CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN ORGANIZING STUDENT TOURISM PROGRAMS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Science and innovation
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Ключевые слова
student tourism / educational tourism / travel programs / organizational aspects.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — N. U. Akhrorova

This article discusses the challenges and opportunities of organizing student tourism programs in the context of increasing globalization and the evolvement of educational travel. The main challenges include inadequate infrastructure, financial constraints, safety concerns, visa and travel restrictions. The article also highlights opportunities for enhancing student tourism experiences, such as fostering partnerships between educational institutions and tourism providers and promoting experiential learning through comprehensive travel experiences.

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N. U. Akhrorova

"Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Samarkand, Uzbekistan,

ORCID: https://orcid.org/ 0000-0003-3955-1371 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13895593

Abstract. This article discusses the challenges and opportunities of organizing student tourism programs in the context of increasing globalization and the evolvement of educational travel. The main challenges include inadequate infrastructure, financial constraints, safety concerns, visa and travel restrictions. The article also highlights opportunities for enhancing student tourism experiences, such as fostering partnerships between educational institutions and tourism providers andpromoting experiential learning through comprehensive travel experiences.

Keywords: student tourism, educational tourism, travel programs, organizational aspects.

Аннотация. В данной статье рассматриваются проблемы и возможности организации программ студенческого туризма в условиях усиливающейся глобализации и развития образовательных путешествий. Основные проблемы включают финансовые ограничения, проблемы безопасности, а также ограничения на получение виз и поездок. В статье также освещаются возможности для улучшения студенческого туристического опыта, такие как развитие партнерских отношений между учебными заведениями и поставщиками туристических услуг, а также содействие экспериментальному обучению посредством всестороннего туристического опыта.

Ключевые слова: студенческий туризм, образовательный туризм, туристические программы, организационные аспекты.

Annotatsiya. Mazkur maqolada globallashuv va ta'lim sayohatlarining rivojlanishi jarayonida talabalar turizmi dasturlarini tashkil etishning muammolari va imkoniyatlari muhokama qilinadi. Asosiy qiyinchiliklar sifatida moliyaviy cheklovlar, xavfsizlik muammolari, viza va sayohat cheklovlari kiritilgan. Shu bilan birgalikda, maqolada ta 'lim muassasalari bilan turistik sayohat ta'minotchilari o'rtasidagi hamkorlikni rivojlantirish hamda keng qamrovli sayohat tajribasi orqali amaliy bilimlar olishni rag'batlantirish singari talabalarda turizm tajribasini oshirish imkoniyatlari ta 'kidlangan.

Kalitso'zlar: talabalar turizmi, ta'lim turizmi, sayohatdasturlari, tashkiliyjihatlar.

Student tourism programs offer students an excellent opportunity to obtain practical experience and cultural immersion outside of regular academic settings. These programs not only provide students with knowledge and awareness of many cultures and environments, but they also encourage personal development, independence, and interpersonal skills.

However, organizing student tourism programs offers numerous problems that must be properly addressed to create a successful and meaningful experience for participants. Budget restrictions, safety issues, and cultural sensitivity are all challenges that necessitate careful consideration and strategic problem solving. Despite these challenges, student tourism programs have a huge potential for advantages and opportunities. By properly addressing these problems through comprehensive preparation, communication, and collaboration, organizers may provide students with a meaningful and transformative experience that improves their education and global perspective.

Challenges in organizing student tourism programs. Key obstacles hindering student travel development include challenges related to school travel planning, such as cross-jurisdictional coordination, parent engagement, data collection, involvement of elected officials, and the multidisciplinary nature of stakeholder groups [1]. Additionally, the lack of stakeholder involvement from principals, parents, and students, along with insufficient time and sustained funding, acts as a barrier to effective School Travel Planning (STP) implementation [2]. Moreover, rigidly structured curricula in educational institutions can impede student mobility and their ability to explore different universities without additional time constraints [3]. Furthermore, while travel is beneficial for students, developing comprehensive travel health programs requires addressing staffing, budget, coordination with stakeholders, and risk mitigation strategies, highlighting the complexity of ensuring student travel safety and well-being [4].

In the realm of organizing student tourism programs, financial constraints and budgeting challenges are ubiquitous concerns that require careful consideration. Given the wide range of activities and lodgings involved in such programs, organizers must develop a full budget for all potential expenses, including transportation, accommodation, meals, and excursions. Failure to accurately estimate costs can result in overspending or insufficient funding, both of which can reduce the program's efficacy. Furthermore, getting financial aid from a variety of sources, such as sponsors or grants, can alleviate some of the budgetary duties; however, this process can be time-consuming and competitive [5]. As a result, organizers must be strategic in their financial preparation to guarantee that the program runs smoothly and achieves its goals.

In addition to logistical complexities, safety and security concerns are critical considerations when organizing student tourism programs. Ensuring the well-being of participants is paramount, especially in unfamiliar environments where risks may be heightened. Adequate insurance coverage and emergency protocols should also be in place to respond effectively to any unforeseen circumstances. Moreover, thorough pre-departure orientations and constant communication with local authorities can help students navigate unfamiliar surroundings safely. By putting safety and security first, educational institutions can provide stimulating and meaningful travel experiences for students while safeguarding their well-being during the journey [4].

Opportunities in organizing student tourism programs. Moreover, the opportunities in organizing student tourism programs extend beyond the educational and experiential benefits for students. These programs can also foster collaboration among institutions, industrial partners, and local communities. Working together, these stakeholders can create novel ways to sustainable tourism practices, foster cultural interaction, and strengthen local economies. Universities, for example, can collaborate with tourist enterprises to provide internships or practical learning opportunities for students while also contributing to community development projects in the areas they visit. Furthermore, these connections can serve to close the gap between academia and industry, ensuring that student tourism programs stay relevant and effective. As a result, the potential for mutual benefit and shared success in organizing student tourism programs is enormous, and it should not be disregarded in the broader debate of difficulties and opportunities in the sector.


Budget Constraints

- seeking sponsorships: partnering with local businesses or organizations interested in sponsoring the program;

- fundraising activities: organizing events or campaigns to raise funds;

Logistical Issues

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detailed planning: creating a comprehensive itinerary that includes transportation, accommodation, meals, and activities;

- backup plans: preparing for unexpected changes by having

Safety Concerns

- risk assessment: conducting a thorough assessment of potential risks and develop safety protocols;

- emergency contacts: ensuring that students have access to emergency contacts and local resources;

Engagement and Participation

- involving students in planning: encouraging student input on destinations and activities to increase their interest and engagement.

Diverse Interests

- variety of activities: offering a mix of activities that cater to different interests (e.g., adventure, culture, history) to attract a broader audience.

Picture 1. General obstacles in developing student tourism programs and suggestions overcoming them. (Source: Formed by author).

Furthermore, the exploration of cultural exchange within educational tourism endeavors reveals multifaceted benefits that extend beyond mere language acquisition. Scholarly investigations, such as the study by Samira EL-Asri, illuminate the pivotal role of cultural immersion in amplifying students' language skills and overall fluency [6]. Through engaging in exchange programs, participants leverage interactions with native speakers to hone their linguistic abilities, showcasing a tangible enhancement in language proficiency. Additionally, Ilkay Yorganci sheds light on the intricate dynamics of social interaction between international students and host communities, emphasizing the significance of overcoming language barriers for fostering meaningful connections [7]. These insights underscore the transformative potential of cultural exchange in not only enriching linguistic prowess but also nurturing cross-cultural understanding and intercommunity relationships. Ultimately, such educational initiatives underscore the indispensable educational benefits woven into the tapestry of cultural exchange endeavors within student tourism programs.

Generally, planning student travel programs presents a wide range of opportunities and obstacles. However, we suggest particular ways to overcome some of the obstacles mentioned above in developing student tourism programs which is described in Picture 1. Numerous things

need to be carefully addressed and controlled, ranging from educational aspects like curriculum creation and cultural immersion to logistical ones like transportation and lodging. These programs provide a rare chance for students to expand their global perspectives and obtain worthwhile experiential learning opportunities, despite the challenges associated with them. Institutions can generate valuable opportunities for students to interact with diverse cultures and surroundings by overcoming obstacles including budgetary limits and safety concerns [8]. Besides, it is impossible to overstate the potential advantages of participants' improved cultural competency and personal development. Moving forward, a comprehensive approach that addresses both challenges and opportunities will be crucial for the successful organization of student tourism programs.

Considering the challenges and opportunities we would like to provide these practical suggestions in order to solve the given problem:

- forming strong partnerships with local businesses and tourism authorities to successfully negotiate barriers and take advantage of the potential of organizing student tourism programs. These collaborations can offer students significant hands-on experience, access to resources, and networking possibilities.

- using new technology and digital platforms can improve program logistics and communication efficiency and efficacy.

- embracing sustainable methods and encouraging students to engage in responsible tourism can assist to reduce negative environmental and community impacts.

- actively collecting feedback from participants and stakeholders can help with continual improvement and ensure that the program fulfils the requirements and expectations of everyone involved.

By adopting these strategies, program organizers can overcome obstacles, leverage resources, and create enriching experiences for students participating in tourism programs.


1. Cate, Flanagan., Raktim, Mitra. (2017). Challenges in Planning for Active and Sustainable School Transportation- Perspectives from Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, Canada. Journal of transport and health, doi: 10.1016/J.JTH.2017.05.305

2. George, Mammen., Michelle, R., Stone., Ron, Buliung., Guy, Faulkner. (2015). "Putting School Travel on the Map": Facilitators and Barriers to Implementing School Travel Planning in Canada. Journal of transport and health, doi: 10.1016/J.JTH.2015.05.003

3. Bojan, Soptrajanov. (1991). The rigidly structured curriculum: an obstacle to student mobility. Higher Education in Europe, doi: 10.1080/0379772910160212

4. Julie, Richards., Gail, A, Rosselot. (2021). Campus Travel Health Services. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-56309-7_1


6. Samira EL-Asri, Abderrahim El Karfa, "The Impact of Cultural Contact on Exchange Students' Foreign Language Development", 2024

7. Ilkay Yorganci, Precious Ndukauba, "Social interaction and cultural exchange among educational tourist and local community: the case of Famagusta, North Cyprus", 2024

8. Qi-Ying, Hu., Chang-Dong, Wang., Jia-Xin, Hong., Meng-Zhe, Hua., Di, Huang. (2015). Traveller: A Novel Tourism Platform for Students Based on Cloud Data. doi: 10.1007/9783-319-28910-6 3

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