Научная статья на тему 'Challenges before the management of human resources in the health organization shape \* MERGEFORMAT'

Challenges before the management of human resources in the health organization shape \* MERGEFORMAT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Radeva Svetlana

Human resources and their management in an organization is extremely complex, depending on the constantly changing environmental factors, which makes management extremely unpredictable and unsustainable. The organization, such as the hospital, faces a lot of psycho-social characteristics of both the workers in it and the external partners of the organization. The management of the personnel requires a number of activities aimed at attracting, training and development of employees, conducting a flexible policy depending on the requirements of the environment, regulations and continuous technological development. The staff management activities concern: job creation and positions, interviews, drafting of employment contracts and job descriptions, payroll calculation, commissioning, training organization For employees. The monitoring of human resources management demonstrates the need to delegate a number of activities both at the operational level and at the leadership level, to activities requiring swift and responsible decision-making in the health Organisation. The speed of decisionmaking requires the coordination of different levels, leading to the knowledge, skills and ability to predict the outcome, as often in medical care the results are indicative over time. Often in the healing structures requires teamwork, to take complex decisions, on which human lives depend. This requires the assumption of a number of responsibilities, organisational skills and knowledge in carrying out specific activities. Regardless of the different competencies of the staff it is necessary to develop their skills, to conduct continuous training, to build empathy with the hospital organization.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Challenges before the management of human resources in the health organization shape \* MERGEFORMAT»


DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.1.70.530

Svetlana Radeva

Specialized hospital of obstetrics and gynegology for active treatment

„Prof. D. Stamatov", Varna, Bulgaria


Human resources and their management in an organization is extremely complex, depending on the constantly changing environmental factors, which makes management extremely unpredictable and unsustainable. The organization, such as the hospital, faces a lot of psycho-social characteristics of both the workers in it and the external partners of the organization. The management of the personnel requires a number of activities aimed at attracting, training and development of employees, conducting a flexible policy depending on the requirements of the environment, regulations and continuous technological development. The staff management activities concern: job creation and positions, interviews, drafting of employment contracts and job descriptions, payroll calculation, commissioning, training organization For employees. The monitoring of human resources management demonstrates the need to delegate a number of activities both at the operational level and at the leadership level, to activities requiring swift and responsible decision-making in the health Organisation. The speed of decision-making requires the coordination of different levels, leading to the knowledge, skills and ability to predict the outcome, as often in medical care the results are indicative over time. Often in the healing structures requires teamwork, to take complex decisions, on which human lives depend. This requires the assumption of a number of responsibilities, organisational skills and knowledge in carrying out specific activities. Regardless of the different competencies of the staff it is necessary to develop their skills, to conduct continuous training, to build empathy with the hospital organization.

Keywords: human resources, management, hospital, communication.

Introduction: In the hospital, in addition to providing health services: medical and diagnostic activities, financial means, communal maintenance, securing of the material and technical base, introduction of new technical equipment, organization and conduct of Processes that are internal to the designated structures, time organization, people are important resources because they possess knowledge, skills, motivation and their attitude towards work ensures the flow of the working process. It is up to the people in the different sectors of hospital to make the most of the resources of the organisation [6]. People in their work differ from each other and have different results because they have differences in their competence, motivation for work and satisfaction from Labour, although they have received the same training for the post and have acquired a minimum of Knowledge and competences [7]. These differences are due to the different self-perceptions, ideas, style of thinking, values and visions of work, life and attitudes in the implementation of different activities [1,2]. In order to successfully manage each staff management in the health Organization, it is necessary to fundamentally organize the work process, the facilities, build the communication channels and create the internal legal framework [4,5]. A clear work organisation defines [3]: what are the employment tasks; How work assignments are distributed and agreed between departments and posts; How hierarchical levels are in the organization; coordination between them; What is the scope of control of managerial posts; What are the expected outcomes of the departments and posts; What are the competence requirements for employees.

Exposure: Main areas of human resources management in the hospital structures and the medical

institution (LZ), as a whole is focused in four main areas:

-Labour management - guidelines and activities related to the specifics of work: providing health services; Activities aimed at structuring and organising the work process, positions, tasks, responsibilities, competency requirements, according to regulatory requirements;

-Management of the "movement" of people -finding new employees, training, development and career, releasing employees; Analysis of staff turnover and preparation of a methodology for retaining the current ones;

-Manage the fulfillment of the desired, achievable results and objectives - implementation of current tasks and achievement of end goals;

-Management of communications in the Organization - Organization of information flows; Minimizing and introducing the legal requirements for the activity; Introducing algorithms for conduct and communication of specific information.

The provision of health services requires precision, timeliness, knowledge and the availability of a number of skills that are applicable at all times when the patient is enrolled in the healing structure. It is often required innovative thinking, which requires continuous training, development, mastering of innovations, connected invariably with technological advances in medicine. This requires employee development, self-improvement, but it is the working environment that creates conditions for progress and increased qualification skills, creates conditions for the implementation of innovations, such as activities such as technology, in the name of the patient, his Health and quality life improvement by providing quality, specific health care as needed. Each of the spheres of HRM has its own specific objectives, but the decisions, actions

and choice of management techniques are dependent on the management policy, the commitment to the Mission and the goals of the Organization, the people at the operational and the leadership level. Precision is required when deciding on each of the guidelines, so that the curative and diagnostic process can not be violated. The policy of each health Organization must be directed to the people and to the people (employees) who are the moving mechanism, who perform the tasks, achieving its objectives and mission. Each management decision must aim at the development of three Important aspects of people's behaviour at work, because it brings them closer, creates loyalty, commitment and good collaboration:

Competence, expressed in the ability of the employee to perform specific work and to achieve the results that the work (position, position) requires of him. It is necessary to unite and develop a number of knowledge, skills, psycho-social characteristics, to be able to achieve overall behavior and the conscious attitude of the employee to the work. The development of competences requires training, requires delegation of responsibilities and the ability to manage the work process.

Motivation that directs and moves behavior. Through motivation for work, empathy builds a stable working environment, which is very important for the provision of quality health care and creates a sense of satisfaction in different counterparties. It is very important for the management team to know the motivational models and depending on the specifics of the health structure, to be able to motivate their employees, to develop them and to build a suitable and developing working environment.

Labour satisfaction, which is expressed in the feeling of contentment and happiness from work, from job tasks, career opportunities, relations with managers, wages and benefits in the workplace. Management activities must be aimed at and for human resources and their needs: discovering and attracting appropriate people to the Organization, increasing their competence, evaluating their work, fair rewarding, creating Favorable microclimate, optimization of work processes, introduction of new technologies and activities of specific health care.

To think today in these frameworks is correct, but not enough. Modern guidelines for successful human resource management are based on the idea of "value creation" that is balanced between several groups: employees, managers, clients and investors. The needs of these four groups are the basis for all human resources management decisions, and their satisfaction is considered a successful human resources management. The value of the medical professional for the organization means usefulness, relevance, value.

For the health Organization, such as the hospital, the organization of work is extremely important: formation of posts; Determining the volume and

complexity of labour tasks; Definition of hierarchical levels; Drafting and implementing written standards and rules of operation; Implementation of strict control over their compliance. In order to have effective management it is necessary to pay attention to human resources. To manage human resources means:

-to know the interests and expectations of the HRM of specific individuals and groups;

-to know the current situation inside and outside the company, including the business goals and strategies of the company;

-to develop a separate human resources policy and definition in the short and long term.

This human resource management should run continuously without ever stopping. Fully applicable to hospitals is the "Harvard" model, which is based on the thesis of the decisive importance of human resources for achieving significant long-term results of the organization. The Harvard model reveals a very different content for the time of management. According to the "Harvard" model, human resources management includes analysis of two factors that have a powerful impact on the final results. These are the "interested groups", which have an interest in the results of HRM - leadership, shareholders, employees, trade unions, community groups, and "Current situation" - Characteristics of staff, business goals, business strategy, labour market, laws, technology and values in society. Each management team of a medical institution must develop a common HRM policy to carry out the specific management activities for selection, training, performance evaluation, forms of motivation and remuneration, dismissal, organization of Work. The management policy must aim at achieving long-term results that are concentrated in three areas: the company's well-being, organisational efficiency and social well-being.

This is achieved by following the logical links between "Factors" - "HRM Policy and Activities" -"HRM objectives" - "long-term goals" - "Factors". The HRM policy and the HRM management activities themselves are not arbitrary (fig. 1), but depend on what the analysis of the two groups of factors shows. There is also feedback in overall management - the long-term goals affect both groups of factors. The interests and expectations of the interested groups are changed, and the situation inside and outside the company changes, depending on the external and internal environment. The policy, management activities and objectives of HRM are variables and require continuous analysis of the environment (SWOT analysis), economic, political and social factors (PEST analysis). The Harvard model sets out the HRM formula from the beginning-to know where to start and what are the successive steps in human resources management, which is a very important asset for the organization of work in the hospital structures and is a chain of Successive steps.

Fig. 1. The "Harvard" Human resources management model

The "Harvard" model is attainable and applicable and shows that HRM is not a self-interest to know in advance the interests and expectations of a circle of stakeholders and groups, as well as the business goals and strategies of the hospital, is an advantage in a highly competitive environment The provision of medical services. This creates a sense of meaning that motivates action in a clear direction. It is necessary to clearly define the building areas for planning goals for HRM, which will guide the development of a policy for full management and will position the medical institution among the target groups-stakeholders and groups and how to Implementation in the most general terms. The policy is developed on the basis of the needs, interests and expectations of the persons and groups concerned by HRM.

This requires formation of qualified management teams, which should:

-to know the interests and expectations of the HRM of specific persons and groups of hospital structures and to adequately anticipate the necessary changes, motivate and develop the healthcare professionals;

-to know the current situation inside and outside the hospital, including its business objectives and strategies;

-to develop a separate human resources policy and purpose in the short and long term.

-To develop a separate human resources policy and purpose in the short and long term.

This human resource management should run continuously without ever stopping (fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Development of staff of hospital structures.

The attitude towards the staff of the hospital correctness), forms successful working teams, uses the structures forms the organizational culture and the talents and opportunities of the people, motivates them attitude of the medics to the organization (empathy; and Develop. The competencies of the medical teams

depend on the implementation of a number of curative diagnostic activities in conditions of urgency, inadequate and incomplete information, tension, etc., which requires concentration and organization according to the specific Situation. This leads often to stress, threats of violence, which hinders the work process.

Conclusion: The conditions conducive to successful management of human resources are reduced to: appropriate management style; Positive organisational culture; A specific development strategy for the organisation; Clear business Plan. Even the best-conceived human resources management practices cannot develop and achieve the goals of the hospital organization. The management style used by the manager depends on the extent to which human resources management practices create an environment for employees, managers, customers and the organization as a whole. For the success of the hospital in the constantly changing dynamic environment is important organizational culture, which refers to the general, to all members of the organization, way of thinking and doing things. What shapes the organizational culture is the values of the head of the medical institution and its key leaders. These values reach the mind and behaviour of ordinary members of the organization, only through constant common practices, activities and a specific way of working. A prerequisite for the successful management of human resources is the strategy-a model of conduct that the organization chooses to follow for a certain period of time and it guarantees to achieve and retain the desired competitive position. The strategy also defines the guidelines and types of human resources management practices. Efforts should be made to address people, employees on whom activities depend, according to the medical services profile. Employees need to evolve to be able to achieve job satisfaction, increase awareness of the organization so that they can be loyal,

УДК: 618-019

ГРНТИ: 76.29.48

responsible and motivated for work. Orientation of job descriptions needs to be directed to the model of "personal responsibilities". The organisation of working activities must be in accordance with the specificity of the situation in conditions of uncertainty and urgency, comply with the rules of good medical practice. It is necessary to define and implement clear indicators to assess the performance of work assignments (staff appraisal). Finally, the condition conducive to successful human resource management is a clear and achievable business plan, with a detailed description of how to do or achieve goals, which focus on the necessary resources, including human resources.


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Mailing Address:

Svetlana Radeva

Specialized hospital of obstetrics and gynegology for active treatment „Prof. D. Stamatov",

bul. "Tcar Osvoboditel" № 150, Varna 9000;



Леонов Дмитрий Александрович,

заведующий гинекологического отделения ГБУЗ АО АМОКБ Алгазиева Альбина Хадживарисовна, врач акушер-гинеколог ГБУЗ АО АМОКБ Степанян Лусине Вардановна, к.м.н., асс. кафедры акушерства и гинекологии лечебного факультета, ФГБОУВО «Астраханский ГМУ» Минздрава России, врач акушер-гинеколог ГБУЗ АО АМОКБ тел: +7 (988) 078-70-01


Leonov D.A., Algazieva A.Kh., Stepanyan L. V.

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