mistakes in nation-building have exacerbated Africa's food crisis. After the establishment of their independence, most African countries were eager to realize the transformation from an agricultural country to an industrial country. They formulated the policy of giving priority to the development of industry, and devoted their limited financial resources to the development of industry, especially heavy industry. The government expected to promote agriculture through industry, promote agricultural development with the development of industry, and import food from abroad with the wealth obtained from industry, which resulted in agricultural production being neglected for a long time. Agricultural productivity is low. Agricultural infrastructure is backward, unable to provide effective help for the development of agricultural productivity. Agricultural infrastructure in African countries is generally weak. It is difficult for many African countries to achieve wide roads, perfect irrigation systems and complete coping mechanisms with natural disasters, which directly affects the productivity of African agriculture. The lack of spacious roads hinders the development of African agriculture. Advanced agricultural technologies cannot be applied in African farmland. The mechanization level is low. The lack of irrigation system leads to the failure to provide water for crops in time during the water shortage season, resulting in crop shortage and reduced production. For example, in some areas of Angola in

1 Zhang Yue, Li Zhong, Qu Chunhong, "Agricultural modernization in Africa: the present situation, the challenges and opportunities", in China's food and nutrition, vol.6, 2021, pp.17-22.

2 Huang Jinkuan, "Study on the Agricultural development activities of British colonies in Africa after World War I", in Journal of African Studies, Vol.1, 2021, pp.71-82.

Africa, due to the lack of irrigation system, the farmland is relatively dry and cracked, unable to provide help for the growth and development of crops. The lack of mechanisms to deal with natural disasters such as floods, droughts and other extreme weather events in many African countries means that when disasters strike, human initiative cannot be maximized, and Africans are left to accept the consequences of disasters.

4. Turbulence in the Domestic and International Situation

Domestic violent conflicts, regime changes, resulting in domestic order instability, agricultural policy continuity is poor. In recent years, conflicts have occurred frequently in Africa. Since 2000, Mauritania, Niger, Mali, Sudan, Guinea, Ethiopia and other countries have experienced conflicts one after another, which has made it difficult to carry out normal agricultural production, unstable agricultural development policies, and exacerbated domestic poverty and backwardness. In 2022, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, increasing the risk of global food security. Russia and Ukraine are considered the "breadbasket of the world" and important global food suppliers, accounting for 27.6 percent of global wheat exports, 30 percent of barley exports, 23.3 percent of rye exports and 15.3 percent of corn exports. Africa has been particularly affected. On the one hand, Africa is the region with the most serious food security problem in the world. In 2021, one-third of the world's undernourished people live in this region. Russia and Ukraine, on the other hand, are not only important global food producers and exporters, but also major sources of food imports for the continent, accounting for about one-third of wheat imports for 25 African countries. The Russia-Ukraine conflict has had a huge negative impact on Africa's food supply, consumer prices, government revenue and expenditure, social stability and other aspects.

In general, The reasons for Africa's agricultural crisis are multi-faceted and multi-faceted.1 No matter the natural factors or the historical and human factors, the agricultural crisis in Africa has become a great challenge restricting the steady development of Africa.

II. History of China's agricultural assistance to Africa

The agricultural crisis in Africa has aroused the world's attention, and many countries are committed to promoting the solution of the agricultural crisis in Africa through agricultural assistance. In this regard, China has played an important and positive role. The course of China's assistance to Africa can be divided into three stages.2

The first stage, from the 1950s to the 1970s, was characterized by China's unilateral economic and technical assistance to Africa. Based on the traditional friendship between China and Africa, China has carried out a large number of agricultural assistance projects to many African countries. China has helped Guinea, Mali, Tanzania, Somalia, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Niger, Togo, Mauritania and other countries to carry out a large number of agricultural projects, such as agricultural technology experimental stations, agricultural technology extension stations and some large-scale farms. In addition, China has built a number of water projects. On the whole, China's agricultural assistance to Africa during this period was mainly implemented under the leadership of the government.

The second stage, from the late 1970s to the 1990s, was the adjustment period of China's assistance to Africa. As China began to implement the policy of opening up to the outside world, China's agricultural assistance to Africa has gradually changed from government-led to project contract responsibility system, strengthened the management of assistance projects, paid attention to the economic benefits of projects, and ensured the success rate of projects. At the same time, China is also actively exploring the integration of foreign assistance with international practices, seeking to realize the transformation from assistance to cooperation. Since 1986, China has participated in international multilateral assistance programs, providing technical training in rice planting,

1 Yun Wenju, "China-Africa Agricultural Cooperation in the 21st Century", in West Asia and Africa, Vol.5, 2000, pp.38-42.

2 Tang Zhengping, "Broad prospect of China-Africa agricultural cooperation", in West Asia and Africa, Vol.6, 2002,p.14.

freshwater aquaculture, vegetable cultivation and agricultural machinery to 42 African countries. At the same time, China's agricultural assistance to Africa also pays more attention to economic benefits and technical cooperation projects with demonstrative effects, instead of carrying out impractical large-scale projects, so as to avoid the ineffective use of funds. In addition, China is actively exploring new areas of agricultural cooperation between China and Africa, such as rural energy construction projects, to improve the level of farm infrastructure construction in Africa.

The third stage, since the 1990s, China's agricultural assistance to Africa reflected the principle of market economy. Since 1995, China has further clarified the policy of mutually beneficial cooperation in its foreign assistance to Africa. Specific measures include: the state actively promotes new forms of government assistance with preferential discount loans; Encourage the use of assistance funds in combination with trade and cooperation funds; Encouraging competent Chinese enterprises to participate in the implementation of assistance projects; Encourage the use of assistance funds for productive projects with local resources and markets. In particular, the Chinese government encourages major enterprises to invest and develop resources in Africa. In agriculture, China Land Reclamation Group Corporation, China Fisheries Group Corporation and China Animal Husbandry Group play major roles.

Based on the traditional friendship between China and Africa, China has been providing agricultural assistance to Africa. From the 1950s to present, China carried out a large number of agricultural assistance projects to Africa, which responded to the urgent food needs of African countries and effectively alleviated the food crisis faced by African countries.

III. The Cases of China's agricultural assistance to Africa

Since the beginning of the 21st century, China and Africa have shown complementarity in agricultural cooperation. Especially with the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, China and Africa have achieved fruitful results in agricultural cooperation and improved the agricultural level of African countries.

1. China's agricultural assistance to Zambia

A typical example of China's agricultural assistance to Zambia is the China-Zambia Friendship Farm Project. The project was developed and operated solely by China. In 1990, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, China Agricultural Reclamation (Group) Corporation invested a total of 300,000 US dollars to buy a farm in Zambia. The farm covers an area of 667 hectares, and China has the right to operate the farm for 99 years. The farm was named China-Zambia Friendship Farm to highlight the friendly relationship between China and Zambia. Farm operation and management mode is advanced, the main characteristics are independent management, self-responsibility for profit and loss, self-risk, self-development. The management of the farm was provided by China. The China-Zambia Friendship Farm has been a success, with a total profit of $1 million in six years of operation.

The successful construction of the China-Zambia Friendship Farm in the early stage has given China confidence to further increase investment. In 1994, China Agricultural Reclamation (Group) Corporation invested $600,000 to purchase land located 50 kilometers north of the capital of Zambia, and established China Agricultural Reclamation (Group) Corporation-Zambia Farm. The Farm mainly takes advantage of Zambia's rich natural resources and advantages, focusing on the development of animal husbandry, raising cattle, chickens, pigs and other livestock. The farm is expanding its production scale and capacity, with an annual output of 300,000 broilers, 500 beef cows and 2,000 pigs. The farm has achieved a cumulative profit of 260,000 US dollars in 3 years, and formed fixed assets of 1.8 million US dollars.

2. China's agricultural assistance to Guinea

China's agricultural assistance to Guinea has formed a set of systematic agricultural assistance mode based on the integration of China's agricultural assistance experience to other African countries. The concept adopted by China in agricultural assistance to Africa is government support and enterprise management; Active and prudent, from small to big; equality and mutual

benefit, focusing on practical results; based grain, diversified management. China takes strategic issues, assistance issues, resource utilization issues, food issues, economic benefits and other issues into comprehensive consideration.

In terms of China's agricultural assistance to Guinea, the governments are no longer the executor of the cooperative projects, but the African Agricultural Development Center of the Ministry of Agriculture of China and the Agricultural Engineering Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture of Guinea jointly initiated and established the "China-Guinea Agricultural Cooperation and Development Company" in Conakry, the capital of Guinea, with the company as the executive enterprise. The company's management structure is 80% owned by China and 20% by Guinea. China's agricultural assistance to Guinea, led by rice cultivation, gives full play to China's technological advantages in hybrid rice, and at the same time, actively develops supporting industries such as animal husbandry and agricultural product processing, supplemented by multiple beneficial projects. The economic benefits of various business projects of "China-Guinea Agricultural Cooperative Development Company" are good, and the company has made profits for two consecutive years.

3. China's agricultural assistance to Cameroon

Cameroon is located in central Africa on the Gulf of Guinea, Straddling equatorial rainforest and savanna 2 climatic zones, known as "miniature Africa" The temperature and precipitation conditions are very superior, suitable for the development of agriculture.1 But due to historical factors and the low level of agricultural technology, Cameroon is facing the impact of food crisis. Since the 1960s, China has been increasing its agricultural assistance to Cameroon by providing funds, high-quality grain seeds and training agricultural technicians, all of which have played a significant role in promoting Cameroon's agricultural development. Since the beginning of the 21st century, more and more enterprises and social organizations have joined in China's agricultural assistance to Cameroon. In January 2006, Shaanxi Reclamation Group invested US $60.5 million to set up rice planting, cassava processing and ostrich farming projects in Cameroon. In April 2010, Shaanxi Reclamation Group signed a framework cooperation agreement on the implementation of agricultural development projects in Cameroon, with a total investment of 120 million US dollars.

In addition to direct investment in infrastructure construction such as farms, China has also provided technical assistance and support. In July 2007, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China hosted an African training course on Agricultural Information Technology for students from Cameroon and other countries. In October 2008, the Ministry of Science and Technology held an international training course on integrated practical techniques of agricultural machinery for students from Cameroon and other countries. In July 2010, Longpin Hi-tech Co., Ltd. has conducted 29 sessions of hybrid rice technician training in Africa, involving 38 African countries including Cameroon.2 As early as 1992, the Chinese Technical Team set up a demonstration center for vegetable and mushroom cultivation in Cameroon. It has grown more than 20 kinds of Chinese vegetables and successfully cultivated three varieties of mushrooms. The Chinese team has often selflessly taught Cameroonian friends how to grow vegetable and mushroom. In January 2008, China and Cameroon signed the Cooperation Protocol on building an agricultural Technology Demonstration Center, which was the first time that China has assisted an African country in building an agricultural technology demonstration center. The Agricultural Vocational and Technical Secondary School in Yabassi, Cameroon's coastal region, was the first agricultural technical school in Cameroon. The school, built with Chinese assistance, was completed and handed over in 2016. Since its opening in 2017, the school has trained about 500 agricultural technicians for Cameroon.

We can see this in China's agricultural assistance to African country, China not only "gives

1 Li Jiali, "China-africa agricultural cooperation", in World Agriculture, Vol.5, 2005, p.38.

2 Tang Tongming, "On the Friendly Relations between China and Africa in the 1960s", Journal of Guizhou Normal University, Vol.1, 1994, p.55.

them fish", but also focuses on "giving them fish", constantly promoting the sustainable development of agriculture in China and Africa.

IV. Experience of China's agricultural assistance to Africa

Some successful experiences can be summarized from China's agricultural aid to Africa, mainly in the following aspects:

1. In terms of idea: agricultural assistance as a strategic perspective

China attaches great importance to its agricultural assistance to Africa as a systematic project. In view of the development of economic globalization, china-africa agricultural cooperation should be the long-term strategic, rather than a temporary solution. Since the beginning of the 21st century, China has become more and more integrated into the international market. China's agriculture needs access to the international market, in this way, to resist the impact of Western multinational companies on China's domestic market. Compared with the mature western developed countries, the vast developing countries are China's important target. Therefore, China attaches great importance to strengthening agricultural exchanges and cooperation with developing countries, especially with African countries. China actively implements the strategy of diversification, gives full play to its own advantages and actively utilizes overseas resources, thus realizing the complementarity between China and African countries in agricultural development.

China's agricultural assistance to Africa is also a long-term and sustainable project. The development of African countries is complicated. China and African countries have established a long-term cooperation mechanism in agricultural assistance. China's five-year, ten-year and other long-term plans have provided a long-term and stable blueprint for the development of China's agricultural assistance to Africa. For example, how to utilize African resources, how to explore international markets, how to seek promising development space, identify priority countries, priority projects, matching funds and other supporting policies and measures at a given time. At the same time, China has also improved its decision-making model for agricultural assistance to Africa, and strengthened research on China-Africa agricultural cooperation through relevant agricultural research institutions to provide consultation and basis for decision-making.

2. In terms of feasibility: China-Africa traditional friendship

The similar historical development process of China and Africa made it easy for China and African countries to get together and support each other in their respective national liberation wars against imperialism. Many African countries established diplomatic relations with China soon after their independence, and established deep friendship with China in the process of jointly opposing the imperialist economic blockade and striving for a better national development environment. Assistance to Africa plays an important role in consolidating the traditional friendship between China and Africa and enhancing political mutual trust.

Since the beginning of the 21st century, Africa has increasingly demonstrated its enormous influence on the international stage, and has become an important pole in today's multi-polar world politics. China's agricultural assistance to Africa attaches importance to pursuing the common political goals sought by both sides, consolidating traditional friendship, and further strengthening the close ties between China and Africa based on the achievements of China-Africa diplomatic, economic, trade and agricultural cooperation over the past decades. It is fair to say that China's agricultural assistance to Africa to help African countries solve their agricultural problems is not only an issue of economic interests, nor is it entirely an issue of agriculture itself. It is a political issue with huge international influence.

China gives full play to the advantages of the traditional friendship between China and Africa.1 In the process of agricultural assistance to Africa, the communication at the government level is relatively smooth, and the assistance activities of Chinese enterprises in Africa are easy to receive support from local people. China and Africa, which share common value appeals, constantly

1 Ye Qianlin, Zhai Yachao, He Weida, "The historical development of sino-african agricultural cooperation characteristics, experience and challenges", in Journal of international trade, Vol.1, 2019, pp. 11-18.


deepen their friendship in the process of agricultural assistance to Africa, which provides the foundation for closer cooperation in the future.

3. In terms of implementation: Multi-dimensional cooperation

In terms of agricultural assistance to Africa, China actively advocates the parallel mode of multilateral and bilateral assistance. On the one hand, China actively promotes South-South cooperation. Since 1994, China took an active part in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations of the food safety act special plan in Mauritania, Ethiopia, Ghana and Mali and other African countries signed the "south-south cooperation agreement", sent a large number of experts in African countries, help develop agricultural production, training agricultural technology experts. Currently, it plans to sign agreements with Guinea, Nigeria and other countries. By conducting technical guidance and training, China help African countries increase production capacity, food-deficit, solve the problem of food supply with the success of the development of Chinese agricultural technology and experience.

On the other hand, China also regards bilateral cooperation with African countries as the focus of agricultural assistance. For example, the agricultural vocational and technical education and training program cooperated by the Ministry of Agriculture of China and the Ministry of Agriculture of Ethiopia is a useful attempt. According to the cooperation agreement signed by China and Ethiopia, China send teachers to Ethiopia to make agricultural vocational and technical education training work, which help establish vocational and technical education training system, gradually implement "green certificate" project , improving peasant quality. The first phase of the project has been sending more than 50 teachers, Ethiopian agricultural technical training college teachers and students for the training and education. After a year, the project has achieved great success. In September, Egypt signed a cooperation agreement, of the second stage of the project according to the agreement, 64 teachers will continue to implement vocational training work this year.

The implementation of this project has created a new model of China's agricultural assistance to Africa, that is, agricultural technical personnel and teachers are provided by China, and funds are provided by African countries, and both sides cooperate to promote the development of African agriculture. This model has been applied to more and more African countries. For example, Congo and China have engaged in agricultural assistance. China has sent experts in cultivation and fishery to Congo for investigation and training. Botswana also expressed its hope to invite Chinese agricultural experts to Botswana to help develop its own agriculture and animal husbandry by providing funds for the operation of relevant projects. The implementation of these aid modes has strongly promoted China's agricultural aid to African countries.


China's agricultural assistance to Africa reflects the traditional friendship between China and Africa. The similar historical development process of China and Africa made it easy for China and African countries to get together and support each other in their respective national liberation wars against imperialism. China's agricultural assistance to Africa has consolidated the traditional friendship between China and Africa and enhanced political mutual trust. It can be said that China's agricultural assistance to Africa has become a booster for further promoting China-Africa cooperative relations.

China's agricultural assistance to Africa has promoted the development of African agriculture. Africa's agriculture has not developed due to political, institutional, cultural and other factors. China's agricultural technology has been very mature. Through the participation of the Chinese government and Chinese enterprises in agricultural assistance projects in Africa, Africa's agricultural technology has been improved and the level of food security in Africa has been enhanced.

China's agricultural assistance to Africa is in line with China's call to build a "community with a shared future for mankind". Through agricultural assistance and cooperation, Africa's

agricultural crisis has been partially alleviated. China and Africa have also realized complementarity in agriculture. Some agricultural products with African characteristics have entered the Chinese market, enriching the food mix of the Chinese people. The exchanges between China and Africa have also been expanding and deepening, further promoting the common development of mankind and world peace.


1. Chen Xiaoqian, "Issues and prospects of food security in Africa and the Middle East under the background of Ukraine crisis", in Eurasian Economics, Vol. 6, 2022, pp.112-122.

2. Zhang Yue, Li Zhong, Qu Chunhong, "Agricultural modernization in Africa: the present situation, the challenges and opportunities", in China's food and nutrition, vol.6, 2021, pp.17-22.

3. Huang Jinkuan, "Study on the Agricultural development activities of British colonies in Africa after World War I", in Journal of African Studies, Vol.1, 2021, pp.71-82.

4. Yun Wenju, "China-Africa Agricultural Cooperation in the 21st Century", in West Asia and Africa, Vol.5, 2000, pp.38-42.

5. Tang Zhengping, "Broad prospect of China-Africa agricultural cooperation", in West Asia and Africa, Vol.6, 2002, p.14.

6. Li Jiali, "China-africa agricultural cooperation", in World Agriculture, Vol.5, 2005, p.38.

7. Tang Tongming, "On the Friendly Relations between China and Africa in the 1960s", Journal of Guizhou Normal University, Vol.1, 1994, p.55.

8. Ye Qianlin, Zhai Yachao, He Weida, "The historical development of sino-african agricultural cooperation characteristics, experience and challenges", in Journal of international trade, Vol.1, 2019, pp. 11-18.


Чжан Сяоху

Кандидат психологических наук, старший преподаватель Школа философии истории и

культуры, Университет Сянтань


Аннотация: Африка сталкивается с серьезным сельскохозяйственным кризисом из-за естественных, исторических и реалистичных факторов, таких как физико-географические факторы, влияние колониальной истории, ошибки в национальном развитии, турбулентность во внутренней и международной ситуации. Чтобы разрешить сельскохозяйственный кризис в Африке, Китай оказал Африке долгосрочную сельскохозяйственную помощь. Сельскохозяйственная помощь Китая Африке в основном делится на три основных исторических этапа: первый этап (с 1950-х по 1970-е годы) характеризовался односторонней экономической и технической помощью Китая Африке. Второй этап (с конца 1970-х по 1990-е годы) был периодом корректировки китайской помощи Африке, которая заключалась в том, что китайская сельскохозяйственная помощь Африке постепенно перешла от системы ответственности правительства к системе ответственности по контрактам на проекты. Третьим этапом (с 1990-х годов) была сельскохозяйственная помощь Китая Африке, отражавшая принцип рыночной экономики, который осуществил переход от односторонней помощи к взаимному сотрудничеству. Помощь Китая Африке повысила уровень сельского хозяйства в Африке, частично смягчила сельскохозяйственный кризис в Африке и еще больше укрепила традиционную дружбу между Китаем и Африкой, отражая стремление Китая к созданию "сообщества с общим

будущим для человечества". Можно обобщить некоторый успешный опыт китайской сельскохозяйственной помощи Африке, например, Китай думает о том, как осуществлять сельскохозяйственную помощь Африке со стратегической точки зрения, и реализует ее на различных уровнях в рамках конкретного процесса. В то же время Китай также в полной мере использует традиционную дружбу между Китаем и Африкой для содействия осуществлению сельскохозяйственной помощи в Африке.

Ключевые слова: Китай, Африка, сельскохозяйственный кризис, сельскохозяйственная помощь, китайско-африканские отношения

Для цитирования: Zhang Xiaohu. China's agricultural assistance to Africa: a booster of China-Africa cooperation relation// Архонт, 2023. № 1(34). С. 85-93.

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