Научная статья на тему 'Canadian-Ukrainian volunteer exchange programme “Youth Leaders in Action” as a form of international student mobility'

Canadian-Ukrainian volunteer exchange programme “Youth Leaders in Action” as a form of international student mobility Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
international student mobility / exchange programme / exchange student / Canada World Youth / the National University of Ostroh Academy / volunteering / portfolio

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Simak Kateryna Vitaliivna

The performance of Canadian-Ukrainian volunteer exchange programmes “Youth Leaders in Action” in the context of international student mobility as a result of 15 years cooperation between the National University of Ostroh Academy and Canadian non-governmental organization Canada World Youth has been presented in the article. The goals of the exchange program, its objectives and policies, activities, as well as academic credits that exchange students can obtain during the exchange program are defined.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Canadian-Ukrainian volunteer exchange programme “Youth Leaders in Action” as a form of international student mobility»

Canadian-Ukrainian volunteer exchange programme "Youth Leaders in Action” as a form of international student mobility

Section 1. Comparative and International education

Simak Kateryna Vitaliivna, The National University of Ostroh Academy, Postgraduate student, the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy

E-mail: kateryna.simak@oa.edu.ua

Canadian-Ukrainian volunteer exchange programme “Youth Leaders in Action” as a form of international student mobility

Abstract: The performance of Canadian-Ukrainian volunteer exchange programmes “Youth Leaders in Action” in the context of international student mobility as a result of15 years cooperation between the National University of Ostroh Academy and Canadian non-governmental organization Canada World Youth has been presented in the article. The goals of the exchange program, its objectives and policies, activities, as well as academic credits that exchange students can obtain during the exchange program are defined.

Keywords: international student mobility, exchange programme, exchange student, Canada World Youth, the National University of Ostroh Academy, volunteering, portfolio.

In the light of recent laws and regulations introduced by the Ministry of Science and Education in Ukraine, such as Law on Higher Education in Ukraine (Decree № 1556-VII of 01.07.2014), Provision for Academic Mobility of Students of Higher Educational Institutions in Ukraine (Decree № 635 of29.05.2013), international student mobility is believed to be of a great significance to internationalisation of Ukrainian higher education system. The dynamic development of global institutional cooperation enabled an increase in partnerships with foreign universities as well as international organisations abroad. As a result, student exchanges, degree and non-degree programmes, study abroad and work abroad experiences, foreign language courses, internships and co-operative education programmes have become popular among Ukrainian students.

The aim of the paper is to analyse the performance of Canadian-Ukrainian volunteer exchange programmes “Youth Leaders in Action” in the context of international student mobility, and to evaluate years of collaboration between the National University of Ostroh Academy and Canadian nongovernmental organization Canada World Youth.

In recent years, both Ukrainian and foreign scholars have become interested in the problem

of international student mobility (V. Andrushchen-ko, N. Avshenyuk, D. Blum, Sh. Bond, I. Fedorova, T. Finikov, N. Huliaieva, J.-P. Lemassen, O. Sahino-va, S. Verbytska, L. Weber, and others). The problem of student mobility in Ukraine has been explored in the works of such scholars as A. Churva, A. Sbruieva, S. Knutson, V. Kushnarenko, A. Arkhipova, E. Astakhova, L. Hurch, I. Lapshyna, A. Mo-kiy, N. Myronchuk, T. Zhyzhko, and others. In our research, the scientific papers of foreign scholars in the field of international education and student mobility are very important (Ph. Altbach, H. De Wit, K. Guruz, J. Knight, A. Kim, T. Mazzarol, N. Popa-diuk, A. Zelmer, and many others). The problem of international cooperation of Ukrainian universities found their coverage in studies of such scholars as T. Antoniuk, V. Kremen, V. Luhovyi, N. Syt-nyk, V Zhuravsky, etc. However, the research of youth volunteer exchange programmes has not been conducted yet.

Various theoretical and applied methods have been used in our study. Such a theoretical method as descriptive has been used to study the defining features of Canadian-Ukrainian exchange programmes “Youth Leaders in Action”. Among applied methods, we have used content analysis of feedbacks of Ca-


Section 1. Comparative and International education

nadian and Ukrainian students who participated in the exchange programs “Youth Leaders in Action” as well as interviewing programme managers of the Office of International Relations at the National University of Ostroh Academy.

With the development of international education strategies, intercultural awareness, foreign languages competence, and information and communication technologies it has become crucial for educational establishments and organisations to endeavour international cooperation with the regard to mobility of students. We share the opinion of Canadian scholar J. Knight that “student mobility, faculty mobility, program mobility and institutional mobility are the forms of international student mobility” [1]. As well we support the point of view of Turkish scholar K. Guruz that “international student mobility includes students in exchange programs”. We understand the term “exchange program” as a program in which exchange students spend a certain period of time abroad (and/or in their home country) while gaining cultural, linguistic, and social experience through such means of learning as nonformal education, experiential learning, etc. As it has been noted, the National University of Ostroh Academy and non-governmental organisation (NGO) Canada World Youth have already demonstrated 15 years of cooperation which permitted students from Canada and Ukraine to participate in volunteer exchange programme “Youth Leaders in Action” [6].

It should be mentioned that Canada World Youth was founded in 1971 by Canadian senator Jacques Hebert. Ever since Canada World Youth has been offering exchange programmes for young people all over the world, in particular, in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and Eastern Europe. Canada World Youth offers a diversity of programmes for youth to learn about other cultures, nations, communities, and to develop their leadership and communication skills through such programmes as “Youth Leaders in Action”, “Global Learner”, “Student Network”, and “Aboriginal Youth Programmes” [2].

Canada World Youth’s collaboration with the National University of Ostroh Academy started in 1998 as a trilateral project for Canada, Poland and Ukraine, but few years later it turned to be only bilat-

eral (Canadian-Ukrainian) cooperation [3, 21]. Over a period of time, almost 400 full-time university students participated in exchange programmes. More than 40 faculty members of the National University of Ostroh Academy were able to do their internship and work as supervisors of these student exchanges [6]. It should be stated that the National University of Ostroh Academy was the only Canada World Youth partner in Ukraine, and also in the last decade the only partner to have 4 exchange programmes annually, which serves to prove a high level of organisation and perseverance towards performance of these exchange programmes by Ukrainian managers.

“Youth Leaders in Action” is a volunteer exchange programme that is aimed at enabling young people to actively participate in building of harmonious society and democracy, providing sustainable community development, experiencing cultural diversity, acquiring intercultural and gender tolerance, developing critical thinking, practising decisionmaking process, time management, conflict resolution, mastering a foreign language, etc. [3, 14].

As far as experiential learning is concerned, Canada World Youth exchange programmes are educational programmes. Therefore, the programme that consists of 2 phases (3 months in Canada and 3 — in Ukraine, or vice versa) enables exchange students to learn through doing as far as each phase consists the following elements (that are filled with activities related to personal development, team dynamics, community involvement, staying with a host family, having a counterpart, etc): volunteer orientation camp, community orientation camp, host community, host family, work placement, educational activity days (EADs), community activity days (CADs), mid-project, debriefing [2].

The defining feature of Canadian-Ukrainian exchange programme “Youth Leaders in Action” is volunteering, it means that exchange students commit themselves to voluntary work during the exchange programme. It should be highlighted that volunteering is highly appreciated in Canadian society, and it is widely considered to be a benefit for a student in his or her future employment.

Additionally, with the elaboration of gender equity and gender equality concerns in Canadian society, in 2011 female exchange programmes were


Canadian-Ukrainian volunteer exchange programme "Youth Leaders in Action” as a form of international student mobility

launched by Canada World Youth and its Ukrainian partner. So, each year 1 out of 4 exchanges was aimed at female participants exceptionally. Needless to say that another issue regarding modern Canadian society is concerning First Nations representation. According to the data presented in the recent report by Canada World Youth, it has been stated that Aboriginal youth participation in student exchange programmes shows a positive dynamics by increasing from 4% in 2009-2010 up to 20% in 2013-2014 [4, 16]. This illustrates that students around the world can learn about First Nations from their representatives, as well as Aboriginal youth to have an access to participation in the international programmes.

Furthermore, Canada World Youth collaborates with two Canadian universities and one Canadian college that offer academic credits to students who participate in various exchange programmes. Therefore, we can state that Canadians and Ukrainians are capable of earning some credentials upon successful completion of one of the international student exchanges that are offered by Canada World Youth, including “Youth Leaders in Action”. For instance, Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, offers Canadian students to take a two-semester course entitled ‘International Development Studies through Canada World Youth. What is more, Capilano University in Vancouver, British Columbia, allows both Canadian and international students to obtain three academic credits for university courses, such as ‘Global Stewardship’ [2]. Besides, Canadian college Cegep Marie-Victorin in Montreal, Quebec, offers both Canadian and international students to receive the Attestation of college studies in ‘Community Development and Cross-Cultural Relations’ upon completion of the portfolio during the participation in the exchange pro-

gramme. The portfolio itself comprises 7 chapters on learning styles, team building, cross-cultural communication, work placement involvement, community project, second language acquisition, etc. Exchange students complete mandatory and optional exercises, do self-evaluation grid by means of non-formal education, later they are accessed by total of 100 points and issued the certificates [5].

To conclude, Ukrainian students who participate in Canadian-Ukrainian volunteer exchange programmes “Youth Leaders in Action” gain a valuable experience with the regard to international, cross-cultural, interpersonal dimensions and others. Exchange students benefit from their active involvement into host country, host community and host family. They broaden they mind on the topic of volunteerism, team work, experiential learning, non-formal education, cultural differences, gender equality, community involvement, foreign language acquisition, etc.

Thus, the collaboration between the National University of Ostroh Academy and Canada World Youth has shown that the implementation of Ca-nadian-Ukrainian volunteer exchange programs “Youth Leaders in Action” was the achievement not only in terms of Ukraine, but also Canada and internationally. Now, as Ukraine integrates into European and world education area it becomes of a vital importance for Ukrainian higher education institutions to establish international cooperation and academic partnerships.

Among the perspectives of the further research, we define the analysis of the performance of another form of undergraduate and graduate students exchange such as Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Programme.


1. Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. (2007). Canadian universities and international student mobility. Retrieved 20.07.2015 from: http://www.aucc.ca/_pdf/english/publications/stu-dent_mobility_2007_e.pdf.

2. Canada World Youth/Jeunesse Canada Monde (official website) [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://canadaworldyouth.org.

3. Canada World Youth, Rural Development Foundation & The National University of Ostroh Academy Alberta-Ukraine//Poland Exchange Program 2002-2003 Educational Plan. - 2002. - 34 p.

4. Canada World Youth, 2013-2014 Annual Report. Transformation. Innovation. Opportunity. Montreal, Canada. 2014. - 22 p.


Section 1. Comparative and International education

5. College Cegep Marin-Victorin (official website) [Electronic resource]. - URL: https://www.collegemv. qc.ca

6. The National University ofOstroh Academy (official website) [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://www. oa.edu.ua/ua/foreign/exchange_program


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