CHARACTERISTICS OF CAULIFLOWER CULTIVATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
B rassica oleracea convar. botrytis (L.) Aleph. there is botrytis L / superphosphate / potassium chloride / organic fertilizer / temperature / irrigation / row between them ash tivation and choppy from doing. / B rassica oleracea convar. botrytis (L.) Aleph. there is botrytis L / superphosphate / potassium chloride / organic fertilizer / temperature / irrigation / row between them ash tivation and choppy from doing.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Fazilov Sh.M.

This article describes the technology of growing cauliflower, the technologies used from planting to harvesting.

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This article describes the technology of growing cauliflower, the technologies used from planting to harvesting.


Fazilov Sh.M. teacher

Termez State University Uzbekistan, Surkhandarya


Abstract. This article describes the technology of growing cauliflower, the technologies used from planting to harvesting.

Key words: B rassica oleracea convar. botrytis (L.) Aleph. there is botrytis L, superphosphate, potassium chloride, organic fertilizer, temperature, irrigation, row between them ash tivation and choppy from doing.

Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea convar. botrytis (L.) Aleph. there is botrytis L.) Middle the sea eastern in the regions occurring Brassica cretica Lam. from the type come that it came out about data available. U Cauliflower, one of the valuable and long- established vegetable crops, was cultivated in Uzbekistan in the next 30 years, and its area is expanding in the next 5-10 years. Its initial forms were cultivated in a number of European countries, such as Italy, France, Great Britain. By the 17th century, this type of crop was cultivated as a cultural crop in Germany, Holland, Denmark, and by the end of the 18th century in Russia.

The primary center of the formation of various forms of cauliflower is Italy, and from there it entered France, England and other European countries. It was grown as an agricultural crop in Germany, Holland, Denmark in the 17th century and began to be cultivated in Russia at the end of the 18th century.

Cauliflower is grown on an area of 400,000 ha worldwide, and the main part of it is in countries such as France, Italy, Great Britain, Holland and India. At present, the production of cauliflower in the world is 4.3-4.5 million tons.

Cauliflower spring-summer and summer-autumn in terms of is grown. In spring and summer when it is planted it will grow rising temperature in the circumstances grows and develops that's it according to cabbage of heads Summer heat until it starts formation for fast cooked varieties choose and in pots grown Plant seedlings in March the first half in the field will be planted. Cauliflower street chats are also early cooked simple to cabbages like is grown, but it is somewhat high-autumn 18-22 0 C and in conditions of 10-14 0 C at night is grown. Street chats 50-60 days in greenhouses is enough. You are free grown seedlings 4-5, in pots cultivated ones and when he takes out seven or eight barks to the field will be planted.

Summer-autumn in deadlines to plant intended seedlings are also in greenhouses is cultivated. In this seeds june of the month in the middle sprinkled in June the middle of August initial days to the fields will be planted. Cauliflower directly to the field from the seed planting it is also possible to grow. Cultivated cabbage street chats open to the ground from planting before, ground preparation

need If before soil fertilizers with not satisfied if so, then this to do need Usually gardeners superphosphate, potassium chloride buy they get and mixture they prepare Superphosphate one from the part is taken, to him kal ts iyning half is added as well wood ash is also added. And important elements with plant potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen own into received mixture to feed help will give. But of the seed many p spent and his expensive standing because of this method work release conditions not so much hand does n't come Planting before seeds sorted, treated and trace elements in solution is processed. 10 liters for seedlings water contains 2 g acid and 5 g of molybdenum ammonium melting if sprinkled, theirs growth and development standard seedlings out receptivity and productivity positive effect is enough.

Cauliflower mature from plants one it is also in the shadow grows. Cauliflower series between 60-70 cm from and in line bottoms between 30-35 cm from by doing will be planted. Cauliflower fertilizer, especially organic to the fertilizer demanding will be Consequently him in cultivation big normally manure application (50-60 t per hectare) description will be done.

Cauliflower cultivation according to in the south take went from experiences known to the ground organic mineral fertilizers mixed up put at the expense of manure put norm 20-30 t per hectare it is also possible to bring. In this each 3-4 cm per hectare from with ammonia silitra from 5-6 s superphosphate and from 1-2 s potassium salt is put Manure potassium salt and of superphosphate half driving before, saltpeter and of superphosphate the rest part while planting before young of plants growth during addition food as is given Cauliflower development initial during nitrogenous fertilizers with cabbage heads form start during while nitrogen phosphorus mixture with given, two or three week on average 2-3 times is fed.

Cauliflower heated in greenhouses when grown, his crop of March At the end of is enough. Unheated in greenhouses while open to the soil than 3-4 weeks before is enough. Cauliflower heated in greenhouses winter-spring period in cultivation, his in pots maintained 55-60 days street chats of January the head or in the middle is planted. Cauliflower street chat get for his seed of November in their heads planted. Seedlings rows method 60-70x30-35 cm in sizes copy will be planted. Go chat in the greenhouse in rows in advance prepared and watering soaked into the recesses in hand will be planted. Seedling the first leaf to paragraph was in depth buried will be planted. Seedling from being transferred then, cauliflower until flowering, in the greenhouse the following temperature mode provision necessary: daytime, weather open on days 17±3 0 C, cloudy during the day — 14±3 0 C, in the evening — 6-8 0 C. Weather relative humidity at a high (85-95%) level holding standing up it is necessary Often watered, especially hot in days Cauliflower leaves and of heads formation during soil from 75-80% of humidity decreased to go road not put.

The soil main from saturation except it is two times organomineral fertilizers with is fed. Seedling 10-12 days after planting after plant in 1:5 ratio

manure 10 liters of juice 20 g of ammonia per solution saltpeter, 15 g of superphosphate and 10 g of chlorine potassium adding is fed. Cauliflower maintenance to do irrigation, row between them ash tivation and choppy from doing consists of Earth under water deep is located in the lands in the spring conducted cauliflowers seven to eight March watered this watering basically cabbage heads harvest while being starting the harvest picking up get in advance will be completed.


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"Экономика и социум" №6(121)-2 2024



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