CEPR/WDI Annual International Conference on Transition Economics
Budapest, 3-5 July 2003
Hosted by The Institute of Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (IEHAS) and the Economics Department of the Central European University (EDCEU)
Thursday, 3 July
14.30-15.00 Welcome Speech
15.00-16.00 Keynote Address: Institutional Change and Economic Growth
Philippe Aghion (University College London, Harvard University and CEPR)
Panel Session:
Honesty and Trust: Theory and Experience in the Light of the Post-Socialist Transformation
Honesty and Trust in the Light of Postsocialist Transition: An Overview of the Collegium Budapest Project
Janos Kornai (Collegium Budapest and Harvard University)
Why And Who Do Firms Trust? Evidence from 26 Transition Economies
Martin Raiser (EBRD)
How Trust Is Established in Economic Relationships When Institutions and Individuals Are Not Trustworthy (The Case of Russia)
Vadim Radaev (State University - Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
General discussion
16.00-16.50 16.50-17.10 17.10-17.30 17.30-18.00
Friday, 4 July
Session 1.A 11.00-11.45
Discussant: 11.45-12.30
Parallel Session 1
The Value of Corporate Control: Evidence from Chinese ST Firms
* Chong-En Bai (University of Hong Kong) Qiu Liu (University of Hong Kong) Frank Song (University of Hong Kong) Zsuzsanna Fluck (Michigan State University)
Privatize in the Margin: Lessons from China's State Enterprise Reform
* David Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and CEPR) Changqi Wu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Peking University)
Jan Svejnar (The William Davidson Institute, University of Michigan, CERGE-EI Prague and CEPR)
Session 1.B 11.00-11.45
Discussant: 11.45-12.30
Can Government Paternalism Prevent Credit Market Failure?
* Akhmed Akhmedov (Centre for Economic & Financial Research, Moscow)
Eugene Orlov (Northwestern University)
Akos Valentinyi (University of Southampton and CEPR)
Culture Rules: The Foundations of the Rule of Law and Other Norms of Governance
Chanan Goldschmid (Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya)
*Amir Licht (Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya)
Shalom H Schwartz (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)
Scott Gehlbach (Centre for Economic & Financial Research, Moscow)
Parallel Sessions 2
Session 2.A
14.00-14.45 Policy Regime Change and Corporate Credit in Bulgaria: Asymmetric
Supply and Demand Respsonses
*Rumen Dobrinsky (UN Economic Commission for Europe) Nikolay Markov (Centre for Economic and Strategic Research, Bulgaria) Discussant: Fabrizio Coricelli (Université di Siena and CEPR)
14.45-15.30 Financial Regulations, Investment Risks and Determinants of the
Chinese IPO Underpricing
Lihui Tian (London Business School and Peking University) Discussant: Koen Schoors (University of Gent and Said Business School, University of
Session 2.B
Discussant: 14.45-15.30
Wage Growth and Inequality Change During Rapid Economic Transition
*Ira Gang (Rutgers University)
Myeong-Su Yun (Tulane University)
Elizabeth Brainerd (Williams College and CEPR)
Responses of Private and Public Schools to Voucher Funding: The Czech Experience
Daniel Munich (CERGE-EI, Prague and CEPR) Margaret Maurer-Fazio (Bates College)
Session 3.A
Parallel Sessions 3
16.00-16.45 Running «Dinosaurs»: A Political Economy Model of Soft Budget
Jiahua Che (University of Illinois) Discussant: Gérard Roland (University of California Berkeley, ECARES, Université Libre de Bruxelles and CEPR)