Oriental Renaissance: Innovative,
educational, natural and social sciences
Scientific Journal Impact Factor
ISSN 2181-1784
SJIF 2021: 5.423
Bozorova Mukhabbat Abdurakhmonovna
Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers
Bukhara Branch
Senior lecturer of the department "Uzbek language and literature".
The article discusses the peculiarities of the Uzbek translation of Heinrich Hayne's works, among which the sonnets play an important role. Hayne's sonnets were translated into Uzbek by the well-known poet Abdulla Sher. While reading these sonnets, it can be seen that the translator entered the poet's psyche, and skillfully conveyed the delicacy and artistic brilliance of the German language in the Uzbek language.
Keywords: sonnet, poetry, artistic delicacy, lyrical hero, romantic image.
В статье рассматриваются особенности узбекского перевода сонетов Генриха Хайна, среди которых сонеты играют важную роль. Сонеты Хайна были переведены на узбекский язык известным поэтом Абдуллой Шером. Читая эти сонеты, видно, что переводчик проник в психику поэта Хайна и умело передал тонкость и художественное великолепие немецкого языка на узбекском языке.
Ключевые слова: сонет, поэзия, художественная тонкость, лирический герой, романтический образ.
Heinrich Hein is a thinker and poet of the German people. He lived and worked during the era of romanticism. The poet's poetry has many genres. Sonnets play an important role among them. It should be noted that the works of this genre constitute a unique bright page of world poetry after Shakespeare. Hain's sonnets were translated into Uzbek by the famous poet Abdullah Sher. Reading these sonnets, one can notice that the translator penetrated into the psyche of the poet Hein and skillfully conveyed the subtlety and artistic splendor of the German language in the Uzbek language.
November 2021
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative,
educational, natural and social sciences
Scientific Journal Impact Factor
ISSN 2181-1784
SJIF 2021: 5.423
Among Heine's sonnets, the one dedicated to his mother stands out. “Onam von Geldern Kisi B. A poem called“ Heinega ’’begins as follows:
Бошимни тутаман доимо магрур,
Х,еч качон енгилмас ужар идроким;
Киролнинг бошида туриб каттоким Кузимни мен ерга олмайман бир кур .
The above lines depict the state of the lyric hero, who is always “mag’rur” tutgan, “yjar idroki” was never defeated, and who was so proud even in the presence of the king
Мен яна, онажон, таъкидлай масрур:
Буй эгмам кеч кимга тирикман токим!
Ва лекин кошингда, жилмайганча жим,
Бош букиб тураман доимо махмур.
But the lyrical protagonist has a happy head in front of his mother. These lines have universal content. Mother, Tabiatning Buyuk Ichtiroshi is great. In the face of the power of love in him, all humanity feels obligated. This beautiful feeling is at the very heart of the lines.
Ул сенинг рукингми - келади голиб?
Ул сенинг рукингми - гулгула солиб,
Ёритар калбимни чакин мисоли?
The skill of the translator is that he was able to convey the German tone with the elegance of the Uzbek language. In other words, the words "winner" and "put" do not belong to the same category as rhyming words. Nevertheless, you can see that the poetic content is expressed vividly.
In other words, the above lines artistically reflect the fact that the mother's spirit, which gives strength to the child, prevails over everything and always lives in the hearts. In this sense, the mother's spirit is compared to the light that illuminates the heart of the child.
Бошимни эгаман доим, эктимол,
Келтирганим учун сенга куп малол,
Кечирганинг учун барини даркол?
These lines are concluding. Despite the fact that the child understands that he is always in debt to his mother, the bot hurts him. But a mother can also forgive her
November 2021
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative,
educational, natural and social sciences
Scientific Journal Impact Factor
ISSN 2181-1784
SJIF 2021: 5.423
child at any time. This quality inherent in the mother leads her up the ladder of greatness.
The next sonnet by Heinrich Heine is written on a moral theme. In this respect, it is in harmony with oriental poetry:
Эгилиб такмайман тункага гултож Олтинга беланган булса хам агар:
Кулимни чузмайман бойга таъмагар,
Номардга узимни килмайман мухтож.
In the first line, the poetic content is expressed in metaphor. It should be noted that the lyrical hero is an extremely brave and noble person. He doesn't want to put a flower on gilded tonka beans, he wants to get the rich man's treasures, he doesn't want to need a nomad.
Мен бузук аёлга очмайман кулоч Фахшини яширса хамки безаклар;
Айбдор килмайман, оломон магар Такаббур хокимга сезса эхтиёж.
Лирический герой - человек высоких нравов. Вот почему она не встречает “фахшини безаклар яширган бузук аёл”.
Биламан, чурт синар ма-рур, чунг эман,
Навда-чи, кутилар эгилиш билан, -Табиат хайкириб, турганда бурон.
Навданинг кисмати, ва лекин аён:
Бир куни у хасса - силлик, ялтирок,
Ё куйлак чангини кокувчи таёк!
Situations in nature correspond to the experiences of the lyrical protagonist. In this regard, the main content is loaded on the coats of arms of a large oak tree, a bar. After all, the branches of a large oak can break after years. As a result, it is no longer a branch of an oak tree, but something else - a smooth shiny stick, a stick for powdering. So now the vital function of the branch is changing. With this poetic conclusion, the poet turns to human life.
Both of Heine's sonnets we analyzed above are rich in romantic imagery and realistic LPs. Due to the nature of the sonnet genre, the main idea was expressed in the first eight verses, and the next six lines were the final ones. One more feature of the poet's sonnets should be noted. The questions raised in them are varied, the moral content prevails. This confirms that poetry drank water from oriental springs.
November 2021
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative,
educational, natural and social sciences
Scientific Journal Impact Factor
ISSN 2181-1784
SJIF 2021: 5.423
1. Gain in the memoirs of contemporaries. - M., 1988.
2. Gijdeu S.P. Words by Henry Gein. - M., 1983.
3. Deich A. N. Fairy poets. Gelderlin. Cleist. Heine. - M., 1974.
4. Heinrich Hein "Book of Songs"
5. Hoshimov O. "World Affairs" 1982
6. Translations of Khurshid Davron
7. Translations by Abdullah Shera 2003
8. https://kh-davron.uz/library/jahon/haynrix-hayne-ishqiy-qoshiqlar-abdulla-sher-tarjimalari.htm
November 2021