UDC: 351:33
Shoyko Vasyl Anatoliyovych,
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Institute — Chief Engineer of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Civil Protection, Kyiv, Str. Rybal-ska, 18, 01011, Ukraine, tel.: (044) 280-1801, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0001-8670-8779
Шойко Василь Анатолшович,
кандидат гсторичних наук, доцент, заступник начальника тституту — го-ловний тженер Украгнського науково-до-слгдного тституту цивльного захисту, м. Кигв, вул. Рибальська, 18, 01011, Укра-гна, тел,: (044) 280-18-01, e-mail: рот_ [email protected], https//orcid.org/0000-0001-8670-8779 Шойко Василий Анатольевич,
кандидат исторических наук, доцент, заместитель начальника института — главный инженер Украинского научно-исследовательского института гражданской защиты, г. Киев, ул. Рыбальская, 18 01011, Украина, тел.: (044) 280-18-01, e-mail.:pom_mtz@ukr. net, https//orcid.org/0000-0001-8670-8779
Abstract. It is determined that the public administration in the field of civil protection can be called a separate type of activity in the organization of processes to ensure the protection and security of the population, the optimal functioning and sustainable development of the system of public administration of national security, which is conducted by public and private entities. It is determined that before civil protection of entities belong to state authorities that implement the development and implementation of public policy in the field of civil protection; object control accumulates various aspects of the field of civil protection as a system of ensuring the protection and safety of life of society (in a broad sense it is a management activity); management processes are responsible for ensuring public relations and organize direct and feedback relations between subjects and objects of management.
Analysing the doctrinal and regulatory sources that define the notion 'emergency, the lack of a unified approach to this issue is noted, which can also be observed in the study of the classification of emergencies.
There are seven criteria, according to which a specific event can be attributed to an emergency:
• Organizational and managerial;
• Socio-political;
• Socio-psychological;
• Social and environmental;
• Economic;
• Animated; and
• Hourly.
Each of these criteria meets certain qualitative characteristics. Any unexpected extreme event should be considered as an emergency only if it meets all seven criteria. The defined criteria of an emergency, in their totality, make it possible to qualify processes, phenomena and events as an emergency, while separating them from other crisis phenomena.
Keywords: public administration in the field of civil protection, the safety of life of society, emergency situation, processes of ensuring the protection of the population.
Анотащя. Визначено, що державне управлшня у сферi цившьного захи-сту можна назвати окремим видом дiяльностi з оргашзацп npo^ciB забез-печення захисту та безпеки населення, оптимального функщонування та сталого розвитку системи державного управлшня нащональною безпекою, яка проводиться публiчними i приватними суб'ектами. Визначено, що до cy6'eKmie управлтня у сферi цивыьного захисту належать державш органи влади, як реалiзують розробку та виконання державно!' политики у сферi цившьного захисту; об'ект управлтня — акумулюе рiзнi аспекти сфери цившьного захисту в якосп системи забезпечення захисту та безпеки житте-дiяльностi суспшьства (в широкому сена представляе собою управлшську дiяльнiсть); процеси управлтня — вщповщають за забезпечення суспшьних вщносин та оргашзовують прямий та зворотнш зв'язки мiж суб'ектами та об'ектами управлшня.
Проаналiзувавши доктринальш та нормативы джерела, в яких наводиться визначення термшу "надзвичайна ситуащя", вiдмiчена вщсутшсть ушфшованого пiдходу до цього питання, що, також, можна спостертати шд час дослiдження питання класифшаци надзвичайних ситуацiй.
Систематизовано ам критерпв, вiдповiдно до яких конкретну подш можна вiднести до надзвичайно!' ситуацп:
• органiзацiйно-управлiнський;
• сощально-полгтичний;
• сощально-психолопчний;
• сощально-еколопчний;
• економiчний;
• мультиплiкацiйний;
• часовий.
Кожен iз зазначених критерпв вiдповiдаe певним яисним характеристикам. Будь-яку неочжувану екстремальну подiю варто вiдносити до надзви-чайноi ситуацii лише у випадку п вiдповiдностi усiм семи критерiям. Визна-ченi критерii надзвичайноi ситуацii, у своiй сукупностi, дають можливiсть квалiфiкувати процеси, явища та поди як надзвичайну ситуацш, водночас, вщокремлюючи !'х вiд iнших кризових явищ.
Ключовi слова: державне управлшня у сферi цивiльного захисту, безпека життeдiяльностi суспiльства, надзвичайна ситуацiя, процеси забезпечення захисту населення.
Аннотация. Определено, что государственное управление в сфере гражданской защиты можно назвать отдельным видом деятельности по организации процессов обеспечения защиты и безопасности населения, оптимального функционирования и устойчивого развития системы государственного управления национальной безопасностью, которая проводится публичными и частными субъектами. Определено, что к субъектам управления в сфере гражданской защиты относятся государственные органы власти, которые реализуют разработку и выполнение государственной политики в сфере гражданской защиты; объект управления — аккумулирует различные аспекты сферы гражданской защиты в качестве системы обеспечения защиты и безопасности жизнедеятельности общества (в широком смысле, представляет собой управленческую деятельность); процессы управления — отвечают за обеспечение общественных отношений и организуют прямую и обратную связи между субъектами и объектами управления.
Проанализировав доктринальные и нормативные источники, в которых приводится определение термина "чрезвычайная ситуация", замечено отсутствие унифицированного подхода к этому вопросу, что, также, можно наблюдать во время исследования вопроса классификации чрезвычайных ситуаций.
Систематизированы семь критериев, по которым конкретное событие можно отнести к чрезвычайной ситуации:
• организационно-управленческий;
• социально-политический;
• социально-психологический;
• социально-экологический;
• экономический;
• мультипликационный;
• временной.
Каждый из указанных критериев соответствует определенным качественным характеристикам. Любую неожиданную экстремальную событие следует относить к чрезвычайной ситуации только в случае ее соответствия всем семи критериям. Определены критерии чрезвычайной ситуации, которые, в своей совокупности, дают возможность квалифицировать процессы, явления и события как чрезвычайную ситуацию, одновременно, отделяя их от других кризисных явлений.
Ключевые слова: государственное управление в сфере гражданской защиты, безопасность жизнедеятельности общества, чрезвычайная ситуация, процессы обеспечения защиты населения.
Problem Statement. Public administration mechanisms in the field of civil protection have some distinctive features due to the many variants of emergency development. Each of the emergencies is unique, has specific causes, scenarios, features of impact on society, the environment, its scale and consequences [1, p. 69]. Therefore, I think it is necessary to analyse the scientific research regarding the definition of the concept of public administration mechanisms in the field of civil protection.
Recent Research & Publications Analysis. The issues of the peculiarities of the mechanisms of public administration in the field of civil protection, in various aspects, were investigated by following scientists: O. H. Barylo [4], A. V. Basov [9], Yu. B. Zaika [11], O. O. Zolotko [8], T. M. Kyshtal [2], K. M. Pasynchuk [2], S. P. Poteryayko [1], V. V. Fedorchak [10] and others. At the same time, the aforementioned issues, taking into account the urgency of the issue, require a long and thorough scientific research in order to increase the efficiency of the activity of the state
institutions and their legal regulation of the sphere of civil protection.
Formulating the Goals of the Article. The purpose of the article is to identify characteristic features of public administration mechanisms in the field of civil protection.
Presentation of the Main Material. O. Trush considers the issues of mechanisms of realization of the State Policy of Ukraine in the Sphere of Civil Protection in a narrow and broad sense. In a narrow sense, the implementation of public policy is carried out through a comprehensive mechanism of public administration, which includes separate mechanisms: economic, organizational and legal, etc. This approach makes it possible to realize the determined direction of the state policy in each individual sphere of public activity.
In a broad sense, state policy is implemented through a state mechanism consisting of a group of mechanisms of public administration, local self-government, as well as mechanisms of functioning of the private and public sectors. [2, p. 162]. It is determined that the state management in the field of
civil protection can be called a separate type of activity in the organization of processes to ensure the protection and security of the population, the optimal functioning and sustainable development of the system of public administration of national security, which is conducted by public and private entities.
I agree with T. Krystal that the mechanism of public administration in the field of civil protection is a complex mechanism. It contains a set of elements that interact with each other and which include state authorities, which, with a view to expeditiously detecting, timely preventing and eliminating threats to the sustainable development of the state and society, and, in accordance with national interests, carry out the development and implementation of controlling, coordinating, regulating and normative state-administrative influences, within the framework of the current legislation of Ukraine, and with the involvement, existing at the disposal of the state and potential.
Investigating opinion of S. Andriei-eva, I will note that he also considered in detail the organizational and legal mechanism of public administration in the field of civil protection and identified it as a system of organizational and legal instruments, levers and means by
which the mechanism of public administration in the field of civil defense is implemented. In the structure of the mechanism under consideration, the author distinguished the legal and organizational components [3, р. 60]. On the whole, I agree with the author's opinion, but I will add that, in my opinion, it is necessary to distinguish the structural and functional components of the mechanism of public administration in the field of civil protection.
L. Zhukova, in the system of public administration in the field of civil protection, distinguishes the following elements [3]: the subject of management, the object of management and the processes of management (See Fig.).
I will add that civil protection of entities belongs to state authorities that implement the development and implementation of State Policy in the Field of Civil Protection; object of management accumulates various aspects of the field of civil protection as a system of ensuring the protection and safety of life of society (in a broad sense it is a management activity), and management processes are responsible for ensuring public relations and organize direct and feedback relations between subjects and objects of management.
So, in part, I agree with L. Zhukova's opinion. In my opinion, the System of
Public Administration System
Elements of Public Administration Systems in the Field of Civil Protection
Public Administration in the field of Civil Protection also includes management activities, which provide direct and inverse links between the entities and objects of management.
A. Semenchenko examines the specifics of the functioning of public administration mechanisms in the field of national security. The scientist proposes a procedure for modeling a complex mechanism of strategic anti-crisis public administration in the field of national security, designed to improve the level of effectiveness of public administration in the field of national security in crisis emergencies, which contains a set of procedures and determines the sequence of their application.
It is worth paying attention to the components of the complex mechanism, the implementation of which involves the implementation of a number of processes, namely [3, p. 60]:
• Creation of a database of passports of threats and crisis situations;
• Timely updating of the database;
• Creation of a database of template anti-crisis and 'rational' mechanisms of strategic public administration in the field of national security;
• Entering the results of the strategic analysis into the database;
• Event documentation;
• Coverage of events in the media;
• Providing expert advice to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
• Use of such a tool as the Hotline of President of Ukraine;
• Building interstate relations; and
• Introduction of inter-parliamentary interaction mechanism and mechanisms based on the use of asymmetric threats, etc.
I like the opinion of L. Prykhod-chenko [4, p. 68], who believes that the mechanism of public administration must contain an information component. However, I would point out that one of the components of the civil service mechanism in the field of civil protection is an information-analytical mechanism, which is responsible for the functioning of the system of information and analytical provision of civil protection.
P. Haman defines the mechanism of public administration in the field of civil protection as a special type of government that 'touches' the political, cultural, economic and social spheres of public life. Subjects of implementation of this mechanism are entrusted with specific powers, functions and responsibilities. First of all, the main idea of management influences is forecasting, timely detection, effective prevention and elimination of real and potential threats. Such state measures should be subject to appropriate, specially formulated, for special situations, means and forces which, at the same time, concern the interests of the state and society. The creation of such a mechanism is a primary management task and its solution is entrusted to the appropriate system of authorities.
The end result of managerial influence is the provision of conditions under which sustainable development of society takes place, and national interests are realized in all spheres of public life. Therefore, the mechanism of public administration in the field of civil protection is characterized by the peculiarities of the cross-sectoral and functional components of public administration. This has a significant impact on the
methods, methods, functions and forms of government in this field [5].
To summarize, we can deduce the author's definition of the mechanism of public administration in the field of civil protection. Therefore, the mechanism of public administration in the field of civil protection is a component of the system of public administration, which, in its composition, contains the tools, methods, levers, means by which the management entity, which has expression in the public administration in the field of civil protection, performs direct influx on the object of management as the system of civil protection while using such management methods that serve to implement the State Policy in the Field of Civil Protection.
In the context of the research, I consider it appropriate to consider the characteristics of the concept of emergency.
Analysing the doctrinal and regulatory sources that define the notion 'emergency', the lack of a unified approach to this issue is noted, which can also be observed in the study of the classification of emergencies.
V. Akimov, Yu. Korniichuk and H. Fedulov agree that, at present, there are many definitions in the field of civil protection that do not accurately and correctly disclose the content and focus of actions of government bodies of all levels, institutions and enterprises of any form of ownership, non-governmental organizations in solving their tasks [6, p. 111].
Scientists also point out that, until now, there is still no single and precise definition of such a basic concept in the field of research as an 'emergency' [6].
According to Part 1 of Paragraph 24 of Article 2 of the Civil Protection Code of Ukraine [7], an emergency is a situation in a restricted area or water body that is characterized by a deterioration of the living conditions of the population and caused by a dangerous event: a natural disaster, a fire, accident, catastrophe, epidemic, epizootic, epiphytotic, or targeted use of lesions, etc. that contributed to, or could potentially contribute to, a threat to public health would result in large numbers of casualties and deaths, or to incur considerable material damage, and also to make it impossible for the population to reside in the affected territory or facility, or to continue its management thereon.
It is worth noting the achievement of B. Porfyriev [6], who became the first among domestic scientists who not only provided his own definition of the notion 'emergency, but also as fully as possible described the parameters and features, through which a qualitative description of the emergency can be obtained, or, taking them as a basis, you can characterize the situation as an emergency.
According to B. Porfyriev, an emergency is an unexpected and unexpected situation that has a sudden nature, uncertainty, acute conflict, which complicates the decision-making process, causes stress in the population from causing him significant economic, social, environmental damage sometimes it leads to numerous human casualties.
The consequence of an emergency may be the need to involve significant material, human and time costs for rescue operations, the elimination of various adverse effects from fires,
destruction, etc. [8, p. 173]. However, the above definition of an emergency is provided was formed even during the Soviet Union. Although it is sufficiently detailed, however, at the present stage of development of economy, industry, society, it cannot fully reflect the complexity of possible emergencies [9, p. 95].
Investigating the signs of an emergency, the author notes that their integral feature is complexity. That is, it is only due to the totality of all the features, at the same time, is it possible to qualify the situation as an emergency, and in the absence of at least one of them this can no longer be done [6].
At the same time, B. Porfyriev draws attention to the fact that having the full set of qualities that determine the criteria for an emergency is not a prerequisite for qualifying a situation as critical. Depending on the particular situation, some of the criteria may be missing.
There are seven criteria, according to which a specific event can be attributed to an emergency:
• Organizational and managerial;
• Socio-political;
• Socio-psychological;
• Social and environmental;
• Economic;
• Animated; and
• Hourly.
Each of these criteria meets certain qualitative characteristics. Any unexpected extreme event should be considered as an emergency only if it meets all seven criteria [8, p. 115]. The defined criteria of an emergency, in their totality, make it possible to qualify processes, phenomena and events as an emergency, while separating them from other crisis phenomena.
In my opinion, the greatest interest is the approach to the scientific definition of the concept of the emergency situation by researcher N. Klymenko [6, p. 115].
The author believes that an emergency can be called a violation of normal conditions of activity, or life, people, in a particular object, or territory that was caused by a natural disaster, catastrophe, accident, use of means of destruction, sabotage, or terrorist acts, by any acts of an unconstitutional nature, or other factors that have caused, or could potentially cause, the death of people, harm their health, cause the death of plants and animals, cause significant material damage and can cause damage to the environment and place in peacetime or during the specific period (e.g. during combat operations). The latter condition is due to the fact that emergencies can occur not only in everyday conditions [6].
I like N. Klymenko's opinion, also, that emergencies can be classified on many grounds, namely:
• Severity of consequences;
• Nature of manifestation;
• Speed of development;
• Causes of occurrence;
• Scale of impact and consequences;
• Rates of formation;
• Speed of distribution; and
• Hazard levels, etc.
This, in part, explains that scientists use different approaches to the classification of emergencies.
I. Shpyliovyi says that an emergency, in the general sense, it is any change in the combination of circumstances and conditions of life of society that can lead to material losses, environmental damage and human casualties [6, p. 115].
I think that this definition is incomplete and I want to supplement it. In my opinion, an emergency is a situation on a specific object or a separate territory that has emerged as a result of dangerous natural, man-made, or social phenomena that have caused, or may become, human casualties, threat to the environment or human health, substantial material loss and deterioration of normal living conditions and life of the object or territory.
I also share the position of A. Dat-siuk, V. Lapina and N. Malysheva that an emergency situation is a violation of the usual conditions of life of the population in a separate territory, which can be caused by a natural disaster, catastrophe, accident, fire, epidemic, or the use of any what are the means of mass destruction. The result of such activity may be the deterioration of the environment, the loss of material damage and the loss of life [10, p. 66].
In view of the aforementioned, A. Datsiuk clarifies that an emergency may also be caused by the influence of secondary factors that occur during the war and terrorist period [10]. V. Sad-kovyi and S. Dombrovska have carried out the classification of emergency situations [10] as follows:
(1) Firstly, depending on the method of origin, they distinguish between military, natural and man-made emergencies.
(2) Secondly, the nature of the damage caused is detrimental to social, material resources and technology.
(3) Thirdly, because of the level of expression, they distinguish between object, local, regional and state.
Despite the appearance, emergencies have the property of speed of change,
so it is important to predict the time of occurrence and variants of events. Hence, the complexity of the implementation of management functions, which increases the number of management risks. A. Bielousov, B. Porfyriev, O. Trush and other scientists rightly agree with this [10].
However, we cannot fully share the opinion of A. Alhin, I. Baryhin and L. Smorhunov that only external influence and unexpected circumstances are decisive for an emergency. The authors add that the mentioned circumstances should be characterized by contradictions, uncertainties, and significant economic, environmental and social losses [10]. In a certain number of cases, emergencies are a highly expected phenomenon.
An emergency directly determines the risk or danger to human life and health, which, in turn, cannot preclude making rapid decisions to mitigate the impact or eliminate the source of the danger. In this sense, the notion of 'emergency is derived from the categories 'danger' and 'risk' [11, р. 157].
Conclusion. At the present stage, the problem solution of civil protection of territories and the population from natural and man-made emergencies can be called one of the most important functions of a democratic state. It is noted that some of the gaps regarding the definition of the functions of the state, which are ensured by the interaction of the mechanisms of public administration, and especially in the field of civil protection, are still relevant. Research on the functions of the state provided in scientific articles is, by and large, similar, but there are slight differences in definitions.
It is also justified that the effectiveness of public administration reforms in the field of civil protection, increasing the efficiency of public institutions and legal regulation has a direct dependence on the use of standardized science-based terminology.
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