Научная статья на тему 'Четыре важных этапа к повышению инновационной активности сотрудников'

Четыре важных этапа к повышению инновационной активности сотрудников Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Окулич-Казарин Валерий Петрович

Руководители каждой организации вынуждены искать пути для повышения инициативы и активности сотрудников. В данной статье описаны четыре важных этапа, обеспечивающие повышение инновационной активности сотрудников. Эти четыре этапа помогают руководителям организаций усилить конкурентные преимущества и увеличить доходы.

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Managers of every company have to seek ways to improve the innovative activity of personnel. Four red steps were identified to increase staff innovative activity. These four 4 red steps can provide the company with the rapid growth of competitive advantage and profit.

Текст научной работы на тему «Четыре важных этапа к повышению инновационной активности сотрудников»

УДК 378 ББК 65.291.6

В. П. Окулич-Казарин


Аннотация. Руководители каждой организации вынуждены искать пути для повышения инициативы и активности сотрудников. В данной статье описаны четыре важных этапа, обеспечивающие повышение инновационной активности сотрудников. Эти четыре этапа помогают руководителям организаций усилить конкурентные преимущества и увеличить доходы.

Ключевые слова: организационные изменения, персонал, инновационная активность, темперамент, холерик

V. Р. Okulich-Kazarin


Abstract. Managers of every company have to seek ways to improve the innovative activity of personnel. Four red steps were identified to increase staff innovative activity. These four 4 red steps can provide the company with the rapid growth of competitive advantage and profit.

Key words: organizational change, staff, personnel, innovative activity, temperament, choleric.


Global competition has forced companies to innovate. Managers have to seek ways to improve the innovative activity of personnel. Four types of temperament determine the attitude of innovation activity and resistance to change. Four red steps were identified to increase staff innovative activity. These red steps are:

- first, make a long-term Program of innovation,

- second, divide the Program on one-week stages,

- third, assign the choleric leaders stages.

And finally, immediately after the implementation of every stage declare the end of this stage to the employees.

These 4 red steps will help to increase staff innovative activity significantly.


Every minute many Companies are changing to save money. They change their structure or methods of operation, range or quality of the products, personnel policies or markets. They are doing all what we call innovation (organizational change).

Usually innovations are caused by reasons of a financial nature. Therefore, the attention of the leaders arechained to the financial and legal aspects of the events [1, p.1]. However, often employees become the "weak link" in the way of innovations. Often it is the staff that are resistant to innovation in their company. Why is this happening?

I asked myself this question. And I found a way to increase innovative activity of employees.

Review of the Literature There are many proposals to overcome the resistance of the staff. Basically, they recite the two groups of methods proposed by E. Hughes (1975) [2, 1], J. Kotter and L. Schlesinger (1979) [3, 7]. E. Hughes identified eight factors of overcoming resistance to change [2, 1-2]:

- Factor 1: accounting for reasons of behavior in company;

- Factor 2: the value of the authority of a leader;

- Factor 3: provision of information to the group;

- Factor 4: developing a common understanding;

- Factor 5: a sense of belonging to the group;

- Factor 6: the group's reputation for its members;

- Factor 7: support for changes to the leader of the group;

- Factor 8: awareness of group members.

J. Kotter and L. Schlesinger suggested the use of 6 methods of overcoming resistance to change [3,


- Information and communication;

- Participation and involvement;

- Assistance and support;

- Negotiations and agreements;

- Manipulation and co-optation;

- Explicit and implicit coercion.

S. Frolov (2001) identified technical, political, and cultural groups of causes resistance to organizational change [4].

Technical reasons were associated with the action terms, which are ways of connecting human and technical resources in the company. Political causes of resistance to change were connected with the redistribution of power in structural and cultural changes in the company. Cultural causes of resistance to change are associated with changes in the system of values and social norms enforced by the company.

Later, S. Frolov declared each group of reasons and found 14 of the reasons that need to be neutralized.

Using of the potential of leaders combines the first two groups of methods. Surprisingly, S. Frolov considers the problem of "no leaders" the cause of technical reasons [4]. He wrote that "the creation of a holistic vision of the organization depends on the activity of the instrumental leaders. They are able to direct actions of people and to organize the changes. It is obvious that the activity of leaders should be directed to the implementation of changes, otherwise the leader can only hinder innovation activity" [4, 5, 5] (the translation is ours, V. Okulich-Kazarin).

Thus, the analysis of the literature has shown that various authors have identified numerous types and causes of resistance to organizational change. These reasons are difficult to take into account in practice. In the end, modern researchers have only 2 ways to overcome resistance.

The first approach is a strategy with a focus on enforcement ("harsh methods"). This approach can lead to lasting success in exceptional cases. The desired behavior of a slave is determined by the fear of punishment, not conviction. Thus, the changes that ensure the company's stable and long-term business success cannot be achieved. There are short achievements in crisis periods only [5, 8].

The second approach is considered to be more effective (soft methods). It is based on the factors determining individual values, group norms and common goals. Employees should be motivated to change their company as compared to the old models and to develop a new system of duties. To do this, they create a program of organizational and cultural change. Rational elements find their place in the following programs. They are knowledge, planning, information, institutionalization.

Both approaches require some resources of a company.

However, there is one more approach.

When this approach is applied the company, as a system, seems to be passive. The company is in relative equilibrium until then, while there is no significant impact from the initiator of the innovation. The impact causes a negative feedback. They keep the system in balance and prevent the movement to the target [5, 9].

I agree that the resistance to innovation mobilizes the energy and not its fault. The problem is how to channel the available energy of resistance to innovation.

Understanding of resistance as energy of mobilization provides an opportunity to consider the resistance of innovation as a positive phenomenon [5, 9]. Now we can formulate the problem in a different way: what conditions are necessary for the using of the personnel energy to the company?

This approach is based on the using of the personnel wishes and energy to the innovation. This idea is developed by me in further research.

I will consider how to attract employees to innovative development of the company in the following example.

"FAIS-laboratory" (2014) believe that the universal solutions for organizational change does not exist. The employees of "FAIS-laboratory" believe that every enterprise requires an individual approach [3, 10]. Practice has proved the effectiveness of this approach. Therefore, the company "FAIS-laboratory" provides a special experimental material to employees of innovative companies at once. This material is a ready-made templates and forms, and it is not complete solution. Templates and forms should be filled with content. The instructions are developed by the "FAIS-laboratory" in advance.

This practice allows you to avoid unnecessary loss of time to find their own solutions to problems. On the other hand, this technique does not limit the creativity of the personnel of innovative enterprises. Upon completion of the next stage of the project associated with organizational changes, the specialists of "FAIS-laboratory" conduct training and certification of personnel [3, 10]. The training is aimed at consolidation of acquired skills.

I accepted the idea of separate stages for my studies. This is the second adopted idea of my research. The first idea that I borrowed, is to use the energy of employees to run the organizational changes.

Consolidation and development of these two ideas yielded positive results.


Four red steps to increase staff innovative activity were obtained by studying the experience and making the experiment. Our key research technique was to analyze some scientific sources and the behavior of a person under different terms. We used well-documented and powerful methods of analysis. All of our methods were economically justified.

While the exact methodologies used vary from field to field, the overall process is the same. First, we define of the question - what exactly we were trying to find out. We used the scientific method to search for conditions of staff innovative activity. In general we studied from 80 to 90 scientific sources on that interesting topic. After that we choose the most importent ones for a detailed analysis. We welcomed

alternative and non-traditional positions of researchers.

Next comes the formation of a hypothesis, which is the idea or explanation of a situation based on what is currently known.

The next stage of the method is the design of an experiment which will allow this hypothesis to be tested. Usually a primary run of the experiment is conducted, and any changes to the experimental conditions are made. Experiments are designed so that one or two variables are changed. Then the effects of the change are observed. In my experimental run data collection takes place, followed by data analysis.

Finally the data is interpreted and from this, we are able to draw conclusions. Then we create a new powerful method for increasing staff innovative activity.

Quantitative analysis to determine modeling uncertainty was not applied within the considered


The starting point for further analysis remain by way of assumptions published in [3-5].

One of the main ideas of the publication [3] suggests dividing the organizational change process into stages. In paper [5] is an interesting question asked: "what conditions must be created to direct the energy of the staff for the implementation of innovation?". Finally, S. Frolov in [4], attracts our attention to the using of leadership potential employees.

I assumed that organizational changes should be divided into short stages and an active employee shoold be appointed the head of each stage. Organisational changes will be implemented faster and easier in this case.

The materials used for further consideration are described elsewhere [6-8].

It is recognised that the separation of the process of organizational changes is very simple to perform. Description of a possible model of human response to changes is given in the work [6, 15-16]. I have summarized this model in the form of such scheme (pic. 1):

The Denial


The Resistance


The Study


The Involvement


The Traditionalization

Pic. 1. A possible model of human response to changes

It is difficult to direct the energy of the people's resistance to the implementation of the innovations. It is more difficult still to find people with great energy.

Finding people with the excessive energy is the purpose of further consideration. As a starting point we divided people into 4 temperaments.

It was more than 16 century ago, when Hippocrates [7, 16] divided people into four types. Since then, science has been enriched by numerous researches of behaviour of people. In these studies, scientists have tried to describe the kinds of people.

For example, the doctrine of И. П. Павлов (I. P. Pavlov) about the influence of the Central Nervous System on the dynamic behavior [8] distinguishes three main properties of the nervous system: strength, balance, mobility excitatory and inhibitory processes.

STRENG'th. A person retains a high level of efficiency in the long and intensive work. Even after losing power for some time, s/he quickly recovers. In some unexpected situations he keeps himself in hand. S/he does not lose courage, emotional tone. He does not react to the weak impact.

BALANCE. A person is calm and collected in the most exciting atmosphere. S/he inhibits unnecessary and inadequate desires without difficulty. S/he turns extraneous thoughts easily. S/he works equally, without random jerks and downs.

MOBILITY. A person has the ability to promptly and adequately react to changes in the situation. S/he denies habithal, but no good, stereotypes easily. S/he quickly acquires new skills in the new conditions. S/he moves from rest to activity and from one activity to the other without effort. Every one quickly arises and bright emotions. S/he is able to instant memory, faster paced action and speech.

Three main properties of the nervous system are combined in the form of four types of higher nervous activity [8]:

1) strong, balanced, flexible;

2) strong, balanced, inert;

3) strong, unbalanced;

4) weak.

The first type is sanguine temperament, the second - phlegmatic, third - choleric, the fourth -melancholic.

Soviet scientist В. Я. Верб (1986) taught that all people have the biological and social principles. These two principles are imprinted on the formation of temperament, character and intellect of people. Intellect and character belong to social principles. It is more susceptible to influence in the process of training, development and education of the person. Temperament refer to the biological principles. Adjustment of a temperament is almost impossible [7, 17]. Managers should consider temperament in the process of introduction of changes correctly.

Below we will consider the features of each temperament [8] in the context of innovation activity.

Sanguine has all the mentioned above qualities. This is a person with an optimally balanced strong-willed and communicative properties.

Phlegmatic has a high capacity for work. S/he is internally stable. However, s/he is "hard to start" and s/he is not able to refuse to develop skills and stereotypes. It is difficult for him/her to be engaged in a new situation. It is difficult for him/her to start and to finish work. His/her emotions manifest themselves slowly and gently. People with inert type fix firmly all they learned, they do not like to change habits, life, environment, work, friends. They are difficult and slow to adapt to new conditions.

Cholericis able to work a lot. S/he is ready for a quick response. People of this unbalanced type are explosive, short-tempered, they are not able to endure, to control their desire. They can easily result in irritability and aggressiveness.

Melancholic has a rapid decline in health. S/he needs a longer vacation. S/he depends upon small, insignificant impacts. S/he has overly emotional reaction to difficulties. Such people do not know how to endure prolonged or sudden stress. They are lost at the examinations, public speeches. They are timid and usually cry easily. Many people with a heightened suggestibility can be peaced among melancholic. However, because they have a high sensitivity of the nervous system, they often express themselves in creative abilities.

It seems highly probable that sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic will be inert to organizational changes. It may be reasonable to assume that it is a choleric who has the necessary qualities to leadership of short stages of innovations.

Let me consider my results.


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The purpose of my research was to find ways of increasing the innovation activity of employees. The data obtained showed that the efficiency of the innovative activity of staff can be improved. The thing is that one doesn't need to get every employee to be more active, energetic or loyal to organizational changes.


For several years the lecturers of the Taganrog Teacher's Training Universsity wanted to learn English. They required a special course of scientific for researchers. Lecturers wanted to write scientific articles up to scratch.

The organization of this course is a normal organizational change, as such course is not in the standard programs. Attempts to organize courses have failed, because the temperament of the course Director was not taken into account.

In October 2013 the heads of the Taganrog State Teachers Training University used a scientific approach to the execution of this change. Four red steps run an organization of English language courses for researchers.

Firstly. The decision to organize courses was adopted as a long-term project.

Secondly. Planning of English language courses for researchers was divided into 9 short stages

(pic. 2):

Marketing research of the market


Implementation of calculation of return on courses and substantiation rates


Designing patterns courses for researchers


Designing the content of courses


Search English instructors for the teaching


Preparation of sample programs courses


Discussion on the structure and rates of courses with lecturers


Grouping of lecturers on the program for 3 months


Publications of papers by the participants of the course

Pic. 2. A model of a real organizational change (step by step)

Thirdly. Organization of the courses was provided by an employee with a temperament:

- choleric - 38,90 %;

- sanguine - 36,11 %;

- phlegmatic - 19,44 %;

- melancholic - 5.55 %.

We adopted a pause of 1-2 weeks between stages. The separation of stages was a forced decision. Cause of pauses was that one person-choleric was responsible for the implementation of all stages. If the implementation of each stage was commissioned by a different choleric, the project would be implemented faster.

And finally. The end of each stage wasdeclared by the Heads of the Taganrog Teacher's Training University as a finished acting.

However, a striking difference was noted in comparison with the previous approach. Our organizational change was implemented easily and invisibly for the employees. We have not encountered resistance from employees to this innovation. The reason is that the innovation was absent on the mental level. Short separate stages existed for employees only.

Right now the fact that You are reading this scientific article and puts a big nice dot in the successful completion of our project.


In my research, institutional change was implemented in the form of English language courses for teachers.

It may not be correct to compare the results obtained with what has been before. It is widely accepted that previous results are equal to zero before innovation (organisational changes).

It may be reasonable to suppose that using the method of separation of innovations at the stage, companies can quickly and easily implement organizational changes.

The evidence suggests that based on the described approach, companies can use the energy of a choleric to implement organizational changes. Usually this energy is spent uselessly. And sometimes a choleric even harms the company, creating conflicts. When the head of the company appoints a choleric to lead stages of the project, s/he uses the energy of the choleric for the benefit of the company. At the same time s/he reduces the loss of time for making possible conflicts.

It seems that You need to divide the process of organizational changes in short stages. Next You need to find a choleric in Your Company. These cholerics do not need to be official leaders in the organization. These persons can occupy any position. And You have to ask these choleric to lead separate stages of organizational changes. And You should officially to declare the completion of each stage.

There is a strong possibility that the highlighted 4 red steps can provide the company with the rapid growth of competitive advantage and profit.

Works Cited

1. Коновалова, В. Преодолевая сопротивление персонала [Электронный ресурс] // Кадровик. Кадровый менеджмент. - 2009. - № 3. - Электрон. дан. - Режим доступа: http://www.vkaznu.ru/index.php?showtopic=8324.

2. Волкогонова, О. Методы преодоления сопротивления изменениям [Электронный ресурс]. - Электрон. дан.

- Режим доступа: http://www.rusconsult.ru/common/news/news_585.html.

3. Проблема сопротивления персонала изменениям в организации и пути их решения [Электронный ресурс].

- Электрон. дан. - Режим доступа: http://www.bibliofond.ru/view.aspx?id=510364.

4. Фролов, С. С. Социология организаций: учебник / С. С. Фролов. - М.: Гардарики, 2001. - 384 с.

5. Горбатенко, Е. Сопротивление организационным изменениям как проблема организационного развития // Как создать и продвигать новый тренинг или бизнес-семинар: мат-лы III-й конф. СПб Клуба консультантов и тренеров [Электронный ресурс]. - Электрон. дан. - Режим доступа: http://www.treko.ru/show_article_580.

6. Игнатьева, Н. М. Готовность педагогов к инновациям и развитие их инновационного потенциала. Отчет к районному Фестивалю педагогических проектов [Электрон. дан]. - Черлак, 2008. - Электрон. дан. - Режим доступа: http://www.docme.ru/doc/33006/gotovnost._-k-innovaciyam.

7. Окулич-Казарин, В. П. Предпосылки организации воспитательной работы в служебном коллективе: учеб. пособие / В. П. Окулич-Казарин, В. И. Алескеров, О. Н. Маслак. - М.: Изд-во МПГУ, 2012. - 88 с.

8. Режим доступа: http://www.vashpsixolog.ru/lectures-on-the-psychology/139-references-faq/889-the-physiological-basis-of-temperament.

УДК 378 ББК 74.247.2

Л. Я. Жилина


Аннотация. Автор указывает на несоответствие образовательных мер, предпринимаемых специалистами санаторных школ-интернатов, а также на отсутствие целостного подхода к социализации подростков. В статье обосновано значение медицинской, психологической и педагогической поддержки учащихся, инфицированных туберкулезом.

Ключевые слова: комплексная дезадаптация, подростки, санаторная школа-интернат, резистентно-адаптивная личность, медицинская, психологическая и педагогическая поддержка.

L. Ya. Zhilina



Abstract. The author points to the discrepancy of the educational measures taken by specialists at sanatorium boarding schools, as well as the absence of the holistic approach aimed at adolescents' socialization. In the paper is substantiated the value of medical, psychological and pedagogical support to the pupils infected with tuberculosis.

Key words: multiple disadaptations, adolescents, sanatorium boarding school, resistant-adaptive personality, medical, psychologicaland pedagogical support.


There is an urgent need to develop ways of overcoming disadaptation of adolescents with week health.To date, there has not been offered adequate funds. In this work is described level structure of adolescents' disadaptation with tuberculosis. Model of overcomingdisadaptation was developed. It includes medical, psychological and pedagogical components and takes into account the psychological, physiological and personal characteristics of pupils. Theoretical model must ensure the development of resistant-adaptive personality, which is characterized by somatic, psychological and social resistance, and providing its adaptation at all levels of life. Various specialists of boarding school were involved to implement the model, among them: doctors, teachers and a psychologist. The model has been tested and proved its efficiency.Disadaptation is increasingly recognized as a serious, worldwide public health concern and is a common problem in applied psychology.


In the contemporary Russian society a concern has been growing: a number of dysfunctional families increased,health of juvenile is rapidly deteriorated, incidence of tuberculosis reached the epidemic scale. The topic of my research is "Preventing and Overcoming Dysadaptation of Adolescents' In Sanatorium Boarding School: Some Ways and Opportunities". Pedagogical, medical and psychological support of children with the weakened health remains in focus of many scientists.

In the scientific literature there is a large number of works on the causes and patterns of disadaptation, its types and kinds. Disadaptation is singled out as the subject of special studies, methods to diagnose are developed, the behavioral manifestation is described has expanded. Currently, the range of works devoted to the study of medical-biological problems of disadaptation has expanded. At the same time this phenomenon is still understood incompletely.

Though support of children with the weakened health remains in sight of many scientists, an analysis of the scientific literature showed that studying and overcoming disadaptation among somatic attenuated tuberculosis of children and adolescents living in residential care, remains one of the actual psycho-pedagogical and social problems and requires medical, psychological and pedagogical scientific understanding. Sanatorium boarding schools have a special place among educational institutions. Stage of the sanatorium treatment is one of the basic in organization of specific and pathogenetic course of therapy. Experience shows that the opportunities of sanatorium boarding schools and their reserves are not enough. The aim of this work is to construct a model to perform a comprehensive investigation of disadaptation and define ways and coping capacities of the boarding school. This model will allow to realize the socialization of children with poor health more successfully.

Literature Review

The problem of adaptive and disadaptive processes has been debated in scientific research for a long time. Russian physiologists, psychiatristsand teachers have studied the influence of training on children's health since the end of the 19th century.

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