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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Yang Liyun

The outbreak of the new crown epidemic has had a serious impact on the social and economic development of China and Kazakhstan, and the power of digital technology has become prominent in the process of fighting against the pandemic and recovering the economy. The pandemic has created new opportunities for the development of the global digital economy, and also provides a new opportunity for China and Kazakhstan to jointly build the “Digital Silk Road”. Meanwhile, under the background of the pandemic, China and Kazakhstan face many challenges to jointly build the “Digital Silk Road”, including political risks, digital governance and security, third country interference and other obstacles. In the future, China and Kazakhstan can start cooperation by improving the risk assessment system, strengthening the level of digital governance, and strengthening China-Kazakhstan strategic mutual trust, so as to accelerate the construction of the “Digital Silk Road” between China and Kazakhstan.

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DOI: 10.33693/2223-0092-2022-12-1-112-118

China-Kazakhstan Joint Construction of the "Digital Silk Road" under the Background of COVID-19: Opportunities, Challenges and Paths

Yang Liyun ©

Institute for Kazakhstan Economic and Social Studies of the Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Hangzhou, China

E-mail: 957033309@qq.com

Abstract. The outbreak of the new crown epidemic has had a serious impact on the social and economic development of China and Kazakhstan, and the power of digital technology has become prominent in the process of fighting against the pandemic and recovering the economy. The pandemic has created new opportunities for the development of the global digital economy, and also provides a new opportunity for China and Kazakhstan to jointly build the "Digital Silk Road". Meanwhile, under the background of the pandemic, China and Kazakhstan face many challenges to jointly build the "Digital Silk Road", including political risks, digital governance and security, third country interference and other obstacles. In the future, China and Kazakhstan can start cooperation by improving the risk assessment system, strengthening the level of digital governance, and strengthening China-Kazakhstan strategic mutual trust, so as to accelerate the construction of the "Digital Silk Road" between China and Kazakhstan.

Key words: pandemic, digital economy, China-Kazakhstan cooperation, "Digital Silk Road"

Acknowledgments. This article is the research result of the general scientific research project of the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education in 2019 "Research on the Mechanism and Path of China-Kazakhstan Digital Economic Cooperation under the Background of the Epidemic", project number Y202044893.

DOI: 10.33693/2223-0092-2022-12-1-112-118

Китайско-казахстанское совместное строительство «цифрового шелкового пути» на фоне СОУЮ-19: возможности, вызовы и пути

Ян Лиюнь

Институт по изучению экономики и общества Казахстана Чжэцзянского университета финансов и экономики, г. Ханчжоу, Китай

E-mail: 957033309@qq.com

Аннотация. Вспышка пандемии COVID-19 оказала серьезное влияние на социально-экономическое развитие Китая и Казахстана, в процессе борьбы с эпидемией и восстановлением экономики была подчеркнута мощь цифровых технологий. Пандемия создала новые возможности для развития глобальной цифровой экономики, а также дала новую возможность Китаю

112 Sociopolitical Sciences Vol. 12. No. 1. 2022 ISSN 2223-0092 (print) ISSN 2310-7065 (online)

Yang Liyun

и Казахстану совместно строить «Цифровой шелковый путь». В то же время на фоне пандемии COVID-19 Китай и Казахстан сталкиваются со многими проблемами для совместного построения «Цифрового Шелкового пути», включая политические риски, цифровое управление и безопасность, вмешательство третьих стран и другие препятствия. В будущем Китай и Казахстан могут начать сотрудничество путем совершенствования системы оценки рисков, повышения уровня цифрового управления и укрепления стратегического взаимного доверия между Китаем и Казахстаном и др., чтобы ускорить строительство Китайско-казахстанского "Цифрового шелкового пути".

Ключевые слова: пандемия COVID-19, цифровая экономика, китайско-казахстанское сотрудничество, цифровой «Шелковый путь»

Благодарности. Данная статья является результатом исследования общего научно-исследовательского проекта Управления образования провинции Чжэцзян в 2019 г, «Исследование механизма и путей китайско-казахстанского цифрового экономического сотрудничества в условиях эпидемии», номер проекта Y202044893.


As a new economic form, countries around the world generally regard the digital economy as a new driving force and a new direction to promote the high-quality development of their own economies. Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed to jointly build a "Digital Silk Road" at the first "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum held in 2017, which immediately received positive responses from countries along the "Belt and Road" including Kazakhstan. The sudden outbreak of the pandemic has had a serious negative impact on the economy and society of China and Kazakhstan. During the fight against the pandemic, the potential of the digital economy has been further stimulated, which has largely hedged the negative impact of the new crown epidemic. As early as 2018, China and Kazakhstan signed a memorandum of cooperation on digital economy, aiming to jointly promote the construction of the "Digital Silk Road" between China and Kazakhstan. The pandemic has further accelerated China-Kazakhstan digital cooperation, but also brought challenges to China-Kazakhstan digital cooperation. Studying the opportunities, challenges and paths of China-Kazakhstan digital economic cooperation under the background of the pandemic is of positive significance for the two sides to jointly build the "Digital Silk Road" and promote the development of bilateral cooperation to a wider field and a higher level after the pandemic.


Since independence in 1991, Kazakhstan's economy and society have developed rapidly, and its GDP has been on an upward trend. In 2020, Kazakhstan's GDP fell for the first time due to the impact of the pandemic. The Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan, R. Dalenov, stated at the government plenary meeting in 2021 that Kazakhstan's gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 2.6% in 2020. The service sector has been hit hard [1]. According to the World Bank's 2020 Summer Report on the Kazakhstan Economy, from Kazakhstan Economic

Update: Navigating the Crisis, the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic are the biggest economic difficulties that Kazakhstan has experienced in the last 20 years. In April 2020, Kazakhstan's national currency, the tenge, once depreciated by 15%, and the price of food products rose by 10.7% in May. According to predictions, the pandemic will widen the income gap in Kazakhstan and exacerbate poverty [2]. Under the constraints of a combination offactors such as falling energy commodity prices, shrinking trade scale, and pandemic prevention measures, Kazakhstan's economic vitality has slowed down significantly. The pandemic directly affects the work and income of people in Kazakhstan. According to data from the Statistical Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan, only 10% of Kazakhs reached the average salary (about 2.500 tenge/month) in the first quarter of 2021 [3]. The suspension of business activities by most Kazakh companies during the pandemic is one of the main factors behind the decline in Kazakh income levels. According to a study conducted by consultancy KPMG, Kazakhstan's industries including non-productive retail, aviation, oil and gas, mining, transportation, electricity and services are the most vulnerable to the epidemic prevention measures. 70% of companies were forced to cut administrative costs, which effectively meant fewer jobs or lower wages [4]. The pandemic has also had an impact on the political situation in Kazakhstan. Undercurrents are surging within the Kazakh ruling team. Kazakhstan's "two-headed politics" has made Kazakh elites generally believe that Tokayev is a transitional figure. It remains to be seen whether he is the real favorite successor of the first President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Therefore, the political forces of various factions have not stopped competing for power [5]. The sudden pandemic has caused varying degrees of impact on China's economy at the macro, meso, and micro levels. According to the national economic data for the first quarter released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China in April 2020, the new crown pneumonia epidemic has had a relatively large impact on China's economic operation, and major economic indicators have declined significantly [6]. As the downward pressure on the economy increases, the demand is not particularly strong, and key groups, including rural migrant workers and college graduates, are under greater

employment pressure. In terms of import and export, China, as the world's largest exporter, is also under pressure in the export industry. Affected by the global epidemic and weak external demand, in the first quarter of 2020, the total import and export value of China's trade in goods was 6.57 trillion RMB, down 6.4% from the same period last year [7]. China is in the stage of high-quality development, and the service industry has the highest proportion and economic contribution. In the pre-pandemic period, industries directly related to consumption, such as catering, accommodation, tourism, and retail, were the most severely affected. According to China's civil aviation data, from January 27 to February 12, 2020, the passenger volume of Chinese airlines was 10.21 million, a sharp drop of 70% compared with the same period in the Spring Festival last year, and the average passenger load factor was less than 45% layoffs [8]. Under the background of the systematic shutdown of economic activities caused by the outbreak of the pandemic, enterprises are facing enormous pressure to survive, especially small and medium-sized enterprises. A national questionnaire survey on the operating conditions and problems faced by Chinese small, medium and micro enterprises in the context of the pandemic shows that 37.0% of Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises can only maintain their cash balances for one month, and 31.6% of them can maintain it for two months, and 17.2% for 3 months. If enterprises cannot receive timely policy support and assistance in the process of epidemic prevention, a large number of small, medium and micro enterprises will face the risk of bankruptcy [9]. The impact of the pandemic on China's economy is short-term. Thanks to the Chinese government's proper planning and coordination, it not only quickly curbed the spread of the epidemic, but also brought the Chinese economy back to the growth track in a short period of time, and residents' income and the economy achieved synchronous growth. According to the bulletin of the National Bureau of Statistics of China, according to preliminary calculations, China's gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020 exceeded 100 trillion RMB, an increase of 2.3% over the previous year, and the total economic volume hit a new record high [10].


During the pandemic, countries including China and Kazakhstan took strict prevention and control measures, which had a certain impact on their own economies and society. As a new path for the transformation and upgrading of the economic field, the digital economy has spawned new momentum for economic growth. The pandemic has made countries more aware of the value and importance of digital technology and economic and social digitization, and the demands of countries to develop the digital economy have become stronger. All these provide a good social environment for China and Kazakhstan to jointly build the "Digital Silk Road" in the post-epidemic era.

First, pandamic catalyzes the development of digital economy in China and Kazakhstan. Affected by the pandemic, the global economy continues to slump, and the digital economy is showing a trend of reverse growth. According to a report by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, in 2020, the digital

economy will become a new driving force for China's economic recovery and economic growth. First, China's digital economy has risen against the trend in the epidemic. In 2020, China's digital economy will show a vigorous development trend, and the scale will expand from 2.6 trillion RMB in 2005 to 39.2 trillion RMB. Second, the digital economy has effectively stabilized the downward trend of the economy under the impact of the pandemic. Third, the development of industrial digitalization has been further promoted, and new digital formats and models such as online office, online education, and online video have flourished. In 2020, the digital economy of China's service industry, industry and agriculture will account for 407%, 21.0% and 8.9% of the added value of the industry respectively, and the digital transformation of the industry will accelerate [11].

From the perspective of the Chinese government, since the outbreak of the pandemic, both the central government and local governments have strengthened the strategic guidance of the digital economy. In the 2020 government work report of China's 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), 26 provinces including autonomous regions and municipalities clearly want to vigorously develop the digital economy. At the end of 2020, most regions in China issued special policies for the digital economy, including action plans for digital economy development and industrial planning [12].

The epidemic prevention and restriction measures adopted by Kazakhstan during the epidemic also invisibly accelerated the digitalization process in Kazakhstan. R. Dale-nov, Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan, once said that during the epidemic, e-commerce in Kazakhstan developed rapidly, the industry scale expanded by 6%, and the amount of cashless payments increased by about double [13]. Kazakh Prime Minister A. Mamin said at the "Digital Almaty 2021" forum that the digital development of all economic sectors and people's lives in Kazakhstan has shown an unprecedented speed due to the pandemic. Kazakhstan has also made remarkable achievements in digital construction. Under the national planning framework of "Digital Kazakhstan", Kazakhstan will complete the construction of 20.000 kilometers of optical fiber communication lines in 2020. More than 1.000 mobile communication base stations have been installed, greatly reducing the technological gap between regions. The Internet coverage rate in Kazakhstan has reached 99%, and the proportion of online handling of public affairs has reached 93%. Kazakhstan ranks 29th in the UN ranking of e-government development level in 2020, increasing by 10 [14].

At the same time, during the epidemic, Kazakhstan improved the national plan of "Digital Kazakhstan" and identified ten priorities, including: developing human intelligence, developing financial technology and e-commerce, and developing digital tools for public safety [15].

Second, pandamic creates new opportunities for China and Kazakhstan to further jointly build the "Digital Silk Road". Before the outbreak of the pandemic, China-Kazakhstan digital economic cooperation already had a good foundation. In 2018, China and Kazakhstan signed the "Memorandum of Understanding between the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Information and Communications of Kazakhstan on Strengthening

Yang Liyun

Digital Economy Cooperation". The Memorandum of Understanding on Business Cooperation aims to jointly promote the construction of the "Digital Silk Road" between China and Kazakhstan. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, China-Kazakhstan offline cooperation has been hindered, online cooperation has ushered in new opportunities for development, and the field of China-Kazakhstan digital cooperation has been further expanded. In the future, the cooperation between China and Kazakhstan in the fields of promoting digital industrialization and industrial digitization, network security governance, big data, digital economy and real economy integration will be promising. Affected by the epidemic, cross-border e-commerce has become a new form of China-Kazakhstan economic and trade cooperation. The Kazakh government and enterprises are actively promoting cooperation with Chinese e-commerce platforms such as Alibaba. Omerbek Bashtay, the Director of Ministry of Trade and Integration Republic of Kazakhstan and Director of export promotion Department, revealed in an interview that 100 Kazakhstani companies have registered on Alibaba's electronic trading platform. It has obtained a gold supplier account on Alibaba, and more than 4.000 Kazakhstan products have been listed on the Alibaba trading platform [16]. In the future, China can share the development experience of e-commerce with Kazakhstan, and actively expand the cross-border e-commerce market between the two countries.

As early as the 2018 China Central Economic Work Conference, the positioning of new infrastructure construction such as 5G and artificial intelligence was clarified. With the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020, China's emphasis on new infrastructure has increased significantly. The dependence of new infrastructure on non-ferrous metals such as copper and aluminum is significantly higher than that of traditional infrastructure projects. As a country that relies on energy to drive economic development, Kazakhstan is known as the "treasure house of non-ferrous metals". According to the Ministry of Commerce of China, China has become the largest export destination of Kazakhstan's ferroalloys [17]. The rapid development of China's digital economy has a large gap in energy demand. Strengthening cooperation between China and Kazakhstan can realize the complementarity of resource supply and demand. In the post-epidemic era, the two countries can strengthen and deepen cooperation in areas such as digital technology, resources and energy, and industrial chains, and leverage their respective comparative advantages to achieve win-win results and symbiosis.

Third, pandamic has broadened new areas of China-Kazakhstan digital cooperation. At present, the pandemic is still raging around the world. The safety and health of residents are important issues that China and Kazakhstan are currently considering. Since the outbreak of the pandemic in China, with the in-depth integration of new-generation information technologies such as big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence with transportation, medical care and other fields, it has provided powerful information for statistical analysis of epidemic information, tracking of confirmed cases, research and judgment of epidemic situation, and epidemic prediction. support. At present, China-Kazakhstan digital cooperation mostly focuses on the economic and energy fields. In the future, China and Kazakhstan can strengthen

cooperation in the fields of digital anti-epidemic, digital health, and digital medical care, including mutual recognition of health codes, and joint scientific research in epidemic prevention, diagnosis and treatment methods.



The outbreak of pandemic has brought historic opportunities for China-Kazakhstan digital economic cooperation. At the same time, both sides need to pay attention to the obstacles and challenges in the process of cooperation. Affected by the pandemic, unstable factors have increased around the world, and the situation has become more volatile. At the beginning of the new year in 2022, riots broke out in Kazakhstan. Although the riots were quickly subsided, the riots reflected many problems in Kazakhstan's political and economic transformation process under the background of the epidemic. From the perspective ofpolitical factors, Su Chang, deputy director and researcher of the Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperation High-end Cooperation Think Tank of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that in recent years, Central Asian countries have been in a period of high incidence of political risks, and the core of political risks is the transfer of power [18]. From an economic point of view, affected by the pandemic, the economic growth performance is not good, and the currency exchange rate of Kazakhstan has been weak for a long time, which has seriously damaged the lives of the people of Kazakhstan. Habit Koishebayev, Kazakhstan's ambassador to China, said that in recent years, some people in Kazakhstan have indeed encountered difficulties in the field of people's livelihood, which is also related to the lower living standards caused by the pandemic [19]. Political risks and economic difficulties may intensify the instability of the social situation in Kazakhstan. This instability increases the uncertainty of Chinese-related digital companies investing in Kazakhstan, which may bring certain challenges to China-Kazakhstan digital economic cooperation challenge.

After the outbreak of the epidemic, the digital economy has developed rapidly. The new generation of digital technologies represented by 5G, artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, etc. has changed the transmission method of data and information, opening a new era of digital globalization [20].

However, the speed of formulation of policies and regulations related to the digital economy is far behind the development speed of the globalization of the digital economy. At present, countries including China and the United States have promulgated relevant regulations for their own digital governance. In 2020, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China issued the "Data Security Law (Draft)", and in 2022, the "14th Five-Year Plan" for the Digital Economy Development Plan issued by the State Council of China. In 2020, the state of California voted to pass the California Privacy Rights Act ("CPRA"), but these laws and regulations rarely involve digital transnational or trans-regional governance and regulation. The joint construction of the "Digital Silk Road" between China and Kazakhstan cannot avoid risks and challenges associated

with digital governance, digital supervision, and digital security. At present, China and Kazakhstan have not yet formed clear and unified rules and mutual coordination mechanisms in many fields such as digital governance and data cross-border security, which will cause certain obstacles to cross-border digital investment and trade. In the future, in the process of jointly building the "Digital Silk Road", the two parties need to jointly determine the digital governance and supervision standards and rules in many fields such as cross-border e-commerce payment methods, customs electronic ports, cross-border tax supervision, and data flow security. [21]

Kazakhstan is located in the hinterland of the Eurasian continent, in what geopolitical scientists call the "heartland", and has always been an important place in the game of great powers. Kazakh Foreign Minister Mukhtar Tleu-berdi has said that the United States is one of Kazakhstan's largest economic partners and investors. Currently, there are more than 500 American companies in Kazakhstan engaged in machinery, IT platforms and other fields [22]. In August 2021, when Kazakh First Deputy Foreign Minister, Sh. Nuryshev, met with Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs and Political Affairs Tetsu Nakanishi, the two sides reached consensus on further promoting investment cooperation in digitalization, finance and other fields. Japan is one of the top ten investment countries in Kazakhstan. To date, Japan's investment in Kazakhstan's economy has totaled more than $7 billion [23]. Digital cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan is also in full swing. In 2021, Kazakh Prime Minister, A. Mamin, and Sberbank President, G. Gref, signed a memorandum of cooperation aimed at promoting the digital transformation of Kazakhstan [24]. In recent years, South Korea has expanded its investment in Kazakhstan. In 2021, Kazakh President Tokaev said at the Korea-Kazakhstan Business Roundtable that South Korea is a globally recognized leader in economic digitalization and a pioneer in 5G networks, and invited South Korean companies to participate in Kazakhstan. Implementation of 5G projects [25]. At present, the world's digital powers are aware of the potential of Central Asia to develop the digital economy, continue to expand their influence in Central Asia, and further accelerate the digital layout in Central Asia. The digital game of many countries in Kazakhstan will inevitably affect Kazakhstan's choice of building its own digital economy partners. In the face of a complex competitive environment, how China can better demonstrate its digital advantages and the concept of win-win cooperation is one of the issues that needs to be considered.

In addition, the United States continues to strengthen its competitive strategy against China, which may bring many obstacles to the joint construction of the "Digital Silk Road" between China and Kazakhstan. In the battle for world market share of 5G technology, the United States has always regarded China as its biggest competitor, and has used various excuses such as national security to suppress ICT companies in an all-round way, so as to achieve the purpose of curbing the development of China's digital economy. In the future, the cooperation between China and Kazakhstan in the digital economy may continue to cause interference from the United States. This is also an issue that both China and Kazakhstan need to be vigilant about.



At present, China and Kazakhstan have a good foundation in cultivating digital talents and building digital platforms. China and Kazakhstan have reached broad consensus on jointly building the "Digital Silk Road". In the future, China and Kazakhstan can carry out targeted cooperation based on the current opportunities and challenges of digital economic cooperation.

First, deepen China-Kazakhstan cooperation and establish a sound risk assessment system and early warning mechanism. On the basis of solid cooperation in the fields of politics, economy and trade in recent years, China and Kazakhstan have formed a community with a shared future. In 2019, China-Kazakhstan relations have been upgraded to a permanent comprehensive strategic partnership. The riot in Kazakhstan once again proved the complexity of the situation in Central Asian countries including Kazakhstan. In the face of possible political and economic risks, it is necessary to build a risk assessment system to judge the investment risk status of Kazakhstan, and to strengthen the Real-time monitoring of investment projects and contingency plans. In addition, in response to potential risks, Chinese companies can actively participate in the construction of public diplomacy, strengthen contacts with the Kazakh government, media, etc., to form an advantage in public opinion, and at the same time establish a positive image in Kazakh, thereby reducing the impact of various risks on business projects.

Second, jointly promote digital governance and create a healthy and win-win digital cooperation environment. The global nature of the digital economy requires more dialogue, consensus-building and decision-making at the international level [26]. Cooperation and exchanges in the field of digital governance are an important part of the joint construction of the "Digital Silk Road" between China and Kazakhstan. In the future, the Chinese and Kazakh governments and related enterprises can sign digital trade agreements through multiple mechanisms such as the World Digital Economy Forum, Business Negotiations, and Internet Governance Forum+, and establish the China-Kazakhstan Digital Economy Governance General Network to confirm the safety and mutual protection of cross-border data flow. Promote the alignment of China-Kazakhstan policies and regulations in digital-related fields, further strengthen the interconnection between China and Kazakhstan in data information services, data management rules, and data protection, and create a good environment for the high-quality construction of the "Digital Silk Road" between China and Kazakhstan.

Third, further strengthen China-Kazakhstan digital cooperation and continue to enhance China-Kazakhstan strategic mutual trust. The United States' strategy for the Belt and Road Initiative has moved from behind the scenes to the foreground, from words to actions, and from tactical games to strategic competition [27]. In the future, the United States may be more proactive in hedging and interfering with the construction of the "Digital Silk Road". In this regard, the Chinese and

Yang Liyun

Kazakh governments should further enhance the strategic mutual trust between the two sides, implement the signed cooperation agreement, promote the connection between the "Digital Silk Road" initiative and the "Digital Kazakhstan" national plan, and create a "Digital Silk Road" for both sides to jointly build good political climate. In the face of increasingly fierce digital competition, China can take advantage of its technological advantages at the enterprise level, and other financing projects such as the Silk Road Fund will further consolidate the construction of Kazakhstan's digital infrastructure, and at the same time deepen the cooperation between the two countries in 5G networks, artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, etc. cooperation in the field. On the premise of respecting the cultural customs of Kazakhstan, Chinese enterprises should give full play to their own technological advantages and take practical actions to jointly build the China-Kazakhstan "Digital Silk Road".


1. Kazakhstan's GDP shrank by 2.6% in 2020 [Electronic resource]. URL: https://informburo.kz/novosti/vvp-kazahstana-sokratilsya-na-2-6-v-2020-godu

2. World Bank report: Kazakhstan faces worst economic difficulties in 20 years [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.sohu.com/ a/409332143_123753?tc_tab=news&block=news&index=2

3. The average salary in Kazakhstan in the first quarter of 2021 was 231.000 tenge [Electronic resource]. URL: https:// www.inform.kz/cn/2021-23-1_a3782931

4. Poverty virus: how COVID-19 destroys jobs and incomes of Kazakhstanis [Electronic resource]. URL: https://ekonomist. kz/kovyazina/virus-bednosti/

5. ZhangNing. The impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic on the "Belt and Road" cooperation in Central Asia. Russian Academic Journal. 2021. No. 1. Pp. 84-97.

6. The spokesperson of the National Bureau of Statistics answered reporters' questions on the operation of the national economy in the first quarter of 2020 [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjsj/sjjd/202004/t20200417_1739461. html

7. Analysis of the economic data in the first quarter [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2020-04/18/ content_5503740.htm

8. How difficult is the road to "self-rescue" in the aviation industry in the cold winter? [Electronic resource]. URL: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1672060654873705298&wfr =spider&for=pc

9. Zhu. Wuxiang, Zhang Ping, Li Pengfei, Wang Ziyang. Dilemma of small, medium and micro enterprises and policy efficiency improvement under the impact of the epidemic. Managing the World. 2020. No. 4. Pp. 13-25.

10. China Academy of Information and Communications Technology. "White Paper on China's Digital Economy Development (2021)" [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.stats.gov.cn/ tjsj/zxfb/202102/t20210227_1814154.html

11. China Academy of Information and Communications Technology. "White Paper on China's Digital Economy Development (2021)" 2021. Pp. 4-7 [Electronic resource]. URL: https:// coffee.pmcaff.com/article/13701912_j

12. Summary of digital economy policies in China and various provinces and cities in 2021 [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.sohu.com/aZ449528448_468714

13. How much was Kazakhstan's GDP in 2020 [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.the-village-kz.com/village/ city/news-city/15661-skolko-sostavil-vvp-kazahstana-po-itogam-2020-goda?utm_source=yxnews&utm_medium= desktop


The economic and technological circles of China and Kazakhstan have generally recognized the importance of jointly building the "Digital Silk Road", and at the same time recognized that digital cooperation is an important growth point for practical cooperation between the two countries. The value of the "Digital Silk Road" in the post-pandemic era will be more prominent. China and Kazakhstan share many common interests in the joint construction of the "Digital Silk Road", and at the same time face many challenges, including cross-border data governance, digital security, interference from other countries, etc. In this regard, China and Kazakhstan should continue to strengthen strategic mutual trust and deepen Expand digital cooperation and work together to build a "sustainable and green development partnership" to better consolidate the overall situation of China-Kazakhstan cooperation.


1. ВВП Казахстана сократился на 2,6% в 2020 году [Electronic resource]. URL: https://informburo.kz/novosti/vvp-kazahsta-na-sokratilsya-na-2-6-v-2020-godu

2. World Bank report: Kazakhstan faces worst economic difficulties in 20 years [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www. sohu.com/a/409332143_123753?tc_tab=news&block=news &index=2

3. The average salary in Kazakhstan in the first quarter of 2021 was 231.000 tenge [Electronic resource]. URL: https:// www.inform.kz/cn/2021-23-1_a3782931

4. Вирус бедности: как COVID-19 разрушает рабочие места и доходы казахстанцев [Electronic resource]. URL: https:// ekonomist.kz/kovyazina/virus-bednosti/

5. Zhang Ning. The impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic on the "Belt and Road" cooperation in Central Asia. Russian Academic Journal. 2021. No. 1. Pp. 84-97.

6. The spokesperson of the National Bureau of Statistics answered reporters' questions on the operation of the national economy in the first quarter of 2020 [Electronic resource]. URL: http:// www.stats.gov.cn/tjsj/sjjd/202004/t20200417_1739461.html

7. Analysis of the economic data in the first quarter [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2020-04/18/ content_5503740.htm

8. How difficult is the road to "self-rescue" in the aviation industry in the cold winter? [Electronic resource]. URL: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1672060654873705298&wfr =spider&for=pc

9. Zhu. Wuxiang, Zhang Ping, Li Pengfei, Wang Ziyang. Dilemma of small, medium and micro enterprises and policy efficiency improvement under the impact of the epidemic. Managing the World. 2020. No. 4. Pp. 13-25.

10. China Academy of Information and Communications Technology. "White Paper on China's Digital Economy Development (2021)" [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.stats.gov.cn/ tjsj/zxfb/202102/t20210227_1814154.html

11. China Academy of Information and Communications Technology. "White Paper on China's Digital Economy Development (2021)" 2021. Pp. 4-7 [Electronic resource]. URL: https:// coffee.pmcaff.com/article/13701912_j

12. Summary of digital economy policies in China and various provinces and cities in 2021 [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.sohu.com/a/449528448_468714

13. Сколько составил ВВП Казахстана по итогам 2020 года [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.the-village-kz. com/village/city/news-city/15661-skolko-sostavil-vvp-kazahstana-po-itogam-2020-goda?utm_source=yxnews &utm_medium=desktop

14. The economy of Kazakhstan has shown high resilience to the pandemic [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www. zakon.kz/5056909-ekonomika-kazahstana-pokazala-vysokuyu.html

15. Kazakhstan formulates a new version of the national plan for "Digital Kazakhstan" [Electronic resource]. URL: http://kz.mof-com.gov.cn/article/jmxw/202010/20201003010533.shtml

16. 100 Kazakhstan "gold medal suppliers" settled in Alibaba's e-commerce platform [Electronic resource]. URL: https:// www.sohu.com/a/490252379_275039

17. China becomes Kazakhstan's largest export destination for ferroalloys [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.mofcom. gov.cn/article/i/jyjl/e/202102/20210203037204.shtml

18. Will the domestic unrest in Kazakhstan affect the safe transportation of the China-Kazakhstan oil and gas pipeline? [Electronic resource]. URL: https://baijiahao.baidu. com/s?id=1721212990042355334&wfr=spider&for=pc

19. Where is Kazakhstan heading after the riots? Kazakhstan's ambassador to China responded [Electronic resource]. URL: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1721713233309683183&w-fr=spider&for=pc

20. Chen Yan, Zhang Ping. The connotation, characteristics and development trend of digital globalization. People's Forum. 2021. No. 5. Pp. 26-29.

21. WangHaiyan. China and Central Asian Countries Jointly Building the Digital Silk Road: Foundation, Challenge and Path. Research on International Issues. 2020. No. 2. Pp. 107-136.

22. Over 16 years, the United States has invested more than $45 billion in the economy of Kazakhstan [Electronic resource]. URL: https://kapital.kz/economic/98976/za-16-let-ssha-inve-stirovali-v-ekonomiku-kazakhstana-boleye-45-mlrd.html

23. First Deputy Foreign Minister Nureyshev met with Japanese Senator Tetsuya Nakanishi [Electronic resource]. URL: https:// lenta.inform.kz/cn/article_a3828835

24. Kazakhstan and Russia signed a memorandum of cooperation in the field of digitalization [Electronic resource]. URL: https:// www.kt.kz/rus/economy/_1377920928.html

25. Kazakhstan and South Korea signed agreements for $1.7 billion [Electronic resource]. URL: https://kapital.kz/econom-ic/97977/kazakhstan-i-yuzhnaya-koreya-podpisali-soglash-eniya-na-1-7-mlrd.html

26. United Nations: Digital Economy Report 2019 [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.sohu.com/a/340021751_286727

27. Ren Yuanzhe, Cao Xiaoyun. The United States begins to lay out the realistic resistance to the "Belt and Road". World Knowledge. 2019. No. 12. Pp. 63-65.

14. Экономика Казахстана показала высокую устойчивость в пандемию [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.zakon. kz/5056909-ekonomika-kazahstana-pokazala-vysokuyu.html

15. Kazakhstan formulates a new version of the national plan for "Digital Kazakhstan" [Electronic resource]. URL: http:// kz.mofcom.gov.cn/artide/jmxw/2020W20201003010533. shtml

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

16. 100 Kazakhstan "gold medal suppliers" settled in Alibaba's e-commerce platform [Electronic resource]. URL: https:// www.sohu.com/a/490252379_275039

17. China becomes Kazakhstan's largest export destination for ferroalloys [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.mofcom. gov.cn/article/i/jyjl/e/202102/20210203037204.shtml

18. Will the domestic unrest in Kazakhstan affect the safe transportation of the China-Kazakhstan oil and gas pipeline? [Electronic resource]. URL: https://baijiahao.baidu. com/s?id=1721212990042355334&wfr=spider&for=pc

19. Where is Kazakhstan heading after the riots? Kazakhstan's ambassador to China responded [Electronic resource]. URL: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1721713233309683183& wfr=spider&for=pc

20. Chen Yan, Zhang Ping. The connotation, characteristics and development trend of digital globalization. People's Forum. 2021. No. 5. Pp. 26-29.

21. Wang Haiyan. China and Central Asian Countries Jointly Building the Digital Silk Road: Foundation, Challenge and Path. Research on International Issues. 2020. No. 2. Pp. 107-136.

22. За 16 лет США инвестировали в экономику Казахстана более $45 млрд [Electronic resource]. URL: https://kapital.kz/ economic/98976/za-16-let-ssha-investirovali-v-ekonomiku-kazakhstana-boleye-45-mlrd.html

23. First Deputy Foreign Minister Nureyshev met with Japanese Senator Tetsuya Nakanishi [Electronic resource]. URL: https:// lenta.inform.kz/cn/article_a3828835

24. Казахстан и Россия подписали меморандум о сотрудничестве в сфере цифровизации [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.kt.kz/rus/economy/_1377920928.html

25. Казахстан и Южная Корея подписали соглашения на $1,7 млрд [Electronic resource]. URL: https://kapital.kz/ economic/97977/kazakhstan-i-yuzhnaya-koreya-podpisali-soglasheniya-na-1-7-mlrd.html

26. United Nations: Digital Economy Report 2019 [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.sohu.com/aZ340021751_286727

27. Ren Yuanzhe, Cao Xiaoyun. The United States begins to lay out the realistic resistance to the "Belt and Road". World Knowledge. 2019. No. 12. Pp. 63-65.

Статья проверена программой Антиплагиат

Kind Regards: Yu Muhong, Professor; Director at the Institute for Kazakhstan Economic and Social Studies of the Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics (Hangzhou, China)

Рецензен т: Ю Мухун, профессор; директор Института экономических и социальных исследований РК Чжэцзянского университета финансов и экономики (Ханчжоу, Китай)

Статья поступила в редакцию 14.01.2022, принята к публикации 06.02.2022 The article was received on 14.01.2022, accepted for publication 06.02.2022


Yang Liyun, Doctor; lecturer at the Institute for Kazakhstan Economic and Social Studies of the Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics. Hangzhou, China. ORCID: 0000-0001-8152-7020; E-mail: 957033309@qq.com


Ян Лиюнь, кандидат; преподаватель Института по изучению экономики и общества Казахстана Чжэцзянского университета финансов и экономики. Ханчжоу, Китай. ORCID: 0000-0001-8152-7020; E-mail: 957033309@ qq.com

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