Научная статья на тему 'Characteristics of social and cultural development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory'

Characteristics of social and cultural development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Nemirovsky Valentin G.

This paper analyzes the results of comparative sociological studies conducted in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2010 during nationwide program «Socio-cultural evolution of Russia and its regions». The methodological basis of work is the antroposocietal approach developed by Ph.D., Corr. Member of RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences) Lapin N.I. The paper presents data describing social trust in the regional authorities, social institutions and organizations, as well as in their core value orientations reflecting the image of the desired future for the respondents.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Characteristics of social and cultural development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory»

УДК 316.4; 316.752

Characteristics of Social and Cultural Development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Valentin G. Nemirovsky*

Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia 1

Received 6.10.2010, received in revised form 13.10.2010, accepted 20.10.2010

This paper analyzes the results of comparative sociological studies conducted in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2010 during nationwide program «Socio-cultural evolution of Russia and its regions». The methodological basis of work is the antroposocietal approach developed by Ph.D., Corr. Member of RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences) Lapin N.I. The paper presents data describing social trust in the regional authorities, social institutions and organizations, as well as in their core value orientations reflecting the image of the desired future for the respondents.

Keywords: Socio-cultural Processes, Region, Antroposocietal Approach, Value Orientations, Social Trust in the Authorities, Image of a Desired Future.

This study was supported by the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation, grant № 10-03-00001a.

This paper presents the results of the study held in 2010 during nationwide program «Sociocultural evolution of Russia and its regions» (program coordinators - Ph.D., Corr. Member of RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences) Lapin N. I. and Doctor of Sociology, Prof. Belyaeva L. A.). It allows collecting comparative sociological information about cultural processes in the Krasnoyarsk region, analyzed by standardized methods. This contributes to identification of general and specific in social and cultural development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory; assists to determine the characteristics of the development and to obtain comparative information about socio-cultural conditions and processes in one of the major Siberian regions of Russia. The results of studies carried out

* Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected]

1 © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved

within this program in 8 regions of Russia are represented in the fundamental study «Russia’s Regions: socio-cultural portraits of regions in nationwide context» [1].

In the present project in order to obtain comparative results we have used approaches developed by the authors of the model methodology and program «Socio-cultural portrait of the region» [2]. Hence, the basis of this project is the antroposocietal approach [3] with the underlying basis of understanding and sociocultural approaches of M. Weber and P. Sorokin, combined with structure-functional and societal approach of T. Parsons. The formational theory of Karl Marx definitely influenced the development of this approach, according to its author. In accordance with the antroposocietal approach of

Ph.D., Corr. Member of RAS N.I. Lapin society is described as a system with three related components: the actions of individuals, culture and sociality. In our view, an important advantage of the antroposocietal approach is the emphasis on the fact that socio-cultural system acts as the result of the activity of individuals, their actions and interactions.

This approach distinguishes the original principles and developed on their basis understanding of societal functions, structures and processes. In our opinion, one of the most important principles is the incomplete antroposocietal compliance, implying an incomplete compatibility of personal and behavioral characteristics of a person as a socialized actor (individual) and socio-cultural characteristics of social medium with the likely confrontation. As Lapin points out, this principle is crucial for understanding the nature and the type of society and social medium. Important categories reflecting the essence of this approach are antroposocietal functions, structures and processes.

Antroposocietal functions are a complex of contributions to the self-sufficient antroposocietal system to ensure its self-preservation and self-development as a whole to meet internal demands and external challenges. Lapin defines antroposocietal structure as a set of social actions

I interactions between the subjects possesing a certain specified function and being significant in the aggregate for the implementation of this function in social medium. Finally, the societal processes reflect the dynamic aspect of society, its structures and their interactions. In this case the author quoted identifies three basic forms of dynamics: operation, evolution, transformation.

This approach results in the system of antroposocietal indicators signalling about the state of the corresponding structures and processes, the nature of antroposocietal

functioning and the existence of antroposocietal problems. These indicators were used in this study. The limited scope of this article allows presenting only certain aspects of this work. In particular, the article will render the results obtained with the use of indicators aimed at identifying the degree of social trust in various authorities and social organizations in the region, as well as the image of the desired future for the respondents -residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The sample for formalized interview consisted of 1000 residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The type of sample - stratified, multizoned and random at the selection stage. The data were processed with the software package SPSS using the methods of mathematical statistics: correlation, factor and cluster analysis.

The antroposocietal approach implies that an important indicator of socio-cultural processes in the region is the level of trust of its residents in various authorities, social institutions and organizations. Our study revealed a low level of trust in almost all selected in the toolbox authorities and social institutions (see Fig. 1).

In particular, people trust absolutely in the family and relatives - 67 %, as well as ... themselves - 71 %. It is interesting that 2 % of respondents do not trust completely or distrust even ... in themselves. A third of respondents (32 %) have full confidence in God. Respectively, among the social institutions the highest level of trust is experienced by the church and the clergy - 16 %, and on the same level in mass consciousness of the residents we can notice the President of Russia - 16 %. At the general background of low trust in the authorities and various social institutions and organizations we distinguish the remarkable trust in colleagues -full confidence of 11 % of the respondents and the Government of Russia - 11 % of respondents.

Such a low level of trust in authorities and social institutions is typical not only for the

Fig. 1. Distribution of responses to the question: «Could you tell, please, what is the measure of your trust or distrust in the regional (republican, local) authorities, organizations...?» (answer «trust absolutely»)

residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. According to the numerous studies conducted both in separate regions of the country and nationwide, it turns out a common feature of social and cultural processes in contemporary Russia. The data presented indicate a lack of effective realization of antproposocietal functions in contemporary Russian society.

Value orientations of the population in the terms of anroposocietal approach act as the significant indicator of socio-cultural processes in the region. It is a common knowledge that there are different sociological approaches to the study of value orientations. Thus, in recent years there have been published a considerable number of works devoted to the influence of value orientations of the Russian population on the prospects for its socio-cultural, sociopolitical and economic modernization. In most of the publications values are analyzed in the terms of content. For example, using the criterion of civilization: «modern», «conservative» and «modernization» (N. I. Lapin, etc.); in the context of the dichotomy: «patriarchal-collectivist» -«post-industrial-individualist» (M. K. Gorshkov, etc.); many sociologists study the transition from «traditional» to «modernist» values, etc. There were introduced the results of comparative analysis of values of Russians and similar values of the population of other countries in the world, analysis was based on the techniques of G. Hofstede, R. Inglehart and S. Schwartz. Supporting the effectiveness and the prospects of such studies, we note the appropriateness to complement them with the approach having been developed by us in the postnonclassical sociology for over twenty years. This is a study of basic «meaning of life» orientations of the person with the help of projective questionnaire «The Image of a Desired Future» [4].

The questionnaire contained the question: «Imagine yourself in ten years. What

characteristics do you think would be inherent in your life?» Next, respondents were shown

11 indicators, each of them expressing the appropriate conception of the meaning of life, people were asked to evaluate them on a three-point scale: «certainly», «may be», «unlikely».

The study showed that on the verbal level the most significant is focus on the good family -64 % (according to the research results, held with the use of this technique in the Krasnoyarsk region in 2004, 57 % of respondents believed that this characterization would be inherent in their future life). All other values fell behind it. Apart from this, significant verbal values include values of spiritual and cultural content: regular reading of books, going to the theatres, concerts of «serious» music - 22 % (2004 -22 %) of respondents called them obligatory; the belief in God - 33 % (2004 - 20 %), spiritual development, moral self-improvement - 25 % (2004 - 20 %); as well as values of the material and hedonistic nature: material well-being - 33 % (2004 - 17 %), good opportunities for recreation, entertainment - 18 % (2004 - 18 %). The versatile value of interesting, creative work was regarded as a mandatory element of their future by 17 % (2004 - 18 %) respondents.

Other selected indicators are significantly less important to the residents of the region, in particular, active sports - 17 % (2004 - 10 %), life for other people’s sake, regardless of profession, position, often at the expense of own interests -7 % (2004 - 11 %), prestige, admiration of social environment - 7 % (2004 - 6 %), the executive post - 14 % (2004 - 7 %).

As can be seen above for the past six years in mass consciousness of the population of the Krasnoyarsk region there has intensified concentration on family life, which correlates with high confidence in own families and relatives. To a certain extent, this is the other side of low trust in government authorities and other


1. Active sports

2. Material well-being

3. Trust in God

I 4. Prestige, admiration of social environment

5. Good opportunities for recreation and entertainment

6. Good family

7. Executive post

8. Interesting, creative work

9. Regular reading, going to the theatres, concerts of "serious" music

10. Life for other people's sake, regardless of profession, position, often at the expense of own interests

11. Spiritual development, moral selfimprovement

Fig. 2. Responses to the question: «Imagine yourself in ten years. What characteristics do you think would be inherent in your life?»

important social institutions and organizations. A similar explanation may be given for the recorded increase of trust in God: having their needs in society unsatisfied, not relying on the protection of the social institutions, people are forced to seek help from «Divine». Significantly growing reliance on material well-being and executive posts reflects, according to E. Fromm, a dominant mode in the regional social life, as well as throughout the country, of «possession». A mode of «existence» complicates the situation: a slight increase in the proportion of respondents orientated on the spiritual development and moral self-improvement with a simultaneous decrease in the proportion of those socio-altruistic orientated. We should therefore doubt answers of the respondents, ostensibly seeking spiritual

development and moral improvement when they have no social-altruistic motives.

Thus, as a result of our research of characteristics of the socio-cultural processes there was registered (on the data of the Krasnoyarsk region) incomplete antroposocietal compliance. In other words, incomplete compatibility of personal-behavioral characteristics of human and socio-cultural characteristics of society was revealed with confrontation possible. That is proved by the low level of social trust in various governments and social institutions and organizations, as well as the amplification in mass consciousness of hedonic, prestigiousconsuming and social-status «meaning of life» orientations.


1. Regions of Russia: socio-cultural portraits of regions in nationwide context. Preparation and general wording of Lapin N. I., Belyaeva L. A. Moscow, «Akademia», 2009. - 807 p.

2. Socio-cultural portrait of the region. Model program and methodology. Collection of abstracts of the conference «The socio-cultural map of Russia and prospects of the development of Russian regions». Preparation and general wording of Lapin N. I., Belyaeva L. A. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2006. - 328 p.

3. Lapin N. I. Preparation of socio-cultural portrait of the region with the help of model program and methods. Socio-cultural portrait of the region. Model program and methodology. Collection of abstracts of the conference «The socio-cultural map of Russia and prospects of the development of Russian regions». Preparation and general wording of Lapin N. I., Belyaeva L. A. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2006.- p. 107 -169.

4. Nemirovsky V.G., Nevirko D.D. Human sociology: from classics towards postnonclassics. Moscow, 2008. - 304p.

Характеристики социокультурного развития Красноярского края

В.Г. Немировский

Сибирский федеральный университет Россия 660041, Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 79

Статья посвящена анализу результатов сравнительного социологического исследования, проведённого в Красноярском крае в 2010 году в рамках общероссийской программы «Социокультурная эволюция России и её регионов». Методологической основой работы является антропосоциетальный подход, разработанный д.ф.н., член.-корр. РАНН.И. Лапиным. В статье представлены данные, характеризующие доверие населения региона органам власти. Социальным институтам и организациям, а также их базовые ценностные ориентации, отражающие образ желаемого будущего респондентов.

Ключевые слова: социокультурые процессы, регион, антропосоциетальный подход, ценностные ориентации, доверие населения органам власти, образ желаемого будущего.

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