CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYNOMIALS VIA A RAISING OPERATOR Текст научной статьи по специальности «Математика»

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orthogonal polynomials / сlassical polynomials / secondorder differential equation / raising operator / orthogonal polynomials / сlassical polynomials / secondorder differential equation / raising operator

Аннотация научной статьи по математике, автор научной работы — J. Souissi

This paper investigates a first-order linear differential operator 𝒥𝜉, where 𝜉 =(𝜉1, 𝜉2)\in C^2\(0, 0), and 𝐷=d/𝑑𝑥 . The operator is defined as 𝒥𝜉 := 𝑥(x𝐷+ I) + 𝜉1I+ 𝜉2𝐷, with I representing the identity on the space of polynomials with complex coefficients. The focus is on exploring the 𝒥𝜉-classical orthogonal polynomials and analyzing properties of the resulting sequences. This work contributes to the understanding of these polynomials and their characteristics.

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This paper investigates a first-order linear differential operator 𝒥𝜉, where 𝜉 =(𝜉1, 𝜉2)\in C^2\(0, 0), and 𝐷=d/𝑑𝑥 . The operator is defined as 𝒥𝜉 := 𝑥(x𝐷+ I) + 𝜉1I+ 𝜉2𝐷, with I representing the identity on the space of polynomials with complex coefficients. The focus is on exploring the 𝒥𝜉-classical orthogonal polynomials and analyzing properties of the resulting sequences. This work contributes to the understanding of these polynomials and their characteristics.


Probl. Anal. Issues Anal. Vol. 13 (31), No 1, 2024, pp. 71-81

DOI: 10.15393/j3.art.2024.14050


UDC 517.587, 517.521, 517.538.3

J. Souissi


Abstract. This paper investigates a first-order linear differential operator J^, where £ = ) p C2\(0,0), and D := ^. The

operator is defined as J^ := x(xD + I) + + (2D, with I representing the identity on the space of polynomials with complex coefficients. The focus is on exploring the J^-classical orthogonal polynomials and analyzing properties of the resulting sequences. This work contributes to the understanding of these polynomials and their characteristics.

Keywords: orthogonal polynomials, classical polynomials, second-order differential equation, raising operator

2020 Mathematical Subject Classification: Primary 33C45; Secondary: 42C05

1. Introduction. An orthogonal polynomial sequence {Pn}n^o is called classical, if {P'n}n^0 is also orthogonal. This characterization is essentially the Hahn-Sonine characterization (see [9], [14]) of the classical orthogonal polynomials.

In a more general setting, let O be a linear operator acting on the space of polynomials, which sends polynomials of degree n to polynomials of degree n + n0, where n0 is a fixed integer (n ^ 0 if n0 ^ 0 and n ^ n0 if n0 < 0). We call a sequence {pn}n^0 of orthogonal polynomials O-classical if {0'pn}n^0 is also orthogonal.

In this paper, we consider the raising operator, J^ := x(xD +1) + + + £2D, where £ = (^1,C2) is a nonzero free parameter and I represents the identity operator. We describe all the J^-classical orthogonal polynomial sequences.

The basic idea has been deduced by starting from the raising operator

:= x(xD + I) + £2D (see [1]). Now, to obtain a raising operator, we can add to . Then we can consider the perturbed operator, given

© Petrozavodsk State University, 2024

in the previous paragraph, J^ := + ^I, where (^1,^2) ^ (0, 0) because the orthogonality is not preserved for = (0, 0).

As a result associated to , we have that the scaled Chebyshev polynomial sequence {a~nUn(ax)}n^0 with a2 = —1 is the only -classical sequence, (for more details see [1]). In [2] the others prove that the scaled


Bessel polynomial sequence [Bn2 }n^0 is the only J^-classical orthogonal polynomial sequence for £2 = 0. For the raising operator J^, the result is completely different. More precisely, in ^ ^ 0,£2 ^ 0 the Jacobi polynomial sequence {P^1'^}^ is the only J^-classical orthogonal polynomial sequence with a = -1—^= , y2 = €2, and ^ i(2k + 1),

k e Z\{_i>o}.

The structure of the paper is the following: In Section 2, a basic background about forms, orthogonal polynomials is given. In Section 3, we find the -classical orthogonal polynomials. In Section 4, we give some properties of the sequence obtained.

2. Preliminaries. Let P be the linear space of polynomials in one variable with complex coefficients. The algebraic dual space of P will be represented by P1. We denote by (u,p) the action of u e P1 on p e P and by (u)n := (u,xn), n ^ 0, the sequence of moments of u with respect to the polynomial sequence {xn}n^0.

Let us define the following operations in P1. For linear functionals u, any polynomial g, and any (a,b) e C\{0} x C, let Du = u', gu, r—bu and hau be the linear functionals defined by duality, [11]:

(u1 ,f) :=—(u,f), (gu,f) :=(u,gf), f e V,

(haU,f) :"(U,haf) = (U,f (ax)), (T—buJy :=(U,Tbf) = (U,f (X — b)y,f e V.

A linear functional u is called normalized if it satisfies (u)0 = 1.

Lemma 1. [13], [11] For any u e P1 and any integer m ^ 1, the following statements are equivalent:

(i) (u, Pm_i) ^ 0, (u, Pn) = 0, n ^ m.

m— 1

(ii) D\k e C, 0 ^ k ^ m — 1, Xm—1 ^ 0, such that u = ^ Xkuk.


As a consequence, the dual sequence {«n1S}n^0 of {Pn1S}n^o, where M^ ._ , 1 W p1

Pn J(^) := (n + 1) 1Pln+1(x), n ^ 0, is given by

DuM = —(n + 1)un+1, n ^ 0.

Similarly, the dual sequence {ûn}n:>o of {Pn}n^o, where Pn(x) : = a nPn(ax+ + b) with (a, b) e C\{0} x C, is given by

un = an(ha-i o T-b)un, n ^ 0.

The form u is called regular if we can associate with it a sequence {Pn}n^o, such that

(u, PnPm) = rn8n,m, n, m ^ 0, rn * 0, n ^ 0.

The sequence {Pn}n^o is then called a monic orthogonal polynomial sequence (MOPS) with respect to u. Note that u = (u)ouo, with (u)o * 0. When u is regular, let F be a polynomial, such that Fu = 0. Then F = 0 [11].

Proposition 1. [11]. Let {Pn}n^o be a MOPS with deg Pn = n, n ^ 0, and let {un}n^o be its dual sequence. The following statements are equivalent:

(i) {Pn}n^o is orthogonal with respect to uo;

(ii) un = (uo, PlYlPnuo, n ^ 0;

(iii) {Pn}n^0 satisfies the three-term recurrence relation

{Po(x) = 1, P\(x) = x - fio, (1)

Pn+2 (x) = (X - fin+l)Pn+l(x) - Jn+\Pn (x), n ^ 0,


= (uo,xP%)(uo, Ply1, n ^ 0, ln+i = (uo,P2+1)(uo,P2)-1 * 0, n ^ 0.

If {Pn}n^o is a MOPS with respect to the regular form uo, then {Pn}n^o is a MOPS with respect to the regular form ûo = (ha-i o t-b)uo, and satisfies [13]

{Po(x) = 1, A(x) = X - fio,

(JPn+2(^) = (X - fin+i )Pn+1 (x) - %+lPnPx), n ^ 0,

where ¡3n = a~ 1(ffin - b) and 7„+i = a~2ryn+i.

An orthogonal polynomial sequence {Pn}n>0 is called D-classical, if {Pn^}n>0 is also orthogonal (Hermite, Laguerre, Bessel or Jacobi ), [7], [9]. A second characterization of these polynomials, which will play the leading role in the sequel, is that they are the only polynomial solutions of the Second-Order Differential Equation (Bochner [5])

(SODE): ^{x)Pn+l{x) — ip(x)Fn+i(x) = XnPn+i{x), n > 0, (2)

where (j),^ are polynomials, fi monic, deg fi = t ^ 2, degip = 1, and Xn = (n + 1) (2 fi{0)n — ip'(0)) ^ 0, n > 0.

If {Pn}n>0 is a classical sequence satisfying (2), then {Pn}n>0 is also classical and satisfies (see [11])

(SODE): ¡P(x)P,^+l(x) — ^(x)P,^+l(x) = XnPn+i(x), n > 0, (3)

where 4>(x) = a^tfi(ax + b) and rtp(x) = al^tip(ax + b).

Now let us provide a summary of some basic characteristics of classical orthogonal polynomials. We focus on two families: the Bessel orthogonal polynomials (C1) and the Jacobi orthogonal polynomials (C2).

Bessel Orthogonal Polynomials (C1): For n > 0 and a ^ — n,

the Bessel orthogonal polynomials are denoted by Pn(x) = B^^(x), with Uo = The coefficients are given by:

1 1 — a

A =--, Pn = —■-7w—:-v, n > 0

a (n + a — 1)(n + a)

n(n + 2a — 2)

y =---- n > 1

'n (2n + 2a — 3)(n + a — 1)2(2n + 2a — 1)' '

The polynomials fi and ^ are x2 and —2(ax + 1), respectively, and Xn are (n + 1)(n + 2a) for n > 0.

Jacobi Orthogonal Polynomials (C2): For n > 0 and (a, A ^ —n,

a + A ^ —n — 1,n > 1), the Jacobi orthogonal polynomials are denoted by Pn(x) = J^Px), with u0 = jt"'^. The coefficients are given by:

a — A p a2 — A2

P0 — --—0 , 0 , An —

a + A + 2 (2n + a + A )(2n + a + A + 2)'

_ 4n(n + a + A )(n + a)(n + A ) > 1

' " (2n + a + A — 1)(2n + a + A)2(2n + a + A + 1), U > '

The polynomials 0 and ^ are x2 — 1 and — (a + ft + 2)x + a — ft, respectively, and \n are (n + 1)(n + a + ft + 2) for n ^ 0.

3. The Jf-classical orthogonal polynomials. Recall the operator

Jf : P —> P

f — Jf (f) = (x2 + ' + (x + 6) f.

Definition 1. We call a sequence {Pn}n^0 of orthogonal polynomials Jf-classical if there exist a sequence {Qn}n^o of orthogonal polynomials, such that JfPn = Qn+i, n ^ 0.

For any MPS {Pn}n^0, we define the MPS {Qn}n:>0, given by Qn+i(x) := J^l1X), n ^ 0, or, equivalently,

(n + 1)Qn+i(x) := (x2 + &)Pn(x) + (x + Ci)Pn(x), n ^ 0, (4)

with the initial value Q0(x) = 1.

Our next goal is to describe all the Jf-classical polynomial sequences. Note that we need £ ^ 0 to ensure that {Qn}n^0 is an orthogonal sequence. Indeed, if we suppose that £ = (£2) = 0, the relation (4) becomes, for x = 0, Qn+1(0) = 0, n ^ 0, which contradicts the orthogonality of


The operator Jf raises the degree of any polynomial. Such operator is called raising operator [6,10,15]. By transposition of the operator Jf, we get

lJi = —Jf + 2&I (5)

Denote by {un}n^0 and {vn}n^0 the dual basis in P1 corresponding to {Pn}n^o and {Qn}n^o, respectively. Then, according to Lemma 1 and (5), the relation

(x2 + €2)v'n+i + (x — Ci)Vn+1 =—(n + 1)u,n, n ^ 0, (6)

holds. Assume that { Pn}n^0 and {Qn}n:>0 are MOPS satisfying


Po(x) = 1,Pi (x)=x — fta,

Pn+2(x) = (x — ftn+i)Pn+i(x) — ln+iPn(x), ln+i ^ 0,n ^ 0,

\ Qo(x) = 1, Qi(x) = x — Po,

1 Qn+2 (x) = (x — Pn+i)Qn+i(x) — Qn+iQn(x), Qn+i ^ 0, n ^ 0.

Next, the first result will be deduced as a consequence of the relations (4), (7), and (8).

Proposition 2. The sequences {Pn}n>0 and {Qn}n>0 satisfy the following finite-type relation:

(X2 + &) Pn(x) = Qn+2(X) + dnQn+l (X) + WnQn(x), U > 0,


dn = (n + 1)(An — Pn+l) , n > 0, ™n = n'n — (n + 1)Qn+l, n > 0,

with the convention y0 = 0.

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Proof. By differentiating (7), we obtain

K+2(x) = (x — An+i)Pn+i(x) — 'n+iP'n(x) + Pn+i(x), n > 0.

Multiplying the last equation by x2 + ^2 and the relation (7) by x + take the sum of the two resulting equations, and substitute (4). Then we get

(n + 3)Qn+3(x) = (n + 2)(x — An+i)Qn+2(x) — (n + 1) yn+iQn+i(x) +

+ (x2 + & Pn+i(x), n > 0.

Using the three-term recurrence relation (8), we get

(x2 + £2)Pn+i(x) = Qn+:i(x) + (n + 2){An+i — pn+2 )Qn+2(x) +

+ ((n + 1)'n+i — (n + 2) Qn+2)Qn+i(x), n > 0.

In fact, this result is valid for n + 1 replaced by n. More precisely, we have, for all n > 0,

(X2 + &)Pn(x) =

= Qn+2(x) + (n + 1)(An — Pn+i)Qn+i(x) + (njn — (n + 1) Qn+i)Qn(x),

with the convention y0 = 0. Hence the desired result. □ Note that, for n = 0, the Proposition 2 gives

Q2(x) + (Ao — pi)Qi(x) =x2 + & + Qi,

and using the fact that Qi(x) = x + we obtain

Q2(x) = x2 + (— pi)x — pi£i — Qi. (9)

By comparing (9) and (8) for n = 0, we obtain pi = 13(0+fl and q1 = — fl+f2.

Now we establish, in the next lemma, an algebraic relation between the forms uo and o.

Lemma 2. The forms u0 and v0 satisfy the following relation:

(x2 + £2) Vo = — QiUo. Proof. According to Proposition 2, we obtain

:(x2 + 6)Vo,Pn} = 0, n > 1. (10)

On the other hand, by (9), we have (x2 + £2) = Q2 + ((30 — pi)Qi — Qi, and then

@(x2 + 6)Vo, PoD = (Vo,Q2 + Wo — Pi)Qi^ — Qi(Vo)o = — Qi, (11)

since {Qn}n^o is orthogonal with respect to the form vo, where vo is supposed normalized. According to Lemma 1 and using (10) and (11), we obtain the desired result. □

It is clear that the formula (4) is a first-order differential equation satisfied by { Pn}n^o. Based on the last lemma, we obtain a first-order differential equation satisfied by {Qn}n:>o.

Proposition 3. The following fundamental relation holds:

Q'n+1(x) = (n + 1)Pn(x), n ^ 0. (12)

Proof. According to Proposition 1 (ii), the relation (6) can be written as follows:

(x2 + &)[Q'n+ i(x)Vo + Qn+ i(x)vo] + (x — Ci)Qn+ iVo = \nPn(x)uo, n ^ 0,


where Xn := —(n + 1)<Vo, Qn+i)<uo, p.l2) i, n ^ 0.

Making n = 0 in (13), we get (x2 + £2)vo = (^ — x)vo. (Xo = — q1). Substituting this relation in (13), we obtain

(^n Pn — 6iQ'n+ i)uo = 0.

Using the Lemma 2 and the fact that Ao = — Q1 and taking into account regularity of u0, we finally obtain A0Q'n+1(x) = AnPn(x), n ^ 0. Comparing the degrees in the last equation, we get An = (n + 1)A0, n ^ 0, and, then, Q'n+1(x) = (n + 1)Pn(x), n ^ 0. □

According to Proposition 3, and using the Bochner characterization, we get the J^-classical orthogonal sequence. Now, we will describe all of the J^-classical polynomial sequences.

Theorem 1. The J^-classical polynomial sequences are, up to a suitable affine transformation in the variable, one of the following D-classical polynomial sequences:

(a) if & = 0, Pn(x) = a-nUn(ax), n ^ 0, with a2 = — .

(b) if ^ = 0, Pn(x) = B{a'i](x), with & = 2.

(c) if ^ * 0 and & = —1, Pn(x) = Pn 2 ' 2 '(x), with & * 2k + 1, k p Z\{—1,0}.

(d) if (Ci, 6) 6 , Pn(x) = Pna,l3\x), with a = ^,0 = ^,



with ^i(2k + 1), ke Z\{-1, 0}.

or ß2 = 6

Proof. Assume that {Pn}n^0 is a monic J^-classical orthogonal sequence. Then there exists a monic orthogonal sequence {Qn}n^0 satisfying (4), which gives after differentiating and inserting (12), the following SODE:

(x2 + C2)P^+i{x) + {3x + £i)PUi(x) = (n + 1)(n + 3) Pn+\(x), n > 0. (14)

(a) if & = 0, Pn(x) = a-'nU,n(ax), n ^ 0, with a2 = — &1. (see [1])

(b) if 6 = 0,

x2P'n+1(x) — (—3x — C1)PL+1(x) = (n + 1)(n + 3)Pn+1(x), n > 0.

According to Table C1, {Pn}n^0 is the Bessel sequence of parameter a if —2(ax + 1) = —3x — in this case a = | and ^ = 2. (c) if ^ * 0 and ^ = —1,

(x2 — 1)P'n+l(x) + (3x + i1)P'n+l(x) = (n + 1)(n + 3) Pn+1(x), n ^ 0.

According to Table C2, {Pn}n^0 is the Jacobi sequence of parameter (a, 0) if —(a + 0 + 2)x + a — 0 = —3x — ¡;1; in this case a = and 0 = ^, with & * 2k + 1, k 6 Z\{ — 1, 0}.

(d) if (C2\{(0,0)},

(x2 + & K+ !(x) + (:ix + 6 )P'n+ ! (x) = (n + 1)(n + 3)Pn+ !(x), n > 0.

According to Table C2, {Pn}n^o is the Jacobi sequence by a suitable affine transformation, Pn(x) = (-nP^a'l3^((x), with (2 = —£,21, a = , / = ^^, or ¡J2 = 6, with ^ x(2k + 1),

ke Z\{-1,0}.

4. Some properties of the sequence obtained. In the polynomial function space P , we can introduce the linear operator, denoted here by L:

L := D.

Using (12), we obtain

L(Qn+1) = (n + 1)Pn, n > 0. (15)

The operator L decreases the degree of a polynomial but preserves the orthogonality of the sequence {Pn}n^o. We have the following result:

Theorem 2. There exists a differential linear operator of order two C, for which the polynomial Pn(x), n ^ 0, is an eigenfunction. More precisely, we have:

C(Pn) = enPn, n ^ 0. (16)

with 9n = (n + 1)2 as the corresponding eigenvalues, and where C := a1(x)D2 + a2(x)D + a3(x)I,


a1(x) = x2 + £2, a2(x) = 3x + ^, a3(x) = 1. Proof. Applying the Jf operator, and according to (4), we get

D o Jf (Pn) = (n + 1)2Pn, n > 0.

This gives, after a simple calculation, the desired result. □

Note that, by applying the C operator to the Xn, n ^ 0, we obtain

C(xn) = dnXn + n^X"-1 + n(n - 1)&Xn-2, n ^ 0.

So, the matrix of the endomorphism C in the canonical basis {Xn}n^0 of P is given by

(Bo 6 26 0 ••• 0\

0 91 2£ 1 ... ... .

82 ... n(n- 1)^ 0

... n 1 ..

Mr =




Using the relation (16), we can write the matrix M£ in the bases { Pn}n^0 as follows:

id0 0 ...... 0\


0 01


0n 0 0 ..7

Acknowledgment. The author is very grateful to the referees for their constructive comments. Their suggestions and remarks have contributed to improve substantially the presentation of the manuscript.


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Received September 18, 2023. Accepted November 12, 2023. Published online December 10, 2023.

Jihad Souissi

Faculty of Sciences of Gabes

Department of Mathematics, Gabes University

Street Erriadh 6072 Gabes, Tunisia

E-mail: jihadsuissi@gmail.com & jihad.souissi@fsg.rnu.tn

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