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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Koipysheva E.A., Lebedinsky V.Y., Aldoshin A.V., Struganov S.M.

Objective of the study was to detect changes in the female students' physical fitness induced by the fitness aerobics practices introduced under the traditional physical education programs. Methods and structure of the study. The educational experiment with the use of the computerized monitoring technologies (as part of the educational process under the physical education and sports disciplines) involved 206 female students. The Experimental Group girls (n=103) were trained at Irkutsk National Research Technical University under the elective academic aerobics discipline, while the Control Group ones (n=103) were trained at the Health and Fitness Center of Irkutsk State University under the elective body conditioning course. The study was carried out using the methodological recommendations on the tests developed in the All-Russia Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sport: "5x10 shuttle run" - to test "speed endurance qualities and agility associated with the change of direction and alternation of acceleration and deceleration"; "bent suspension" - to determine "strength and static endurance of the arm and shoulder muscles"; "sit and reach" - to test the level of "active flexibility of the spine and bending at hips"; "sit-ups for 30 sec" - to determine "dynamic endurance of the flexors of the back"; "1000 m run" - to determine "general endurance"; "20 m run from standing start" - to assess "speed qualities"; "standing long jump" - to evaluate "dynamic strength of the lower limb muscles". In addition to these qualifying standards, the following tests were also used at the technical university also: "abdominal crunches" - to determine "strength and dynamic endurance of the anterior abdominal wall muscles"; "push-ups" - to assess "dynamic strength of the arm and shoulder muscles". Results and conclusions. The findings showed that the physical education lessons with the use of the fitness aerobics tools significantly improved the female students' physical fitness levels, as opposed to the girls trained under the traditional academic physical education program. The beneficial influence of this technology is due to the fuller realization of female students' physical potential, as well as due to its consistency with the interests and demands of this contingent of students.

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Changes in physical fitness rates of female students of non-core universities induced by various physical education technologies

UDC 796. 011.1

E.A. Koipysheva1

Dr. Med., Professor V.Y. Lebedinsky1, 2 PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Aldoshin3 PhD, Associate Professor S.M. Struganov4 1Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk 2Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk

3Orel Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.V. Lukyanov, Orel

4East-Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Irkutsk

Corresponding author: koip00@mail.ru


Objective of the study was to detect changes in the female students' physical fitness induced by the fitness aerobics practices introduced under the traditional physical education programs.

Methods and structure of the study. The educational experiment with the use of the computerized monitoring technologies (as part of the educational process under the physical education and sports disciplines) involved 206 female students. The Experimental Group girls (n=103) were trained at Irkutsk National Research Technical University under the elective academic aerobics discipline, while the Control Group ones (n=103) were trained at the Health and Fitness Center of Irkutsk State University under the elective body conditioning course. The study was carried out using the methodological recommendations on the tests developed in the All-Russia Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sport: "5x10 shuttle run" - to test "speed endurance qualities and agility associated with the change of direction and alternation of acceleration and deceleration"; "bent suspension" - to determine "strength and static endurance of the arm and shoulder muscles"; "sit and reach" - to test the level of "active flexibility of the spine and bending at hips"; "sit-ups for 30 sec" - to determine "dynamic endurance of the flexors of the back"; "1000 m run" - to determine "general endurance"; "20 m run from standing start" - to assess "speed qualities"; "standing long jump" - to evaluate "dynamic strength of the lower limb muscles". In addition to these qualifying standards, the following tests were also used at the technical university also: "abdominal crunches" - to determine "strength and dynamic endurance of the anterior abdominal wall muscles"; "push-ups" - to assess "dynamic strength of the arm and shoulder muscles".

Results and conclusions. The findings showed that the physical education lessons with the use of the fitness aerobics tools significantly improved the female students' physical fitness levels, as opposed to the girls trained under the traditional academic physical education program. The beneficial influence of this technology is due to the fuller realization of female students' physical potential, as well as due to its consistency with the interests and demands of this contingent of students.

Keywords: physical education, physical fitness, monitoring, fitness aerobics, female students.

Background. Modern universities are being modernized with the latest innovative technologies and new hardware and software, and university physical education system is no exception [7, 9]. In the conventional organization of academic physical education and sports activities, it is almost impossible for students to choose the type of physical activity, and for physical education teachers - to implement an

individual approach to each student [4]. In addition, some standard types of physical activity are no longer relevant for young people or are limited to students' health conditions [2, 5, 8].

Therefore, in the training process, while intensifying students' intellectual labor, it is necessary to reflect on the need for a new-quality organizational and content structure of the educational system [1] and to

create innovative pedagogical approaches that would be aligned with the times and consistent with the modern concept of education, which aims at an individual, his health, interests, and needs [3].

Objective of the study was to detect changes in the female students' physical fitness induced by the fitness aerobics practices introduced under the traditional physical education programs.

Methods and structure of the study. The educational experiment with the use of the computerized monitoring technologies (as part of the educational process under the physical education and sports disciplines) involved 206 female students. The Experimental Group girls (n=103) were trained at Irkutsk National Research Technical University under the elective academic aerobics discipline, while the Control Group ones (n=103) were trained at the Health and Fitness Center of Irkutsk State University under the elective body conditioning course.

The study was carried out using the methodological recommendations [6] on the tests developed in the All-Russia Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sport: "5x10 shuttle run" - to test "speed endurance qualities and agility associated with the change of direction and alternation of acceleration and deceleration"; "bent suspension" - to determine "strength and static endurance of the arm and shoulder muscles"; "sit and reach" - to test the level of "active flexibility of the spine and bending at hips"; "sit-ups for 30 sec" - to determine "dynamic endurance of the flexors of the back"; "1000 m run" - to determine "general endurance"; "20 m run from standing start" - to assess "speed qualities"; "standing long jump" - to evaluate "dynamic strength of the lower limb muscles". In addition to these qualifying standards, the following tests were

also used at the technical university also [3]: "abdominal crunches" - to determine "strength and dynamic endurance of the anterior abdominal wall muscles"; "push-ups" - to assess "dynamic strength of the arm and shoulder muscles".

Results and discussion. The comparative analysis of the changes in the girls' physical fitness indicators revealed that, except for the running skills (speed

- Fig. 1 and general endurance - Fig. 2), the most significant changes occurred in EG rather than in CG.

At the same time, at the beginning of their university studies, the girls had no significant differences in most physical fitness rates, while in the "sit-ups for 30 sec" (Fig. 2) and "bent suspension" (Fig. 4) tests, more significant (p<0.05) differences were observed in EG.

In the first two years of study, when the female students were trained using specific physical exercises but different educational technologies, the EG girls were found to have a more dynamic increase (p<0.001) in the studied indicators.

Throughout the third year of study, the female students of both groups demonstrated a general downward trend in their physical fitness levels; however, in EG, the physical fitness rates were still significantly (p<0.01, p<0.001) higher than in CG. These changes were taking place against the multidirectional changes in the girls' physical skills. No differences between the groups were determined in two physical qualities only

- "speed endurance and agility" (Fig. 5) and "dynamic strength of the lower limb muscles" (Fig. 6).

Notably, the analysis of the changes in the "active flexibility of the spine and bending at hips" (Fig. 7) and "strength and dynamic endurance of the anterior abdominal wall muscles" (Fig. 8) revealed that, when entering the university, the girls of both groups had no

Fig. 1. Comparison of "20 m run" from standing start" test results

Fig. 2. Comparison of "1000 m run test results

Fig. 3. Comparison of "bent suspension" test results

Fig. 4. Comparison of "sit-ups for 30 sec" test results

Fig. 5. Comparison of "shuttle run" test results

Fig. 6. Comparison of "standing long jump" test results

Fig. 7. Comparison of "abdominalcrunches" test results

Fig. 8. Comparison of «sit and reach» test results

Fig. 9. Comparison of "push-ups" test results

differences in their physical fitness levels. However, it was found that, throughout the entire period of study, the analyzed indicators were improving more significantly (p<0.001) in EG rather than in CG.

The analysis of the changes in the "dynamic strength of the arm and shoulder muscles" (Fig. 9) also showed no differences between the groups when the girls entered the university, and throughout the entire period of study, the analyzed indicators were significantly (p<0.001) higher in EG rather than in CG.

Conclusions. The findings showed that the physical education lessons with the use of the fitness aerobics tools have significantly improved the female students' physical fitness levels, as opposed to the girls trained under the traditional academic physical education program. The beneficial influence of this technology is due to the fuller realization of female students' physical potential, as well as due to its consistency with the interests and demands of this contingent of students.


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