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Аннотация научной статьи по химическим технологиям, автор научной работы — Soltan Osama Ismaeil Ahmed, Anisimova Lyudmila Vitalyevna

The effect of fenugreek and lingonberry supplements, containing natural antioxidants and a lot of important nutrition components, on the chemical composition and antioxidant content of flour mixture based on whole oat flour were investigated. Oat flour was produced using hydrothermal treatment, which included intensive moistening of the grain in the vacuum unit, standing, and drying. In addition to whole oat flour, the high-grade wheat flour, dry wheat gluten, and fenugreek seed powder or dried lingonberry powder were added to the flour composite mixture. The chemical composition of raw material and flour composite such as protein, carbohydrates, fat, and moisture was determined. Besides, antioxidant components, like Vitamin C and flavonoids in raw material and flour composites were investigated. From results, it has been established that adding fenugreek seed powder and dried lingonberry powder to flour composite based on oat flour leads to significant enhancing in the chemical composition and antioxidant compounds: the addition of the fenugreek seed powder led to the increase of protein content in the flour composite. Furthermore, adding dried lingonberry powder and fenugreek seed powder led to a slight effect on carbohydrates. The addition of fenugreek seed powder has the greatest effect on the content of flavonoids. In addition, vitamin C was significantly increased by the addition of lingonberry. According to, the results of our research can recommend the addition of fenugreek seed powder and lingonberry to oat-wheat flour composite leading to improvement of its nutritional and antioxidant properties.

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05.18.01 - Технология обработки, хранения и переработки злаковых, бобовых культур, крупяных продуктов, плодоовощной продукции и виноградарства (технические науки) DOI: 10.25712/ASTU.2072-8921.2019.02.005 УДК 664.786


O. I. A. Soltan, L. V. Anisimova

The effect of fenugreek and lingonberry supplements, containing natural antioxidants and a lot of important nutrition components, on the chemical composition and antioxidant content of flour mixture based on whole oat flour were investigated. Oat flour was produced using hydrothermal treatment, which included intensive moistening of the grain in the vacuum unit, standing, and drying. In addition to whole oat flour, the high-grade wheat flour, dry wheat gluten, and fenugreek seed powder or dried lingonberry powder were added to the flour composite mixture. The chemical composition of raw material and flour composite such as protein, carbohydrates, fat, and moisture was determined. Besides, antioxidant components, like Vitamin C and flavonoids in raw material and flour composites were investigated. From results, it has been established that adding fenugreek seed powder and dried lingonberry powder to flour composite based on oat flour leads to significant enhancing in the chemical composition and antioxidant compounds: the addition of the fenugreek seed powder led to the increase of protein content in the flour composite. Furthermore, adding dried lingonberry powder and fenugreek seed powder led to a slight effect on carbohydrates. The addition of fenugreek seed powder has the greatest effect on the content of flavonoids. In addition, vitamin C was significantly increased by the addition of lingonberry.

According to, the results of our research can recommend the addition of fenugreek seed powder and lingonberry to oat-wheat flour composite leading to improvement of its nutritional and antioxidant properties.

Keywords: whole oat flour, wheat flour, hydrothermal treatment, fenugreek, lingonberry, dry wheat gluten, nutritional value, flour composite, chemical composition and antioxidant compounds.

The presence of food is one of the necessary factors of human existence. The nutritional value of food more importantly, which has a major role in the formation of human health. An important element of food since ancient times is cereal products. However, the shelf life of food products, including grain products, is very limited due to their exposure to various types of spoilage, such as fat oxidation and free radical formation. The nutritional value and persistence in food storage are determined by the characteristics of their chemical composition, including proteins, carbohydrates, fats, water, and other complex and simple substances.

Oats (Avena sativa L.) is a culture that attracts people's attention for its properties that promote health. These properties have made oats attractive for new food applications. The development of new foods using oats will lead to an expansion of the range of products based on it. However, the use of oats is limited due to its tendency to rancid and forms a bitter taste of an unpleasant odour during processing and storage [1]. So it was necessary to search for some food additives that improve the shelf life of the oat flour and at the same time improve its nutritional value.

Antioxidants have become a major important group of food additives, because their 22

mainly properties, were increased the shelf life of food products without sacrificing sensory and nutritional properties [2]. One of the most important natural additives for foods that have the role of antioxidant as well as strengthen the nutritional value is the fenugreek seed powder and lingonberry [3].

Fenugreek - a good source of many nutrients has medicinal properties. Its seeds are rich in vitamins A, C, folic acid, fibre, and various minerals. Adding fenugreek fibre to refined flour helps balance the ratio of soluble to insoluble fibre [4]. Fenugreek seeds are used as a spice to impart taste and flavour to food products, as well as in relatively large quantities they are added to soups and pancakes. Fenugreek has anti-diabetic, hepatoprotective, stimulates digestion [5, 6].

Lingonberry is another natural antioxidant and antiseptic. This berry has been included in the human diet since time immemorial. Lingonberry is widely used in many countries. Lingonberry has a higher antioxidant potential than other berries, such as blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, and raspberries [7]. Studies have shown that lingonberry has a high antioxidant activity, primarily due to the high level of polyphenolic compounds, including anthocyanins [8].

Due to the fact that much attention is currently being paid to healthy foods, there has ПОЛЗУНОВСКИЙ ВЕСТНИК № 2 2019

been a desire to develop and manufacture products that are superior in nutritional properties to those on the market and do not contain synthetic additives.

So, the aim of these research-studies the effect of fenugreek and lingonberry supplements on the nutritional and antioxidant content of flour mixture based on oat flour.

Oat flour was produced using hydrothermal treatment, which included intensive moistening of the grain in vacuum unit, standing and drying (Fig.1). The hydrothermal treatment method was used can significantly improve the efficiency of grain dehulling. At the same time, compared with the conventional hydrothermal treatment method of oats, which includes steaming the grain and drying, the native properties of whole oat flour obtained from hulled oat grain were more preserved by using of hydrothermal treatment of grain by intensive moistening.

Figure 1 - Experimental diagram

The experiments were carried out on a grain of oats (Avena sativa L.) harvest 2017, grown in the Altai Territory. Whole oat flour was produced from a hulled grain that was selected after dehulling of grain in a centrifugal oat dehuller. The hulled grain of oat was milled by Laboratory hammer Mill 3100 (Finland). Whole oat flour was obtained by passing through a metal mesh sieve No. 08.

For the preparation of flour composite with oat flour in the study used high-grade wheat flour. Natural food additives (fenugreek and ПОЛЗУНОВСКИЙ ВЕСТНИК № 2 2019

lingonberry) were purchased, cleaned and milled into a powder before adding to flour composite.

The chemical composition of raw materials and flour composite/mixture such as protein, fat and carbohydrates were determined in accordance to Official Methods of Analysis (AOAC 2000) [9].

Vitamin C for raw materials and flour composite/mixture was determined by using titretable methods in accordance to GOST 24556-89.

Total flavonoid content was determined on colour/ optical method for Rutin [10] and the results were expressed in milligram per g (mg/g).

The chemical composition results of raw materials are shown in Table 1. From the in the present results can be compared the moisture, protein, fat, and carbohydrates content for each component of flour composite.

Table 1 - Chemical composition of raw materials

Samples Moisture, % Protein, % Fat, % Carbohy-drates,%

Oat flour 12.0 13.0 6,8 64,9

Wheat flour 14.0 10,3 1,1 70,6

Fenugreek 8,8 23.0 6,4 58,3

Lingonberry 12,1 3.0 0,8 61.0

Dry gluten 8,2 75,1 1,8 13,7

The results show that the moisture content of wheat flour is in the standard value. As for oat flour, in the table indicates the moisture content of oat flour obtained using hydrothermal treatment with intensive moistening of the grain under vacuum. The results also show less moisture content for the dried gluten and fenugreek. On the other hand, dried lingonberry has high moisture content. The moisture content of dried lingonberry depends on the sugar level in them, which was 35.6 %. And sugar has a high water binding capacity.

Oat flour and fenugreek were distinguished by significantly higher protein content in comparison to wheat flour and lingonberry. Dry gluten records the highest protein content. Wheat flour contained a higher level of carbohydrates then oat flour which was mainly due to the presence of high starch content in wheat flour and p-glucans in oat flour.

On the other hand, whole oat flour showed high-fat content. Because it is known to be oat bran, in particular, is a good source of fat [11]. The fenugreek comes after oat flour in the order of the fat content.

Figure 2 shows the chemical composition of the flour composites. It is certain that the


chemical composition of the basic components of the flour composite has a clear effect on its chemical composition. It is noted that in the case of adding the fenugreek seed powder to the flour composite lead to observed a high proportion of protein in the composite [12]. The same effect was recorded with the addition of gluten. While adding lingonberry to flour composite led to a high percentage of carbohydrates [13] compared to other composites.


......Flour composite with fenugreek and gluten C

b Flour composite with fenugreek and without gluten '/, Flour composite with lingonberry and gluten

Figure 2- Chemical composition of flour composite

The results of the determination of the antioxidant compounds of fenugreek, lingonberry, and flour composites are shown in Fig. 3-4. Different antioxidants compounds have different antioxidant abilities [14].

Based on the data on the results of flavonoids compounds Fig.3, it is can to distinguish very high indices in fenugreek seed powder and lingonberry powder 28.8 and 18.8 mg/ g respectively. The highest concentration of flavonoid compounds was as observed from the results in the fenugreek seed powder. This is due to the containment of fenugreek seed on many flavonoid compounds such as vitexin, tricin, naringenin, and quercetin [15].

While the lowest flavonoids content were recorded in the whole oat flour. The high content of flavonoids compounds in fenugreek and lingonberry had a positive effect on the high flavonoids content of flour composite. On the other hand there was no major change between the flour composites in case of added lingonberry or fenugreek. This may be due to the low content of flavonoids compounds for oat flour, which is the main component of the flour composite.

Figure 3 - Flavonoids compound, mg/g

Figure 4 shows vitamin C content of fenugreek, lingonberry and flour composite. The results show that the content of vitamin C stands out lingonberry (10.9 mg / 100 g). And then comes in the order of the vitamin C content, its fenugreek (6.2 mg / 100 g).

Moreover, there is no significant difference in the vitamin C content in both flour composites. While, the antioxidant role of vitamin C is most fully manifested in the presence of active compounds, such as anthocyanins [16]. The lingonberry has a high content of anthocyanins. So, it can be said that the role of vitamin C as an antioxidant is more in the case of added berries to the flour composite.

Lingonberry Fenugreek Flour composite Flour composite with fenugreek with lingonberry

Figure 4 - Vitamin С content, mg/100 g

Thus, the addition of fenugreek seed powder and lingonberry to oat-wheat flour composite, which obtained by mixing high-grade wheat flour and oat flour obtained using intensive moistening of the grain under vacuum. This led to enhanced nutritional of flour composites and its antioxidant properties. On the dietary side, the addition of the fenugreek seed powder led to increasing of protein content in the flour composite. While adding fenugreek seed powder and lingonberry led to a slight effect on carbohydrates. But there has been no noticeable change in moisture and fat.

At the same time, the additions of natural antioxidants such as fenugreek seed powder and lingonberry have a positive effect on the

content of antioxidant compounds such as flavonoids and vitamin C. The addition of the fenugreek seed powder has the greatest effect on the flavonoid content. In addition, vitamin C was significantly increased by the addition of lingonberry.

According to the results of our research, can recommend the addition of fenugreek seed powder and lingonberry to oat-wheat flour composite led to improving its nutritional and antioxidant properties.


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Soltan Osama Ismaeil Ahmed, Assistant Lecturer, Department of Food Science, Minia University, El-Minia, Egypt, PhD student, Altai State Technical University (Polzunov), tel.: 8 (3852) 29-07-55, e-mail: o abosoltan@ yahoo.com.

Anisimova Lyudmila Vitalyevna, Docent, Department of Grain Storage and Processing Technology, Altai State Technical University (Polzunov), tel.: 8 (3852) 29-07-55, e-mail: anislv@mail.ru

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